Blood of Fate

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Blood of Fate Page 14

by Dan Sugralinov

  The grey-haired and powerful man with his eagle’s nose and massive shoulders looked around. He was dressed in a shirt carelessly tucked into his trousers and clean high-top boots. Luca realized that this was the captain of the palace guard, and much depended on whether he could bring him on side.

  The situation was familiar: Esk’Onegut’s legacy in the boy’s memory instantly brought him examples and templates of behavior. Judging by the fact that neither Naut nor Lentz looked surprise, this sort attitude was typical for the captain of the palace guard. But Luca-Esk was astounded by Hector’s arrogance. Seriously? That’s how he speaks to his emperor? It seemed the body’s former owner had let his authority fall to rock bottom.

  “There is a good reason, for-now captain of the palace guard. Just an assassination attempt against your ruler.” Ma Ju Ro shrugged and smiled wryly. Lock the door, Hector. This is a conversation that should not be overheard. Oh, and don’t let him leave!”

  Hector deftly grabbed Naut, who seemed to suddenly have important matters to attend to elsewhere, and then punched him in the gut. And then, kicking his fat ass as a preventive measure, he locked the door and looked at the emperor with interest.

  News of an assassination attempt was almost boring. They happened nearly every month or two. But Ma Ju Ro’s reaction contrasted sharply with what he was used to seeing: there were no hysterics, stamping of feet or demands to ‘stake up every last one of them’! Or had the pig just smoked too much Tassurian weed?

  “I gather it was Naut who made the attempt? But how? He can’t even hold a spoon for long.” Hector looked at the first advisor with disgust as he moaned and writhed on the floor.

  “The former first advisor Naut used his position to administer a poisonous substance during the procedure. Unfortunately, he betrayed my trust.” Lentz bowed his head with shame. “The emperor is aware and has already decided my punishment.”

  “What?” Naut wailed, trying to stand. The captain smiled and kicked him again, pinning him to the floor under his boot. “It wasn’t like that!”

  “Shut him up!” the emperor ordered. “I know how it was.”

  Hector pulled one of the first advisor’s socks off and stuffed it in his mouth. Thinking over what he had heard, he frowned even more and chewed his lips before speaking.

  “Ruler...” It was clear that such respectful language came with difficulty. “As captain of the palace guard, and therefore the person bound to protect you...”

  “Bound to?” Ma Ju Ro raised an eyebrow. “Oh, dear Hector, I don’t want to ‘bind’ you to do anything! I value that you find yourself able to overcome your reluctance and... disgust? But I would rather you performed your duties willingly. Or do you wish me to sign a corresponding order? Lentz, call the second advisor. We must discuss the structure of the new government.”

  Turning a deep red, Hector slowly fell to one knee, thinking furiously. Something strange had happened to the emperor, but it wasn’t clear what. The captain, forged in decades of covert intrigue as he was, decided to play along for now. The palace guard and the inquisitors were on his side, yes, but Hustig, the general of the army... He hated the captain so much that he would attack him at the slightest hint from the emperor without hesitation.

  “Forgive me, ruler. I am an old soldier and rhetoric is not my strong suit. I merely wanted to say that Chief Imperial Medic Lentz is perhaps being... disingenuous. Allow my inquisitors to question him! They can confirm the healer’s involvement in the attempt on your life! I doubt this wimp,” Hector spat on the cowering Naut, “could have organized it all himself!”

  “Stand up, Hector. We will discuss that later,” the emperor nodded. “In the meantime, take care of Naut. Lock him in a cage and let your boys deal with him. Confiscate all his money and property into the imperial treasury and isolate his family until we’ve cleared things up. Make sure you keep a particularly attentive eye on anyone close to Naut, see who twitches after his arrest, who talks and what they say, who meets with who...”

  The emperor continued to provide detailed and surprisingly intelligent orders, and Hector’s jaw dropped. The same happened to Lentz, and even the former first advisor on the floor stopped writhing and sniveling. The healer was at least prepared, knowing the emperor’s true new nature, but for the other two, his words were a complete shock.

  Ma Ju Ro had never cared about details. He usually just waved a hand and said “Handle it,” and the most qualified person would then handle whatever “it” was. The head of the merchant’s guild was complaining of exorbitant taxes? “Handle it,” the emperor grumbled without raising his head from Keirinia’s ample bosom. The northern barons were asking for protection from mutant raids? General Hustig would take care of it. Only attempts on the head of state shook up Ma Ju Ro, but each bout of hysterics (which could be safely ignored) always ended in the same words: “Handle it!”

  It was also worth noting that oftentimes Naut, Hustig and Hector solved such problems behind the scenes in ways that fattened their own pockets. The merchant was given a tax rebate, with a percentage fee paid directly to Naut. A legion was sent to the north, and sacks of Tuaf hops and grain added to General Hustig’s personal stores. In a similar manner, Hector took control of the capital’s market and seized the villa of an aristocrat who fell from grace.

  The master of the palace guard was the first to collect himself.

  “It will be done, my ruler! The only thing is...” He hesitated, but then plucked up his courage. “I am afraid that observation in the form your imperial majesty requires is not possible. I have requested many times that you raise the budget allotted to the inquisitors and observers, but both you and the first... the former first advisor Naut have always found reasons to refuse me!”

  “Naut, you old rogue!” Lentz delighted. “How did you know that Hector’s chained hounds aren’t to be fed?!”

  Naut bellowed something. Ma Ju Ro nodded and Hector pulled out the stocking.

  “And I see you’ve managed to wriggle your way out of this, Lentz,” Naut spat in fury. “You’ll see, I’ll tell them everything...”

  Lentz looked at the emperor nervously, and at the captain’s listening ears.

  “I know everything about Lentz’s involvement in the conspiracy, and he is forgiven,” the emperor said. “As for the lack of funds for observers, use those confiscated from Naut, Hector. We have lost control over the Empire and we are losing it over the city. The people are poor, and the barons, my cousin Rezsinius and the mutants are tearing the country apart. The day has come to do something about it!”

  Captain Kolot Hector saluted with his fist to his chest. He wasn’t wearing his breastplate, so the sound wasn’t right, but the gesture impressed Lentz anyway. The captain usually only performed that salute at the military parades that Ma Ju Ro held every year. And Naut and Hustig had initiated those parades — they cost almost no money, but demanded a significant amount of the city budget.

  In the meantime, Naut threw himself at Luca’s feet and started begging for forgiveness. Hector wanted to stop him, but Ma Ju Ro signaled to let him speak.

  “My emperor! My ruler! For years I have served you faithfully and honestly! When you were... busy with other important matters, I practically bore the weight of ruling the Empire! Taxation, the army, the economy, laws... Nobody but me is capable of grasping all the intricacies of our country’s politics! Forgive me, my ruler, and I can still be useful to you! My heart bled when I saw you losing interest in matters of state! What is this physician to you? He knows nothing!”

  “It is very clear to me what your ‘ruling’ has done to the Empire!” Luca said fiercely. “However, that is exactly why I have not ordered you beheaded right here and now. You may indeed still be useful... If you pay for what you have done. Hector, get on with it.”

  The captain picked Naut up and dragged him to the door. When it slammed behind him, and his agonizing wails in the corridor faded, Luca found his clothes on the floor, his armor and imperial tuni
c. He pulled them on with the healer’s help and shrugged his shoulders. His body was still refusing to obey him. He needed time to get a handle on it, to get used to his center of gravity with all this weight.

  “What do you think, Lentz, should I lose some weight?” he asked, preparing to give the order to his metamorphosis.

  “Most assuredly, my ruler!” the healer answered. “But this must be approached delicately.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “It must be done very, very carefully. Gradually,” Lentz traced a flowing, just slightly sloping curve in the air. “The people see you once per year and will be very surprised if they suddenly see an athletic man in place of the well-fed emperor they know and love. Your profile is printed on all the coins, and you aren’t thin there at all! Never mind the full-length portraits of your Imperial Highness! They may suspect an impersonation, my lord!”

  “Very well,” Ma Ju Ro agreed reluctantly, ordering his body to reduce his fat deposits by five percent over a week.

  His obedient metamorphosis ability accepted the command, and it occurred to Luca that it wouldn’t hurt to go for runs along the shore. It would make a good explanation for his future weight loss.

  The sound of the emperor’s rumbling stomach could clearly be heard in the reigning silence.

  “Would his imperial highness like to have breakfast?” Lentz asked, gulping. “On my way here, the most breathtaking smells were coming from the kitchen...”

  “We will break our fast together soon, Lentz. But right now, I have a delicate assignment for you. I would like to somehow thank the family of this boy,” he nodded toward his former body. “Invite them here and bring them to the palace, but so that nobody finds out about it. And when you go for them, take medicine — the mother has swamp fever. Don’t ask how I know, I just know.”

  “Fever? Then I must hurry!” Lentz nodded and automatically repeated Hector’s gesture, striking his chest with his fist. “Consider it done, my ruler!”

  “And something else... A week ago, a certain Terant was languishing in the city jail. Find out how he’s doing.”

  Chapter 23. Surprise for the Sovereign

  LUCA WAS LEFT alone. He heard voices beyond the door, but the newly rejuvenated emperor was still apprehensive. Without Lentz’s support and hints, he might make a mistake, fail to remember a name and thereby raise suspicion.

  He might have sat on his own for a lot longer if it weren’t for a knock at the door, followed by a hoarse old voice.

  “Where should I serve your breakfast, ruler?”

  Who was that? A name came to the tip of his tongue, but the shallow memories from Ma Ju Ro failed him. Or maybe Ma Ju Ro just didn’t know his servants’ names? Fully possible. However, one piece of knowledge came to Luca clear as day: the man beyond the door was an old servant.

  “Bring it all there, but not before I come out!” Luca said as harshly as he could. “I’m busy! I’m thinking about the people!”

  A surprised silence hung beyond the door, but it didn’t last long. With hushed voices in the background, the old man coughed hoarsely.

  “It will be done, my ruler!”

  As he left, the old man whispered to one of the people in the corridor: What a wonderful emperor we have, always thinking of the people... He’s with some whore again! He could’a just let us in, pretty sure we seen it all...

  It was said with a great deal of sarcasm, and the laughter afterwards confirmed it. Luca realized he’d slipped up. By all appearances, attempts on Ma Ju Ro’s life were a common affair. And if so many were eager for the real emperor to shuffle off the mortal coil, then Two-horns himself would be after the new fake one! The fact that Luca wasn’t who he appeared to be would be clear from such details and oddities in his behavior. That spiteful old servant had probably known the emperor from the teat!

  He had to prepare and take measures. He had no fear of poisons, his metamorphosis would handle them, especially with its endless supply of fuel in his fat cells. Physical attacks were another matter.

  An axe to the neck, a knife to the heart, or they could even just cut him to pieces! Could the ability handle that? He didn’t want to find out. He’d had enough of pain and suffering.

  The emperor locked the door and thought for a moment. To start with, he wanted to strengthen his skin so that no treacherous knife or huge halberd could pierce him, but he imagined the consequences: he had to sometimes come into physical contact with people, to shake hands for example. Should he leave his hands as they were? No, they’d be vulnerable. And what if he were to lie with one of his courtesans? Leaving them alone entirely would stir up even more rumors than if he got slim.

  Luca went red at the thought, although there was nobody with him to see it. The chance that this would happen that very day aroused him thoroughly, but he tried to drive away his fantasies. Useless things. And those girls were old and... too available. Although now everything in the Empire was available to him... That thought calmed Luca. The easily obtainable lost its attraction and couldn’t possibly cause the same anguish that had come from secret dreams of a neighbor girl when he was paralyzed.

  He delved back into thoughts of strengthening himself. The skin... He could leave the skin as it was, but... He felt his entire body from his ears to his heels. There was fat all over. Even his fingers were like Tuaf sausages! Remembering one of his favorite treats of childhood, when his father’s paycheck let them eat well, he felt another sharp stab of hunger. But Ma Ju Ro ate less than a day ago!

  Whatever, let his stomach moan, Luca was no stranger to hunger. So, the fat. A thick, blubbery layer, and if you created a fine super-strong film over it, hard enough and still elastic, then his internal organs would be protected. As for his head, he could completely strengthen his skull.

  It should be metal, but which metal? The most durable in the world! Luca began to recall the most unfamiliar names from Esk’s legacy: tungsten, osmium, iridium, titanium... One after another, messages floated before him.

  Carrier request accepted: strengthening subcutaneous fat layer, strengthening durability of visceral fat around vital organs, strengthening skeleton.

  Request accepted.


  Transformation impossible. Not enough tungsten in body!

  Transformation impossible. Not enough osmium in body!

  Transformation impossible. Not enough iridium in body!

  Transformation impossible. Not enough titanium in body!

  The same happened for ruthenium, chrome, beryllium and rhenium. Luca went over to the medical instruments left on Lentz’s table, picking up one after another in the home that at least one of them might contain some of the metal he needed.

  Activated enhancement mode!

  Detected available materials: 73% iron, 9% nickel, 17% chrome, 0.07% carbon...



  Scalpels, scissors, forceps, retractors, needles and saws — they were all made of surgical steel. The tools, which had doubtless traveled a long path through the large country into Lentz’s possession, dissolved right in the emperor’s hand. The chief medic would be very upset.

  His entire body got horribly itchy. Luca couldn’t stand it anymore, he took off his breastplate and tunic and started frantically scratching everywhere he could. Everywhere itched, but mostly his head. His fingers moving furiously, the emperor nearly tore the skin off his skull. But it all stopped just as suddenly as it started.

  Transformation complete!

  Luca’Onegut, based on your request, the following has been performed:

  — added 0.1 mm thick layer of fine-meshed chromium steel to internal subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits

  — skull bones strengthened by 762%

  — skeletal bones strengthened by 369%

  — skin enhanced by 92%

  It is recommended that you source material for strengthening skin and hair for increased fire-resistance, chemical and radioactive protection!<
br />
  Attention! Non-organic energy reserves exhausted!

  This was the first time he’d heard of chemistry and radiation, but some examples popped up in his mind as if they’d been there all along. Popped up and astounded him. It amazed Luca that invisible lethal rays and existed in nature, and liquids that could melt even the strongest metal. Promising himself to learn as much as he could about this later, he got dressed, and just in time. Although perhaps at just the wrong time, considering what happened next.

  The voices beyond the door had long since faded, but the emperor had only just noticed it. He heard the tapping of high-heels on the marble floor of the corridor, and someone tried the door handle and then rapped on the door lightly.

  “Your imperial highness!” a sonorous women’s voice said. “I have come to beg my lord for forgiveness! Master, please let me in and I will atone for the little misunderstanding I caused.”


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