6.11. PADL's NIS/LDAP Gateway
7. Email and LDAP
7.1. Representing Users
7.2. Email Clients and LDAP
7.2.1. Mozilla Mail
7.2.2. Pine 4
7.2.3. Eudora
7.2.4. Microsoft Outlook Express
7.3. Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)
7.3.1. Sendmail
7.3.2. Postfix
7.3.3. Exim
8. Standard Unix Services and LDAP
8.1. The Directory Namespace
8.2. An FTP/HTTP Combination
8.2.1. ProFTPD
8.2.2. Apache
8.3. User Authentication with Samba
8.3.1. Configuring Samba
8.3.2. Adding and Using a sambaAccount
8.4. FreeRadius
8.4.1. FreeRadius and OpenLDAP
8.5. Resolving Hosts
8.6. Central Printer Management
9. LDAP Interoperability
9.1. Interoperability or Integration?
9.2. Directory Gateways
9.3. Cross-Platform Authentication Services
9.3.1. A Short Discussion About Kerberos
9.4. Distributed, Multivendor Directories
9.5. Metadirectories
9.6. Push/Pull Agents for Directory Synchronization
9.6.1. The Directory Services Markup Language
10. Net::LDAP and Perl
10.1. The Net::LDAP Module
10.2. Connecting, Binding, and Searching
10.3. Working with Net::LDAP::LDIF
10.4. Updating the Directory
10.4.1. Adding New Entries
10.4.2. Deleting Entries
10.4.3. Modifying Entries
10.5. Advanced Net::LDAP Scripting
10.5.1. References and Referrals
10.5.2. Scripting Authentication with SASL
10.5.3. Extensions and Controls
III. Appendixes
A. PAM and NSS
A.1. Pluggable Authentication Modules
A.1.1. Configuring PAM
A.2. Name Service Switch (NSS)
B. OpenLDAP Command-Line Tools
B.1. Debugging Options
B.2. Slap Tools
B.2.1. slapadd(8c)
B.2.2. slapcat(8c)
B.2.3. slapindex(8c)
B.2.4. slappasswd(8c)
B.3. LDAP Tools
B.3.1. ldapadd(1), ldapmodify(1)
B.3.2. ldapcompare(1)
B.3.3. ldapdelete(1)
B.3.4. ldapmodrdn(1)
B.3.5. ldappasswd(1)
B.3.6. ldapsearch(1)
C. Common Attributes and Objects
C.1. Schema Files
C.2. Attributes
C.3. Object Classes
D. LDAP RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and Mailing Lists
D.1. Requests for Comments
D.2. Mailing Lists
E. slapd.conf ACLs
E.1. What?
E.2. Who?
E.3. How Much?
E.4. Examples
LDAP System Administration Page 35