Glecerus- the Choice

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Glecerus- the Choice Page 9

by Olivia Black

  Georgie’s smile was strained. “We’ll talk when you get back.”

  He watched Rett leave. Once the male was out of sight, Georgie’s smile disappeared and he sighed heavily. His muscles went lax, and he relaxed back against the bed. He couldn’t discuss a future with Rett, not when he had to consider Lund.

  How would Lund react when he learned that Georgie had slept with Rett? That he didn’t turn Rett away? That he’d actually begged the male to touch him, to fuck him? God, Georgie shook his head. What about the baby? There were so many unanswered questions. He needed to speak with Lund. He would have to tell the other male everything.

  Georgie’s eyes filled with tears. Lifting up his hands, he covered his face and allowed himself to cry. He needed the emotional release. The stress from the attack, the fact that he’d killed a living being, the future and his child.

  The side of the bed dipped. Georgie wiped. He watched Rett climb onto the bed. He lay down and pulled Georgie into his arms. Georgie placed his head on Rett’s chest.

  “Are you in pain? Are you hurting?”

  Georgie shook his head.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Georgie sniffled. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to voice his concerns. He didn’t know how Rett would react.

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” Rett said once more, his voice firm.

  “I…” Georgie cleared his throat. “What’s going to happen once we get back to Glecerus?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The baby…” He paused, unable to finish.

  “You’re worried about Lund,” he stated.

  Georgie closed his eyes. “I…uh…we slept together the night before you came to the dormitory. Lund and I…we…”

  “It’s going to be okay,” Rett told him. “He’s your mate.”

  Georgie lifted his head and stared at Rett. His brows furrowed as he replayed Rett’s words through his mind. Rett lifted a hand and cupped Georgie’s cheek.

  “You belong to me too.”

  Georgie’s mind went blank, and he said, “I don’t understand.”

  “You will. I promise,” Rett vowed. “For now, I want you to lie down and get some rest.”

  Georgie lay back down. “What about Grant and Bryant?”

  “Bryant had a dislocated shoulder, but they were able to repair it. And Grant had something wrong with his heart. I was told that, after he undergoes surgery, he’ll be fine. The Sweshan doctor cleared them both to be transported to their ship.”

  “They’ll live.”

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “They’re going to be okay.”

  Georgie nodded. “Good. That’s good.”

  * * * *

  Rett listened to Georgie’s breathing change as he drifted off to sleep. His body went limp against Rett’s body. Rett tightened his arms around Georgie, afraid to let go. He’d never been so scared in his life. The thought that his mate could be lying on the ground, dying, while Rett was safely on board the destroyer had been his worst nightmare. But all his fears melted away with Georgie’s announcement. Rett looked at his mate and smiled. He was going to be a father. They were having a baby.


  Rett slowly extricated his arms from around his mate and sat up, careful not to wake Georgie or jostle the bed.

  “Yes,” he said, keeping his voice low.

  “Prince Tyak needs to speak to you. He’s waiting on a private comm-line on the upper deck.”

  Rett nodded. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

  “Yes, sir.” The male left the room without another word.

  Rett threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood. He grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered Georgie, tucking the soft material around him. Rett took a minute to watch Georgie sleep. He looked peaceful. Rett gently caressed the young man’s face and Georgie moaned softly, nuzzling his palm. The gesture melted Rett’s hearts.

  He didn’t want to leave his mate’s side, but as an ambassador, Rett didn’t have a choice. He reluctantly pulled his hand away and took a step back. Turning on his heel, Rett left the room. Each step was difficult, but he forced himself to keep going. In fact, he picked up his pace so that he could return to Georgie’s side before the young man woke up.

  Rett made his way to the top deck where the command center was located. He stepped inside one of the communication booths and closed the door behind him for privacy. Rett sat down on the bench and typed in his security code onto the large screen in front of him. The screen lightened, and Prince Tyak’s face appeared. The male was sitting behind his desk. He was dressed in royal garb with a serious expression on his face.

  “I know you’re busy, Rett. I don’t want to bother you, but I’d like to get an update on the situation before I meet with the council. I already spoke with Officer B’hann and Commander Thrudr. I was told that the starship was searched from top to bottom and all the survivors have been found and transported onto the destroyer. I also learned that a few Slion managed to make it aboard the ship. I’ve ordered Commander Thrudr to destroy the starship. We don’t want any of our technology to end up in the hands of our enemies.”

  Rett nodded in agreement. “That’s a good idea, sir.”

  “Do you have anything to add?”

  “I don’t think I have any new information to share. Except to say that the team from Sweshan made sure the humans were stable enough to travel. All of them were injured. A few will need surgery. And one human, Howard Turner, was killed during the attack.”

  “I’ve got to get to my meeting.” Tyak rose from his chair. He paused for a moment, giving Rett a pointed look before saying, “Your brother is here. He needs to speak with you.”

  Rett nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Rett.”

  Tyak stepped out of the way, and Lund took his place. Rett sat up a little straighter and prepared himself for another battle with his brother. Lund took a seat. His nostrils flared, and his jaw tensed.

  He stared at Rett for a moment before asking, “Is Georgie okay?”

  “He has minor injuries, cuts and lacerations, on his hands and arms. The doctor gave Georgie some pain medication, and he’s asleep. Otherwise, he would be here. He wants to talk to you, Lund.”

  “Why didn’t you contact me? Why didn’t you tell me what was happening? I had to hear about the attack from Tyak. I didn’t even know if Georgie was alive. I didn’t know if I would ever see him again. You took my mate. You took him away from the safety of Glecerus and put him in danger.”

  “I was planning to contact you. I didn’t want you to hear about the attack from anyone else, but I had to take care of Georgie. He’s our first priority.”

  “What about the thing with Noglion? Georgie got into an emergency pod, and it ejected him into space. I found out about that incident from reading an official report.”

  “I’m sorry, Lund.”

  “This isn’t going to work.”

  “What are you talking about?” Rett asked.

  “I was considering your offer to petition to become Georgie’s secondary mate. I even spoke with Regin about his relationship with the High King and Sebastian. But the thought of Georgie traveling with you…” He shook his head. “I don’t want him to be in danger, and that’s exactly what would happen if you were his primary mate.”

  “Lund…” he started.

  “Let’s be honest, Rett. We both know that being an ambassador is more important to you than anything else.”

  Rett hated to admit it, but Lund’s words held some truth. He had put his duties above everyone and everything, including his own brother. When Lund needed him, Rett hadn’t been there. He was off-planet. And when he’d been given the choice to stay on Glecerus, Rett refused. He didn’t want to be tied down. He didn’t want to give up his title or the privileges that came along with being an ambassador.

  “You’re right,” Rett told him. “My career has always been my priority. In the past, I made a lot of
bad decisions, but things have changed. I’ve changed. I’m in love with him. And if given the choice between Georgie and my job, I would choose him.”

  “You would give it all up?” Lund questioned, as if he wasn’t sure he believed Rett.

  “I would do anything for him.” Rett smiled, suddenly eager to share the news. “He’s pregnant, Lund. Georgie is pregnant.”

  Lund’s facial features instantly changed. The firm, angry expression he usually wore when speaking with Rett disappeared. His eyes softened, his lips curled, and his muscles relaxed. Once the mask was gone, Rett was able to see the male he knew. This was his younger brother. The male he remembered, the young man who used to follow him around when they were children.

  “Pregnant,” Lund whispered. He was quiet for a moment, as if lost in thought. After a minute, he lifted his head. “Bring him back to me.”

  “We’re already on our way home.”

  “Thank you for taking care of Georgie. If anything had happened to him…” Lund pinched his lips together, cutting himself off.

  “You know me,” Rett told him. “You know that I would never do anything to put Georgie in harm’s way.”

  “Yeah,” he reluctantly agreed. “I know.”

  “I’ve made mistakes, Lund. I’m not perfect, but I’m hoping that we can work past our differences. I want my brother back. I miss you.” Rett took a deep breath before continuing. “And I think we can make this work. Georgie doesn’t have to choose. He can have both of us. I know you have some concerns. Being the primary mate in a family unit gives me more power, but I promise that I will never take Georgie away from you.”

  “You won’t take Georgie when you leave to go to Sweshan? You’ll leave him on Glecerus with me while you’re gone for prolonged periods of time? And the baby? You’ll let him grow up without you around?”

  Rett already knew the answers to those questions. He’d been thinking about the future since the moment he laid eyes on Georgie. Rett wanted it all, a relationship with his brother and Georgie, which meant that it was time to make some changes. Rett was ready. He was looking forward to settling down and becoming a father.

  “When we get back, I’m stepping down as ambassador.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  “It’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. I’m ready to settle down. Georgie is my mate. He’s our mate.”

  Lund paused. He stared at Rett, assessing him, before asking, “Will you accept my petition to be Georgie’s secondary mate?”

  “I officially accept your petition.”

  “Don’t tell Georgie, not yet. We need to tell him together.”

  Rett didn’t want to keep any secrets or withhold any information from Georgie. His mate had been through enough already. But, in this instance, Rett understood the need for Lund to be present during this particular conversation.

  “Of course,” Rett agreed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Georgie stood beside Rett, holding his hand, as the destroyer touched down on the flight deck. The whirr of the engines and the gentle vibrations soon died. The lock on the main door disengaged and slowly rose, exposing the flight deck. Now that they were back on Glecerus, Georgie felt a heavy weight settle over his shoulders.

  He knew what was coming. It was time to make a choice. He didn’t know what was happening but assumed that their first stop would be to see Lund.

  The journey back to Glecerus had gone by too quickly. In all the commotion, Georgie barely had enough time to think. He went back and forth, trying to figure out his next move. Georgie didn’t yet know who his mate would be, Rett or Lund.

  Georgie had spent one night with Lund, and it had been unforgettable. He’d swooped in at the perfect moment and left his mark not only on Georgie’s skin but also on his heart, but Lund hadn’t been completely honest with him. And then there was Rett. Their first meeting was memorable, but for all the wrong reasons. The male had drugged and kidnapped him to get him aboard the starship.

  Georgie wasn’t sure if he was crazy for having feelings for both the males or not. But after spending time with Rett, Georgie knew he couldn’t walk away. And Lund. Georgie sighed. He didn’t want to let go of the other male either. There was only one thing Georgie could do. He needed to make a stand.

  He glanced up at Rett. “I’m not going to choose.”

  Rett smiled. “You don’t have to.”

  Georgie’s brows drew together in confusion. “That was the deal we made, remember? As soon as we got back to Glecerus, I would have to choose between you and Lund. I need to pick a mate. Well, I’ve decided. I’m not choosing.”

  “You don’t have to,” he repeated.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Come on.” Rett gave his arm a gentle tug. “Let’s go home.”

  Let’s go home. Georgie started moving, stepping into line beside Rett, but his mind was a million miles away. He tried to decipher Rett’s words. You don’t have to choose. What did that even mean? What exactly was Rett trying to tell him?

  Rett seemed calm. He smiled, greeting everyone who spoke to him while nodding in acknowledgment at others.

  The only thing that made sense, the only conclusion that could be drawn from this situation, was that Lund had changed his mind. Perhaps he didn’t want Georgie anymore. Was Lund bowing out? Had he relinquished all of his mating rights to Rett?

  He should be happy that he wouldn’t be forced to choose. Georgie should be content that the choice had been made for him. He had feelings for Rett, but his heart still ached. It felt as though the organ within his chest was being squeezed by a large Glecerian hand. The back of his eyes burned as moisture pooled at the rim of his lashes, blurring his vision, and his lower lip quivered. Georgie blinked rapidly, trying to banish the tears, refusing to let them fall, but it was useless. A pain-filled sound slipped past his lips, and Rett drew Georgie to a halt.

  Rett lifted a hand and wiped Georgie’s cheeks, removing the tears. “What’s wrong?”

  “Tell me the truth,” Georgie said in a shaky voice.

  He sounded weak, even to his own ears. He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want to make a scene in front of a bunch of strangers, but he couldn’t stop himself. Georgie tried to blame his emotional state on the pregnancy hormones raging through his system, but again, that wasn’t the complete truth. He didn’t want to lose Lund.

  “Lund doesn’t want me anymore. He doesn’t want to be my mate. He doesn’t love me. Just say it. Just tell me. I can take it.”

  “No.” Rett shook his head. “That’s not true.”

  “What is the truth?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Georgie growled. “Damn it, Rett.”

  “Georgie.” Rett leaned down and placed a kiss on Georgie’s lips. “Trust me. Please.”

  Georgie sighed heavily. He wanted to push Rett for answers, but instead, Georgie nodded. He did trust Rett. He knew that the male wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. Rett grasped Georgie’s hand, and they left the flight deck. Georgie didn’t know where they were going, but it seemed that he was along for the ride.

  Walkways ran the length of the open, multilayered caverns within Glecerus. There were bridges connecting at various points, leading to other walkways and tunnels as far as the eye could see. Some of the walkways moved on their own, much like conveyer belts, transporting people at a quicker pace.

  They walked to the metropolitan region of Nviia’ Ladur where the residential area was located. Georgie recognized the place immediately. He’d been here before with Lund. That realization slowed Georgie’s steps. He didn’t think Rett would force him to choose, but now, he wasn’t sure.

  When they reached Lund’s home, Rett pressed the button on the corridor wall. The door slid open, granting them access. Georgie spotted Lund sitting on the couch. Their eyes met, and Lund stood up, rising to his feet in one smooth motion. Georgie’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at the other male. His heart filled, expanding wit
hin his chest, and the ache disappeared. Georgie couldn’t believe how much he’d missed Lund.

  He let go of Rett’s hand and stepped over the threshold. They walked toward each other and met in the middle of the room. Georgie stared up at his mate, and a slow smile spread across his lips.

  “Hi,” Georgie whispered.

  Lund reached out and ran his velvety soft fingertips along Georgie’s jaw. “Hi.”

  “I missed you,” he admitted.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “I can’t choose between you and Rett,” Georgie told him.

  “You don’t have to,” Lund said.

  It was the same answer that Rett had given him. Georgie took a few steps back. He needed some distance separating them so that he could think clearly. He glanced at Rett before looking back at Lund.

  “What’s going on?” Georgie asked, his heart hammering wildly. “What’s happening? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I petitioned Rett to become your secondary mate.”

  “My secondary mate?” Georgie muttered, trying to process this new tidbit of information.

  He’d heard the term before. There was a brief passage in the manual. It was a history lesson. A long time ago, Glecerus hadn’t been a thriving planet. The people lived above ground in caves. Since the living conditions were so harsh and hunting for food was extremely dangerous, the people lived in family units consisting of a primary mate and a secondary mate. Together, they took care of the child bearer and the children. From Georgie’s understanding, the primary mate was the leader of the family unit. He made all the decisions. The secondary mate didn’t possess any power. The male had to defer to the primary in all things.

  Relief flooded through Georgie’s veins. The choice was taken away from him. He would be able to keep both males. He would have two mates. Georgie tried to hold on to the joy he was feeling, but it was suddenly overshadowed by suspicion.

  How was this going to work? How could the three of them have a chance at a successful relationship? It was obvious that Lund and Rett had some personal issues. They didn’t get along, not really. Georgie was sure that, if they didn’t settle their differences, there would be a power struggle.


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