The Wolfe Brothers

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The Wolfe Brothers Page 7

by Eden Rose

  “You’re safe, babe. We are just doing this as a precaution,” he lies.

  “Randy, you take Trinity back to the hotel. Kody and I will deal with these assholes,” Tank orders.

  “No! I don’t want to be separated!” Trinity grabs Tank’s arm and pleads with her eyes. “Please. Let’s stay together.”

  “Trinity, we need to--”

  “No!” She stomps her foot and crosses her arms in front of her chest. “We stay together! End of story.”

  Her feistiness both catches me off guard and turns me on. I’ve never seen her so sure of herself.


  “I’m riding with you,” she growls at Tank. “Let’s go.” She storms over to our bikes leaving my brothers and me staring at her in disbelief.

  “You heard our mate, let’s go,” Randy chuckles and walks over to Trinity.

  Tank looks at her then me. “We go with her plan, but as soon as their scent reaches within a mile of us, you and I shift and take care of business,” he declares.

  “You got it, brother,” I say slapping him on the back. “Now, hurry up before Trinity kills both our asses.”


  King and his goons’ scent trailed off once we were about five miles away from the restaurant. We didn’t trust them not to follow us, so we drove a good thirty miles out of town and got a hotel room.

  Trinity is laying on my chest as I’m leaning up against the headboard.

  “Is life always this adventurous with you three?” she asks sleepily making us chuckle.

  “Not always. Just seems that this part of the country has the most trouble,” Randy lays on his side next to us. Trinity grabs his arms and pulls it over her.

  “Which is why we want you to come back home with us,” Tank says firmly. He sits on the edge of the bed with his eyes locked on Trinity.

  Her heart is pounding. Her breath is ragged, and she looks like she’s ready to bolt out the door.

  Does the idea of her being with three wolf-shifters really scare her that much? Or is it the fact that this is all fucking new to all of us?

  “Don’t want us?” Tank glares at her. A growl rises in my chest at his behavior towards Trinity.

  “Tank,” Randy and I both warn.

  “It’s a simple yes or no,” he replies looking at Randy, then me and then Trinity. “Trinity, you know who we are. We’ve never hurt you. And we never fucking will. So, what’s holding you back from coming with us?”

  “I… I don’t know.” Trinity sits up and looks back and forth between the three of us. “None of this seems weird to you guys?”

  “Nope,” the three of us say in unison. She giggles and shakes her head.

  “Of course not,” she sighs. “Well, in my world-- Sorry. That’s rude.”

  “A bit,” Tank mumbles.

  “Will your people even accept me? I’m not even a… wolf!” She gestures at her body. “I’m just an average human woman, if that.”

  “Trinity,” Randy sits up and pulls her into his arms. “You are much more than an average fuckin’ woman. You’re our mate. You’re our world. Don’t think you’re anything less. Ever. Okay?”

  She nods slowly then wraps her arms around him.

  “Taylor, our Prez’s mate, was human when they met,” Randy whispers.

  “Was!” Trinity’s shriek damn near ruptured my eardrums. Holy fuck her voice is piercing. “What do you mean was?”

  Tank and I glare at Randy. Out of the pot into the motherfucking frying pan. What a dumbass. Apparently, he’s never heard of baby steps.

  “Dumbass,” I whisper low enough to where only Tank and Randy could hear. Randy gives me a sympathetic look.

  “Someone explain. Now! What do you mean was?” Trinity crawls off the bed and sits in the chair closest to the t.v.

  No matter which of the three of us tries to explain it to Trinity how claiming a mate goes, she’s going to freak out.

  “Explain,” Trinity growls.

  Randy and Tank both look at me. I sigh knowing the inevitable. They want me to explain this shit to Trinity.

  “Babe, come sit by me,” I say sitting up and patting the bed. She shakes her head, so I move to the edge of the bed and sit.

  “We’ll be outside,” Tank mutters then him and Randy go outside leaving me to face my fucking doom.

  “Kody?” Trinity prompts.

  “I’m going to just be blunt, Trinity. I don’t know how else to fucking say it, babe,” I sigh. She nods her head and waits for me to continue. “While we are fuck-- having sex, the three of us would bite you.”

  Her eyes widen. “Bite?” She whispers. I nod. “Would it hurt?”

  “Not if we’re doing our job right,” I wink. Her cheeks redden and she bites her bottom lip sexy-like. Fuck.

  My dick grows hard just watching her.

  “So, you’d bite me and magically I change to a non-human?”

  The image of sparkles surrounding us while fucking crosses my mind. I throw my head back and laugh.

  “Kody! I’m serious!” She scolds me. I stop laughing and reach for her hands. She slowly places her hands in mine. I stroke the top of her hand with my thumbs.

  “During the bite, we’d share our bond with you. It’s kind of like how the world sees the whole vampire thing, except this would be much more and wouldn’t involve us taking your blood.”

  “So, it’s… spiritual?” Her question makes me smile. She’s starting to understand what claiming means.

  “Yes,” I nod. “You’d go through a few changes and learn how to shift like us.”

  “Shift?” She gasps and her eyes widen.

  I groan. I’m just making this more complicated than it needs to be.

  “Yes, babe. You’d learn to shift. Your body will heal faster. You’ll be stronger and faster,” I sigh.

  “So, I’d be like a super up wolf?”

  I lay back on the bed and laugh. This is not how I saw this conversation going.

  “Kody?” She climbs on the bed next to me. “I’m not poking fun of you guys… kind. I’m just curious.”

  I roll on my side and smile.

  “I know, babe. It’s probably a lot to take in. Hell. I’m just happy you are still in the room and haven’t ran off,” I took a deep breath. “Will you be able to accept us over time? And, allow us to claim you as our mate?”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I shiver standing in front of Kody. He’s watching me cautiously and making sure I’m not going to run. My feet tell me to run, but my heart tells me to stay put. My stupid heart tells me to fall even harder and faster for these men.

  “Okay. I want to do it.”

  Kody’s eyes glaze and narrow on me. He knows what I’m saying and what I’m saying is I want them to be mine. I will never be the same even if I didn’t get changed. They have stormed into my life and have taken over all rational thinking. A rational person wouldn’t be considering changing into a wolf to keep her three boyfriends.

  No, a rational person would tell them to shut the fuck up and leave her alone.

  “Are you sure?” He asks. His deep eyes are full of sincerity and something much darker. Something dangerous.

  “Yes. I’m positive!” I answer.

  “If you’re sure, I want you to go get my brothers and come back. When you are back, I want you to take your clothes off, lay on the bed, and get ready.”

  My body buzzes from excitement as I walk over to the door to the hotel room to let my other men in. Randy and Tank are leaning against the wall with their left foot up. They are so totally gorgeous.

  They clear their throats and stand straight up. Their eyes are watching me carefully as mine look from Randy to Tank.

  Tank reaches out to me and places his arm around my waist. "Well?" He asks.

  "I'm ready," I reply.

  “Fuck yeah!” Randy shouts and wraps his own arm around me.

  Tank’s already walking us towards the doorway to get back into the hote
l room. My body is eagerly allowing them to lead me anywhere they want. As long as I can keep touching them.

  The heat from their bodies is enough to scorch me. I hold onto them tighter.

  I feel the electricity in the room thicken from the sexual tension between the four of us as the door to the hotel room closes. My body pulsates at the thought of taking all three of them again. I can’t help how greedy I have become. I can’t help how I’m filled with wanton need for them, either.

  Kody stands up from the bed with an expecting look on his face. He’s reminding me of the order he gave me.

  I smile nervously and squeeze my way out of the two guys holds. I’m in front of them as they create a half circle around me.

  “She’s fuckin’ perfect, isn’t she?” Kody asks and I blush through my whole body.

  “Absolutely,” Tank chimes in.

  Randy chuckles and does a little twirl with his finger. “Yeah. She’s definitely a keeper.”

  I carefully unzip my dress in front of them, my eyes are down casted. The satin fabric feels delicious on my body while sliding down my curves. I didn’t bother with a bra or underwear since I hoped we would end up in this place. Just when my dress hits my ankles, I’m embraced by three hot men who have managed to get naked.

  When did that happen?

  A set of strong hands holds me up in the air and I wrap my body around him. Kody’s the one who is holding me; I can tell when it’s him because he has this wicked way of thrusting his hips against my pussy.

  “You ready, baby?” He asks me with his naughty smile.

  I nod frantically. “Yes, I am.”

  The three brothers have a secret conversation with their eyes and I’m wondering if they are considering who is going to bite me. If I had to choose, I would want all three of them to bite me.

  “Get on your knees,” Randy directs.

  Normally, I would have punched someone in the face for being so bossy to me, but it’s them. I love knowing how wild I make them. I drop to my knees and already begin what they want.

  Tank is to my left, and I start off with him. My mouth shuttles up and down his cock with my fist pitoning up and down to meet my mouth. I do this a couple of times before moving on to the next one.

  Kody’s in the middle and he winks at me as I line my mouth up. I wink back and lick around the tip. He growls. I giggle inside at the thought of making him wait.

  “Don’t be a tease, baby,” he says.

  I swallow him whole. Wrapping my whole mouth around him to suck him into the back of my throat like a professional. At least, I hope so. His hands sift through my hair to hold my head exactly where he wants it to be. I follow his command automatically.

  Then Randy’s hand is in my hair, pulling my mouth off Kody. He must have been feeling left out, so I don’t tease him. I fuck him hard and fast with my mouth. Tears flood my eyes from trying my gag reflex.

  “Enough!” Kody orders gruffly. “Fuck. This is torture. I’m ready to claim her.”

  Tank and Randy acknowledge Kody’s abrupt interruption and begin to lift me off my knees.

  In seconds, I’m thrown on the bed and surrounded by my men. Tank’s face is in between my legs, nibbling and sucking on my thighs before reaching where I want him to go. His mouth descends on my clit in a matter of seconds and I scream.

  Kody and Randy are on both sides of me sucking my tits into their mouths.

  I thrust my body against their mouths, eager to get closer. I need to be as close as I possibly can to them.

  Tank moves his tongue all over my clit and adds his fingers into the mix to get me ready to take two of my men at the same time. They are too large to not take the precaution.

  And then I feel it. I feel sharp teeth against my thigh and both of my tits. It’s so sharp, yet so erotic.

  My body crashes into a wave of ecstasy. Every nerve ending is screaming from pleasure. My pleasure is milked out of me by their biting me and I can’t help it. The immense pleasure I feel has me coming so hard I feel like I’m going to die.

  “Keep coming, baby,” someone soothes.

  “Give into it,” another one says.

  “That’s our girl. Now you’re ours forever,” another one replies.

  With one last scream, I finish coming.

  I give into the blissful feeling and everything around me fades to black.

  Chapter Eighteen


  This is the moment we have been waiting for ever since Trinity let our brothers stay at her house to try and track down King. We were surprised that she was so willing to do that. I didn’t think it was possible, but just made our love for her grow.

  We are standing in the middle of the Caine’s office, in the clubhouse. My arm is around Trinity’s waist. Kody is on the other side of her. Randy stands behind us waiting for Caine.

  We had called him before we left Texas to let him know what was going on. It was actually perfect timing because he wanted us back home. There was a shit storm brewing between the Dark Wolves and King.

  Especially with King now far enough away that even we can’t track him. Now that we got Taylor and Tayla back, we’re all on guard. We can all feel he’s about to attack.

  Caine had already caught wind that Trinity had been the one to fuck up King’s plans. He was worried about retaliation against her as were we.

  The door opens and heavy footsteps cross the room. Caine glances at us but says nothing. He sits in his chair. A smug grin on his face. Fucker.

  “Trinity?” he asks. She nods slowly. “I’m Caine. Longhorn.”

  I want to kick the president in the shin. He’s such a fucker.

  “Longhorn?” She asks looking up at me.

  “Explain later,” I mumble.

  She looks back at Caine. “It’s ni… Nice to meet you,” Trinity whispers.

  Caine smiles. “You sure you want these three assholes?”

  Kody, Randy, and me all frown at Caine’s words.

  “Asshole,” Randy mutters.

  Trinity leans against me, giggles and nods her head. “I don’t want anyone else,” she says looking at Caine. He chuckles.

  “There’s a couple of things to discuss before we let you in. I know you’re new to our lifestyle, in more ways than one, but you have to know, this is our life. We live this shit every day. You comin’ in here and thinkin’ you’re just gonna bang my brothers and then leave, doesn’t happen. Do you get what I’m sayin’? It’s leather in, never out. Once you’re in, you’re in. You don’t get to come and go as you please.”

  Trinity nods. “I understand.”

  “Well, I guess she understands. Who’s claimin’ her as their ol’ lady?” Caine asks.

  What a fuckin’ dick.

  “We all are,” I reply with my eyes narrowing in on our president.

  He chuckles. “Whatever.”

  Just like that? Caine didn’t want to lecture her on our ways? Or tell her the consequences she would face if she ever betrayed us?

  Randy and Kody look at me with confusion in their eyes. I shrug my shoulders. I don’t have the fucking answers.

  We look at Caine, who is typing away on his laptop.

  “Um… not that I’m not happy you accept our mate into the pack, Prez, but… uh…,” Randy speaks up.

  “Is it not supposed to be this simple?” Trinity whispers to me. Guess she forgets our kinds’ hearing is ten times that of the average person. I chuckle at her whispering as do the others. “What?”

  “I can hear you,” Caine laughs.

  Trinity turns a variety shades of red. Kody laughs and pulls her from my hold and into his arms.

  “Relax, babe. You’ll get used to it over time,” he assures her and kisses her swiftly. She hesitantly nods then looks at Caine.

  “The guys told me that your mate was human,” she says. It sounds like she’s asking him for confirmation that we weren’t full of shit.

  “She was,” Caine looks up from his laptop. “You’ll get to mee
t her. She’s at home with the babies.”

  “Babies!” Trinity asks excitedly. Caine laughs and nods. “I love babies. Do I get to meet them, too?”

  “Yes. I have a feeling you and Taylor and Tayla will hit it off.”


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