LAND of the FREE (A Dystopian Society in a Post-Apocalyptic America) (Mystical Slayers Book 1)

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LAND of the FREE (A Dystopian Society in a Post-Apocalyptic America) (Mystical Slayers Book 1) Page 4

by Michael W. Huard

  They shared a sensual time in bed together. It was an experience she, his human mate, loved. Orgasm after orgasm, she finally collapsed back onto the bed. Chaya rested her head on his chest, her breath slowly calming down. "No one knows about you, Kron. Sometimes I feel weird about this. But we work together well, we fit nicely. You’re a good friend."

  Kron assured her that all was fine. "I think we are good together too. I know who you are and what you represent, and I fully agree with your mission."

  Chaya hugged him tightly. "It’s just that most of the other sisters are kind of upset about the whole robots having feelings thing, and here we are," she laughed.

  "But I am not like any other machine, my love. I am kind, and I feel for this world," Kron replied.

  Chaya looked up to him as they lay nude together on her white, satin bed sheets. "I know you are always here for me and I love that!" Kron rolled the petite slayer over and marveled at her body.

  "You’re so lovely, Chaya. Humans have the ability to be so strong and so fit. It shows on you." He then rubbed his robotic hands all about her back and firm buttocks. She felt so secure with his touch.

  "And what about my mind?" she joked, anxious to hear his response. "You know I’m pretty smart too."

  He chuckled too and lifted himself up off her small frame. He was much larger and stronger. "Your mind is your true gem . . . well, aside from good coffee. I’m going to make some, shall I serve you a cup? I can make breakfast too if you so choose." He stood and did a funny bow, being silly, and Chaya smiled at the naked, well-built man-bot.

  Her robotic companion grinned at her. "You have an amazing mind, my dear Chaya, the world could use more people like you."

  Chaya smiled again. That was more like it.

  Kron was not like the other worldly bots. He was made to order; kind, and more free spirited. Y-Wood robots were made to withstand guns, controlled mostly by microchips to do as the association asked, and at times, often just directed to hunt and kill. They were also usually heavily armored with layers of steel and iron. Kron was her special friend, her little secret in this mad world.


  Envy played the part of server well. She was right in the thick of the special Y-Wood conference, and the opening day of the Ultimate Death Arena Fight Championships were taking place outside. It was also the day before the corporation’s huge annual ball.

  The talk in the large conference hall, at this moment, centered mostly on advancing neural implants and legal rights regarding machines, computers, and robots. During hourly breaks, visitors and board members experimented with newly developed virtual reality landscapes and training systems.

  After a long lunch break, the talks moved to the inner belt states, those who had broken away from the country, and how these states were not prospering. One would think robots would serve food and drinks at such a meeting, but not a chance. Y-Wood heads, like any of the other remaining human male species, appreciated a beautiful young lady like Envy. They admired her non-manufactured long, cascading red hair and real, thick, pouty lips. Like others in her sisterhood, she too was very fit, which gave them plenty of viewing pleasure. Envy had an alternative edge to her; pretty, yet with a certain risky look. Luckily for her, no one knew her true identity.

  A nearby wall-mounted television screen is showing, R-Bel News Commercial Interruption Broadcast: Bringing all the action as it happens. Travel in the sky has never been safer, more practical and available. At Y-Wood factories, working robots create the latest in innovative designs in sky cars to fulfill all your traveling needs.

  The Corporation's Vice President, Hale Valdosta continued with the talks now. "The inner states are losing ground. We have to be more sensitive to the common people. These states broke off for one reason. The second coming. They were wrong of course!" Hale was the geek of the corporation. A short, chubby guy with an oversized forehead, yet he was a smart cookie who had earned his position with his big brain.

  The CEO of Y-Wood, Arn Marcou, agreed. "Telling the citizens of the USA that Jesus is coming back is one thing, but preaching the sufferings and pains of those who do not believe, is quite another, and is getting us nowhere. These broken off states are heading in the wrong direction." President Marcou always wore his trademark ruby encrusted, gold loop earrings, one in each ear. He hoped they made him appear more regal and rich.

  A third corporation member, a refined, tallish woman with blond hair and gray streaks, Chancellor Tessa, interjected, "That’s why we need to lose the insects and hailstorms-of-fire publicity. Let’s focus more on what will be a positive salvation for the citizens of Boston. This is the only fabric that keeps this country together and makes Y-Wood what it is today."

  It was obvious to Envy; these Corporation heads had no clue and were digging for ways to keep the population under their grip. More talks on the situation at hand would follow, and it was announced that fembots would be supplied for all Corporation members later that evening, after the meeting was over. This announcement triggered Envy’s plan. Fembots only. One Corporation head, also known as Tessa, was a female. So Envy had her target and set her idea in motion. Everyone needs a late night companion, so with a slight brush of her hand to the chancellor as she passed new drinks to the Y-Wood board upon her next refill run, she began to put her plans into place. A smile from Chancellor Tessa, from that moment on, gave Envy all she needed for later preparations. Be it an eye scan, handprint, or special code, Envy would get what she needed.

  Before the meeting closed and the leaders got to see the evening's fight semi-finals outside by torchlight, the subject of machines and their legal rights was a hot topic which needed further research. Virtual hologram mediation judges discussed computer's legal rights, even lawyers were arriving to discuss such matters. It was still to be a very busy evening. The main talk was a heated debate about whether or not machines actually had spiritual feelings. This made Envy shake her head in disgust. But, this legal meeting had more to it; human lawyers would be attending as well. One in particular would be of interest to Envy. A friend, so to speak. Zaey, a fellow Q-Jin, would be arriving soon. The plan was set further.

  The Corporation's VP, Hale, spoke again, "Boston, New York, California, and Chicago, these are Y-Wood's power states; these four rule the country. What matters most is that we set these states up for success by working with fellow Y-Wood heads from each. We must keep things consistent."

  Dinner came and went, and soon lawyers were in the large conference room. Hologram virtual media bigwigs made their presence on the walls. The conference was in full evening swing now.

  Two male clone lawyers had arrived, as had Zaey, a foreign woman from down under. On the wall was a fat well-known virtual judge called Supreme Justice Tartilla who did most of the speaking as initial talks began. Zaey was a smart, petite beauty whom Envy watched closely. She was small in frame, yet had an athletic look to her. Her straight, very stylish, long brown hair and youthful looks also caught the attention of the males in the room. Envy herself was bi-sexual, or in days of now, b-sexual.

  Later, before the evening fights, and before any "special" gatherings occurred, the Q-Jin pair met briefly for a special one-on-one meeting. Much information was shared. Good spies worked well together. Envy's meeting with Chancellor Tessa followed. The two women took a room, and began with a sensual bath together. Envy used her massage skills to relax the Corporation's secretary, and in time had her eating out of the palm of her hand and then some. Tessa had many fake body parts, but Envy did not seem to mind.

  With the correct tools, Envy took eye scans and hand prints, gathering everything she needed from her encounter for the following evening's grand plan. Sex for Envy came naturally, and she enjoyed it. A dose of knockout powder slipped in, a sip of liquid rendering her dizzy, and a squeeze of a carotid artery in the moments of sheer passion, and orgasm helped the spy to complete her mission. The sex was a bonus, even if the chancellor was quite a bit older than the
pretty, red-haired Mystical Slayer. Pleasure came in many forms. She would make sure the woman would awake again later on.

  Chapter 4

  When Mahira stepped into the arena for her second fight of the tournament, she stopped and took a deep breath. A mixture of sweat and alcohol filled the air. Yet, the most noticeable aroma came from that of failed electronics and burnt robot parts, destroyed in battle from previous fights earlier in the day.

  The crowd knew Mahira. In fact, they knew her quite well by now. That red, white, and blue halter-top stood out and made one remember such a beautiful, yet deadly woman. She took her traditional kneeling pre-fight posture. Looking to the sky she appeared as though she was praying, or at least gathering much-needed inner strength.

  "Live free, or die!" she whispered to herself.

  In the upper section of the arena, the Corporation overlooked the scene. Top dogs glared down and amused themselves with other diplomats by watching the day’s festival of blood. Clone bodyguards surrounded the area watching closely for any person brave enough to enter the corporation’s main booths high above. Tonight, the semi-finals began.

  Mahira had little money, but she could fight. Having won her previous round, she was already one step closer to her prize; access to the big party and Corporation headquarters here in Boston, Massachusetts.

  The challenge of another unknown opponent excited Mahira. She was a Mystical Slayer, a thrill seeker, a Q-Jin, or sister of the saints who relished the thought of defeating a Corporation fighting champion. The long blond-haired woman took three deep breaths in, and slowly exhaled each breath through her nose. What kind of new animal species or robotic warrior awaited her this time? She rolled her shoulders in warm-up, and found her inner focus. It did not matter what was to come out of the big gate in front of her.

  The time was now, her brief meditation was over. The pint-sized, good looking woman was ready to roll, her double bladed axe was also ready to rock. The crowd roared. People pumped their fists into the air in excitement. Mahira, now inside Old Fenway Park, crouched low and flexed her legs in readiness.

  Her stars and stripes halter top, a kickback from days of old that she desperately wished would return, looked vibrant as the crowd rose to their feet.

  Patrons who had come to watch the fights were already drunk and brainwashed by the Corporation’s special soda. The far gate opened, the crowd leaned forward, and out stepped a robot man of huge proportions. His head was bald and his muscular body was created of iron and steel. He carried a barbed staff as his choice of weapon, and upon entering the arena, he spun his weapon in twirls around his huge body, rousing the crowd into a frenzy of bloodlust. Oh, how they cherished the thought of seeing this pretty woman bleeding and begging for her life.

  Robot man flipped his nasty spiked staff back and forth over his wrists. He spun the staff around his neck and over his broad shoulders. Then, he charged. His goal was to drive the barbed end of his weapon into the head of this girl, dressed in foolish patriotic colors.

  The Corporation’s cameras filmed it all. R-Bel news, the nation’s only television station, focused in on the spectacle, for Ultimate Death matches were the number one sport in the world. In fact, it was the only legal sport these days. The people loved it!

  The robot man swung low so as to set up the slayer. She jumped over his leg attack, and then ducked his high follow-up. In a screeching drone-like mechanical voice, he bellowed an angry war cry and thrust the barbed staff straight at her face. Mahira dodged left this time and circled her adversary. At five-foot-three and a mere 110 pounds, she was no physical specimen, but her body was toned and strong, and yes, very highly trained. It was then that her fighting prowess kicked in. Starigen 6280 flowed like electricity within her blood, and her years of martial arts training came to the forefront of her mind.

  Mahira played the robot man at his game for a few more minutes, letting the crowd enjoy the performance. Robot man charged again, fueled by frustration, keen on the kill. The Q-Jin slipped back from a long-armed swing, she then cartwheeled away and landed in a crouch. The robot man whipped his weapon in a flashy overhead spin, dazzling the watching crowd. He moved in at the female as she crouched on the ground, and in one great heave he threw his deadly, barb-tipped staff at her. But, her reflexes were too quick. She knocked the staff aside with her double bladed axe and stood, ready and determined to end this battle.

  The robot man sprung two long bowie knives from his mechanical arms. He passed and rotated each blade across the other and moved in on Mahira once again.

  The much stronger robot man could not catch her. Her speed overcame his power. The Mystical Slayer would wait no more. Arm by arm, wire by wire, the creature was disassembled, Mahira's silver axe wielded a dazzling flash of blows which sent the crowd into absolute madness. He could not hit her, and she could not miss. Soon, one last metal swing severed the robot's head, sending the rest of the machine crumbling to the playing surface. Mahira was victorious!

  Many other exciting and brutal matches took place that night. A giant, four-armed cyborg, part insect type thing destroyed everything in its path. He, or it, was the Corporation's champion. Mahira herself would go on to win two more matches. This would set up the final death match.

  Chapter 5

  A fat, virtual judge sat and listened to Zaey and the other lawyers in the conference room the next morning.

  Zaey had to watch every step she took. Fighting for the rights of common citizens was a tell-tale sign she could be a potential enemy of Y-Wood. She held back as much as was needed. Envy and her fellow Q-Jin kept a keen eye out while serving drinks as the morning progressed. Then again, for Zaey, working in the domain of brilliant computerized powers, she could never be certain that the sisterhood would succeed in their secrecy. Zaey was a very smart woman. She had no choice, it had to be done.

  The biggest talk continued on about the aspect of machines. Y-Wood officials claimed with certainty that the difference between man and machine had narrowed to the extent where discussions were now needed on the legal rights for these machines.

  Zaey spoke now. She faced not only the executive board, but also the fat hologram magistrate, who was now drinking a huge glass of wine on the wall before them. "The fast pace of change is inevitable, machine intelligence has exceeded human knowledge. We know this to be true. The subject here is that there certainly can be, and has been, feelings installed into these machines, but that's not true spiritually." She took a deep breath, waiting for the Corporation's reply.

  The head lawyer of Y-Wood, a portly man named Parkis Del, with a receding hairline of full grayness, stood up and made his pitch. "The bottom line today, is defining what constitutes a human being. It is emerging as a major legal and political issue across the entire world," he claimed.

  Zaey countered his statement, "Machines and these robotic creations only think they’re conscious. You’re making them more and more able to feel that their own experiences are important and meaningful. Before this technology is finished, you will have these devices thinking that they are actual spiritual beings. I see that as a major concern."

  The fat, virtual magistrate hologram of Justice Tartilla laughed out loud. "People today are having relationships with automated machines, darling. They are using them as lovers and partners, housekeepers, and everything else in between. Maybe having one a little more spiritual would be a good thing."

  The Q-Jin from down under, Zaey, continued with her argument, "The science behind the technology, design, and manufacturing of these robots is one thing that may, or may not, have added to our culture. It is what it is. But, making these machines more and more human-like can only lead us to more destruction."

  The assistant head Y-Wood lawyer, Barkis Del, Parkis Del’s twin brother, walked around the table in his dark suit and added even more thoughts to the conversation. "Our country is ever moving forward, and it gains in new inventions and technology on a daily basis, that we already know. We
cannot go backward and thwart ideas, nor can we stop the evolution of computerized robotic powers. This is what keeps us at the head of the entire world. I don’t think Y-Wood would want it any other way. The gains we have made in areas such as nanoengineering, bioengineering, and neural implantation are what have vastly set us apart from others."

  Chancellor Tessa approved of Barkis Del’s statement, in between looking over at Envy and smiling as she did. Through the entire meeting, it was becoming increasingly difficult for her not to stare at Envy. Envy winked one time. That’s all it took.

  Zaey did not entirely dispute these statements, but she did not entirely agree either. "The bottom line is how we define these manufactured robots in terms of their legal rights. Something which contains no DNA, in truth, should not need defining." The petite Q- Jin then took a sip from her glass, and for a while became lost in thought.

  The debate raged on, and even the Y-Wood’s top minds found it hard to determine any such rights for these robots. For once, Y-Wood and the sisterhood seemed to be in odd agreement, meaning no one knew the answer. Yet, someone knew all too well, he or she who remained a secret to all but President Marcou.

  At this point in the meeting, a special guest arrived. She was a robotics expert and a top scientist in her field. She had straight, long black hair, and the biggest of brown eyes. She also had a tiny, killer of a body, with breasts the size of Texas which she had tried to conceal under her navy colored pant suit. However, they were impossible to hide.

  Resin Cador, a bald-headed, human male, dapperly-dressed in an all-black suit and tie, was the Y-Wood assistant who had helped her to locate the meeting hall. He was infatuated with her from the time he first saw her downstairs and had realized she was here as a scientist. Not only did she have these looks, but she had a brain to boot. He listened in as she introduced herself and spoke for an extensive period of time about robots and AI related stuff. At no time did she, Zaey, or Envy speak to one another.


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