Definitely Darcy's

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Definitely Darcy's Page 1

by Victoria Goodrich

  Definitely Darcy's

  Discovering the Darcys

  Victoria Goodrich

  Published by Two Hearts Publishing, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. January 29, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Victoria Goodrich.

  Written by Victoria Goodrich.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Definitely Darcy's (Discovering the Darcys)

  Elizabeth Darcy lay in dreamlike state in bed next to her husband.

  Her husband...

  Oh, the very idea that she’d married her beloved sent goosebumps catapulting up her back.

  The fading memories of her unfortunate proposal by Mr. Collins and the subsequent chaos that ensued in her household brought a gentle smile to her face. God bless her dear Mother. She wanted so much for a good life for her daughters. As much as Elizabeth cringed to remember some of the lengths Mrs. Bennet went to pursuing her daughters’ fortunes, she understood that her mother’s constant focus and inappropriate behavior came from a place of love and devotion.

  She looked at her handsome husband and smiled, remembering how her mother’s histrionics had given Darcy pause in his attentions toward her. If only her mother could understand how her attitudes pushed away those that she wanted closest.

  “What are you thinking about darling?” Darcy asked, taking Elizabeth’s hand and kissing it gently.

  Elizabeth turned to look into Darcy’s eyes and found herself laughing gently. Never had she imagined she could be living this life.

  She had only been married a matter of hours and yet she felt as though her union with Darcy had begun the moment they laid eyes on each other. Something deep inside them seemed to recognize their togetherness long before either of them even had an inkling.

  “I was thinking of my mother,” Elizabeth said, regretting her answer immediately.

  “We’re lying in our bed,” he kissed her hand again, “in a state of complete undress, and,” he began to laugh, “your mother is the foremost thought in your mind?”

  Elizabeth joined him in his laughter. “I know,” she said in between ever escalating fits of laughter, “it’s ridiculous, even now she comes between us.”

  Darcy stopped his laughter abruptly and grabbed his wife forcefully pulling her toward himself with a fierce possession that nearly frightened Elizabeth.

  Had it not been for a strange thrill that raced down her spine as Darcy physically claimed her she would have been frightened. She’d never seen that look in his eyes. There was something quite primeval about it that simultaneously startled and excited her at the same time.

  “There is nothing,” Darcy began, “nothing in this world or the next that can ever come between us. You are my love, my light and my life Mrs. Darcy. Don’t ever doubt that. I shall endeavor to spend our lifetime reminding you of my love each and every moment of all our days.”

  With a statement of love so complete, Elizabeth was left with nothing to do but return her new husband’s embrace and hope to kiss him in such a way as to make it abundantly clear that she reciprocated his feelings.

  With each subsequent kiss, she found herself becoming almost dizzy with elated bliss.

  “Say it again,” she begged him.

  “What is that?” he asked in between gentle nibbles on her ear.

  “Mrs. Darcy” she responded, her cheeks aching from hours of elated smiling. “I think I shall never tire of hearing those most beautifully uttered words.”

  Darcy placed a gentle kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek, “Mrs.,” he began, “Fitwilliam,” he stopped to place another kiss on her other cheek, “Darcy,” he finished with a slow press of his lips to her own, gently pulling her lower lip in between his own.

  “Mmm...” she mumbled, waiting for the chance to speak. She spread her arms wide and stretched gently. “I do so love the sound of that.”

  She had finally become Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy just this morning and their marriage had been validated in the way that only a man and woman can do. They had both fallen asleep shortly thereafter, more than likely the result of weeks of tension and stress somewhat due to their wedding preparations but definitely due to Elizabeth's mother.

  Mrs. Bennet had been more than diligent in preparing her daughter for every aspect of the wedding day save the most important one.

  Elizabeth had been so frightened of what was to come that she could barely function once they had arrived at Netherfield. Their first stop as husband and wife before continuing on to Pemberley in the morning.

  Much to her surprise her fear and trepidation had been completely washed away by her husband’s loving attentions. Elizabeth, as it turned out, had found herself quite surprised by her own relaxed modesty when the actual time arrived. Darcy had made it all seem so natural, and his love for her shined through in all of his ministrations.

  Never in her wildest dreams had Elizabeth known what it would feel like to completely trust another with her most vulnerable self. Yet Darcy’s love had been so clear and pointed that Elizabeth couldn’t help but find herself more than ready to put aside her fears and allow her husband to make her a wife.

  And it had been wonderful...

  So wonderful in fact that she had asked for more. Which her husband had, of course, agreed to wholeheartedly, but as it happened, they had both falling asleep within moments of her request, and now Elizabeth lay next to her husband struggling to find a way to pose the request for a second time.

  Darcy lay beside her staring into her eyes as she ruminated over their time together. “What in the world is running through your head my darling?” he asked, picking up strands of hair and twisting them through his fingers before letting them slide through his hands.

  Elizabeth laughed, at what she considered to be a most ridiculous question. What was she thinking? What on Earth did he think she might be thinking?

  She couldn't resist teasing him, “Oh I was just going over the items in my case,” Elizabeth said.

  “Surely you jest,” he answered, clearly not understanding her humor.

  Elizabeth propped herself up on her elbow and laughed gently at Darcy. “Yes, of course, I jest, what on earth do you think might be traipsing through my mind at this moment?”

  Now it was Darcy's turn to laugh well I certainly can't be sure moments ago you were thinking of your mother” he answered playfully.

  “Oh, yes, that is true isn't it,” she answered half-heartedly.

  Elizabeth realized all thoughts of her mother had floated away on a cloud as soon as her husband had kissed her for the hundredth time. Perhaps she might start with that idea.

  “Well, my dear husband you see when you kiss me I seem to lose all sense of time and space, and I may as well have considered my mother last year as in the last moment.”

  Darcy winked at her and stroked her cheek, “Well then let me see what I can do about erasing your memory further,” he said, leaning in towards her and kissing her yet again.

  Elizabeth moaned gently as she felt a stirring in her womanhood. Darcy reached his hand around to grasp the back of her neck and gently clenched her hair in his fingers tugging lightly as his tongue searched for hers. With each gentle tug on her hair Elizabeth felt a more urgent need to get as close to Darcy as possible. She threw her leg over his pulling herself toward him with an efficiency that surprised even herself. Reaching down to grasp his buttocks she kneaded them gently as she curled her pelvis in toward his to create greater contact.

  Darcy moved from her mouth and began to gently bite her neck with small little nips and nibbles. As his
hips undulated into her she could feel his erection even though several layers of wrapped up sheets lay between them. She wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her. The need was so overwhelming she reached down frantically trying to free his manhood from the sheets. Darcy placed his hand on hers and lifted it back to his buttocks stopping his kisses to look her deeply in the eyes.

  “I need you again,” she said.

  DARCY KNEW THAT HE must persevere this time, and not give in to his baser nature and fail her a second time. Her inexperience and lack of understanding of that he had failed to please her, in no way freed him from the feelings of shame and inadequacy at his most unexpected release before their slumber. Not only had he failed her once, but she had wanted more and they had fallen into an exhausted slumber.

  He had failed her twice already and they had not been married even a full day.

  He had failed to put her pleasure first as he had been taught to do. The pleasure she so deserved.

  “Darling I want you to know the ultimate pleasure that a woman can experience,” he said, hoping his words would not disturb her.

  She had as yet been completely open with him in a way that he hadn't quite expected, and he saw no reason to hide behind the typical indirectness of polite conversation. He was after all, in bed with his wife. He wasn’t however ready to be so forthright with her that he could admit his failure as a husband.

  The weeks building up to the wedding were fraught with many a night where he was forced to take himself in hand, lest he embarrass himself just by being near her. How many nights he had spent, dreaming of all the things he might do to her once she was his wife. The fantasies stretched out before him like a list of tasks to accomplish for the day.

  He certainly did not want to explain to her in words how much more there was for them to discover. He absolutely wanted to show her in action.

  “Darling, allow me to show you how much more pleasure there is to receive,” he said, barely concerning himself with whether she might wonder how he might have come to this knowledge.

  Did woman know of the complete education of a man? Darcy didn’t allow himself the thought for more than a moment, as the true realization occurred to him that Elizabeth had no idea what he had in store for her.

  Without a thought, those exact words came tumbling out of his mouth.

  “My dear darling, you‘ve no idea of the pleasures I am about to show you. Now lie back and enjoy what your husband so happily offers you,” he said happily ignoring his own desires.

  Darcy extricated himself from the sheets and pressed himself up on the bed spreading Elizabeth’s legs and kneeling in between them. She stared at him wide-eyed and innocent, naked and vulnerable and completely open to her husband. Just the mere sight of her lying there, so trusting, so willing, nearly made him change his plans. No, the thought, I will control myself.

  He began making long slow strokes with his fingers from the very tips of her toes, up to her sensuous calf, around her knee and along her inner thigh, avoiding her womanhood completely. He smiled gently with pleasure, as she unknowingly raised her pelvis each time his hand brushed near her pleasure center. Reaching forward he grabbed both of her breasts and took their full volume in his hands first kneading them gently, then releasing them to lightly pinch each nipple in between his index finger and thumb. A delicious smile spread across his bride's face and he increased the pressure alternating from one breast to the other, as he slowly moved his right knee further in between her legs to press against her womanhood. She began to undulate on the bed as he continued his kneading of her breasts. Her eyes were closed and she licked her lips gently leaving them parted ever-so-slightly as if in an invitation.

  An invitation Darcy couldn't refuse. He leaned forward sliding his tongue inside her mouth and took the offered kiss with vigor. As his tongue explored her mouth, his manhood came to rest in between her thighs, teasing her entrance with its tip. She moaned slightly and spread her legs wider in invitation.

  Darcy wanted so badly to accept her invitation and slip his shaft right inside her warm and waiting womanhood. He mustn't give in to the temptation though, he wanted this to last well into the evening. He must maintain his control.

  He struggled, as the overwhelming need to penetrate her nearly consumed him. How was he to manage his marriage education if the mere parting of his wife's lips sent him into an uncontrollable ecstasy? All his education had been for naught, he could barely behave like that of a child. She had such power over him and she hadn’t the slightest idea of what she wielded.

  I must give her pleasure before my own, he said to himself. This time I am the master of my own flesh and I will master my wife's as well.

  With a complete lack of finesse that bordered on panic, he pulled away abruptly from his wife's face and buried his face in between his wife’s legs.

  ELIZABETH STARTLED at her husband’s rough transition and the unbelievable sensations that immediately began coursing through her body as he began his attentions. She could barely formulate the surprise that indeed he had his mouth on her womanhood. And it felt so delectably decadent. She sighed audibly taking in a deep cleansing breath and released the air in a long slow moan. He had taken her bud in between his lips and was sucking gently, then more firmly. He released the pressure slowly as Elizabeth began to cry out and pant as unknown sensations shot through her body like waves. She could feel a pressure building like a whirling dervish inside of her. A pressure that needed to be released lest she go mad.

  The reality of the situation struck her with a full force and she felt slightly dizzy. Her husband had his mouth on her womanhood and it was most sublime. She considered for a minute that she might feel embarrassed, but the idea left her head as quickly as it had entered it.

  This unknown pressure continued to build to heights that Elizabeth began to fear would be the end of her. In the moment when she began to consider that she would never recover, Darcy stopped suckling and brought his tongue to rest at the bottom of her entrance. Slowly he pushed his tongue in between her folds lapping at her juices.

  She cried out again a combination of pain and pleasure. The pain of so desperately wanting release and the pleasure of wanting even more. Darcy took a finger and slid it in between her folds massaging the inside of her gently while his tongue slowly laved at her bud. First one finger, then two, in and out they went, slowly, rhythmically massaging her insides. She wanted, no she needed more. She arched her back and tilted her pelvis towards him silently begging him to fill this need completely. A third finger slipped inside of her and she gasped at the stretching. There was a dull sting as before when he had entered her earlier today, but that was quickly replaced by a wave of pleasure. All three of his Fingers massaged her slowly while his tongue traced lazy circles around her bud, gently sucking and pressing in equal amounts.

  Elizabeth kept her eyes closed as she writhed on the bed, her mind barely latching on to any coherent thought. The pulsing and throbbing inside of her threatened to burst and she feared she would scream if the sensations didn’t subside.

  As Darcy continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her she bucked her hips wildly needing him to push harder and faster. Undulating wildly on the bed she could think of nothing but her own need for a release from this pain and pleasure. Lost in her own sensations she felt a part of her let go. A part of her that so ferociously clung to proper. A part of her who could never consider finding herself in this position. She let herself feel the true complete feelings running through her body, no longer trying to control what felt like a spiraling vortex inside of her. Just as she relinquished her need to control, a pressure so intense built up inside of her, and she cried out. A rush of energy blazed up from her toes to her womanhood and back again and she cried out in fear and pleasure and release.

  “Darcy, Darcy!” she cried as a dam broke and waves of pleasure burst forth from her like the rays of the sun. She could hear a woman crying out and part of her recognized her own voice but
it seemed so far away.

  The voice cried “Yes” over and over as her body wracked with ecstasy.

  Darcy continued his attentions even as her senses began to make their way back from the clouds and into their room. She could barely feel her body at this point and she realized it had been she who cried out, she who had screamed. The spinning room slowly came to a halt and she began to return to her senses.

  Breathless and in a daze she opened her eyes to see Darcy slowly raise his head.

  “I,” she said, unable to formulate a sentence.

  Darcy smiled and brought himself up to meet Elizabeth’s lips.

  The taste on his lips was unknown, it was her own taste she realized, it seemed odd, but Darcy’s kisses made her forget about the new flavor and she settled into the enjoyment of the kiss. Vague notions about Darcy having his own taste tapped at the back of her mind but she didn’t open the door and instead let herself get lost in the kiss.

  DARCY FELT THE STRENGTH of ten men as he heard the cries of his wife’s orgasm. He alone would ever bring her such pleasure. He beamed with pride at finally having heard the cries of his beloved in the throes of passion. A passion that he alone had stirred. A passion that only he would ever know.

  His manhood throbbed to near explosion. He had nearly joined her in orgasm just from the sound of her cries.

  She was out of breath and while he needed to be inside of her he rolled to his side to allow her to relax.

  Propping himself up on his elbow he watched her as her brain attempted to process the pleasure she’d just experienced. With a smile permanently affixed to her face, she continued breathing heavily in between short little giggles that seemed to come from a place of shock and surprise.

  “Are you alright then darling?” he asked, soaking in the sight of her, listless and out of breath at the heights of pleasure that he had brought her to.


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