Ruined Promises

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Ruined Promises Page 9

by Stefanie Jenkins

  Lexi backs up, opening the door further to her apartment, and I cross the threshold. I stand there looking around, feeling somewhat awkward. The click of the front door shutting has my throat drying up like the Sahara Desert.

  As Lexi appears beside me, she looks back down at the grocery bag. “Do you need to put your groceries away until you leave?”

  Oh right. I chuckle softly to myself. “No, these are actually for you.”

  Lexi cocks her head to the side as she takes the bag in her hands. She glances down at the contents. Now that I am no longer holding the bag, I shove my hands in my pants pockets to keep from touching her. “On my way over, I stopped by the store and grabbed you a few items. There’s soup, ginger ale, crackers, and chocolate. I wasn’t exactly sure what was wrong, so I covered all bases.” My cheeks flush at the mention of the chocolate. I wasn’t sure if she was sick with lady problems or not.

  Once again, shock laces through her features. “Wow, thank you. Why don’t I put these in the kitchen.” She points to the open kitchen beside us. “Would you like something to drink?”

  Say no. Get back to the office.

  “Sure. Water is good.” Lexi nods before turning her back to me and walking the few steps into the kitchen.

  I glance around the apartment. I notice the television has an episode of some show I don’t recognize paused on the screen. There is a black, white, and gold WCU blanket scrunched up on the couch. She must have been curled up on the sofa, resting, when I knocked. Nice going, Ben.

  The assortment of photos on the wall catches my attention. I don’t mean to invade her privacy, but then again, the images are on the wall for all to see; it’s not like I’m snooping through her underwear drawer. Fuck, my cock likes the idea of Lexi and underwear. Down, boy! I am looking at the colorful wall of photos when I feel Lexi’s presence behind me.

  I accept the water from her and turn back to the photos, pointing at one in particular. “Is this you and the famous baseball player Luke Baker?” The smile on her face drops, and sadness fills her eyes.

  Lexi brings her water to her mouth, taking a long sip. “Yeah, he was my cousin.”

  The news of Luke Baker’s passing was national news and shocked everyone. I didn’t put two and two together, with Baker being a common last name. My heart breaks for her, and I yearn to pull her into my arms. “Well, I’m sorry for your loss.” She nods and gives a soft smile.

  She notions to the couch, and I follow her. Lexi quickly reaches for the remote, turns the TV off, and shuffles the blanket off the side of the couch before taking a seat on the cushion furthest away.

  “I’m sorry for barging in like this, Lexi. I was just concerned. I know that last night was, well—awkward. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Why are you apologizing? You’re allowed to go out on dates. It’s not like…” Lexi stops talking and looks down at the water glass. This conversation just went from awkward to wanting to drown in the eight-ounce glass of water in 2.3 seconds.

  “Yeah.” I’m not sure how to respond. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re feeling okay.”

  Lexi shuffles on her seat, pulling her legs underneath her. “Ben, I have a confession.”

  Ben Harrington is in my apartment, on my couch, drinking my water.

  The scary part of this is that he looks like he belongs here. To say I was shocked to see him on the other side of the door moments ago would be an understatement.

  As much as I love having him here, I’m sure the part of us that isn’t just Ben and Lexi but is boss and employee is not going to mesh well when I open my mouth again. Ben drapes his arm along the back of the couch and turns his body to face me, giving me his undivided attention.

  “I’m actually not sick today.” I love my job and love being a workaholic, but today I needed a break. I’m not sure if it was seeing Ben last night on a date or today marking the first anniversary I moved in here. Yep, it’s already been a year since walking in on Dominic in an intimate position with someone other than me. But I just needed a day to me, so I wasted a sick day and planned to spend it curled up on the couch binging episodes of Gossip Girl. That worked out perfectly—that is until Ben showed up.

  “You’re not sick?” Ben questions, a crease forming on his forehead while he waits for me to continue.

  I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair, tossing it over my shoulder. “No, I just needed a day. You know, a moment to collect my thoughts.” I swallow deeply, waiting for his response. Is he going to force me to go back to work now that he knows I lied? Is he going to leave?

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Come on, Ben. You telling me you’ve never played hooky before?” I quirk an eyebrow at him.

  He runs his palm along his stubbled jawline. “Well, since you confessed to me, I guess I can confess something to you. I can’t say that I have ever played hooky before.”

  Wishing I hadn’t brought my drink to my lips while he spoke, I sputter water back into the glass and wipe the excess now dripping down my lips. “As in ever? Not even in college?” I am left speechless. I mean, I’m sure not most people are like Hadley, who believed that each month required a personal day in college to collect your thoughts and recharge, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has not played hooky, ever.

  “What?” He stares back at me.

  I shake off the daze and set my drink on the coffee table. “No, nothing. I’m just shocked.” And I mean that. I’m stunned at his confession or that he felt the need to confess that at all.

  “Well, my college experience was a little different than other people.”

  “What do you mean?” Ben’s features harden, and I wonder if I pushed too far asking that. While over the past few months, we have learned more about each other, it’s been things that are normal for coworkers to know, such as which salad dressing we prefer or how we take our coffee. However, those are all things about our present, not looking into our past.

  I’m just about to change the subject when Ben begins to talk. “When I was in my junior year of college, my parents died in a plane crash.”

  I gasp, not expecting that. I’m not sure what I expected him to say, maybe that he overstayed his welcome or something about our moment in the copy room, but not that.

  “I am so sorry.” I reach out and place my hand on top of his.

  Sadness clouds his features, and unshed tears fill his eyes, causing my heart to break into a million pieces.

  “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” My voice is unsteady, and I realize that I am on the verge of tears as well.

  He waves me off. “No, it’s fine, it was a long time ago.” But I can see right through the facade. It’s clearly not. “My younger brother was only ten when they died. There was no way I would let him go into the system, so I became his guardian. Balancing school and Asher was… well, rather difficult, but I managed.”

  I’m at a loss for words for how amazing and strong this man is. I couldn’t even imagine being responsible for someone else right now, let alone during college and still managing to graduate on time. A calming silence comes between us, my hand still on top of his.

  The silence breaks when Ben’s stomach rumbles, and we both laugh. “Well, I better get going.” Ben pushes up on his knees to stand, and I follow.

  “I mean, this nice guy brought me a large container of soup, if you wanted to stay.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. Spending time together like this is definitely pushing past the boundaries of a professional relationship.

  Ben checks his phone for a moment before turning back to me. “That sounds nice. Thank you.” I try to steady my features to hide my mix of shock, excitement, and nerves. “Can I help you with it?”

  I nod, and Ben follows me into the kitchen. He takes a seat at the island while I pull the container of soup out of the fridge.

  “That was delicious, thank you.” Ben pushes his empty soup bowl forward just as I was finishing my lunch
as well.

  “You’re welcome. I slaved over a hot stove all day making it,” I joke, and Ben’s laughter fills the small space.” He goes to take my bowl, and I wave him off. “I’ve got this.” It’s not that I mind him finding his way around my house, but I am kind of particular with how I load things in the dishwasher. Hadley makes fun of my OCD.

  He gives me a warm smile. “I should probably let Taylor know that I won’t be back in today.” Is he not going back to work? I guess a bit of my bad influence rubbed off on him.

  I dramatically gasp in a joking manner, clutching my chest as I finish loading our dishes in the dishwasher. “Oh my God, is Ben Harrington playing hooky for the first time in his life?” Ben rolls his eyes but with a smile across his lips. Pretending I’m giving a speech at the Oscars, I place my hand over my heart and wipe away fake tears. “I feel so honored to be an accomplice in this crime.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Ben mutters as he stands and grabs his cell from where it sat on the table. He steps over by the large window and makes the call. I try not to eavesdrop, so I pretend to busy myself, wiping down the counter.

  My eyes, however, drift to when Ben stands. Even though he is wearing black dress pants and a charcoal-gray dress shirt, there is something different about him. He seems more relaxed, actually the most relaxed since our first night.

  Ben claps his hands together, startling me. “So, Lexi Baker, I am officially yours for the afternoon.” My mouth goes dry because all the moisture in my body went straight to my panties. I can think of many ways I want to have him this afternoon—on the couch, in the shower, in my bed, on the counter—but I know that’s not what he meant.

  “Lex?” I meet his gaze with one brow raised. I am rendered speechless at how gorgeous this man is in front of me, looking somewhat vulnerable, unsure of how to play hooky from work. I can’t believe that he wants to spend his day with me of all people. But, I have to admit, it’s nice having the company and not throwing myself a pity party for one all day. “So, what was it you were going to do today before I interrupted?”

  I take my seat back on the couch, my cheeks warm, knowing the embarrassment coming on with my confession. “Well, I was going to be exactly here, in this position.” My hands moving up and down, confirming the exact position I’m in. “Binge-watching teen dramas, probably all day until my roommate gets home from work.”

  Ben slowly nods. I’m sure he wishes he hadn’t asked. “All day,” he confirms.

  “Yep,” I respond, smacking my lips together loudly to make the p sound. “All day.”

  He runs his hands through his hair before joining me on the other side of the couch. He reaches for the remote on the coffee table before handing it to me and crossing his right leg over the other, his ankle now resting against his knee.

  As the afternoon goes on, the closer we find ourselves on the couch. Before we know it, our knees are brushing each other.

  The ending credits of our fifth episode of Gossip Girl roll, and Ben leans over, running his fingers through his hair, propping his elbows on his knees. “So the one guy used to date the brunette, but now he’s with the blonde, and she’s with someone else. And the blonde used to date her stepbrother, but now he’s with another chick.”

  I can’t hold back my laughter. “Sure, we can go with that.” I guess when you put it that way, it is pretty confusing to keep up with. I’m not sure I could have honestly explained that any better.

  Exhaling a loud breath, he keeps his elbows on his knees but turns his head my way, smirking. “I think I’m getting a migraine from trying to keep up. Maybe I regret asking you how you were going to spend your day.”

  My mouth gapes, and I lean forward, shoving his arm playfully, causing him to falter. With my index finger pointed at him, I continue laughing. “Hey! You have only yourself to blame. You made it five episodes.” I hold up my right hand and mouth, “Five.” I am laughing so hard now that I never see the throw pillow he grabs and smacks me with.

  “Hey!” I shout, our laughter filling the room as I take the pillow and hit him back with it. However, Ben is quicker than me, knowing my move before I do it because he quickly grabs my wrist as I raise the pillow.

  “Now, Lexi.” His firm tone reminds me of the night in the bathroom, commanding my next move. “Think about your next move.”

  I close my eyes and hear his words he told me in that same tone. “Spread your legs, Lex. Only I get to make you come.”

  When I open them, Ben’s focus is on my lips. I can tell by his tense jaw that he is showing restraint. Where his hand is still holding my wrist, my skin burns from his touch. There is no way he can’t feel it, too.

  My chest slowly rises and falls as I try to catch my breath. The world around us fades, and I feel as though we are fully crossing the line, and right now, I just don’t give a damn. Time seems to stop, enclosing us in our own little bubble.


  “Hmm?” Another glance down, and this time, I follow his eyes and find that the side of my sweater has fallen, even more, exposing the top of my breast.

  “I need to tell you something.” The air is growing thicker, just like the outline in his pants. Am I really going to break up this moment by talking about what the girls did the other day?

  “What is it?” The distance between us is closing by the millisecond.

  Ben tugs on my arm, pulling me closer where one leg is straddling him. Ben trails his finger down my cheek and pushes a stray piece of hair out of my face. I shiver at his touch, goose bumps unfolding all over my body and my nipples poking through my bra. Can he feel them through the material?

  This is it. I can feel the shift between us. I run my fingers through his hair, scraping my nails over his scalp. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft moan, his cock hardening even more against my leg.

  “For fuck’s sake!” The front door slams, popping our bubble, and we jump apart. “I can’t stand my fucking boss. That guy is such an asshole. Too bad he’s gay and I can’t sleep with him. Oh, wait, that’s your job.” Hadley’s voice fills the apartment. She has her back to us while taking off her coat and shoes.

  I begin a fake coughing fit, in hopes that Hadley will notice we aren’t alone and shuts the fuck up. She finally turns around and freezes. Her eyes are wide as she takes in the scene in front of her—me and Ben alone on the couch. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. Hi, I’m Hadley.”

  Ben rises from the couch and smooths the front of his shirt before extending his hand. “Hi, Ben Harrington.” Hadley knows who he is, and I pray she doesn’t say anything else that will incriminate either of us.

  Hadley accepts his hand but continues looking back and forth at the two of us as if her eyes are participating in a Ping-Pong match. “Nice to meet you, Ben. Well, just ignore me. I’m going to go shower and leave you two alone. Just forget I’m even here.” With that, she retreats to her bathroom. I hold my breath until I hear the click of the door shutting. It quickly reopens. “Oh, and Cal is going to be stopping by. He said he left a file here last night.”

  Brynn and Cal joined us for dinner last night. He had brought a little bit of work to finish while waiting for me to arrive with the food. I had been slightly delayed after my run-in with Ben and his date.

  I slump back into the couch and cover my hands in embarrassment. When there is no dip on the couch, I pull my hands down by my side and open my left eye, peeking at him. He is gathering his belongings.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I rise and close the distance, in hopes that now that Hadley is behind closed doors, maybe we could finish where we left things off just moments ago.

  “I’m sorry. I should go.”

  And there it is, the wall back up, bringing us back to reality. Thanks a fucking lot, Had! She is so getting an earful as to how her plan almost worked, but then thanks to her big mouth, backfired. Was it what she said? Is it her being here?

  Ben gives the room one last glance over to make sure he didn’t forge
t anything. I follow him to the door, then lean against the door as he begins to leave but stops. I still have hope, a small amount of hope, that things have changed. “Thank you for today. I mean it. I’ll see you tomorrow, Lex.” Ben steps forward and places a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth before disappearing down the hall.

  What the fuck was I thinking? Lexi has a boyfriend. She was partially in my lap. I almost kissed her. And I can’t even deny that I wanted it. She looked like she wanted it, too. Her body reacted to my touch, just like I had imagined. Thank God her roommate had shown up, and then the ball drop. Cal. The reminder that there was someone else was like jumping into an ice bath, my dick shriveling up.

  Did Lexi not have any remorse for what happened?

  I couldn’t get out of her apartment quickly enough, and then I had to go and do it again, kissing her cheek. If she had turned slightly, our lips would have met, and I would have been a dead man. Now it’s time to go back home alone. I have only myself to blame. If I had just stayed at work earlier, I wouldn’t have a raging hard-on, but my own punishment will not be jerking off in the shower.

  I arrive home to find my brother still at home. That’s shocking. Most nights, the only communication seems to be a text alerting me he won’t be coming home. Asher is twenty-five years old, and I’m not his keeper, but I appreciate him letting me know so I’m not worried he’s lying in a ditch somewhere. He’s the only family I have left.

  I tease my brother when I see him standing in the kitchen, one leg propped against a lower cabinet as he takes a sip from a water bottle. “Holy shit, I was beginning to think you forgot where we lived.”

  Capping the bottle, he mocks me before waving his middle finger in the air. “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it. I’m about to head out. Going to meet a friend for dinner and then go out.”

  “What friend?”

  “A friend.” He pushes off the counter and strolls to the trash can, dropping the empty bottle in there. “Jeez, Dad.” He rolls his eyes at me.


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