Definitely Darcy's

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Definitely Darcy's Page 2

by Victoria Goodrich

  “Mmm...” she answered, slowly opening her eyes to look at him.

  “That was...,” she paused, searching for the word, “ that was truly...,” without a care to finish the sentence she rolled over and stared deeply into Darcy’s eyes. A tear slid down her cheek and Darcy felt a surge of panic as he watched it.

  “Darling what on earth is the matter?” he said, wiping the tear from her face.

  “Oh,” she said, surprise in her voice, “I have no control over much right now. Would it be odd to say I can’t quite feel my legs?” She raised her eyebrows and smirked.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Darcy said, stroking her soft hair.

  “There doesn’t seem to be a word in the English language to properly describe it. I’ve never come across this problem before. Words cannot say...truly. I didn’t know such feeling existed,” she stopped, her face dropping again as though she might cry.

  Darcy thought he might join her at the thought of her unhappiness. Darcy rubbed her cheek and kissed her on the forehead, wanting to take away all her sadness.

  “What has you sad my love?” he asked, terrified of what possible answer awaited him.

  “Oh, it’s not a sadness that I feel, surely I am simultaneously invigorated and exhausted, is that possible? Yet that is how I feel, truly.”

  Darcy’s eyebrows moved together, confused.

  Elizabeth gave a gentle smile and a light laugh, “I feel a little silly asking this, as we are married, but I can’t help but wonder if I didn’t just let you do something to me that is,” she took a deep breath as though the words were hard for her to release. “Well, something that is not in keeping with what a proper wife would do with her husband.”

  A red flush covered her cheeks and she hid her face in the folds of the bed covering.

  Darcy felt an overwhelming surge of protectiveness, “My darling, we are wed, there is nothing shameful about how we express our bodies with one another,” he paused to pull her face to look at him. “You are not wanton to give yourself to your husband.”

  Elizabeth seemed to be reassured, but he wanted to be certain she understood completely.

  “Darling, we have only just begun to explore each other. Do you think there is anything wrong in a man and wife giving each other pleasure?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Well, when you express it in those terms I guess not.” Her face flushed a light pink, “I just didn’t know if I’d done something...” she trailed off, making a suggestive face rather than finishing the sentence.

  Darcy couldn’t quite explain why her diffidence seemed to not only make him feel incredibly protective but also incredibly aroused. Not that he was surprised, as his manhood had stood firmly at attention since she’d screamed his name in pleasure.

  An entire world of pleasure awaited them but he would have to introduce his bride to things slowly, so as not to frighten her. The coy little minx that had peeked out from under Elizabeth’s demure nature had perhaps been frightened back into its hiding place by propriety and Darcy did not want to scare it away for good.

  Tread lightly he thought to himself, as his manhood threatened to take control of the events and satisfy its needs above all else.

  “Darling there is much for us to explore as man and wife, but for now... ,” he stopped, covering her mouth with his own.

  ELIZABETH MOANED AS Darcy kissed her yet again. Would she ever grow tired of the feeling of his soft gentle lips? His seeking tongue swirling its circles around her own? The taste of herself on him made her feel decidedly wicked and she found herself pulling even closer to him as the kiss escalated from gentle to forceful. The now familiar sensation of desire came over her like a thundering herd of horses and she threw a leg over him again trying to get her womanhood closer to him. It ached with a need to be filled to overflowing. Without even realizing she was doing it, she began to rub her sex on his thigh, just to keep the throbbing at bay. Clumsily, she reached down in between their tangled mess of limbs trying to find his member.

  She wanted, no needed him so badly. Only he could take away this pounding throbbing sensation that threatened to overwhelm her.

  She finally managed to wrap her hand around his shaft and much to her surprise she felt an overwhelming desire to return his previous attentions and take him in her mouth. What did he taste like she wondered? The painful throbbing in her sex was replaced by a curiosity that took complete control of the moment and she pulled away from her husband’s mouth. Searching with her eyes for what her hand held in its grasp.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, she moved quickly down the bed and wrapped her mouth around the tip of his shaft.

  He gasped, and she felt not a moment of concern that she had hurt him. She couldn’t stop herself. Compelled by the unquenchable desire to taste every inch of him she pushed her mouth as far down on his shaft as she could, until she’d cut off her own air supply, and quickly pulled her mouth back off again.

  Again Darcy cried out, but Elizabeth felt she hadn’t caused him pain, this cry let her know that she had stumbled upon something that most definitely gave her husband pleasure.

  She let go of her trepidation and forced herself to trust fully in his words.

  “You are not wanton to give yourself to your husband.”

  He had told her as much only moments ago and if she were to be a good wife she must trust in his words.

  She allowed her instincts to take over and without any further pausing, she began to explore the full length of his manhood with her tongue. Tracing it from the tip all the way down to his fine mound of hair. She wanted to taste every inch of him and suck and nibble on every morsel of flesh she could get to.

  Without another thought she bit gently on the skin just on the inside of his thigh, reveling in the sounds that her actions elicited in her husband.

  She licked and suckled her way from just mid-thigh, up towards his manhood, with an urgency of someone facing the guillotine in mere hours.

  Every inch was explored by mouth and hands and with each sound from her husband she grew more confident that he was receiving her attentions with pleasure.

  When she’d finally sated herself of her explorations she considered how much he had enjoyed her mouth directly on his shaft and wondered if she might try that again.

  With a long slow steady pressure, she licked Darcy from the base of his shaft up his entire length until she pulled the entire tip of him inside her mouth.

  Darcy gasped as though he might scream and she took that as yet another sign that she was finding her way very well.

  Again, she pushed her mouth all the way down on his shaft as far as she could, stopping only when could go no further, only to make a slow and long return trip to the tip.

  Darcy writhed under her attentions and she wondered if she should continue in exactly the same manner. She increased her pressure, being very careful to keep her teeth out of the way and took her cues from her husband’s moans of pleasure.

  With both hands holding it firmly she penetrated her mouth with Darcy’s shaft over and over again until she could barely feel her lips and her husband began to cry out.

  Darcy grabbed her head forcing her down to take his manhood deeper and deeper into her mouth. To Lizzie’s surprise with each forceful stroke she found herself getting more and more aroused. Tears streamed from her eyes as she gagged on his large member, but every moan from her husband drew out an even deeper one from her.

  “Lizzy, Lizzy, I’m... “

  Elizabeth couldn’t have prepared herself for the next moment. Darcy cried out her name as a stream of warm salty liquid hit the back of her throat.

  Without even realizing it she swallowed it down like honeybee cycling nectar. Elizabeth’s head felt light and a little sore from how firmly Darcy had woven his fingers into her hair. Something about his ferocity had awakened unknown places in Elizabeth.

  She had made her husband cry out her own name, she didn’t know a woman could wield such a power.

; Darcy lay panting on the bed and Elizabeth, quite pleased with herself slowly climbed her way back toward her husband. She wanted to kiss him as deeply as they had before but, she had the taste of him in her mouth. Would he return her kiss?

  It didn’t take but a moment to get her answer, Darcy returned her kiss as though it were the last one they would ever share, and Elizabeth yet again felt the overwhelming need to be filled to the limits by her husband. She realized that giving him pleasure had only made her want him more. Would this desire to be filled by her husband ever end? A small flutter of panic danced its way through her mind as she considered that she couldn’t spend the rest of her life in bed with her husband. Until she realized she didn’t really care. Lust filled her to the very core and she let it consume her.

  She returned Darcy’s kiss with a moan and a fierceness that surprised the both of them. With nary a thought, she threw herself on top of him, never separating their combined mouths. She could feel him hardening underneath her undulating hips.

  He reached down cupping her buttocks and pulled her tight to him, grinding his erection into her. She reached down to yank out the sheet that had become entwined between their bodies and raised her hips to remove the offensive obstacle.

  As she crashed back down onto Darcy’s groin his fully erect shaft nearly slid inside of her. Her womanhood filled with juices and she slid herself up the length of him, allowing herself the pleasure of his hardness.

  She caught her bud on the tip of his penis and reveled in the amazing delights coursing through her body. As she gyrated the tip of his shaft slipped inside the very outermost edge of her womanhood. She froze, for just a moment, wondering if she should continue. Looking deep into Darcy’s eyes she let herself slide down the length of him, taking him fully inside of her, as deep as he could go.

  He moaned in delight and the mere sound of his pleasure sent shock waves crashing through her again.

  She pulled herself slowly upright and took in the full view of her beloved.

  He licked his lips and took her hips in his hands, pulling her gently.

  She rocked, slowly forward and back, letting her bud grind hard into his pelvis.

  Darcy reached up and gave her nipples a swift hard pinch and Elizabeth gasped as the pain shot through her. Eyes wide she opened her mouth to protest but instead a moan of pleasure escaped as the pain quickly became delightful sensations.

  She began to move more quickly, thinking of nothing but how the movement made her feel. Caring nothing for Darcy’s pleasure.

  Faster and faster she moved, desperate to make this aching abate. The more she glided up and down his shaft the further away relief became. The pressure was too intense, she cried out and Darcy rubbed her bud with his thumb. The sensation shot like an arrow straight to the pressure as though a dam had been released and she screamed as the torrent of sensations racked through her body.

  Over and over again the waves washed over her. Her legs and back shook with the effort of staying upright and she could hear herself screaming in pleasure. She felt like she was falling deep into an abyss with no bottom.

  Wave after wave of release slammed into her until finally it ceased and she fell on top of Darcy breathless and spent, trying desperately to tell him how much she loved him, but unable to form a coherent thought.

  HAVING HEARD HIS WIFE’S delightful screams for a second time Darcy could contain himself no longer. In one swift move, he pushed her off of him and stationed himself behind her, yanking her roughly onto her hands and knees before he plunged into her without any warning.

  She cried out for a moment but Darcy could hear nothing but his own need. He grabbed one of her shoulders in hand to push himself deeper inside her while his other hand wound itself around her waist length hair. She turned her head slightly and their eyes connected. Her face a sly mixture of enjoyment tinged with fear. A look that sent him to a level of desire he never knew existed. With a final thrust, he screamed as months and months of contained desire came tearing out of his body pumping its seed into his wife.

  She cried out with each subsequent thrust as though she too could feel the power of his release.

  When finally his explosions subsided he collapsed onto the bed next to her, eyes closed, lost in the wonder of the moment.

  When finally the room stopped spinning he opened his eyes to see Elizabeth smiling at him. He realized she‘d been stroking his hair and possibly speaking to him, but what she may have said he had no idea.

  She was smiling at him, so that was a good sign that he hadn’t terrified her with his ferocity.

  “Now I understand what Shakespeare meant when he spoke of the beast with two backs,” she said, half giggling as she cuddled up next to him.

  Darcy snickered and pulled her to him, kissing her softly.

  “I’m so sorry darling, did I hurt you?” he asked as he stroked her hair, gently this time.

  Elizabeth smiled and tittered slightly, “No,” she stammered, “yes, no, a little.” She bit the edge of her lip and pushed her eyebrows together.

  Darcy’s heart plummeted to the ground. How could he have done such a thing? How could he have lost control like that, allowing his bestial nature to get the better of him?

  His face gave him away. Elizabeth stroked his hair, “Darling, don’t be upset,” she mused.

  “No, there’s no excuse for losing control in such a way,” he spat.

  “But I...,” she stopped short, biting her lip again, keeping the words inside.

  “I’m so sorry darling, will you ever forgive me?” he pleaded.

  “Was it...,” Elizabeth lowered her eyes, “wrong?” she raised her eyes, looking at him through her thick lashes. His heart skipped a beat at her beauty.

  “Yes, darling I should always be able to control my baser urges. I hurt you, I cannot abide by that.”

  She needed to understand that his love for her reigned far more powerful than his lust. Even as it was indeed his love for her that commanded such desires.

  She rolled over and sighed, gently, and he wondered if he’d caused her great pain. She lie there silently, deep in thought and the quiet seemed to him a death sentence.

  “Darling,” he begged, taking her hand in his and kissing it feverishly. “Please tell me you can forgive me. I beg of you.”

  Elizabeth pushed herself up on her elbow, with her gentle smile. “Of course I forgive you darling, don’t think on it for another moment,” she said, smiling her most practiced smile.

  Darcy could see he had wounded her to the core and she only forgave him out of duty. He cursed himself for his inability to control himself. What must she think of him? The poor innocent butterfly didn’t even know enough to understand that he shouldn’t have done such a thing. Darcy sighed, looking deep into his beloved’s eyes, promising himself to never allow such a careless slip again. Elizabeth would never know the true measure of the beast that lived inside him.

  He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close and whispered in her ear, “Darling, you will never have to endure such a thing again.”

  ELIZABETH LIE IN FRONT of her husband wrapped in his strong embrace listening to the slow rhythmic sounds of his breathing as he fell asleep again. Try as she might she could not escape the discord raging inside of her. All surrounding on simple word... “Endure”

  WHAT WILL HAPPEN TOMORROW as Elizabeth and Darcy make their way to Pemberley to begin their lives as husband and wife? Stay tuned for the next installment of “Discovering the Darcys”.




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