Broken Bonds

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Broken Bonds Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Jackson opened the back door for the kids and looked down the street again. The pit bull stood in a yard a few houses down, watching them.



  Killian watched all the children jump into the truck. The truck had hit his hind end, breaking his leg. He was sure of it. But the pain had been eliminated by one touch from the human child, Stone. He growled in frustration. Why couldn’t he pinpoint exactly what was different about the children? It was driving him crazy. Humans were afraid of vicious dogs, yet the child approached him without reservation and even put his hands on him.

  Killian snorted. Vicious dogs. There was no such thing. Vicious owners were the problem. A cat hissed at him and Killian yawned in response. This required more thought. The human had to hate something. He waited for the truck to turn a corner, and then shifted into a hawk. He’d follow them, and watch them. He’d find a weakness in the child somewhere.

  There had to be one.

  There always was.

  ~Chapter Nine~

  The outreach center was decorated to the nines.

  Snowflakes dangled from the ceiling and there was so much tinsel that just looking at it made the fillings in Jackson’s teeth hurt. The eight-foot Douglas fir in the corner stood guard over hundreds of gaily-wrapped presents.

  Caden Fournier’s Santa hat jingled as he moved around making sure all the kids had punch and cookies. Jackson admired the sight with a grin. Jonas’ hand squeezed his, and he gazed happily into the eyes of the man he loved. John and Anya arrived with Wyatt, Preston and Gage. The normally feral female was calm, despite the crush of people. She had pinned her hair up loosely, with a few tendrils escaping, and stunned in a red velvet floor-length gown. John looked happier than ever.

  Jackson noticed Dane Durov, with Lev Chirkoff, standing off to the side looking slightly overwhelmed. The alpha was still recovering from his nightmare in Siberia but general opinion among the pack was that he had a lot to offer. Hayden and Jude were making their way over to them with Dasan, and Jackson couldn’t help but feel fulfilled as Dane’s face changed at the sight of the younger werewolf he had tried so hard to protect. He actually smiled.

  Jonas took Jackson’s hand and they headed over to see what John and Anya thought of everything. John looked so damn happy, it was as if he radiated light. Anya turned to them as they walked up and smiled.

  “It’s good to see you with your mate, Jonas.”

  “And you with yours.”

  “I spoke with Taber.” Anya grinned mischievously. “It seems as if Jackson has loved you for a long time, Jonas.”

  Jackson started. “Excuse me?”

  “If you hadn’t, the bond would not have broken, Jackson.” Anya explained.

  Jonas turned to Jackson. “Is that true?”

  “Which part?” Jackson grinned.

  Jonas slapped his chest. “Just how long have you loved me?”

  “Conceited much? Long enough.” Jackson pulled Jonas to him and dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose, earning an eye roll.

  “I’m so happy for you both.” Jonas shook John’s hand.

  “Yes, well, Anya’s been on her best behavior.” John kissed Anya’s cheek. “She’s down to one shot a month.”

  “John keeps me calm. If not for him, I would have already ripped a few people apart.”

  “Well, thank God for John, then.” Jonas shivered comically. “Depending on who the people were, of course. I might have a few you can release some stress on…”

  “Hey! Don’t tempt her! I’ve also been teaching her how to use all the electronics. She’s a fast learner.” John beamed proudly.

  “Oh, is that right?” Jonas narrowed his eyes at Anya.

  Anya smiled sweetly at him. “Yes, isn’t that wonderful?” She tugged John’s hand. “Let’s go see Gage!”

  “Anya…” Jonas crossed his arms.

  She blew out a sigh of frustration. “Oh, all right!”

  She turned to face John, who had a quizzical look on his face. “I’ve been messing with you a bit. Don’t be cross with me, but I already know how to use all the appliances in your house, as well as your laptop, printer, X-box Wii—”

  John’s faced blushed deep crimson. “So you’ve known all this time?”

  “Yes, but I did enjoy your teachings.” She giggled and kissed John’s cheek. “You’ve spoiled me, and I just couldn’t help it. You were so serious.”

  “Fine, but you’ll carry your own weight from now on.” John tried to sound upset, but Anya had gotten the best of him and he chuckled. “That was so mean.”

  A microphone squealed and Jonas covered his ears with a scowl. Onstage, Caden motioned to where they were standing.

  “I’ve been told by Mr. Skylar Foxx that we are to play a special song for new couples Jonas Brooks and Jackson Murphy, and Anya Romanov and John Quinton. Please clear the dance floor for the newly —” Caden cocked a brow. “Coupled?”

  Chuckles rippled through the center and Jackson pulled Jonas into the middle of the dance floor. He pulled him into his arms as the music started.

  Skylar approached them with a grin. “It’s called ‘A Thousand Years,’ by Christina Perri. I want to hear it at your wedding,” Skylar winked.

  Jackson nodded and gave Skylar a thumbs up. He swayed to the music with Jonas, their foreheads pressed together. Their breaths intermingled, heartbeats thumping together in a slow rhythm as they held each other.

  “I like it,” Jonas whispered.

  “I would have waited a thousand years, Jonas. If that’s what it took, I would have waited.”

  Jonas pulled Jackson’s lips to his own.

  Loud clapping and whistling surrounded them and Jonas didn’t care, he kissed Jackson like no one else was there.

  “I love you, Jackson.”

  “I love you.”

  John’s warm hands were on Anya’s waist, his eyes locked on hers. She had finally found the man she was destined to be with forever.


  “I love you, Anya.” John blurted. Wow, that was smooth.

  Anya smile widely. “I love you, too.”

  “You do?” John’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, I do. You make me laugh. I haven’t laughed in a very long time, and you gave that back to me.” Anya smiled at John’s puzzled look. “Plus you are very well endowed and extremely sexy.”

  John exhaled in relief. “Thank God. I hoped that wasn’t what was making you laugh!”

  Anya laughed with him.

  Ross was propped against a wall, watching the activities. Noah had gone to get them a drink, and Ross noticed Jesse sneak around his brothers, tracking Noah’s movements.

  They caught each other’s eyes and Jesse winked at him. Ross grinned and put a finger over his lips. How awful to be kept from the man you loved, as were Jesse and Noah.

  The firefighter posse made their entrance into the party, catching Ross’ attention. Cole was in front, with Chaz right behind him. Ross checked quickly for Lev and found him slowly moving behind Dane. After their last encounter, Ross couldn’t blame the werewolf for taking cover. Chaz had been livid at the sight of the man who had broken his heart.

  Cole noticed Ross, who cocked an eyebrow as a grin spread across Cole’s face.


  Cole strode towards him and Ross couldn’t help but grudgingly admire his confidence. He walked as if he was expecting Ross to bend over for him right there.


  Ross almost snorted.

  “Sooo, funny meeting you here.” Cole leaned up against the wall next to Ross.

  “Actually, not really. You may have noticed that we have the same friends,” Ross observed drily.

  “Are you always so hostile? I think you need to get laid.”

  “It won’t be by you, sweetheart.”

  “Says who?” Cole edged around in front of Ross. He put a hand on the wall on either side of Ross’ head and leaned in. “What is it you have against me, anyw

  “You mean aside from the fact that you’ve probably fucked most of gay Seattle? Mmm, not much.”

  Cole whistled. “Ouch. Kind of harsh, don’t you think?”

  “If the shoe fits and it walks like a duck, and all that,” Ross chuckled.

  “Huh?” Cole’s brows furrowed.

  “I’ll let you in on a little secret, Cole. When I fuck someone, it’s because I have feelings for him. I don’t play games and I don’t let just anyone take my ass. In fact, I only bottom when I’m in a committed relationship.”

  “I don’t bottom.” It came out in almost a growl and Ross arched his brows.

  “Well then, I guess we won’t be sleeping together.”

  “You won’t bottom? Not even for me?” Cole batted his incredibly long, thick eyelashes and pushed out his sexy bottom lip.

  Ross grabbed the front of Cole’s shirt and hauled him in even closer. “If I fuck you, sweetheart, it’ll be because you ask me to.”

  The firefighter snorted. “I’ll never ask.”

  “Then I’ll never fuck you. And you won’t be fucking me.” Ross released Cole’s shirt, smoothed the wrinkles, smiled broadly and moved away from the wall. “It was so nice seeing you.”

  Cole sighed and collapsed against the wall as Ross crossed the room to Noah. Chaz joined him and handed him a glass of punch. Cole took a sip and frowned.

  “There’s no alcohol in this.”

  Chaz cracked up. “Hello? Teenage kids are here.” He motioned to Ross. “I see you ran into Mount Everest. How’d that go?”

  “I think he’s warming up to me,” Cole joked before becoming serious. “He won’t bottom,” he scowled. “He said I would have to ask him to fuck me.”

  “Well, maybe it’s time —”

  The blue eyes flashed. “No. I’ll never be that vulnerable again.”

  Chaz sighed. “Cole, it’s been five years.”

  “It doesn’t feel like five years; it feels like fucking yesterday.” Cole closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Can we not talk about this?”

  “Yeah, but let me just say this: I think Ross could be good for you. Don’t fuck it up like you have all the others.”

  Cole shoved away from the wall. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, Chaz!”

  “Bullshit!” Chaz hissed. “You know damn well I had my heart ripped out and stomped on!”

  Cole stole a glance around the room and noticed people were starting to take notice. He grabbed Chaz’s arm and dragged him towards the drink table.

  “Keep your voice down.”

  Chaz opened his mouth only to have his jaw drop to his ankles. Lev Chirkoff was standing right in front of him.

  “I didn’t know you were coming,” Lev explained quietly. “I’ll leave.”

  Cole grabbed Chaz’s bicep as Lev left the room in a hurry. “Don’t do it. Not after making such a scene last time. I’m sure these kids are still having nightmares.”

  “Why does he have to be in my orbit?” Chaz snapped.

  “Yeah, hello pot — this kettle thinks you ought to get your your own shit in one sock before you lecture me again.”

  Cole scanned the crowded room. Justice Salvatore was staring longingly at Skylar Foxx. Noah King and Jesse Salvatore were trading lustful looks. He shook his head. Ah, love. Heaven when you had it, hell when you didn’t. So many of his friends were finding love and trying to make it work. He was done with it. He just wanted a big, hunky sex playmate. His eyes caught Ross’ and he winked; he got an eye roll and head shake in return. Cole chuckled inwardly. He’d wear Ross down; it was only a matter of time.

  The microphone screeched again and everyone in the room moaned. Caden took the stage with Riley Esposito and Wayne Maccon.

  “It is so good to see you all here for Christmas!” Caden smiled, beaming at all the kids. “We have presents for all of you, and let me just say that it’s the most fun the three of us have had in a long time! Our very own St. Nik will be handing out presents!”

  “Okay, okay — I’m no saint,” Nikolai chuckled as the room hooted and hollered.

  “You can say that again,” Colin grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

  “On that note — merry Christmas!” Riley shouted, clapping his hands.

  Justice stood off to the side and watched as the kids laughed and squealed in delight as they received their gifts. It hurt his heart to think that none of them had a family to go home to, or parents who loved unconditionally. He’d been lucky — the Salvatores were a close, loving family. He could still picture Jesse as a kid, in his footie pajamas, ripping open everybody’s presents. He shook his head. And that’s why it was his and Jaxon’s job to keep their brother safe, beginning with no werewolf boyfriends with rogue enemies.

  Skylar received his gift and went to sit down by the table of food. Justice followed him and leaned against the wall. The youth studied the envelope bearing his name.

  “Well? Open it,” Justice prodded.

  Skylar carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the note inside, which included a gift card. His eyes widened at the sizeable amount on the card. He looked up quickly to find Caden, Riley and Wayne grinning at him.

  “Oh my God! Thank you so much!”

  “Well, we figured that since you and Ryder and Elijah are taking music a lot more seriously, you should have some equipment.” Riley mussed Skylar’s hair.

  Caden smiled. “Yes, and I have taken one of the offices on the bottom floor of my building and made it into a recording studio,” he said, his excitement making his French accent more obvious. “I think you should have a place to create that is safe — and will not annoy the neighbors!”

  “Oh my God, this is just…” Skylar looked away and wiped his eyes. “It’s too much.”

  “Nonsense!” Caden turned Skylar’s face to his. “You have talent; you must use it.”

  “Thank you, guys. So much,” Skylar whispered.

  “It’s our pleasure, Skylar.” Wayne hugged the boy tightly. He glanced around the room. “Speaking of Elijah, where is he?”

  Skylar frowned. “We couldn’t get him to come.”

  Caden held Elijah’s envelope in his hand. “I shall give it to him when I see him next. Please do not ruin the surprise?”

  “I won’t.” Skylar smiled.

  Skylar stood up as Ryder ran over to him waving his own envelope.

  “Did you see this?!” Ryder shook the envelope. He stopped in front of the three men and grinned. “Thank you, so much!”

  “You are very welcome, Ryder.” Caden palmed the young man’s cheek. “I look forward to hearing the music you create.”

  “Somehow, I doubt we’ll understand it.” Wayne raised his brows with a smile.

  “You guys are cool, you’ll get it,” Skylar winked. “How come you’re not in Arizona, Mr. Esposito?” Skylar ducked from Riley’s glare and chuckled. “Sorry. Riley.”

  “Oh, I was. Mateo and I handed out gifts and then I flew up here. The rest of the guys are taking over for me there. I love to go to all the parties!”

  “Isn’t there an outreach center in Alaska?” Ryder’s brows rose.

  “Yep! And I’m headed there right after this,” Riley chuckled. It was very important to him that the kids know that he wasn’t just writing a check and getting a tax break; he genuinely loved and cared about each of them.

  “You guys enjoy tonight!” Riley mussed their hair, laughed at their irritated looks, and left with Wayne and Caden.

  Ryder cast his glance around the room and stopped dead when he noticed someone new. His skin rippled as the man laughed at something Dasan said.

  “Oh. My. God,” Ryder whispered. “Who is that?”

  Skylar followed Ryder’s line of sight. “Oh, that’s Dane Durov. I guess he’s an old friend of Dasan’s.”

  “Holy shit on a sex stick,” Ryder’s mouth watered.

  Justice laughed. “He’s a bit older than you.”

  “Yeah? So are you.” Ryd
er raised his brows and jerked his head toward Skylar.

  Justice frowned. “I’m not that much older than you guys.”

  “Are you thirty?” Ryder narrowed his eyes.

  Justice’s brows furrowed. “No.”

  “Then it’s all good,” Ryder cracked up.

  Skylar looked around the room. “Speaking of younger guys and older men, where’s Jaxon?”

  “Um, Jaxon had some work to do for his boss,” Justice mumbled vaguely.

  “Huh. Interesting.” Skylar peeked over his shoulder at Justice. “And you don’t? You guys always work together.” Skylar eyed Justice’s tight shirt. There was a hint of silver around his neck but Skylar couldn’t see what it was.

  Justice crossed his arms. He was at his job. Watching Skylar had become a fulltime job after the rogues had put a damn bull’s-eye on the kid.


  Skylar was no kid. At almost twenty, he was gorgeous and filling out quite nicely. With each day Skyler aged, Justice felt less like a pervert for wanting him so badly.

  “This is my job tonight.” Justice glared at Skylar — who glared right back. “Would you like some punch?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Skylar stood up.

  “I’ve got it.” Justice waved him back down and walked towards the table.

  “Hey.” Ryder leaned into Skylar’s ear. “Big dude’s got it bad for you.”

  Skylar’s brows furrowed. “You think?” Justice had been nice to him, sure. And when Skylar froze him out because he thought Justice had insulted him, the older man had demanded an opportunity to explain. It turned out that Skylar had overheard part of a conversation and jumped to conclusions.

  “Oh, hell yes.” Ryder laughed. “You’re a lucky guy! Did you see him at the July 4th party? He took his shirt off and I think half the chicks at the beach threw their bottoms at him. His chest is fucking huge! But his back and the backs of his biceps are the most awesome thing!”

  “The tattoos.” Skylar nodded. Justice Salvatore’s tattoos didn’t show at all looking at him face-to-face. Every tattoo he had was on the rear side of his body.


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