The Rising

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The Rising Page 12

by Terra Harmony

  Chapter Nine

  "May I present to Society your Temporal Caste, who stand before you, ready for your Choosing," Zayla's says, her voice echoing past the breakers.

  Though the caste members themselves select their top three jobs, the final decision rests with the king and council. Serena isn't aware of any Undine who did not get one of their three choices. Very few are even forced to take their third choice.

  Zayla straightens from a deep curtsy, her golden scales glittering under the moonlight. The rest of Society, including the king, bow their heads in return. Zayla turns to face the caste.

  "As your Caste Master, I proclaim each of you ready and fit to serve Society. As such, you are part of an endless circle of kinship."

  A skitter among the mass of Undine in the ocean causes Zayla to pause. The Undine are most certainly not 'endless' and the Temporal Caste is proof itself. The ceremonial speech, uttered year after year for the graduating caste, is now invalidated by the shrinking numbers of the Undine race.

  Zayla casts a glance over her shoulder at the onlookers. Her eyelashes flutter as she is thrown out of her ceremonial reverie. Her arms drop by her sides and she turns and surveys her pupils, as if seeing them in a new light. The uncomfortable silence is drawn out and Serena glimpses at the king. He doesn't intervene, just watches. Zayla takes in a shaky breath and wipes her cheek.

  Serena squints, looking closer. Is she crying?

  Another wave comes in, made weak by the rocks and sands of the earth. A myriad of bubbles reach out, skimming over the sand. The ocean's reach is interrupted by the feet of the Temporal Caste who stand on the beach, hardened scales sliding over ankles.

  "How out of place we seem," Zayla says quietly. "Standing here with a mix of scales and skin, as though we are part of neither world."

  The mouths of the Temporal Caste drop open. This is definitely not part of the speech. Serena is sure the Undine behind Zayla cannot hear. But the caste mates certainly can, as well as the King's Guard.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Serena watches muscles tense up and down along the line of guards. It is the only break in character they exhibit, but it is enough.

  Cordelia herself looks to be on the verge of tears, though for an entirely different reason. Her arms tremble in anger, the stacks of bracelets clinking together.

  "She can't," Cordelia whispers to herself, crossing her arms.

  Serena looks at Cordelia, meeting her eye.

  "She can't do this now, of all times, to blubber about losing her job." Cordelia looks at Serena. "This isn't about her."

  "No," says Serena, taking a step closer to Cordelia. The break in spacing draws attention from the crowd. Serena grasps Cordelia's wrist so the shaking stops. "But it's not about only us, either."

  Serena looks out over the Undine treading water in the ocean, then up to the moon. The cliffs behind them seem to grow larger, looming over the diminishing Undine population.

  Down the line of the Temporal Caste there are hesitant footsteps as the thirteen members break the ceremonial line and move closer together. The orange maiden on the other side of Cordelia, Sasha Sunbeam, grasps Cordelia’s left wrist to stop the rattling bracelets. Cordelia looks at Sasha, eyes narrowed, unsure if she should be offended or grateful. The next maiden over puts one hand on Sasha's shoulder, and another around her other neighbor's waist. One by one, the line moves closer, connecting physically in one way or another.

  A new wave crashes ashore, stronger now. It reaches out, encircling the young Undine group. Where the scales of the ocean meet the skin of the land, sand and water support and empower them all at once. A flock of birds take flight from the cliffs, their silhouettes moving across the light of the moon.

  Serena looks at her small group of caste mates and is greeted with hesitant, but hopeful smiles.

  Zayla clears her throat, approaching the caste's smaller circle. She addresses the group as a whole. "And so you are one, the Temporal Caste. And I couldn't be more proud."

  A squeeze of hands run down the line of Undine maidens.

  "Are you willing and able to uphold the values and principles of Society?" Zayla asks the group.

  The question is supposed to be asked of each graduating caste member individually, but they answer as one. "We are willing."

  "Are you prepared to enter Society, no longer a student, but as a productive, contributing member?

  "We are prepared."

  "Of the ocean and of the moon…" Zayla begins the closing line.

  "We are Undine," the Temporal Caste finishes for her.

  Zayla smiles. "Now leave this beach and seek your king for assignment of your new roles in Society."

  Someone from the crowd hollers, then another. A great whooping noise spreads across the waves as the Temporal Caste release their hold on each other and break into a charging sprint straight into the ocean. Serena turns to find Ervin, but her eyes land on Kai. The King's Guard have their tridents in the air, joining in with the maelstrom of voices. Kai winks at her again, sending her on her way.

  She races to catch up to the group, taking her usual place at the rear. The shouts above sea are replaced by a new vigor under water as legs transform to fins. Those not used to the quick change take longer and fall behind. Kicking, then fluttering, everyone races toward the king.

  Other members of Society slap their fins on the surface of the water. Some break free of the ocean, flipping into the air and back down again. Down below, Undine send out their signals, buzzing and tickling the Temporal Caste as they pass. The enthusiasm is infectious.

  Serena picks up speed and opens up her arms. Her fingers skim the wake of water behind her caste mates. She follows as they angle up, then turn on their backs. Serena knows what is coming. It is the buildup to a line of jumps, one Undine after another, each performing some kind of acrobatics in midair. This isn't a tradition, but the maidens can't stop the rush of euphoria. They are like young Undine calflings, playing in the breakers during the high moon.

  Through the fizz and bubbles, Serena can see the maiden in front of her surface, make a gentle arch through the sky, and dive back into the water. Serena smiles then streamlines, gaining even more speed. She bursts through the surface at the crest of a wave, pushing her even higher. Serena bends at the waist, wrapping her arms around the lower half of her tail. She summersaults three times before opening up her body.

  Arms out, Serena hangs at the apex of her jump, suspended for a moment before the moon. The curve of her arms outline the orb, a perfect sphere albeit a sliver. Her head eclipses the bottom half, as if suspended at the solemn creature's mercy. She takes in the light it gives, then falls back to the ocean, filled with every last bit of brilliant karma the moon can deliver.

  After a sleek dive, Serena resurfaces. Glowing hair drapes over her face, obscuring her vision. She flips it back, a carefree laugh escaping her lips. She settles, bobbing along the surface of the ocean near the whale-rock, when she realizes all eyes are on her. Even King Merrick, who is ready to announce The Choosing of the first Undine, stares with his mouth open.

  "Sorry, I was just…" Serena's smile turns into a frown.

  I was just happy, Serena finishes the sentence in her head.

  She dips back below water where there aren't so many eyes and swims to the end of the line.

  Thankfully, King Merrick's words command more attention than any triple pike can. Cordelia is first in line.

  "Cordelia Swallow-Tail, you have been chosen to serve Society as an Orphanage Attendant."

  A ripple of murmurs run through the Temporal Caste in front of Serena.

  "Why Orphanage attendant?" Serena hears Sasha ask. "There are no orphans left—there are no calflings."

  Another maiden elbows Sasha, gesturing to Serena behind them.

  "Sorry," Sasha lifts her eyebrows at Serena. "I didn't mean…"

  "It's okay," interrupts Serena.

  The three maidens turn their attention back to the king and Corde

  "My second choice was Orphanage Attendant," Serena admits to the other maidens, her voice almost at a whisper. "Rayne wants to retire soon, and I guess someone needs to take over…just in case."

  Sasha nods, looking back at the whale rock. "The orphanage was Cordelia's favorite shadow job. She’s the popular one, though—I always assumed she'd end up as Council Member Assistant."

  "Now, go join your kinsmen and make proud the ancients who watch over us." King Merrick waves Cordelia away. Rayne retreats with her, her deep green scales complimenting Cordelia's burgundy, escorting her to the first night on the job.

  The king calls forth three more caste members, including Sasha. They approach the rock together for assignment and receive garden duty. There are more whoops and hollers as they join the gardening crew and they all leave together for their first night. In a crowd as big as theirs, much of the evening will consist of a party, welcoming the new members into their lives.

  Serena turns to look at the King's Guard still standing on the beach. Each has their gaze set on the cliffs, scouting for danger. All, except one. Murphy, Head of the Guard, watches the proceedings with sad eyes. There are no males in the Temporal Caste. No one to join the King's Guard this time—and most likely never again. Ervin was the last. Serena still hears rumors of the legendary party the night of his Choosing.

  It will be nothing like hers. With luck, Mariam has made her special lemongrass tea. The last time Serena drank it she was pleasantly inebriated for hours, suggesting there is more more to the mixture than just lemongrass. Mariam and Serena ended up in the entrance pool to the archives, splashing and dunking each other.

  Another caste member is sent away and now there is only one Undine left in front of Serena. Serena lifts herself farther from the water, preparing to ascend the rock more confident now that fewer Society members remain. As the Undine receives her placement from the king, Serena finds Mariam. The Records Keeper is observing from a distance, the same place Serena might find herself years from now, after she inherits the archives and seeks her own assistant.

  "Serena Moon-Shadow," the king calls. His voice is softer now that it does not need to reach all of Society. The only Undine that remain, apart from the king, are Nerin, Zayla, and Mariam.

  Serena transforms and ascends the rock, standing on the same level as the king. He scrutinizes her with a slight smile on his face. Most of the previous formality seems to have disappeared with the rest of her caste mates.

  "Seems your formal name has some merit," says the king. "Your affinity with the moon is much…stronger than I've seen with any Undine."

  Serena isn't sure what he means by this, but makes a mental note to research the connection between Undine and the moon when she gets to the archives.

  "Let's get on with it, shall we?" The king says, clearing his throat.

  Serena smiles with one final glance at Mariam.

  "Serena Moon-Shadow, you have been chosen to serve Society as Werewolf Liaison."


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