Love Sex Music

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Love Sex Music Page 10

by Michelle A. Valentine

  “She’s right.” I stretch my hand out to her. “You’ve got this, Drea. The hard work you put into learning your craft will pay off. Trust in all the things you’ve learned, and believe in yourself the way I believe in you. You are a talented, beautiful woman.”

  Her big brown eyes search my face, and I pray she sees the sincerity.

  She slips her hand into mine. “I don’t want to let you down.” Her eyes flick between me and Candace. “Either of you.”

  “You won’t,” I say as I help her to her feet. “Now, get out there and break some hearts.”

  I hold her hand in mine, and she smiles. It takes all the restraint in me to hold myself back from kissing her. The need to comfort her is so damn strong, and I don’t know why. I shouldn’t want to be this close to Drea, yet I do, and it doesn’t seem to matter to my body that messing around with this girl could cost me everything.

  Cam pokes his head into the room. “Candace, get your fine ass out here! I want to see how hot my future wife looks in those sexy catsuits you all are supposed to wear.”

  Candace shakes her head as she mumbles, “This guy never stops.”

  I laugh. “Haven’t you figured Cam out yet? The man’s relentless when he wants something, and lucky you, he’s got you in his sights.”

  “You should just give in, Candace. He might lose interest if you just sleep with him,” Drea teases.

  She rubs her forehead. “Would you two stop encouraging this? Cam and I aren’t going to happen.”

  “Never say never,” Drea says in a sing-song voice.

  “Ugh,” Candace growls before she stomps out of the room.

  The minute Cam follows Candace out the door, Drea and I both burst out laughing.

  “You ready?” I run my thumb over the smooth skin of her hand as our fingers remain intertwined. She gives my hand a little squeeze.

  “My legs feel like Jell-O,” she admits.

  “It’s the nerves. That will get easier with each performance. The very first time I faced a crowd, I was scared shitless,” I confess. “I convinced myself I would fall flat on my face and everyone would know how much I sucked. Things were rough that night, but we got through it, and soon, performing became as easy as talking to twenty thousand best friends at once. I became comfortable, and so will you one day.”

  “That’s hard to imagine.”

  “It’s because you don’t believe in yourself yet, but I know how great you can become. I have faith in you.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.” I stare into her big brown eyes, and I see how sweet she is. Most women I know in this industry are so full of themselves they have issues fitting their big ass heads through the door. Drea is different from the rest of them because she hasn’t been tainted. She’s not fake. She is who she is, and I admire that about her. Purity is what this business needs.

  “You’ve got real talent. It’s time to show it off to the world.” I cup one side of her face with my hand and then lean in and kiss her forehead. “Get out there and knock them dead.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Anytime,” I tell her as I gaze into her eyes.

  She turns to head out with the rest of the girls, and when she gets to the door, she turns and gives me one final smile. My heart skips a fucking beat, and at that moment, I realize I’m fucking addicted to this woman.


  Shake That Ass, Girl


  My hands are shaking so badly I’m afraid I’ll drop the microphone. We went over the song and dance routine all damn day, and I have every step and every lyric of the song memorized, but the fear of freezing up once I step out in front of that crowd has me freaking the fuck out.

  Candace reaches down and grabs my hand in hers. “Remember, deep breaths. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. It’s our time to shine, Drea.”

  Her words don’t do anything to calm my fluttering heart. One wrong move on my part, and bam, total failure, making this group look like idiots.

  We stand down by the stage steps, and Laz turns around to address the four of us. “Make me proud, ladies.”

  My brain barely has time to process what he just said before the deep voice belonging to the DJ cuts through the room. “Tonight, we’ve got a very special surprise for those of you here with us! We have Lazarus and Camden from the Romeos in the house!”

  The crowd goes nuts, and a spotlight shines down in our direction. With that, Laz and Cam make their way up the steps to the stage, waving to the crowd.

  “How are y’all doing tonight?” Cam says, only causing the people to cheer louder.

  Cam looks over at Laz and grins as he turns his hand as if to say, “The floor belongs to you.”

  Laz brings the microphone up to his lips, and just like everyone else in the room, I find myself mesmerized by the beautiful, badass man on the stage. His dark hair is slicked back, allowing his blue eyes to sparkle. The rest of him is just as noticeable. It’s impossible to miss the cut contours of his chest through his fitted T-shirt, and the tattoos on his arms highlight the muscles flexing beneath his skin.

  “Thank you, guys, for that amazing welcome, but we’re not here for us.” He flicks his finger back and forth between himself and Cam. “Tonight is about an up-and-coming group of talented ladies that Cam and I have had the honor of working with. They’re going to perform a cover of ‘Buttons’ by The Pussycat Dolls.”

  Catcalls erupt from the guys in the audience, and I can see why Laz chose this as the song for our debut performance. It’s sexy and definitely has the type of vibe he wants for our group.

  “If you all could show a little love to my girls—Annamea, Laycee, Candace, and Drea—The Vixens!”

  My legs lock as he announces my name through the speakers, but before I have time to get my feet permanently implanted into the concrete floor, Candace tugs me along with her up the steps. Everything seems to be playing out in slow motion as my pulse throbs in my throat.

  “Relax,” Candace orders as she releases my hand and takes her place next to me.

  She stands in the center of the stage, and at this moment, I’m glad that my stepsister is fearless.

  Candace volunteering to take the first verse of the song saves my ass because I could’ve never brought myself to open for us.

  The familiar bass notes vibrate through the speakers, and just like we practiced, Candace rolls back her shoulders and sings the beginning lines of the song while making eye contact with the crowd. They embrace her, just like the people did at Hellcat. There’s no denying she’s a star.

  I surprise myself as I somehow find the courage within me to open my mouth and sing the harmony while performing the somewhat sensual dance moves. Practicing really did help, grounding the performance into my brain so much that it now seems natural to me.

  Annamea and Laycee are next, and just like Candace, they nail their sections.

  My sister spins around and winks at me, letting me know it’s my turn and she has my back.

  This time, I stand in the middle of the stage and stare out into the crowd. With the spotlight shining on my face, I freeze. Panic instantly fills every inch of me as I’m afraid I’m about to realize my worst fear.


  Poppin’ Bottles


  For a split second, it appears Drea is about to choke, but relief floods me when she opens her mouth and sings her chorus. Granted, she’s not doing any of the dance steps, but the crowd doesn’t seem to notice because Candace jumps in and dances around Drea. Grabbing her and flinging her hair, she creates a lot of action to distract the crowd.

  My body relaxes, and when the music ends, the crowd is deafening.

  While I feel like a proud papa, I saw a lot of things they need to work on. Unfortunately, Drea’s dance skills are still a huge problem. If her voice wasn’t so damn spectacular, she would’ve never made it this far.

  After he shuts off his video camera, Cam claps his hands and then nudges me in the
ribs with his elbow. “They fucking killed that, bro. Look at this crowd. They love them.”

  There’s no denying the positive response and the fact the girls did well for their first performance, but I don’t want them to get too comfortable. We need perfection to make it huge in the music business.

  The girls come bounding off the stage with enormous smiles on their faces and make a beeline toward Cam and me.

  I step forward ready to celebrate with my team like a proud coach, but before I can congratulate them, Peter steps in front of us, effectively putting a wall between the girls and me. “Ladies, you were amazing up there.”

  Peter’s eyes shift to me and the expression on his face tells me he got between me and the girls on purpose.

  My back stiffens. While I knew Peter was coming to the show tonight, I don’t appreciate him trying to take over what I’ve been creating. This is my project, my group. Rawlings Records is just backing us financially because my label, Second Coming Records, doesn’t have the capital to get this act off the ground.

  Peter’s not running this shit.

  This group is my baby. Mine.

  But now is not the time to make a scene, so I simply step up beside him while Cam flanks my other side.

  Peter’s eyes flick in my direction and then back to the girls and a smug smile lights up his face. “I like what I’ve seen so far, and I can’t wait to see what Laz has planned for this group.”

  I can practically see the dollar signs flashing in his eyes.

  To Peter, music has never been about the purity of the art. It’s always been a business—one that’s made him a very rich man. I, on the other hand, love how music feeds the soul. To me, music is like air—a necessity of life.

  Peter turns to me after the girls begin talking excitedly amongst themselves. “You’ve done well so far. Your father will be pleased.”

  I lift my chin. “Speaking of Pop, he wants to hear your thoughts on the group.”

  His index finger and thumb rub the corners of his mouth as he ponders my words before he gives me a small smile. “Sure. Tell him I’ll stop by tomorrow and give him a full report.”

  Peter’s eyes fixate on Drea a little too long for my liking and jealousy rips through my heart. I don’t like the way he’s looking at her, and before I realize I’ve opened my mouth, the words have already spilled out. “What are you looking at?”

  His attention snaps back to me. “I’m wondering what you see in her. Her dance skills are lacking, so I don’t see the appeal. I’m wondering if having Drea in the group is for your own personal benefit.”

  “Nothing is going on between us,” I say through gritted teeth.

  He holds up his hands. “If you say so. Remember what I said. Messing around with artist you’re working with is bad business. Don’t screw this up over some pussy, Laz.” He takes a step back. “I’ll be in touch.”

  With that, he’s gone just as quickly as he appeared.

  Fucking Peter knows how to bring down a motherfucker down.

  I turn to find the women still on a performance high, smiling ear to ear. “All right, ladies, time to head back.”

  “Back?” Annamea whines. “Aren’t we going to stay here and celebrate? It’s too early to go home right now.”

  Candace and Laycee nod in agreement with Annamea, but Drea stands off a bit from the others and doesn’t appear to be into the idea of hanging out in this bar any longer than she has to. Reminds me a lot of when I first spotted her in Hellcat where I recruited Candace; Drea stood out from the rest of the crowd there, too. This clearly isn’t her scene.

  “I don’t think that’s a good—”

  “If it’s cool, I’ll stay and keep an eye on them,” Cam cuts me off. “After all, I was their chauffeur tonight. I’d be happy to drive them back in a bit.”

  While partying in moderation is okay for most people, it’s dangerous for a recovering addict like me. A bar is too tempting of a situation for me, but I shouldn’t begrudge others who are able to control themselves.

  “Fine. But you have to stick with them, and if there are any issues, call me,” I order.

  Cam nods. “They’ll be fine. A couple of drinks and then I’ll get them back safe. Promise.”

  I reach out and shake his hand. “Thanks, man.”

  Times like these make me thankful for Cam. He’s been with me through it all, and he has never turned his back on me like most did. He’s a true friend, and he’s always been there for me.

  I turn to leave, and as I’m almost to the exit, I find Drea at my side, shoving her arms through the sleeves of her zip-up hoodie.

  “Is it okay if I catch a ride back with you?”

  My eyes slide down her body of their own accord, unable to avoid appreciating the beautiful sight before me. She’s undeniably sexy in the tight, short skirt she’s wearing, and her body is banging for sure. Everything I like in a woman, she has. Out of everything in my life, Drea is my greatest temptation—one I would give almost anything to act on.

  I should say no, but surely, I can control myself enough to be alone with giving her a ride home.

  I slowly lick my lips and mentally berate my body to be on its best behavior before I finally nod and open the door for her.

  My eyes focus on Drea’s round ass as I follow her outside. Damn, I can’t remember the last time I wanted something more.




  The lights on a sleek black Tesla glow in the dark parking lot as Laz unlocks the car. Damn, even his car is sexy.

  I head for the passenger door, but Laz surprises me when he steps around me and grabs the door handle.

  “Despite the rumors, I am a gentleman.”

  I raise my eyebrows and chuckle as I slide onto the black leather seat. “Lucky for us both, I don’t listen to gossip.”

  His long, thick fingers curl around the top of the door as he stares down at me. “That’s a very good quality to have. In my experience, the gossip mill is a dangerous place to rely on for obtaining information.”

  When he shuts me inside, I inhale deeply. Even his car smells amazing. The aroma is exactly like the delicious, spicy cologne Laz wears.

  He jumps into the driver’s seat and cranks the engine alive, and within moments, we’re on the freeway, heading back to his family’s mansion.

  He glances over at me and smiles. “You did really well tonight,” he commends. “There’s still a lot to work on—mainly the dancing—but I think you’ll get there, given we’ve only been working on it for a few weeks. You’ve got real talent, Drea.”

  “Thanks, but you don’t have to be nice.”

  “I’m never nice unless I mean it,” he says. “It’s not in my nature. I’m more of a ‘call it like I see it’ guy. I don’t believe in blowing smoke up people’s asses just to save their feelings. If you’d sucked, I would’ve told you that.”

  “But I didn’t hit any of the moves.”

  He shrugs. “It was your first performance. You’ll figure it out. This is still new to you.”

  “Let’s hope,” I say as my cell rings. I grab it from the pocket of my hoodie and check the caller ID. “Sorry. I have to take this.”

  I press the green button, knowing the only time I hear from my father is if there’s a problem. “What’s wrong, Dad?”

  “Dreeea.” He’s slurring, and it doesn’t leave any room for me to doubt he’s high on something. “Can you bring me some food? I thought I had some here, but I don’t, and I don’t have any money to buy anything.”

  I close my eyes and lay my head back against the headrest. “It’s going to take me a while, but I’ll bring you something to eat.”

  “You’re the best, Drea-Drea,” Dad says, using the nickname he gave me when I was just a little girl.

  I hang up the phone and then scrub my hand down my face. “This is ridiculous. I don’t know how I get myself into these situations. And why do they always rely on me?” I mumble to myself.

  “What’s wrong?” Laz’s deep voice catches my attention.

  I sigh. “It’s my dad. He has an issue with taking care of himself. It’s gotten worse as he’s gotten older. I thought things would get better, but they haven’t. He relies on me more now than he ever has.”

  “So what does he want you to do? Bring him food?”

  “Yes. As soon as I get back to your place, I’m going to drive to the grocery store, pick up something for my dad and stepmother, and then drive it over to them. God knows, if I don’t take them some food, they won’t eat. It’s like having kids.”

  “I don’t have anything planned for the night. If you want, I’ll take you to get that stuff and then drive it over to them.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. This is my problem. I don’t want to make it yours.”

  “Really, Drea, it’s not a big deal. Remember, I have a file on you. Like a fucking stalker, I know more about you than I should, so I know what your dad’s been up to, and I’ve been in his shoes. I know he’s not in the best situation or in his right mind.”

  I stare over at him. He’s unlike any man I’ve ever met, and his kindness doesn’t go unnoticed, but this is too much. I can’t ask him to do this.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I don’t mind. Don’t feel like this is a burden to me because it’s not. Please let me help you.”

  “How do you know I was thinking that?”

  “It’s not hard to figure out. Seriously, it’s on the way.”

  I laugh. “It’s not on the way, and if that file has my dad’s address, you already know that.”

  He smiles. “True. But like I said, it’s no problem.”

  “Fine,” I agree. “That’s very kind and sweet of you, but you don’t have to.”

  “I know, but I want to. I like being the one to do nice things to help you out.”

  He grins, and my heart flutters.

  Laz takes the next exit, and we spend a half an hour at the grocery store, gathering a few things for my parents. When I go to get out my debit card to pay for the purchase, he beats me to it and pays for the items.


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