Seduced by a Demon King

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Seduced by a Demon King Page 30

by Heaton, Felicity

  Her research had also turned up some interesting facts about demon kings.

  According to the history books at the clan, demon kings were notoriously brutal and vicious.

  Extremely violent men.

  The thought of Tegan at the mercy of such a man had her breath seizing in her lungs.

  The doors opened, an ominous creak filling the stark silence as she swallowed her heart and braced herself for whatever awaited her on the other side.

  A long black carpet lined the space between the towering carved obsidian columns that supported the vaulted roof of the enormous room. They led her eye to the far end of the grand hall and her step faltered when her gaze reached the raised dais.

  Shock swept through her.

  Her eyes widened.

  Tegan wasn’t on his knees before the throne as she had expected.

  He was sitting on it.

  The demon shoved her forwards and she stumbled, all the warmth that had hit her on seeing Tegan swiftly draining away as the distance closed between them and his cold gaze locked with hers.

  His eyes were glacial as they held hers, dark irises bright with a violet-red corona that revealed his pupils, and his horns were enormous, twisted around on themselves and flared into deadly points on either side of his temples. He was enormous too, larger than she had ever seen him, his bare chest packed with muscle that tensed as he gripped the armrests of his black throne.

  Her step faltered again as another emotion hit her.

  She swallowed hard as flares of crimson shone through the black shadows of his aura.

  Deep rage.

  “What’s wrong?” She tried to move towards him but this time the demon gripped her arm to hold her back.

  Tegan’s expression blackened, the dark slashes of his eyebrows knitted hard above his eyes as they brightened further, narrowing on her in a way that revealed he hadn’t liked her choice of question.

  Or the fact she had tried to move closer to him.

  He slowly raised his right hand and the demon holding her pulled her back a few feet, positively dragged her, his grip on her fierce and unrelenting, so hard that it hurt.

  She didn’t understand.

  “What’s wrong?” She tried again, because she wanted answers. This whole thing was beginning to scare her for some reason.

  Tegan’s eyes remained cold as they drilled into her.

  “I know what you really wanted from me.” Each word was a rumbling growl and that pain she could feel in him grew stronger. He gave her a harsh smile as his pain burned deeper still. “I was wrong.”

  Tears lined her lashes, her throat constricting as she stared deep into his eyes and saw in them that she was about to lose him and she had never even realised she truly had him.

  Or what that meant.

  He hesitated, his brow furrowing, and she knew he could feel her pain too. She shook her head, silently pleading him not to do this. It had been wrong of her to target him, to view him as a means to an end, but it had all changed the moment she had spoken with him in Underworld.

  He had to believe her. He had to let her explain.

  She struggled to find her voice as her entire world started to fall apart around her, as she stared deep into his eyes and fought for the words she could say that would make him see he was wrong.

  His face screwed up on a frustrated snarl, his voice a black growl as he bit out words that tore her world apart in an instant.

  “You are banished from my kingdom.”

  Her heart lurched, pain ripping through her, and she launched towards him, teleporting out of the demon’s grip to land closer to Tegan.

  “You’re wrong.” She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked up at him, begging him to listen to her. “Whatever you think you know, it’s wrong.”

  He teleported, rising out of the darkness beneath her, his hand closing around her throat so swiftly that she didn’t have a chance to block him or even think about attempting to flee. His grip tightened, his claws pressing in as he loomed over her, and her throat burned as fiercely as her eyes were as tears tumbled onto her cheeks.

  He snarled and looked away from her, closed his eyes and gave another pained growl as he hurled her backwards, away from him.

  She hit the flagstones and tumbled across them, pain exploding in her shoulder and hip.

  As soon as she stopped, she pushed up and reached for him, refusing to let him do this and refusing to stop trying to make him listen to her. His brow furrowed, his pain hitting her in stronger waves that ripped at her heart.

  “Please, T—” Darkness swallowed her before she could say his name and she slammed into the cobbles outside the succubus house.

  She turned on the demon who had teleported her and grabbed his leg, looking up into his empty black eyes as he glared down at her.

  “I don’t know what I did wrong. Okay, maybe I do, but I’m not sure. Please, take me back to Tegan. I didn’t know—”

  The bastard teleported out of her grip before she could finish her sentence and she sank onto her backside, all hope flooding out of her as cold swept in.

  “I didn’t know he was a king,” she whispered, tears burning her eyes.

  Gods, it hurt.

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t think clearly as pain consumed her, numbing her to the world as everyone stared at her. She didn’t hear their muttered comments, didn’t see their cold looks, didn’t feel anything as she sat there on the cobbles, reeling and confused, feeling as if her whole life had suddenly come to an abrupt end.

  She had never really risked it all, because risking it all had meant endangering what meant the most to her in her eyes—her clan.

  But as she sat in the middle of the road outside the clan house, shell-shocked by what had happened, she couldn’t help but think that Tegan had been worth the risk.

  Only rather than filling her heart up by choosing her when she had definitely chosen him, he had smashed it to pieces instead.

  And it was all her fault.

  For the first time in her life, she might have had something wonderful, and she had destroyed it.


  Tegan paced in front of his throne, his heavy footfalls echoing around the expansive room. His heart thundered, each beat agony as his mind churned, his rage seizing on every dark thought that crossed it, keeping him permanently locked in his more demonic form.

  The weight he had thought would lift upon dealing with Suki only pressed more heavily on his chest, until he felt as if he couldn’t breathe. He growled and turned, stormed back the other way, fighting to get his fury under control and banish her from his mind.


  For the first time in his life, he had felt sure he had found someone who wanted him, not his throne.

  Someone who had challenged him in so many ways, had stood up to him and made him work for her affection.

  Someone he could be with forever.

  But it had all been a vicious game to her.

  Everything was a damned game to her.

  She had called war a game. Love was apparently a game too.

  That sickened him, cut him right down to his soul because while he was furious that he had been played, he couldn’t convince himself to hate her as she deserved.

  He loved her too damned much.

  She was his mate after all.

  She was meant to be his.

  Or had that all been a lie too, a clever ploy to achieve the victory she sought?

  Maybe she had lied about everything. Maybe the mistress of her clan had been right about her and Suki could use glamours and charm him, and had tricked him into reacting to her as if she was his fated one.

  At first, he had felt sure it had been the effect of her charm.

  Then, he had convinced himself that she was his mate.

  Just as she had planned?

  He breathed through the rage that rose in response to that, desperately clinging to control so he could retain his mind and resist the urge
to go after her. It had been difficult to hold on to the ability to speak her tongue when he had seen her again, but somehow, he had managed it.

  Most likely because pain had kept him locked in his larger, more demonic form since the night Suki’s mistress had left him, and he was growing used to it now, was able to speak normally when his mind was calm enough.

  Rage still took him at times though, had him destroying everything in sight and reduced him to nothing more than a beast, only able to utter a few words in the demon tongue.

  The male he had sent to bring Suki to him returned, a grim look on his face that warned he wanted to speak.

  Tegan didn’t give him a chance.

  “Bring me a powerful witch. The strongest you know.” He had been fooled once and he wouldn’t be fooled again.

  The male didn’t question him. He nodded and teleported again.

  When he returned this time, a petite blonde dressed in a drab black long-sleeved dress was slapping at his chest, a thousand curses flying from her rosy lips.

  “Fucking demon!” She battered his man, a fierce determined look flashing across her face. “I’m fairly bloody certain that witchnapping is illegal. Or it sodding well should be.”

  The fieriness of her temper and her British accent reminded Tegan painfully of Suki and he had to bite back another growl as fresh agony rolled through him.

  The witch managed to get free of his man and turned on the male, silver stars flaring in her blue eyes as she planted her hands on her hips and her lips twisted in a cruel smile.

  “My mate is going to eviscerate you.”

  She seemed to take great pleasure from that thought.

  Tegan stared at her, finding only concern in what she had said. She had a mate? That wasn’t good news at all. He wasn’t sure who this female was, but he needed to calm the situation before this mate arrived for her or she decided to unleash the power he could feel building inside her.

  “My apologies,” Tegan said.

  She whirled to face him, her hands flying up in front of her. Violet ribbons of light swirled around her fingers, sparking and crackling in places, illuminating her and the columns nearest her and competing with the light from the torches mounted on four sides of each column.

  For such a small female, one who stood at least four and a half feet shorter than he was in his current state of close to ten feet tall, she had fight in her, a lot of strength and power that started to fill the room with a heavy sense of danger as she glared at him.

  Enough power to cast the spell he needed?

  “Who the fuck are you, and what bloody realm am I in?” She peered closely at him, a frown etched on her brow as she eased a step nearer, her long dress brushing the black flagstones to blend into them as she leaned forwards. “I’ve not seen your sort before… and have you been crying?”

  “Leave,” he barked at his man and the demon bowed his head and backed away.

  When he was gone, the doors closing heavily behind him, and Tegan was alone with the witch, he bared his fangs and snarled at her for daring to belittle him.

  The vicious sound echoed around the room.

  She paled but was quick to rally, her chin jutting up as she flicked the soft waves of her golden hair over her shoulder and stared him down. “Do not dare lay a finger on me or my mate—”

  He held his hand up to silence her. “I know. I know. Will apparently eviscerate me. I would like to see him try. Perhaps death would be better than living.”

  She smiled coldly, her blue eyes sparkling like the iciest abyss. “Vail would destroy you.”

  Tegan stilled right down to his breathing.

  The urge to call his man back and eviscerate him shot through him.

  Of all the witches to take.

  He bowed his head. “My apologies again. Do not blame my man… although I am… but I asked for the strongest witch he knew.”

  She preened a little on hearing that, fluffing her pale hair. “Strongest witch, eh? Well, I can’t say it will stop Vail from playing with your entrails, but I certainly forgive you. Now, you have business to discuss I presume?”

  Odd little female. So quick to shift moods.

  “I require a spell to stop someone from coming near me.” One he was determined not to regret if she could cast it for him.

  He needed to focus on his kingdom, and he couldn’t do that when his mind was constantly on Suki, the urge to go to her beating inside him even now. She had said that he was wrong, but how could he be? She had used him. She had treated him like a game in order to score a victory with her clan, the ones who were truly important to her.

  He needed this spell, not only to keep her away from him but to keep himself away from her too.

  In time, he might heal and forget her.

  A voice deep inside him laughed coldly at that, a mirthless chuckle that called him a fool. He would never forget her. He would never heal.

  The witch frowned at him. “Like an old-world restraining order?”

  He didn’t know what one of those was. “I have a problem with a female and I need her kept away from me.”

  Her lack of respect was startling as she looked him up and down and said, “Is it for the woman who’s responsible for those manly tears in your eyes?”

  He scowled at her. “Do not try my patience.”

  She did just that by swirling her hand over a patch of the flagstones, sending green light spiralling down to touch them. When it connected, the black stone rose to form a throne that mirrored his, and she lounged in it.

  “What will you do if I try your patience.” Her voice deepened on the last three words, mimicking him in a mocking way that had his horns curling as he turned towards her. “Harm one hair on my awesome head and you’re dead. Vail will hunt you to the ends of the Earth… or Hell.”

  He huffed, hating that all he could do was concede she was right. “True. Plus, Vail is brother to my ally, Prince Loren.”

  “Oh! Um… Second King!” Her eyes lit up like she had just won a prize at a fayre and wanted him to congratulate her. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  He dipped his chin. “Correct.”

  “So, Second King wants a spell to keep a woman away. Cool. I can do that.” She twisted on the seat, swinging her legs up so they rested over one arm of the throne while the other cushioned her back. “It’ll have to be bound to your blood… so it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker. Plus, I’ll need some blood from her, or some hair.”

  “I have neither of those things.” He wasn’t even sure how anyone she cast such a spell for would happen to have some blood lying around.

  He might be able to find some hair if he left with the witch and went to his mansion, but he wanted the spell done now.

  This instant.

  Before his rage subsided and the ache to see Suki and hear what she had wanted to tell him won him over.

  She shrugged. “A name will probably do.”

  He growled, frustration getting the better of him as he paced towards her. “I cannot give you that either, witch. She is fae and closely guards her true name.”

  “The name is Rosalind. Ros-a-lind. I do get tired of people calling me Witch. Ask my husband what happens when you call me Witch too much.”

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he could imagine it had been painful.

  “He might have shed a few manly tears of his own.” She grinned. “Our courtship was a blast.”

  His courtship had been a disaster.

  Her lips pursed and she tapped a finger against her chin, her expression turning thoughtful as she stared at one of the torches mounted on the column she was facing. The flames flickered and distorted, turning blue in the heart of them before they settled again.

  “You need to work with me here.” Her eyes were brighter than ever when she looked at him, silver flakes spinning in her blue irises. “I need something to narrow down the target of the spell unless you want every female banished from your presence.”

  He paused
as an idea came to him.

  It was worth a shot.

  If nothing else, it would prove whether or not she was what he believed her to be.

  “Make the target of the spell my fated one.”

  That had her sitting up on her throne, coming to face him as shock rippled across her delicate features.

  “A demon who wants to keep his fated one away from him?” She lifted both of her hands and a glowing square appeared in the air before her. She took hold of the square and flicked it over the top of another square, as if she was leafing through a book turned with its spine upright.

  “What are you doing?”

  She glanced at him. “Checking my calendar to see whether it’s the apocalypse or something.”


  “Because no demon in his right mind would want to keep his mate away from him.” She slowly shifted her gaze back to him and her eyes narrowed. “Although, maybe you aren’t in your right mind. I’ve seen the crazy look enough times to recognise it a mile off, and I’ve made tinctures for enough broken hearts to know yours has been shattered. Obliterated. Probably no longer exists in that oversized body of yours.”

  He snarled and pinned her with a black scowl. “Do you intend to make the spell or not?”

  She waved her hand and the magical calendar disappeared.

  “I’ll make it, but only because I really want to see you regret it and my spidey-senses are tingling, telling me I’m going to be there when it happens.” A slow mischievous grin curled her lips. “When you realise what a dick you’ve been, I’m going to make you naked wrestle my husband for the cure and I’m going to invite all my friends around to watch.”

  She had strange ways of speaking. They vexed him but he didn’t let her see it.

  “Make the spell.” He stood his ground before her, even when her expression softened and she rose to her feet.

  “Last chance.” She held her hand out in front of her as she approached him, black and violet light chasing around her fingers. “You’ll regret it if I do this.”

  He wouldn’t stop now. He couldn’t.

  She was wrong about him.

  He wouldn’t regret this, because he wouldn’t allow himself to feel that emotion, even when he knew that he was going to be miserable when his rage wore off and he was seeing things more clearly. It was better this way. Safer.


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