The Rising

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The Rising Page 36

by Terra Harmony

  Chapter Thirty-One

  The matched couples separate, each party expected to get sufficient rest before the event. Serena waits at the front of the Great Hall, allowing most of Society to leave with high tide before she does.

  She wants to approach the king and speak to him directly regarding his decision about the sacrifice he has to make, but Nerin and Murphy stand on either side of him, their heads bent down and each speaking in lowered whispers.

  "Kai Forest," the king's voice booms out.

  Kai's head snaps up and the king beckons him to join the group at the throne. Taking his leave from Simone, Kai dips his head slightly toward her. That bottom red lips sticks out before she turns to head to her own cave.

  As Kai passes Serena, on his way to the throne, he pauses. Turning toward her, he begins to speak. "Serena…I—"

  "Kai!" Murphy hisses, annoyed at the delay in responding to the king's request.

  Kai's shoulders sag. He glances one last time at Serena, then turns to approach the throne.

  Serena turns herself, she can't watch him anymore. He is gone—paired with another. Apparently his ability to wait isn't too well honed.

  Dragging herself from the Great Hall, Serena takes the long way to the orphanage, passing most of the residential caves as she goes—many of which she has never even seen before. Those belonging to the Temporal Caste that were chosen in The Selection are inundated with well-wishers, visitors with advice, and even those bearing their condolences, as if another Maiden's Massacre has already occurred.

  The Swallow-Tail family cavern is especially full of Undine. With Cordelia chosen for the pairing, everyone wants to make an appearance there. As Serena passes by the opening, she glances in. Her eyes scan past the myriad of colorful maidens, searching for Cordelia's telltale burgundy. Finally, Serena spots her, sitting in a corner with Ervin. Their shoulders touch in the small space they have. Ervin leans into Cordelia, whispering something. Cordelia laughs. Her fingers brush his, and they both pause, looking down.

  Faces start to look out from the room at Serena, so she moves on.

  Although most of these caves are much larger than Serena's, they are packed with not only Undine, but with bins of food, shelves of tiny figurines and even a cage or jar with pets from The Deep. There are paintings and carvings etched into walls adorned with bright colors. One cave has a large assortment of musical instruments, and the Sunbeam cave even has a rug sprawled across the floor. The waters don't reach this high up in the mountain.

  Compared to these, her own cavern is bleak, homely, and isolated. Just like Serena herself. She doesn't belong to this Society and she doesn't belong to Kai; she never did.

  Maybe the wolves are a better choice after all, no matter what they intend to do with me.

  Making her way to the orphanage, Serena retreats to the nanny's sleeping cove. Rayne is off studying up on recipes appropriate for pregnant Undine, and Serena hasn't seen Ronan in many moons. She assumes he is busy making replacement tridents for Murphy, Kai, and Ervin.

  A few hours of sleep, and Rayne is shaking Serena's shoulder. "It's time, Serenita."

  Serena stretches, then lifts herself to a sitting position in the cove.

  Rayne watches her, smiling. "You are practically a grown maiden now. I suppose I ought to stop calling you that."

  Shaking her head, Serena smiles back at Rayne. "Not yet, Mother Rayne." Serena hops down, taking Rayne's arm. "Do you want to escort me to the beach?"

  "Of course," says Rayne, running her fingertips through Serena's hair. "Right after you eat something."

  "Of course," mumbles Serena.

  The meal passes with only a few arguments over the amount of food on Serena's plate, and before long, she is giving Rayne a quick hug. Serena swims in between a line of maidens, waiting just under the surface with bows and arrows should the pairing couples need help.

  Serena is the last to arrive on the beach. Behind her, the nickel-shaded moon is full and large, dominating the entire sky. It pulls Serena from the ocean, water cascading down her scales as she sheds herself of the salty sea.

  The matched couples are there, along with Murphy in front of them, all staring into the tree line. The only one to turn and watch as Serena emerges from the water is Kai, but she can't bear to return the glance. Simone is hanging on his arm like a suckerfish. Serena keeps her eyes on Murphy, until she takes her place beside him.

  Serena looks behind her at Cordelia and Ervin. Cordelia's hands tremble, and she hides behind Ervin's back. At least this time, she has left all her jewelry behind. Nothing rattles.

  Ervin wears a deep frown.

  Serena's lips turn down, matching his. How is he supposed to proceed, with his partner scared out of her mind?

  Leaving Murphy's side, Serena steps into the forest to retrieve something then comes back to Ervin and Cordelia. Serena no longer sees the most popular caste member, or the spoiled beauty. She doesn't even see the girl who is about to pair with Serena's best friend. Right now she sees the maiden who swaddled and rocked a doll like an Undine calfling. At this moment, Serena sees her species only chance for survival.

  Serena extends her hand toward Cordelia. Ervin steps aside, raising his eyebrow. Serena swallows, and gives a friendly smile.

  Cordelia glances once at Ervin, then toward the dark cliffs that loom on one side of the beach, and finally moves to Serena. The maidens lock hands, and Serena pulls Cordelia closer to the cliffs.

  "The night of The Choosing, right after I was named Werewolf Liaison, I was sent out there on my own." Serena nods to the forest. "I saw a wolf, the very next night. And then twice after."

  Cordelia's hand squeezes Serena’s. "Did he try to kill you?"

  Serena looks at Cordelia. She wants—she needs Cordelia to see the truth in her eyes. "No."

  "Why not?" Cordelia asks.

  Serena thinks of her jellyfish tree and smiles. "Because I brought something with me."

  "Your trident?' Cordelia makes a pointed glance at Ervin's empty hand.

  "No." Serena shakes her head. "I brought a little something from home, and…" Serena holds up a yellow flower, "this."

  "Wolfsbane?" Cordelia steps back, throwing her hands up in front of her face.

  Serena rolls her eyes, shooing Ervin as he steps forward. "It won't hurt you if you hold it at the stem."

  Cordelia edges back, keeping her eyes on the flower.

  "Go on, take it," encourages Serena.

  Finally, Cordelia reaches out. Her hand is even shakier than before.

  "I decorated an entire tree, and the ground around it with these. Sort of like a circle of protection."

  Cordelia's bright blue eyes go wide as Serena speaks.

  "The wolf would patrol the border, but has never crossed into the flowers."

  Serena watches scales emerge along Cordelia's arm, then fingers, as she plucks the stem from Serena's hand.

  Cordelia twirls it, as Serena does when studying the magical flower. The yellow petals are highlighted against Cordelia's deep burgundy scales.

  "So this will protect me? If I hold this tiny little thing, I won't be killed?" she asks.

  "Not exactly," says Serena. "But I've been busy. Look." Serena points into the darkened forest.

  Cordelia steps forward, squinting. The rest of the Undine, Temporal Caste and guards alike, look too. They've been following the conversation, closer than Serena realized.

  "I don't see anything," says Cordelia, whispering now.

  "Keep looking," Serena addresses everybody. "Your eyes will adjust in a moment."

  There are a few seconds of quiet, with crickets chirping in front of them and waves crashing behind them. The wind picks up, blowing out of the forest, toward the Undine maidens. A braided rope of yellow swings out. When it falls back among the trees, its color brings attention to all of the other hanging ropes and the line of flowers on the ground.

  Cordelia breathes. "Oh."

  "It follows the entire tree
line to the cliffs and then north, where the ocean meets the forest."

  All at once, Cordelia has stopped shaking. Her hand goes to her midsection, and she licks her lips. "It will hold them all back?"

  "I think so," says Serena. But tonight is a full moon—a night where anything goes.

  "Okay," says Cordelia. She looks at Ervin, holding out her hand. "Okay," she says again.

  Cordelia buries the stem into the ground, so the rest of the wolfsbane flower stands straight up. The pair join hands, their eyes locked.

  Suddenly the odd one out again, Serena turns away, heat creeping up her cheeks. A low murmur drifts out from the rest of the Undine.

  "Thank you," Cordelia's voice cuts through the whispers.

  Serena turns.

  "Just for…everything." Cordelia finishes, her hand going to her stomach again.

  The thanks comes too soon—the night has just begun. Serena nods, nonetheless, and turns back to the forest. Murphy steps up to her side.

  "Ready?" he asks.

  Serena smiles. This isn't her first trip to The Dry. "Are you?"

  Murphy looks down, holding up his empty hand. "Here," he says. With that hand, the one that usually holds the trident, he reaches for her own hand and clasps them together.

  Serena stiffens. "Murphy—I can't do this."

  "We most definitely will not be doing anything but patrolling."

  Serena whips her head around to Murphy. "What?"

  "But let them see us walking into the forest together." Murphy takes a deep breath, his hand squeezing hers as he stares forward into the darkened forest. "The king wanted this. He believes the impression of our union will offer you further protection and support."

  Serena tries pulling her hand away. "If the king wants to protect me, he knows what decision to make."

  "Hush," Murphy whispers. "I told you we aren't actually going to do anything. I'm old enough to be your father."

  Gross, thinks Serena. She risks a glance back at Kai. He is staring at Murphy and Serena's interlocked hands. She relaxes, no longer struggling in Murphy's tight grasp. She remembers how Kai made her leave the dummy head on the floor while training in the archives. In a kingdom filled with the buzz of rumors, impressions are everything. Maybe if Society thinks she is paired with the Head of the Guard, they'll be less likely to offer her up to the wolves.

  Besides, it serves Kai right. He shouldn't have chosen another.

  "You don't have any of that wolfsbane nectar poison on this, do you?" he asks, glancing down at her hand.

  One side of Serena's mouth curls up in a smile. "No." Stepping forward when Murphy does, she follows his lead into the tree line.

  As soon as Murphy and Serena are hidden among the trees, he releases her hand. Though she was almost positive his intentions were not to take advantage of the full moon, she breathes a sigh of relief.

  "You weren't lying," he says. "You've been busy." He leans to the side as an especially long strand of wolfsbane floats toward him.

  "Stay fully scaled," Serena reminds him. "It won't be as bad if the wolfsbane touches you."

  "I wasn't planning otherwise," Murphy says, looking out in the forest. "Do you think your werewolf is here?"

  Serena sniffs the air. The wind has died down so scents won't travel far. "I don't know. I could always call for him, if you think that is wise."

  "No, we don't want to draw attention to what we are doing tonight." Murphy glances at the beach. It has gone quiet. He turns back around quickly. "Even still…"

  "It'd be better to know exactly where he is," Serena finishes the thought for Murphy. She takes a deep breath. "I think I'll go scout a bit."

  "Then I'm coming with you," Murphy says.

  "No." It comes out fast and clipped. "I mean—you have to stay here. If something happens, they'll need you." She thinks of the untrained maidens, holding crudely constructed arrows and bows, waiting just below the breakers. The Temporal Caste will definitely need Murphy, should anything happen.

  She looks at the trident in her hand, then thrusts it toward Murphy.

  He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Have you learned nothing Serena Moon-Shadow? Never give up your trident." He pushes it back at her.

  "Well," she smiles, "you aren't exactly setting any examples there."

  "Too right." He smiles back. "Now, go." He puts his large hand on her shoulder. "Be quick and be safe. It won't take them long, and they'll each return to the water as soon as they finish. I'll patrol here until the last couple leaves. But they need to see us enter the water together, too."

  They part, and Serena turns, hopping through the line of flowers before she has a chance to change her mind. She uses her trident to push aside the last rope of wolfsbane, and then she is on the other side of the border from her kinsmen, alone—or so she hopes.

  Serena makes her way through the forest, first checking her tree. There are no new footprint borders around her circle, and no wolf either. She sniffs the air but the wind has gone silent. She can't remember the last time the night was as still as this.

  She pauses, considering calling for Liam. Not knowing feels worse—she'd rather have him by her side, where she can keep an eye on him.

  But what if more than just Liam come? It is a full moon, after all.

  Serena considers returning to the beach. Standing in the forest with Murphy, though, trying not to imagine what is taking place on the beach, would be an awkward sort of torture. Instead, she continues to walk, keeping a parallel path to the beach.

  Serena thinks of the three other maidens alongside her that were not chosen as mates. Like herself, they are not nearly as developed as the rest. They didn't have the full curves of Cordelia. They also kept their eyes downcast as each of the guard members went down the line. The guards only chose those that were ready and willing. Her curiosity of the events unfolding at the beach piques.

  Before long, Serena is traveling uphill, using the stem of a trident to help propel her up a steep mountainside. It is territory she has never explored, and it is a stupid decision, especially on a night like this. But she needs to get away—away from Murphy and his impressions, forced upon her by the king himself. She needs to get away from Simone and her cherry red lips that are all over Kai by now.

  With each step uphill, gravity pulls harder. Serena crashes through the unfamiliar landscape, angry with herself, and with her people. She quickly becomes clumsy with exhaustion, all too aware of how much farther she is from the ocean. Breath coming only in short, hard bursts, her gills flare, desperate for the comforting slide of oxygenated water. A thorn bush latches on to her scaled legs, and Serena pulls away from it.

  "Let go!" She digs in her heels and gives another tug. It releases her, and Serena stumbles into a clearing.

  The area is only a few spans wide, surrounded by harsh, barbed plants and a dry, cracked ground. The land is lit by the moon, bright and full, and closer to Serena than it's ever been. Serena isn't entranced by the moon, as much as she should be. She is looking at the sliver of a shadow that blocks it.

  The form turns, a silhouette with wide shoulders. Serena steps to the side, the figure rotating with her. Finally, the moonlight ceases to shine directly in her eyes, instead falling on Liam's face.

  "Careful," Liam says, gesturing to the cliffs that overlook Forest Beach and the ocean beyond it. "Another step and you'll be reunited with your friends sooner than you want."

  Serena looks down. Her webbed feet toe the line of a drop-off. Keeping her heels planted, she peeks over the ledge at the mating Undine hundreds of yards below. Some have sought out secluded areas. Others…not so much.

  Her cheeks heat, and Serena finds herself searching for Simone's bright red coloring. Simone and Kai are either no longer there, or Simone is covered in sand, obscuring her scales. Either is possible.

  Serena peels her eyes away from the beach.

  Liam is still staring at the mating Undine, lips pursed.

  Anxious for a dis
traction, Serena notices the cracked ground is covered in light footprints. Liam's footprints. His scent is also much stronger in the little area.

  "You spend a lot of time here," Serena says.

  Liam nods. Serena looks out over the water, imagining her and Kai splashing each other at the surface, far out of reach of the land. She remembers the howl from this very cliff that cut through their laughter.

  "For the view of the moon or the view of the ocean?" she asks.

  Liam smiles. "A little of both, I suppose."

  Their eyes fall to the Undine on the beach below them. One pair is already retreating into the water. Serena breathes a small sigh of relief for them—and for herself.

  "You weren't invited?" Liam gestures down at the beach. "To the party?"

  "I'm not all that popular with Society," says Serena.

  "Could've fooled me," says Liam. "When I saw you enter the forest with the big one…"

  Serena frowns. "Just how good is your eyesight?"

  He has a half smile now. "It's better during the full moon."

  They both glance at the luminous, perfect circle suspended in the sky, beautiful and ominous at the same time.

  "You haven't transformed yet. Will you be able to keep your human form all night?" she asks.

  "Not all night."

  Serena takes a step back, hoping he can keep it together until she departs. But she's not sure he wants to. Far below her, another pair finishes and enters the ocean, hand in hand.

  "What about the other patrols?" she asks, trying to keep him talking.

  "I sent them home. They won't be botherin' you. Not tonight." He finally takes his eyes away from the beach, resting them on her. "Alaric is growing more desperate and the mating tonight will be one to remember." He says it casually, like he is mentioning what he had for dinner.

  Swearing she can see flashes of his red in his brown-eyed gaze, she takes another step back, toward the cliff. "They won't be suspicious that you aren't there?"

  He smiles, all white teeth. The little wrinkles around his eyes appear again. "They were just all relieved they didn't have to patrol themselves."

  Serena finds herself staring at his teeth. Do they look pointier than usual?

  She takes another step back. Her foot does not hit ground, there is only air.

  "Serena!" Liam tries to grab for her.

  Afraid of finding herself in his arms, Serena retracts from his hands. The extra momentum causes her to lean farther away and sends her right over the edge of the cliff.

  Breath catching in her throat, she gasps. Her entire body is in free fall. It lasts only a second, but to her, it is a lifetime. Her scaled fingers grab hold of the ledge.

  She hears scraping below. Against her better judgment, she looks down. Her trident is falling, the three prongs scraping the rocky cliff. It lands with a soft thud in the sand. From this height, it looks like a toothpick. The trident, along with the rest of the world, starts spinning. Vertigo kicks in as she dangles from the ledge.

  "Don’t scream, don't scream," she whispers to herself. Serena clamps her mouth shut. She cannot attract any attention from below. Poseidon be graced, no one noticed the trident. But if the Undine couples were to look up, there would be no finishing for them.

  "Serena—grab my hand!" Liam yells.

  "Please be quiet," Serena hisses up at him. The small ledge she hangs from crumbles under her grasp. She falls a little farther, catching another rocky outcrop with her other hand. Adrenaline rushes through her head. Black spots dot her vision.

  "Serena, if you slip again, you will be out of my reach." His voice is stern, but not panicked. "Grab. My. Hand. And do it now."

  Serena focuses on the fingertips, centimeters from her own. It is at least steady, when the rest of the world is spinning in her peripherals.

  A few more rocks crumble underneath her grasp, and Serena can see spiky brown hairs begin to emerge from Liam's skin. His nails grow longer and…yellower.


  "Serena…" his eyes are squeezed shut, a grimace on his face. He reaches a little farther. Not because of a stretch. Bones in his fingers pop as they become disjointed, then meld back together. His limbs grow longer, and his hand is in full fur mode. One sharp claw scrapes along the scales on her finger, sending chills up and down her body. The talon is pale yellow against her midnight blue scales—like the reflection of the moon cast upon the ocean.

  "Serena!" he says again. His voice is strained as he flings his eyes open. They are bright red. There is no denying it—he is a different wolf under the full moon.

  Her heart jumps up into her throat. Her arm begins to shake, and she whimpers with indecision. Risk the fall or risk the wolf? Serena does not miss the irony—it is a similar decision King Merrick will make for her.

  She looks down again. She might actually survive the fall—maybe she can push out and hit water. Surviving the wolf is…debatable.

  One deep breath, and she swings her free arm up. Serena grabs him at the wrist, figuring his paws are useless without opposable thumbs. As she squeezes tight, both hands holding on now, he pulls. It is one, quick jerk—so strong she flies up and over him.

  His shoulders begin popping out of their joints. Had she waited one second longer, she might have pulled them both over.

  Hitting the ground hard and face down, the breath is knocked from her lungs. Her mouth opens and closes in tandem with her gills, both desperately reaching for oxygen. Liam's popping and groaning becomes muted as Serena fights for air.

  Finally, her lungs expand. She breathes, panic ebbing and pain setting in. Pushing herself up onto her knees she spots Liam in a heap, head ducked under paws. His clothes are ripping and fur pokes through. He is transforming right before her.

  Serena scrambles backward in a crab walk. In a blind panic, she can't seem to get on her feet.

  "Serena…" Liam is still trying to talk, but the name he calls ends in a growl. He is hunched over, with the moon glaring behind him, like he carries the burden of Earth's satellite on his back.

  While her hands slide on loose pebbles, Liam leaps, covering her with his own body. Fear slithers around Serena like a sea snake, constricting her chest and squeezing her throat.

  She stares as his snout grows long, wrinkling when he pulls his lips back in a snarl. The teeth that made up his previously perfect and gleaming smile are nowhere to be found. Dagger-like fangs cut through his gums, dropping blood and saliva across Serena's chest, neck, and face.

  She brings a shaky hand to her cheek, wiping it away.

  "Liam!" Serena yells.

  Roaring drowns out her screams with raw power that resonates straight to her bones.

  She pushes up on her elbows, forcing herself to stare into his red eyes. He is fully transformed, breathing hard with the effort.

  Latching on to the color in his eyes, Serena embraces it. She pulls energy into herself, feeling heat burn behind her own eyes. I refuse to be a part of this, she tells herself. No more victims, no more sacrifices.

  Serena will fight for her life, and she will help the Undine fight for their beaches. Leaning forward, one side of her lip imitates the snarl in front of her.

  "I quit," she breathes right back into him. They continue to stare each other down. "Now—get off!" She draws her knees in, then pushes her legs out straight into his chest, like Kai showed her. Liam flies off, falling to the side. His head hits a boulder, hard. Momentum rolls his body farther away, into the bushes.

  Serena gets to her feet, reaching for her trident before she realizes it is long gone. Eyes scanning the shrubbery beyond the clearing, she spots the wolf in a heap, not moving. His hide is covered in thorns, but it rises and falls in slow, steady breaths.

  Serena turns and runs away.


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