Bloodwood Academy Shifter: Semester Two (Bloodwood Year One Book 2)

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Bloodwood Academy Shifter: Semester Two (Bloodwood Year One Book 2) Page 6

by Rae Foxx

  ‘Mmm… Salty.’

  ‘So gross,’ I rolled my eyes at him and stepped back, his wolf chuckling before going into fighting stance.

  “Alright, honeybee,” Finn’s hand pressed against my lower back as he came up behind me, his warmth spreading through me before he pulled away. “Subtle movements, perhaps with movement so it can look more like an accident. At the very least that would confound Pater enough to give you time to decipher the next move.”

  I nodded, making my back all steel and shit. Every part of me didn’t want to attack Howl; my wolf was already freaking out at the prospect of what could happen if I messed up. I wasn’t about to back down, I needed to practice. I just so happened to have a ready-made wolf to do that on.

  ‘I’m ready-made now, am I?’

  ‘It’s a term of endearment.’

  ‘Sure, it is. Just don’t break my arm okay?’ I swallowed, fully aware that was a possibility.

  “Try, Ivy,” Saxon soothed, his ice hand resting against my neck like the perfect cold compress. I shivered, letting the chill run down to my hands like they were some kind of battery packs.

  “Okay. Come at me, Howl.” I stood my ground, confident enough in my abilities to do something right. Moving a leg should be the same as moving a boulder.

  I was going to go with that as fact.

  While the sun beamed down on his white coat, he barreled at me full speed.


  He was so much faster than I thought. In my moment of panic, I forgot all about magic and threw myself into the brush.

  Yep, I was so winning this.

  ‘You can do this, Ivy. I know you can.’

  “Come on, Ivy,” Saxon said, hoisting me back to my feet. “Try again.”

  Howl was already back in position. He didn’t even laugh; he just stood, waiting.

  I nodded and he raced toward me again, faster.

  I twitched my fingers, imagining what I wanted, using that sharp vein of power inside of me to make it happen. A slight movement of his paw, enough to send him stumbling. Instead, I picked him up and flew him across the field.

  Shit. Not what I wanted, but still hella cool. Every time I used my magic, it became easier and easier.

  Pater would be on his ass just like Howl rather than later.

  Well, maybe not in the same way. I needed to do less...

  Howl picked himself up and squared off for another run against me, his eyes meeting mine as I imagined Pater, the royal dickweed, doing the exact same thing.

  “Close. Think of a smaller movement this time,” Finn said, standing between me and Howl with his arms folded looking like a stern teacher. One of those lickable ones that you secretly want to bang in trade for an A. Not that I had ever done that… here.

  “I only imagined his wrist moving,” I sighed, wiping the sweat from my forehead with the hem of my shirt, only aware after the fact that I hadn’t put a bra on that morning. “How in the fuck am I supposed to get it smaller than that?”

  “Try a toe then,” Finn continued, forcing his eyes back to my face. I would have poked fun at him for staring at my boobs if I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up from nerves. “Also, try not to scrunch your face up. I can tell when you are about to use your powers.”

  “Keep a poker face,” Saxon provided from behind me. “The face you make here might impact the face you make while you’re a wolf.”

  ‘Watch your movements too. You need to do something that coincides with the move, so no one catches you.’

  “Geeze, anything else?”

  In everything we had tried so far, three men were better than one, but three trainers were not included in that. I was ready to get away from the training unless it included a flat surface.

  “Do your best, Ivy,” Finn said, his hair blowing in the breeze again.

  “Fine.” I snapped, giving Howl another nod and coaxing him back over to me.

  “Go, Howl,” Saxon yelled and Howl started into a run straight toward me. I focused again, this time on just the toe and couldn’t help but grin when his leg moved and he fell face first into the clearing, showering me with pine needles and dirt.

  Finn and Saxon sat on the edge of the action, laughing as I was coated with a fine layer of brown dust.

  “I need a shower,” I said, falling to my knees, which didn’t help the whole needing a shower thing.

  “Soon,” Finn said from behind me. In full dramatic fashion, I collapsed to my belly, face down in the dirt. “There is still one thing we need to master.”

  “Is it sleeping?”

  “You have to do all this in your wolf form.”

  I jumped up, fixing him with a look that I was sure if I had control of my fire would boil him. “Excuse me?”

  “You have been challenged by the Alpha. I have a feeling this fight won’t be taking place in your human form?” Finn gave a curious look to Howl who nodded his head in agreement.

  “Shiiiiiiiiit,” I deflated against the ground like a broken toy.

  ‘You can do this,’ Howl whispered in my mind, Saxon coming to help me up.

  “One more thing, my rose, and then a shower is waiting. I promise.”

  “Well, aren't you all a bubbling sunshine of positivity.” Luckily, they all had the sense not to challenge me. I was officially in a mood.

  Who knows, maybe I would be lucky and channel all of that and knock this out of the water.

  ‘Please don’t knock me into a tree, little wolf.’ OMG, Howl was nervous. I was totally going to use that to my advantage.

  ‘I make no promises.’ I winked at him, watching the fur on his neck bristle as I shifted.

  Human gums stretched and made way for canines, my ribs popping out of place as they made way for bigger muscles as I landed on all fours. Everything ached. I emerged as my wolf, the girl growling in her own exhaustion as she immediately moved to circle Howl.

  ‘Okay, just like yesterday. I will fight you the way I expect my father to fight you. Find an opening and use your magic…’

  I didn’t wait for him to finish. I lunged at him-- the element of surprise and all that.

  He dodged, circling me with bared teeth. God, if I didn’t know it was an act, I might have pissed myself.

  He looked terrifying.

  I followed his every motion, stepping forward with my left paw as he stepped back with his right. It was as though we were caught in a dance. I got lost in it, stepping forward as he stepped back with his left paw. I realized my mistake a second too late, Howl darting forward so fast that his jaw was loosely clamped around my paw before I could even move.

  ‘Remember, little wolf, my father fakes with his left foot. When he steps forward with the left, he is often preparing for attack. It’s his quickest side. Strike there first. Strike there fast. ‘

  “Okay, enough of that,” Finn said, oblivious to our internal monologue. “Try to trip him.”

  Sure, say it like it’s going to be easy.

  Howl crouched low and his right foot came forward, my eyes narrowing as I tried to push his foot off the dirt. He didn’t fall. He lunged and his teeth grazed the side of my neck.

  ‘Also, my father always goes for the jugular. He doesn’t play around with legs or flank like other wolves do. He will go for the kill or continue to intimidate. There is no in between for him.’

  Pater was in deep shit. In training his son to be the future Alpha and the next leader of the pack, he’d created the greatest weapon against him.

  “Good attempt,” Finn said as though I had been able to do anything. “Again.”

  Howl moved back, circling around me as I mirrored him, focusing on his paws so much I was sure it was obvious what I was going to do. But I didn’t care.

  I needed to get this once and then I could fine-tune it.

  Howl stepped forward and I imagined his ankle buckling, the joint moving to the side,

  which is exactly what it did.

  Holy shit. I did it!
r />   “Finish it!” Finn yelled, pulling me out of my celebrations. I took a quick step to wrap my jaws around Howl’s neck, the mark of defeat.

  I only kept my jaws there a second before backing up, jumping around like a cartoon character who captured a woodpecker.

  Howl shifted back to human as I did, the guy rushing me with the biggest grin, glistening with as much sweat as I was. We would slide against each other like a Slip ‘N Slide.


  “Okay, that’s enough for today,” Finn announced and I almost jumped him in joy. “Now you can take a shower.”

  Screw later. I was going to screw now.

  If I could walk back to the school anyway. One step and I was already headed back down to the dirt.


  Chapter 8

  “So, I think we should come up with a contingency plan,” I announced as the truck sped through the tree-lined street toward the enormous house, the massive pack, and the life or death battle that I had a strong feeling was going to result in far too much head ripping.

  All three boys turned to me, even Howl, who was driving his truck around the bend and almost into a tree.

  “You don’t need a contingency plan,” Howl snarled, his wolf growling in my head as he overcorrected and sent everyone in the car swaying. “You’re going to win.”

  “While I have no doubt in my mind that I will be able to do something… I think it would be good to have some kind of escape plan. You know, just in case.”

  Howl was still looking at me like I had announced I was a vegetarian. Saxon and Finn had the decency to nod their head in agreement.

  “You won’t lose--”

  “Humor me, Howl,” I snapped, slamming my hand on the dashboard. “I know I’m going to rip Pater's balls off his body and throw them to the wolves, theoretical wolves mind you, but let’s say he doesn’t get the message. I’m all for running to Iowa or some shit.”

  “Wolves don’t live in Iowa,” Howl growled, white-knuckling the steering wheel as he stared forward.

  “Well, then we will be first.” I swiveled in my seat to face Finn and Saxon, who were doing their best to not look like they were about to send me off to the most dangerous moment of my life. “Are there Fae and Vampires in Iowa?”

  “There are vampires everywhere, my rose,” Saxon gave me a wink, “Why do you think there are so many blood banks?”

  He smirked and licked his lips before sitting back in the seat, Finn chuckling beside him.

  “You already know I will go with you anywhere, honeybee.” Such a simple proclamation and it sent my stomach swooping gleefully.

  Although that might also have been dread, thanks to Howl heading around the last corner and the trees unveiling the overly bright cabin-mansion like we were in a horror film.

  Werewolf’s Revenge, Part Two.

  Too bad I already knew who was to die first.

  ‘Stop it,’ Howl’s voice reverberated in my head. He was firm, but even I didn’t miss the fear in his voice, miss the way his grip hadn’t let up from the steering wheel even though we had parked. His knuckles were so white they might as well have been glowing.

  “So it’s decided. If this whole thing goes south, Howl will grab me, and we’ll meet up with you guys,” I said, pressing my hand against Howl’s knee, squeezing against him. I wasn’t sure if I was supporting his fear or tethering myself to reality.

  Probably both; the horror movie was waiting for me after all.

  A really bloody one too, considering that for the last few days I’d been plagued by dreams of the fight. In most of them I won--but the dream the night before--the last thing I remember was lying in a pool of blood that didn’t belong to Pater.

  I could have sworn that the light in one of the windows on the top floor was flickering. A red flickering light. Yep, I was fucked.

  And clearly delusional.

  “Why can’t we focus on winning?” Howl was still grumbling, still gripping the steering wheel. His jaw was so tight I could see asshole Howl threatening to make a comeback.

  “Oh I am, but it’s always good to have a backup. Like if the water gets turned off, you can always go to the mall fountain or something.” They all looked at me like I was crazy. “Never mind. Let’s say that Pater plays dirty--”

  “Like we play dirty?” Finn asked, even his smile was faltering. “You were already a kick-ass fighter, Ivy. Howl has trained you well. That, plus your magic and you will give him a run for his money.”

  “And if not, play Twilight at my funeral. See if Robert Pattinson will come.” I had meant it as a jab and it had the desired effect. All three of them went from freaked out to irate in one-second flat.

  “Vampires do not sparkle.”

  “Werewolves are so misrepresented.”

  “I prefer Mr. Pattinson in some of his other films, to be honest.”

  I gave them a big grin. They all exhaled, leaving the car filled with calming air that smelled like toothpaste.

  “Don’t go far, you two,” I said to Saxon and Finn, pointing an accusatory finger at them as they leaned forward, each taking turns planting a long, desperate, frightened kiss on my lips.

  So much for clearing the air. By the time both guys had pulled away and I had been able to breathe again, the rock in my gut was back.

  They exited the car in silence, leaving me alone with Howl. We stood looking up at the house from the dirt lot, staring at the flickering window.

  “Head ripping is easy, right?” I asked in a voice that was far too quiet and tore myself from the car before he could give me a logical answer - which he would. He got out of the car and joined me.

  “Hold my hand,” I said with a small voice I hadn’t used since I was a kid. Howl had been the first in years to hear that level of fear seep out. If I had my way, he would be the last. “Tell anyone I talked like that and I’ll throttle you.”

  Screw holding his hand. I totally punched him in the arm and walked away.

  “You know,” Howl said as he caught up to me, “I have a feeling you are going to be fine. Just save that attitude for the fight, ‘kay?”

  “Well, when you say it like that,” he got another arm punch, albeit lighter.

  Howl pulled me to a stop right before we made our way around the house to that massive back yard clearing that was already filled with eager chatting and cat-calls.

  Clearly, this was some kind of event. As long as I wasn’t in for another battle orgy, I’d be fine.

  Howl’s hands were warmer than usual as they ran up and down my arms--normally a move like that was comforting. I just felt boxed in. My wolf was growling and pressing against my skin, my heart pounding in time to the drum that was now pounding in the backyard.

  Yep, total battle orgy.

  “Stay close to me until it is time to kick ass,” Howl whispered, pressing his lips against my forehead before leading me to the backyard, his hand wrapped around mine. “I don’t trust any of these motherfuckers not to try something before their precious Alpha is up to bat.”

  “As long as I don’t turn into the ball,” I mumbled to myself as we came around the side of the house and to the pack, that was thankfully clothed and un-oiled.

  Honestly, it might have been better to find them the other way. I had never seen so many stank-eyed stares before. It was like walking into the school the day after my pot-smoking hiking club had gotten our star football player arrested the day before the game.

  The only exceptions were Scarlet and the twins who were square-jawed, bobble-head nodding as they tried to swallow their own fear and cheer me on. Those poor little animals would get eaten alive if this went south.

  Damn it all, I had to do this, if only for them.

  “Oh, it’s time to throw down,” I announced.

  “Not now, Ivy,” Howl gripped my hand tighter like he was the only thing tethering me to the spot. “You gotta wait for him--”

  “He brought this on himself. Let’s throw down.” My wolf’s growl
was so loud now that anyone who didn’t know I had arrived, sure as hell knew now.

  Trailer-trash throw-down went into full effect. My wolf was ready to do this, her growl echoing loudly from my chest the second Pater came into view, standing with his submissive mate, who was in her signature ‘I’m going to find this dirt really interesting’ pose.

  Or maybe she got a new pedicure.

  Trailer-trash me was interested. Trailer-trash me was also full speed ahead, dragging my wolf mate behind me.

  ‘I would tell you to slow down and stop staring at him, but that’s kind of the point,’ Howl said, laughing now.

  My wolf chuffed inside me as I charged through the crowd that had all decided to act like boulders. Geeze, they could have made a path. Hate and disgust filtered to me in waves and my magic fizzled and popped inside me like it was warming up for the main event.

  Okay, that I had to keep in control. Maybe I should slow down.

  “Ivy Potter, welcome to my home,” Pater announced when I had only made it about halfway through the crowd. Of course, then they decided to get the fuck out of my way.

  “I am surprised you deigned to present yourself,” Pater continued, running a finger down his mate’s arm before stepping forward. “I had expected you to turn tail and run. Especially after the week you have had.”

  He smiled that greasy grin of his, his eyes digging into me as he nodded toward Nicky and Jackson, the two standing on the deck with him. Even Selene was up there, although her bitch-stare was boiling into Howl, not me. He was gripping my hand so tightly that I doubt he even noticed.

  “Nah, I’m not the run-away type,” I near-yelled toward him. I was too pumped for my voice to shake.

  “Death it is then!” He boomed, everyone cheering as he jumped off the deck and began to strut, yes strut, his way toward me.

  It was the first time I had noticed any sort of similarity to Howl. It was not a good correlation. While Howl walked with swagger, Pater walked like a sleaze ball looking for hoes. I had seen plenty of those in my days.

  ‘Was that a compliment? I can’t tell.

  Oh, it is, Howl. It is.’ He squeezed my hand as I stepped away. I squared my jaw and lifted my chin up as I faced the bastard. I wasn’t even going to pretend to do that neck cowering thing. if I won, that was the first thing that was going. My wolf growled in agreement.


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