Order of Truth

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Order of Truth Page 28

by Lisa Caviness

  He backed out of the cell with Willa and the other guard locked the door again.

  As the guard held on to Willa, she stopped fighting and stood still, her eyes tired but focused on Lila.

  Lance folded his arms. “Where is the mine?”

  “Stay strong, Lila,” Willa said.

  “Shut up!” Lance said, as he drew a gun from his jacket. He pivoted to Lila. “Now, where is the island containing the emerald mine? It’s my birthright and I want it. Now!”

  “I don’t know!” Her heart pounded with fear. For a moment indecision clouded her thinking. Although she didn’t know the location, should she make up something? She discarded the idea. Any information she disclosed could be verified in minutes. They’d be worse off.

  Willa must have picked up on her thoughts. She gave a slight shake of her head and mouthed, “no.”

  Lance blew out a breath. “You were always difficult, strong-willed.” He turned to Willa. “Do you know the location of the mine?”

  She steeled her back. “No, I do not but if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

  Lance’s jaw tightened then he reared back and smacked her so hard she crumbled to the floor.

  “You asshole. Leave her alone!” Fury fueled Lila as she gripped the bars. “Willa!”

  The old woman groaned but remained on the floor.

  Lance motioned to a nearby guard.

  The monitor in front of the cell wiggled to life.

  Lila’s heart dropped as she stared at the screen. She swallowed as the picture cleared. Firetrucks and emergency vehicles surrounded a building fully engulfed in fire. Lila searched for something familiar then as the camera panned out, she gasped. Flames shot from the roof of The Ranch, her father’s flagship Dallas restaurant. Her heart dropped. “You bastard! Was anyone inside? My father? Patty?”

  Lance only stared at her, his eyes almost black. “Our little movie isn’t over.” He lifted his finger and pointed to the monitor.

  Lila shifted her gaze back to the screen as the picture moved from the restaurant to a scene even worse. Her parents’ house crumbled as angry red-orange flames licked up the side and out of the roof. My family. Were they gone? Tears snaked the length of her face, but not in grief but white-hot anger. “You’re a monster!”

  The scene then shifted to an empty warehouse with concrete floors and walls. The camera panned to the left and, from a distance, Lila could make out four chair legs. Then the camera lifted and zoomed in. Air left her lungs behind a jungle scream. Tied and bound to the chairs were her father, Patty, Jenna, and Brent.

  “I own you.” Lance stalked closer to the cell. “This is only a preview of what I will do if you refuse to cooperate. My power is all consuming and you, Lila, will experience a wrath no one ever has.” He stepped back and yanked Willa up from the floor, aiming the gun at Willa’s head. “I will kill her.”

  The old woman winced but met Lila’s gaze. “Be dauntless. Remember.”

  “Lance, let her go. Willa has nothing to do with this.” Lila pleaded; her fingers numb from the strong grip on the bars.

  “Where is the mine?” His voice deep and menacing.

  Concern turned to fear. “For the last time, I don’t know.” She gritted her teeth.

  “Too bad.” He pulled the trigger.

  Willa fell instantly. Blood seeped from the wound on the side of her head. Her open eyes staring upward.

  Lila’s ears thrummed with the echo of the gun while everything else in the room was silent.

  A monitor remained focused on the scene showing her parents, Jenna, and Brent sitting with wide-eyed expressions of fear.

  “One of them will be next unless I get what I want. I’ll leave the monitor on, so you can chew on your decision.”

  Footsteps faded.

  Lila sank to the floor, alone with images of her captured family and the deceased corpse of her friend.

  Tears clouded her vision. She had no power to help her family or Willa. Staring up at the ceiling, she suppressed her sobs. She’d cry later. Then suddenly another memory surfaced. Lila sat up.

  Palmarius. I know where the mine is.

  Chapter 38

  The Alliance registered Lila’s distress call from her compass necklace and Reid and Adam arrived at Veridian in record time. They called in FBI evidence collectors and local police to investigate the garage.

  Cody told them all he knew about Lila’s visit to Veridian and that he hadn’t sent her the text to meet him. He paced while he talked, fists clenching and unclenching, holding his anger in check by a pinpoint margin. Lila was taken under his watch. How could he have let this happen again?

  They called Marcia to the scene and she reiterated what she’d told Cody—that she’d escorted Lila to the parking garage and pointed her to door 3G. “I didn’t see anything, but I didn’t go into the garage.”

  “Hilary Foster, another attorney from HTP was in the same meeting with Lila and Robert Gumfrey. Did Ms. Foster leave at the same time?” Adam asked.

  Marcia shook her head. “Ms. Foster remained behind to speak with Mr. Gumfrey but only for a few minutes. She had a car pick her up outside the private entrance to the executive suites. I overheard her say she was headed to the airport.”

  Adam nodded. “Thank you, Marcia.”

  With concern in her eyes, she said. “If I’d known that young woman was in potential danger, I would have alerted security.” She turned and walked back into the building.

  “Speaking of Veridian security, where the hell were they? They have cameras everywhere to prevent shit from happening.” Cody scanned the scene again.

  “We spoke to them,” Adam said. “They weren’t alerted to anything and the cameras were down in this area. Didn’t catch a thing.”

  “That’s a lie.” Cody glanced past Adam. “Where is the security guy?”

  Reid stepped closer to Cody and spoke in quiet tones. “We know it’s a lie. This whole thing stinks but we’ll have to deal with it in our way.” Reid placed his hand on Cody’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

  “What about my mother?” Bile rose in Cody’s throat as he remembered his mother slumped in a heap on the floor. Tina had always been in motion, always prepping herself for male attention. To see her motionless broke his heart.

  “We’re working on it,” Reid said before one of the techs called him away.

  While Reid and Adam worked the scene of Lila’s kidnapping, Cody slipped away. He stalked through the halls of Veridian. Slamming through the doors of the DDI, he glanced around the offices. Cody found Moby at his desk. “Is Rick back?”

  Moby pivoted in his chair. “He’s in his office.” He knit his brows. “You okay?”

  “No.” Cody reversed his steps and headed to Rick’s office. As he got closer, Cody felt the blood pumping through him, fueling his muscles and his rage. Not bothering to knock, he burst through the door.

  Rick snapped up his head in shock and confusion. “Cody, what the hell.”

  In two steps Cody was in front of his desk. He leaned over and grabbed Rick by his blue designer collar. “Who are you working for?” He dragged Rick across his desk, spilling pens and papers on to the floor.

  Eyes large, Rick struggled but Cody’s grip was no match. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Cody pulled him the rest of the way across the desk displacing the remainder of the desk’s contents to bring Rick face-to-face. “Bullshit. I’m going to ask you one more time—who are you working for?”

  Rick inhaled. “Veridian.”

  Cody reared back, and his fist landed on the side of Rick’s face.

  The impact sent Rick reeling backward to the floor.

  Cody stood over him. “My mother was most likely murdered minutes ago, and I witnessed the footage on my DDI computer,” he said through gritted teeth. “We both know nothing will get through the system unless you or Tally want it to. I no longer give a fuck about this job or your well-being so you’d better talk.”
/>   “I can’t give you the information you want.” Rick rubbed his jaw as blood seeped from a cut beside his mouth.

  “What does that mean?” Cody yanked him up and slammed him into a visitor’s chair.

  Rick swallowed. “It means I don’t know who’s pulling the strings. You may or may not believe this but I’m a victim, too. Yes, I’m paid well, but if I don’t produce, my family’s fate is in jeopardy.”

  Cody glared at him. “You gave that up awfully quick.” He suspected a possible setup, so he needed to choose his own words with care.

  “I’m frustrated. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Rick lowered his voice as his shoulders slumped.

  “My friend, Lila Caldwell, is missing. They grabbed her in one of the Veridian parking garages. You have any information about that?” Cody stood in front of Rick and crossed his arms.

  In the scuffle the photo of Rick’s family now lay face up. Cody bent and picked up the photo. “Nice looking family. There’s no positive ending for you if you continue to work for them. They”—Cody pointed at the photo—“will never be safe. I know these people and what they can do. You do, too.” He placed the photo next to Rick. “I’m sure Tally or whomever already knows I’m here or soon will.” Cody shrugged. “It’s war now. For the sake of your family, I hope you land on the right side.” He stalked out.

  Two hours later, with Angie riding shotgun, Cody arrived back at the Alliance farmhouse. The situation had gone from critical to Chernobyl nuclear when Cody found out that Dan Caldwell’s restaurant had been torched along with the family’s home. He’d raced to the house and was relieved when the woman next door told him no one had been home. The firefighters confirmed the fact, but the house sustained catastrophic damage. Cody’s relief turned to fear when reports filtered in that the family was missing.

  According to her GPS tracker, her last known location was a mile outside of Veridian then nothing. Had her abductors discovered the GPS pendant? Lance had started a war, but Cody would give his life to end it.

  As soon as he entered the house, Carson and Holly rushed toward him.

  “Any word about your mother or Lila?” Holly said, embracing him.

  “No, I’m waiting on Reid and Adam to arrive with an update.” He pulled Carson into a quick hug. “I tried to warn my mother. She wouldn’t listen.”

  “That had to be horrifying,” Holly said. “What about Lila?”

  Cody shook his head. “Lance has her. They snatched her inside the Veridian parking garage. Angie will help me hack into their security cameras, which I don’t believe were down.”

  Angie and Cody set up their computers and got to work.

  Cody shut down all thoughts of his mother as he focused on finding Lila. They had to find her. His gut clenched. As he and Angie worked, he heard Holly and Carson speaking in hushed tones on the other side of the room. Lila should be here. How much did one person have to suffer?

  Adam and Reid stormed into the room.

  Cody jumped up. “Any news about my mother?” Cody’s heart seized as the unthinkable surfaced.

  Reid swallowed, glanced at Holly, and stepped toward Cody. “I’m sorry. She slipped into a coma. The doctors couldn’t save her. Only an autopsy will verify but it sounds like an overdose of insulin. The authorities have been unable to find your brother. Based on your description, we’re trying to find out who this Kyle guy is.” He shook his head.

  Holly and Carson gasped.

  Cody sucked up a breath grappling for air that had suddenly disappeared from the room. He raked a hand through his hair. “For all her faults as a mother, she was innocent and didn’t deserve this. This is my fault. I’ve warned her before to be cautious of strangers popping up and asking about me, but I should have reiterated it with all that’s been happening recently.”

  “I’m sorry, Cody.” Adam pulled Carson close. “You can’t blame yourself. The fault lies with the guy who injected her and the man who ordered it.”

  Holly rubbed Cody’s arm. “Adam is right. Don’t pile blame on yourself. That kind of thinking is toxic, and we need you. Lila needs you.”

  Reid placed his hand on Cody’s shoulder. “Lance will pay, one way or another. We will get him.”

  “What about Lila?” Cody asked. He held his breath.

  Reid shook his head. “No further hits from her GPS locator.”

  “I need to call Holden. My brother should hear this from me.” Stepping outside, Cody was smacked with a gust of wind. Nature’s presence did little to clear the jumble of thoughts rolling through his mind. He slid out his secured phone and punched in Holden’s number.

  A second later, a sleepy voice answered. “Who’s this?” Holden said in lieu of hello.

  “It’s Cody. I have some news.” He opened his mouth, but the words refused to come out.

  “I don’t have time to listen to dead air. What’d you call me for?” Holden said, his voice gruff.

  Despite their less than brotherly relationship Cody wasn’t sure how to break the news. He chose the straightforward route. “Holden, mom is gone. A man posing as my friend gained entry to the house and injected her with what may have be an overdose of insulin.”

  “You mean Mom is dead?” Rumbling and crashing noises erupted through the phone. “Who is this guy? I’ll kill him.”

  “He said his name was Kyle, but I doubt it was his real name.” Cody paced around the patio, oblivious to sweat streaking down his face.

  “So, this is your fault?” Holden’s words were slightly slurred indicating he’d been drinking or drugging.

  Cody stopped moving and closed his eyes. Despite warnings from Adam and Holly, guilt sludging around his chest seized hold and twisted. “I can probably get you, your daughter, and her mother into a safe house.”

  Holden let out a bitter laugh. “You got our mother killed. I’m sure as hell not going to take any help from you. I can take care of myself and my own damn kid.”

  Holden’s words hit the intended target as Cody’s gut clenched. “Be careful, Holden. This Kyle person promised Mom money and medicine. If someone offers you money, please get as far away from them as possible.” Cody blew out a breath. “The coroner will do an autopsy. I’ll be in touch about the arrangements.” He hung up and leaned against the house. Holly was right, he needed to focus. He couldn’t do anything else for his mother, but he had a chance to help Lila.

  Cody entered the house and rushed into what was now their command center. “Any progress on the Veridian CCT footage?” He balled his fists. Every minute Lila was in the hands of Lance was a minute too long. He’d failed her once and now, here he stood bathed in failure again. Right under his nose, she’d been taken while he watched his mother murdered. With every breath, fear tore through his heart. He refused to consider how Lila’s story might end. His mother was already dead. He collapsed into a chair and grabbed his laptop.

  “Getting there,” Angie said. She tossed him a look of concern. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, the clicking noise creating a hollow thrum in Cody’s chest.

  Reid glanced up from his laptop. “I checked the GPS coordinates from Lila’s compass necklace. She pressed the panic button inside the garage then again three blocks south of Veridian headquarters.”

  Cody opened his laptop and logged into the GPS system. Even though Reid checked her coordinates, he stared at the blip indicating Lila’s last location. Where did they take her from that point?

  Holly sat next to him and sniffled. “I can’t believe they got her again.”

  Reid placed a hand on her shoulder. “If the intel is out there, we’ll find it.”

  Seconds later, Angie stopped, flipped her a braid over her shoulder, and leaned closer to the monitor. “I’ve got something.”

  Everyone rushed to her side and peered over her shoulders.

  “I’m in the Veridian system. Here’s the footage from the parking garage.”

  Cody stared at the seventeen seconds of tape. Lila rushed through th
e parking garage then suddenly stopped and ran back toward the building. “She must have realized I would never send her through the parking garage to meet me.” He swiped his hand over the rough whiskers sprouting on his cheek. A white van zoomed into the frame and two masked men jumped out. Within seconds, they had Lila. She fought back and got in some good kicks and punches, but it was over when one of the men injected her. Cody’s heart hitched as he watched her collapse. He prayed the liquid inside the syringe was only to subdue not kill as his mother’s lifeless body came to mind.

  Angie replayed the video.

  Cody focused on the men. There were no distinguishing marks or anything notable on their clothes to give him an idea who they worked for, but he knew Lance was behind this. Slamming his fist on the table, Cody jumped up and stalked to the other side of the room. “How could I let this happen again?”

  Adam placed his hand on Cody’s shoulder. “Don’t do this. Blaming yourself will only cloud your thinking and we need you to help us find her. Focus on Lila and getting her back.”

  Cody nodded then sank into a chair in front of his computer. Minutes later, he pointed to the screen. “This is a listing of all registered aircraft belonging to either Lance Sinclair, Veridian, or Stonegate. There are thirty aircraft on this list. Out of the thirty, nine are in the air.”

  Reid raced back to his laptop. “Give me some of the tail numbers. I’ll start running these down.”

  “I’ll help,” Angie said.

  Cody, Angie, and Reid worked in silence for the next half hour while Marissa and Carson monitored Lila’s GPS signal. Adam was at the Dallas FBI offices with Yvonne attempting to coordinate an FBI effort.

  Reid emitted a loud sigh. “I’ve got nothing.”

  “Nada for me,” Angie said.

  “Try aircraft associated with Skies International,” Reid said.

  Cody repeated the inquiry based on Skies and the results remained the same. “Nothing.” He slapped the table and jumped up. “She’s out there.” He whirled around. “Maybe they didn’t file a flight plan.”

  Reid cocked his head. “If they remained in the US, maybe. If they are going international, they would have to file a flight plan.”


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