Strawberry Kisses

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Strawberry Kisses Page 10

by Phavy Prieto

  "What happened?" I asked confused, not understanding why he was dragging me to the exit without saying a word.

  He called the elevator, whose doors opened immediately, and without saying a word he pulled me inside and pressed the button of our floor.

  "What the hell are you doing?" I asked disoriented. His silence was beginning to disturb me, and I did not know what could have happened to make him behave like this.

  "Isn't that obvious?" he said imprisoning me against one of the elevator walls and getting close enough to make me feel the heat of his body against mine. "I want to satisfy the desire that I have felt since I saw you."

  "What? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

  "I tried to resist as much as I could. I can't resist any more, especially with that pendant on. My God! I want to see you naked with only that jewel on and..." he gasped before imprisoning my mouth with such force that I thought I would fall if he didn't hold me tight.

  I didn't understand anything. Whatever it was, that ardor that pervaded him, my God, I hoped it wouldn't vanish right now!

  The doors opened and this time he took my hand instead of my arm and we started running towards our room.

  Was it about to happen? Was I really going to sleep with him? Did I really want it?

  "Don't be an idiot, you obviously want to," I replied to myself as I laughed about the situation.

  As soon as Damian opened the door and entered, I had just enough time to take a few steps before I found myself against the wall. He pulled my dress up to my waist.

  "What if someone comes?" I asked with the last glimmer of clarity.

  "I don't care about anything. I just want it to happen here and now," he said before joining his mouth with mine. So I allowed myself the luxury of throwing away all my steadfastness.

  These kisses are a drug!

  His tongue made its way between my lips, devouring me, consuming me, making me pant uncontrollably.

  He threw his jacket on the floor, not caring that it could be creased, as I struggled with the buttons of his shirt and kissed him frantically. I felt his fingers run along my legs up to my buttocks. He held me tightly against him. I felt the prominence of his bulging penis against my groin and moaned with pleasure.

  I ran my fingers along his chest to his abs. Then I put my hand in his pants and stroked his penis.

  "I want you," he whispered, moving away slightly and brushing his forehead against mine. "I want you now."

  I understood that he needed it, not for me, not for him, but for what he had to endure. Somehow he had to vent.

  "I know," I whispered close to his ear before sucking on his earlobe. And then I felt his fingers penetrate me without mercy.

  "God!" I screamed, digging my nails into his back.

  He took out a condom and brought it to his mouth to open the wrapper with his teeth and, before I was even aware of it, I brought my lips to his, while I was helping him to take off his pants and put on a condom.

  He slipped his fingers out and I felt the pressure of his penis making space inside me, making me moan against his lips. When he sank it completely, we gasped together and perhaps, for the first time in my sad sex life, I felt truly whole.

  With every movement he went deeper and deeper, making me savour a piece of heaven with every thrust in a crescendo of pleasure that seemed impossible and unsurpassable.

  "I will die. I'm going to die of pure pleasure," I thought when, squeezing my buttocks tight, he literally impaled me against the wall. Finally I felt him explode inside me in a thousand sparks like an orgasmic firework.

  "This is sex! All the rest is princess tales," I was able to think when I came to my senses again.

  Chapter XII

  I didn't think our first time would be like that, so primitive, with such a compelling need for each other. In the end, ladies and gentlemen, that's what it was: pure sex with no attached emotions.

  "It seems that I really needed it," I said panting and smiling.

  His laughter infected me and when he moved his face away from my neck, where it was hidden until that moment, I admired that youthful, cheeky face that bewitched me so much.

  "You think I'm rude, don't you?" he said in a low voice with an ironic attitude.

  "Of course," I admitted with the same tone.

  "First I steal your planner, then I blackmail you, I persuade you to travel for almost 2,000 kilometers to go to another country, I convince you to become an accomplice of my lies. Besides, I take advantage of you by dragging you into a hotel room for a quickie instead of patiently waiting for the night", he continued with the same attitude.

  "Indeed, Mr. Devoir, you have given a fairly eloquent description of the facts and I find you guilty. You will have to accomplish many commendable acts to partially compensate for all the harm you have done to this poor innocent person," I said, trying not to laugh.

  "And what will my penance be?" he asked playfully as he traced the line of my waist with his hands right where my dress was rolled up.

  "Your penance will be to pleasantly surprise me tonight."

  "Surprise you? What kind of surprise? " he asked confused.

  "I'll leave it to your free choice," I said with a toothy smile. I pushed him away from me so that I could put my feet back on the ground and adjust my dress.

  "Then it must be something enchanting so that you may forgive me for all the sins I have committed."

  When we left the room heading towards the place where the guests were, I had the feeling that something special was born between us: whatever it was, complicity or tacit agreement, my only certainty was that I had never felt such an affinity with a stranger like I did with Damian Devoir. And I liked it. His way of taking my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine, with strength, confidence and determination, confirmed it.

  "That’s bad, little one, very bad. You and your little heart are getting into trouble," said the sane part of my mind that I immediately sent to hell.

  Luckily the busty giraffe and that poor dupe – you had to be a real loser to get married to such a hypocritical woman – had vanished to probably pose for the coolest photo session that would end up in all magazines for the Scottish elite.

  "Hey! Where were you?" asked John, one of the few guests whose name I remembered.

  "Well, you know, we had to do something and..." Damian began to say. He then looked at me with the word "help" on his forehead.

  "There was an urgent issue in the company that had to be solved," I said the first thing that came to my mind. They say that a work commitment always works as an excuse, right?

  "Yeah, the company." From the tone of John’s voice it was clear that he didn't buy it.

  "If she says so," Damian said with a chuckle. I gave him a light backhand slap with my free hand.

  The laughter attracted the rest of Damian’s friends and a small group gathered just when, around noon, they began to serve the aperitifs and the buffet.

  As time went by, I felt more and more at ease until I almost forgot about the existence of the newlyweds and why we were there. Until the latter showed up again bringing me back to reality.

  "I guess we will have to congratulate them. They might think we ran away earlier," whispered that voice that was music to my ears. I thought the way he did it would make those who observed us believe that Damian was promising eternal love to me.

  "I remind you that it was you who ran away. Though I will never complain about the reasons that led you to do so, Mr. Devoir," I said, trying to feed the humorous atmosphere that reigned between us.

  "I'm starting to like you a little too much, Miss Acosta. At this rate I might become extremely fond of you and not be able to do without your services."

  "I work for you, Mr. Devoir. I remind you that now more than ever you will not be able to give up my services, given that I am your new Key Account Manager."

  He looked at me in a direct and profound way, as if my words had excited him. After all, I didn't say anything special,
right? Only the sacred truth.

  "You are quite right," he whispered. "Actually I was referring to another kind of services."

  I was speechless. Was I reading well between the lines? I didn't want to be naughty, but that bizarre game between us hinted that something else would happen and that we would not limit ourselves to what happened that weekend.

  Ok, don’t panic. Breathe. Inhale. Now breathe out. One, two, three. Good, you're still alive.

  My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, imagining all the possible scenarios in which that non-relationship could be wrecked like so many others did.

  While I was in that state of mind, Damian caught the opportunity to wrap his arm around my waist and turn me around so that we faced the newlyweds who had just finished greeting some relatives.

  "Congratulations!" I croaked with a cry full of fake emotion that seemed dull and childish even to me.

  I only heard the response from that dupe of Michael. The busty giraffe stared at my neck. Did she want to strangle me? And why on earth?

  "Thank you very much!" Michael replied, approaching to greet me. "I hope to be able to say the same to you as soon as you set the date."

  "Of course!" keenly said Rebecca. "Maybe they'll let us know something when we visit them in Madrid. Michael and I would love to greet your family, Damian. We haven't seen them for such a long time and would be happy to invite them to dinner. We foresee to spend a few days in Madrid after our honeymoon."

  Damn bitch!

  Damian tightened my waist.

  "Of course!" I exclaimed with the same enthusiasm. "That would be great, wouldn't it, honey?" I looked at Damian with complicity.

  "Sure," he said smiling. But it was not a sincere smile, unlike those he dispensed on other occasions, especially when he was alone with me.

  I put my hand around my neck and remembered that I was wearing the necklace Damian had lent me. I saw that Rebecca kept staring at it. I laughed inwardly. She surely knew what that necklace meant. Her bulging eyes suggested that she had never had the pleasure of wearing it.

  "I like your necklace," I said, looking directly at her and referring to her modest pearl necklace.

  Now you can also go and tell around, bitch!

  "Thank you," she whispered in a low voice with a visibly fake smile from miles away. She never mentioned the necklace I was wearing, although it was impossible not to notice it as the other girls did.

  The moment they left to continue greeting the other guests, Damian dragged me towards one of the corners of the room. As soon as he had the feeling of being far enough from prying eyes, he approached me as if he wanted to kiss me on the neck. But actually he just wanted to talk to me.

  "How could you accept an invitation to dinner with my family? Are you crazy?" he said almost desperately.

  "What did you want me to do? Decline the invitation? You will find an excuse for your family not to take part."

  I heard him sigh as he seemed to relax.

  "Yes, I guess you're right."

  "Why don't you do yourself a favour and try to enjoy the time we still have to spend here?" I put my hands around his neck so that he looked me in the eye. "I want to have fun."

  His smile appeared again – and it was a sincere one.

  "Blessed is the day you dropped your planner," he said before cutting the distance between us and fleetingly brushing his lips with mine.

  The rest of the day was great. Damian's friends were very nice and we had a great time during the buffet, the coffee break and later at the open bar, where people danced until they almost lost consciousness. The dinner was quite abundant, notwithstanding what they had already served since the beginning of the ceremony. My stomach refused more food so as not to explode.

  At a certain point, after he excused himself to go to the bathroom, Damian disappeared. I considered going back to the room to take a shower to freshen up, as I was exhausted by too much dancing and movement.

  "Did they leave you alone?" her shrill voice made me turn around. Shortly before, my feet had led me up to the large windows overlooking the garden where I had been enraptured by the colours that the fountains emitted.

  "I don't think Damian will be too long," I replied to Rebecca. Weren't there other guests to annoy?

  "I suppose you didn't tell Damian anything about what I told you yesterday, right? I wouldn't want to look like someone who interferes in other people's affairs and causes any misunderstandings."

  What were the intentions of that woman? Not even on her wedding day was she able to relax and shut her mouth?

  "I think you should enjoy your wedding day instead of thinking so much about us. I assure you that between me and Damian everything is fine. It could not be otherwise," I said and began playing with the necklace.

  "I'm glad. What I find strange is that Elizabeth didn't mention your name even once when we spoke. Not to mention her son giving you the most valuable family jewel in their collection."

  "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I groaned in my mind, hoping that my face wouldn't betray me. I was grateful that in that part of the hall the light was dim.

  "Probably because my mother is so discreet that she does not reveal certain details to people outside the family." Damian's voice made me sigh and I caught my breath again after holding it until then.

  Saved by the bell!

  "I didn't know you have been talking to my mother. She never told me anything about it," added Damian.

  "You know, I've always had a good relationship with your mother," replied that unbearable person. "And we are still in touch."

  Damn it! That only meant one thing: Damian should have to inform his parents if he didn't want this farce not to be discovered in advance.

  "Yes, I remember that very well," Damian replied, rolling his eyes. The smug smile of the Barbie made me want to slap her.

  Just because you are the bride, otherwise instead of the pearls you would find your teeth on the necklace.

  "I feel sorry for your friend," I said as soon as Rebecca returned to the rest of the guests.

  To my utter bewilderment he started laughing. Maybe it wasn't the best time to mention that our plan to dodge his parents had just gone to hell.

  "Come here," he whispered dragging me closer to him. I almost moaned as I felt the warmth of his body brushing against mine.

  "Where are we going?" I asked as he picked me up in his arms the way the groom usually does when he takes the bride to the wedding bed. "You are crazy!" I yelled.

  "If I remember correctly, you asked me to surprise you, Miss Acosta."

  "And what would this surprise be, Mr. Devoir?" I asked impatiently. Suddenly my tiredness vanished.

  "You'll find it out soon, my darling."

  When we got into the elevator and Damian pressed the last button with his little finger, I was perplexed. That wasn't our floor: where the hell was he taking me?

  "I guess you won't tell me anything," I said knowing his answer already.

  "No. You said that you wanted a surprise. So I won't."

  As the doors opened we went out of the elevator. We were on a floor similar to the others but there were no doors to the rooms: just a huge, incredibly white corridor and apparently not a soul around.

  "Did you buy the hotel to ensure that no one was there?" I asked, constantly looking back and forth waiting for someone to appear as if by magic.

  "I could have, but that would be a lie. However, I can tell you that it cost me a lot to convince the hotel to let me in since the access into this area is absolutely forbidden to guests."

  "I don't know if your words give me more thrills or creeps," I admitted. Then I saw the word 'Spa' on a darkened glass door. "Seriously? The whole Spa for us?" I felt such an enthusiasm that I wanted to get off his arms and jump for joy.

  "I couldn't get more without the presence of the staff. They only granted me access to this area, the best of all."

  I watched around astonished: the best area? As soon as we entered, I unde
rstood what he was referring to: a huge thermal pool with a lot of steam. We could also admire the sea and the vastness of the starry sky.

  "It's amazing!" I yelled watching that spectacular celestial vault that mirrored on the shimmering sea. I was speechless. I never thought that he would be able to come up with something like this.

  "This area is completely safe from prying eyes."

  "Are you saying we're completely alone?" The sound of my voice made it sound more like a plea than a question.


  Good heavens, don't close your doors to me even if I commit mortal sins!

  I eased my shoes off with my feet. Then I brought my mouth to his ear to bite him gently.

  "Then we should make the best of it," I suggested.

  He turned his face in search of my mouth and slowly put me on the floor as I unbuttoned his shirt impatiently.

  Our clothes were thrown on the ground as the seconds went by until we were completely naked. Without saying a word, he took me in his arms again and a few moments later we plunged into the hot water.

  "Are you crazy?" I shouted as I came out of the water with my eyes irritated by the melted makeup. "Now I'm going to look like a raccoon," I complained running my fingers over my dark circles.

  "You will be an irresistible raccoon," he replied, moving closer to me. I felt his fingers on my waist. My feet touched the bottom of the pool. It was not deep. The water got to my shoulders and to Damian’s chest.

  "Now I'll show you," I warned him before swooping down on him. I tried to put his head under water, but no matter how hard I tried it was technically impossible because of his height.

  At a certain point that playful fight turned into pure desire for each other. His lips leaned on my neck to bite it gently, while his hands ran down from my waist to my butt and draw me even closer to him.

  The essence of his perfume was so intoxicating that I could have come a hundred times just by breathing it. My God, that scent was so masculine that I kept sniffing his neck. I ran my fingers on his wet hair massaging it gently until his mouth slowly went down to suck one of my nipples perfectly erect despite the temperature of the water.


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