Worth the Wait (Very Personal Training Book 2)

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Worth the Wait (Very Personal Training Book 2) Page 13

by Karla Doyle

  “Would you feel objectified if I told you I’d like to trace every line of your abs with my tongue?”

  Another chuckle, this one as he pushed his shorts and boxer briefs past his hips, then kicked them aside, leaving him gloriously buck-fucking-naked.

  “Before you answer that, I’d like to amend my comment to include your cock. Because I’m going to need to lick that too.”

  “You’re going to do more than lick it.”

  Denying it would be a lie. She loved sucking his dick. Loved. It. Just thinking about having a mouthful of his cock made her mouth water.

  His gaze dropped to her thighs, where she’d squeezed them together in an attempt to get some pressure on her clit. “You need something, babe?”

  “Yes.” No more games. No finesse either as she wiggled out of her panties. “I need you to get over here and make me come.”

  The bed dipped as he inserted his knee between her legs. Sparks ricocheted upward as his barbell-calloused palms slid higher, pushing her thighs apart until she laid spread-eagle before him. He’d been in this position before. Plenty of times in their short time together. Their intimate familiarity didn’t translate to complacency. He took his time perusing every inch of her, looking at her as if this were the first time. Made her feel utterly worshipped.

  “You’re so beautiful, so crazy sexy. Once your body starts moving and your sexy sounds are filling my bedroom, I’m going to be fuck-drunk lost in you, babe. I want to say this is going to take all night, but I don’t think my control’s going to last.”

  “Mine either.” God, his words did things to her insides. It was sex talk, yes. But, gah, her heart. “You know what I like about the menu at this place, aside from everything on it?”

  “What?” he said, grinning up at her as he settled between her thighs, close enough that his breath tickled her needy parts.

  “I’m pretty sure I can order from it again later.”

  “As many times as you want.”

  “That gives new meaning to the phrase ‘come again.’”

  His laughter rumbled against her flesh, only to be replaced by a deeper, more intense sound when his mouth covered her pussy.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed at the first press of his tongue. Over and over, he lapped at her. Buried his face. Fucked her with his tongue. Sucked and rolled her clit. Soooo good, every second took her higher, pushed her closer.

  Her breath caught as two fingers slid inside her—one in her pussy, the other in her ass. “More…”

  A growl vibrated against her clit as he gave her more. More fingers, more fullness, more need to come. All while he feasted on her, eating her pussy like a starving man. Then he hit the spot.

  “There…” One word, panted out as the spiral of sensation exploded. On and on, one long, drawn-out, earth-shattering orgasm crashed over her. “Fuck me,” she said, when the ability to speak returned.

  “Soon.” Effortlessly, as he did everything else, he flipped her over onto her stomach and drew her to the edge of the bed.

  The cushy pile rug greeted the soles of her feet. Sam edged them apart, a gap wide enough to accommodate his kneeling form. He smoothed his palms up her legs, over her ass cheeks, across her back. Up and down, touching everywhere except the precise places she wanted most.

  “Please,” she said, when his fingertips trailed lightly over her pussy and through the valley of her ass.

  “Please fuck you?” His face was so close now. Close enough to feel his lips grazing her goose-bump-riddled backside. “Or do you want something else now?”

  “I want everything.”

  “Perfect answer.” He cupped her backside in his hands and spread her ass cheeks wider.

  Every cell in her body went to high alert as he teased her pussy with his tongue, then drew it upward. She held her breath as he circled his target. Gurgle-moaned when he took several broad licks. Squeaked when he jiggled the tip against dead center, breaching her virgin-to-analingous ring.

  “Good?” he asked, raising his head just enough to see her face.

  “Yes, uh-huh, very. Good. Very good.”

  “Good.” His low chuckle warmed her outside and in. He slid one hand up her back, spanned her shoulder blades with his palm, applying enough pressure to let her know she wasn’t going anywhere.

  As if she’d want to.

  His handsome face disappeared from view as he dipped down to continue his ministrations. Soft passes with the broad flat of his tongue. Teasing circles. Gentle but firm breaches, each one further relaxing her body’s instinctive defenses.

  Thank god she was already plastered to the bed. Any lingering sense of steadiness vanished when he slid his hand between her legs and rubbed her clit. Enough pressure to take her to the edge, but not over. So close. God, so close.

  “Please,” she said, rocking into his touch, desperate to go over. “Make me come.”

  His feral growl rippled through her. “Spread your ass for me.”

  Anything to get his tongue back on her body. Anything he wanted from her, period. She reached back, grabbed her cheeks and parted them.

  His groan filled the bedroom. “So sexy. So perfect.” He dipped down, nuzzled closer, pushed his tongue deeper. In and out. In and out. Each slide slicker, easier, deeper. Rubbed her clit faster, firmer. Just right.

  Right—oh god—there. She curled her toes into the carpet. Grabbed handfuls of the duvet. Rocked against his face, his hand, as wave after wave of white-hot pleasure crashed over her.

  Boneless and orgasmed-out, she cracked an eye open and met Sam’s gaze. “Wow.”

  The grin she’d never get enough of dressed his bliss-delivering mouth. “Want some more?”

  “I can’t take more right now.” Her attention shifted to his flagpole of a cock as he rose. “But I can take some of that.”

  “I’m not giving you some.”

  She found the strength to lift her head. “What? Why not?”

  Standing between her jelly legs, he rolled a condom down his mouthwatering shaft. “Because I’m giving you all of it.”

  “Oh,” she said, as he drew her ass higher, positioning her pussy directly in front of his cock. Then “ohhh…” as he filled her with one smooth thrust.

  Balls-deep, he gripped her hips and held still, groaning when she angled to take him even deeper. “How do you always feel so fucking amazing?”

  “You make me that way.”

  “No, babe. We make it that way.”

  Sex talk, she had to remember this was sex talk. Enjoy it for what it was. She buried her face in the duvet and put her Kegel exercises to better use than for bladder control.

  “Don’t squeeze.” Eyes pinched closed, another groan left his mouth as he shook his head. “Trying to last more than five seconds, here.”

  “Five seconds, five minutes or five hours, I don’t care. I love it all with you.”

  He withdrew every inch except the tip, then thrust into her again while falling onto his forearms. “So do I.”

  Caged beneath his strong, warm body, she could barely move. Didn’t need to.

  Sam did all the moving for them. One arm cradling her head, the other banded beneath her hip, he set the rhythm. Kissed her neck, filled her head with the sounds of sexy man. Rolled circles over her clit while fucking her to the depths of perfection. Making love. That’s what this was.

  She hadn’t expected this. Hadn’t expected any of it, but God, she could get used to it. All of it.

  “I don’t want to come, but you feel so damn good.”

  “I want you to come,” she said, pressing her clit harder against his fingers. “And take me with you.”

  “Ride my hand. Ride it hard, like I’m going to ride you.” He pulled out, only to fill her again immediately, hard and to the hilt, as promised. Then again. And again. Each thrust drove her down, grinding her clit against his plundering fingers.

  Surrounded by the scent of sex and the sound of slippery, smacking bodies, she gave herself over to t
he spiral of sensation. Let it turn her into a rhythmless, orgasm-addicted nympho.

  “Fuuuck…” He breathed the single, drawn-out word into her ear. Rutted on her like a beast in mating season. Then folded himself over her like the exhausted beast he probably was.

  “Can’t breathe,” she whispered, when his weight pushed the remaining oxygen from her lungs.

  Rather than move away, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled them onto their sides. “There.” He swept back the hair that’d fallen in her face, then planted a lingering kiss on the back of her head. “I don’t want to get up, but I have to get rid of the condom.”

  “It’s okay.” Common sense warred with uncommon desire. “About condoms.” She still had time to choose common sense. “I’m on the Pill and don’t want more kids. If we’re going to be exclusive and we both get tested, we could go without. If that’s something that interests you.”

  His shifted position, propping on one arm to look down at her. “There’s no ‘if.’ We’re exclusive, I promise you that. And hell yes, I’m interested.”

  “Then I’ll make an appointment with my doctor.”

  “Same.” His grinning face blurred as he descended. “Can I get you anything?” he asked, rising from the bed after dropping a perfect, sweet kiss on her lips.

  Shaking her head, she smiled while openly ogling every inch of him. “I am completely satisfied.” And she was. Not only with the amazing sex they’d just had. With absolutely everything about this man, this relationship. The temptation to backpedal on the boundaries she’d set earlier bubbled up from her heart. Foolish, romantic heart—it wanted the fairytale with Sam.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, when she hugged herself.

  She nodded. “Just a little chill.” Nothing the heaviness of a reality-check blanket couldn’t fix.

  With the hand not holding a well-used condom, he motioned toward the bathroom. “Let’s hop in the shower and get warmed up.”

  “Sounds good.” Reality could wait. She knew better than to hope for a fairytale ending with a twenty-eight-year-old man. Tonight, she planned to indulge in fantasy with her favorite Prince Charming.

  Chapter 8


  Leigh hadn’t been slacking off at the shop or the gym, but she certainly hadn’t done anything extra. Every unscheduled minute had been filled by Sam. And she did mean filled, in every sense of the word. It had been a wild and wonderful week.

  Reality beckoned, though. The bakery’s email inbox was plump with new orders. Buckling down required if she wanted to be home before Lennox arrived this evening.

  In the office, she printed the work orders. First up, an oversized sheet cake for an event at the art gallery. Today. The email had included a pleading note with a promise not to send any more last-minute requests. Ha. History being a more reliable source than the future, she wouldn’t hold her breath on that promise.

  Four of the remaining orders had short timelines also, though no other same-day entreaties. Thank goodness. She did her best to accommodate every request, often at the expense of personal time. Lennox and Tim had always supported her, and together, they’d made it work. Now she had Sam to include in the equation. Good thing she exceled at organization and planning, because squeezing more into her already busy life was not going to be simple or easy. The best things rarely were.

  Time to get cracking. She tied her apron, secured her hair under a hairnet and scrubbed her hands. Yawning, she clipped the additional worksheets to the rail above her prep counter. The coffee she’d downed in Sam’s kitchen was not having the required effect. Being the picture of good health, he probably drank decaf. She’d have to ask him.

  Her attention drifted toward the office. Her cell phone sat in its usual spot, propped against her pen cup. The screen was black, as it would remain for a couple of hours yet. Few people were awake and engaging at five-thirty in the morning.

  Sam had been asleep when she left his condo. Though when she’d tiptoed into his bedroom and leaned down to kiss him goodbye, he had woken enough to corral her with his strong, warm arms. Which had led to her lying on top of him. Her, fully dressed and ready to start the day. Him, gloriously naked beneath the summer duvet, his erection growing thicker and more insistent with each second of their pre-dawn make-out session. Leaving had been as hard as his cock.

  Temptation had lost that battle, but it won now. She returned to the office and picked up her phone. Maybe he was out of bed. Or maybe not, and he’d send her a sleepy selfie.

  Hi. Are you up yet?

  Been up been since you teased me, then took off like a sexy thief in the night.

  Thieves steal things. I promise I’m not one of those women who take souvenirs from their conquests.

  God, she enjoyed texting this man.

  You think you conquered me, babe? We’re just getting started. Come over later and I’ll show you.

  A few suggestive words and bam, the tingle thrummed to life between her legs. Crazy, how her body reacted to him, even when he wasn’t nearby.

  Can’t tonight. Lennox is coming home from the cottage.

  Right, I knew that. Forgot because you shorted out my critical thinking abilities by rubbing your hot body on me.

  That was half an hour ago.

  Thirty lonely minutes. You should be here, naked and on top of me. Or under me. Both. Come back to my bed.

  If only. She had a couple of customers who’d applaud if she chose orgasms over orders, but they weren’t on today’s schedule.

  You make it hard to focus on baking.

  You make it hard, period.

  Her laughter broke the silence, reminding her that she should be filling the air with productive noises like mixers and timers.

  I should get busy with work. I had a great time last night. And every other night. I like being with you.

  I like being with you too. A lot.

  They were “in like” with each other. Silly, but she’d take it. The screen was fading to dark as she returned it to the desk, only to have it light up with another incoming text.

  I’m glad Lennox will be home tonight because I know how much you’ve missed her. But I can’t stop thinking about you. When can I see you next? Not just in my bed. Anywhere.

  Oh, her heart. Her thumpity-bumping, lovestruck heart. No, not lovestruck. She didn’t love him. Couldn’t. Not yet, it was too soon. She was wildly infatuated and in serious like. That was all.

  I’ll compare schedules with Lennox’s dad tonight. I know you’re busy too. When are you available? I’ll try to make our free times align.

  Sounds good. Hopping in the shower now, then I’ll log into Focus and send you my schedule.

  Okay. Have a good shower. Wish I could be there to wash your back.

  Just my back?

  An image populated beneath his message. A selfie, but not the sleepy-in-bed kind she’d hoped for initially. An upright Sam in his bathroom, the mirror behind him, reflecting his broad back, tapered waist and firm butt. The main focus of the picture was even more jaw-dropping. A nose-to-knees, full-frontal nude shot with Sam’s cock at the center. Thick and hard, it jutted upward, majestically demanding attention.

  I’ve never wanted to play hooky so badly in my life.

  Lol. That’s good enough for me, babe.

  The message sent another pitter-patter through her heart. Not so long ago, he would’ve pushed for her to ditch work. Now he accepted her obsessive faithfulness to her schedule. She’d bet he even found it endearing. Yes, she was deeply in like with Sam. And falling deeper by the minute.

  Take care of that yummy hard-on for me. Imagine my mouth wrapped around it, sucking you until you come deep down my throat.

  Fuck, I wish you were here.

  We’ll find time soon.

  Counting on it.

  Me too. Have to get back to work now. I’ll be thinking about you in that shower though.

  I’ll be thinking about you too. Guaranteed. See you soon.

time, she set the phone in its place and left it there. Another scrub of her hands and she was back at the prep counter, ready to work. Almost.

  She walked to the office once more, used her elbow to power on the Bluetooth speaker. “Hey, Siri,” she said, watching her phone come to life once more. “Play ‘Getting Busy’ playlist.”

  Seconds later, the first song began, filling the air with upbeat music. She boogied her way back to the counter. Now she was ready to work. Ready to enjoy every minute of her near-perfect life.


  “Mommy, we’re home.”

  Leigh sprang from the couch at the sound of Lennox’s voice, startling the sleeping cat and sending him scrambling. “Get used to doing that, Smokey, because they brought company.”

  As if cued, a little black bundle of energy whizzed into the room.

  Lennox followed, leaping into Leigh’s outstretched arms. “Look at Ladybug,” she said, disentangling from the too-brief embrace. She caught the zoomy puppy, hugging it tighter than she’d hugged Leigh. “Isn’t she cute?”

  “Very cute.”

  Lennox squeezed the dog tightly enough to make its brown eyes bug out from its face. Since the puppy didn’t seem to mind, maybe that was just its natural expression. Lennox peppered the puppy’s head with a dozen animated kisses, then held her forward, toward Leigh. “Do you love her?”


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