Order of Truth

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Order of Truth Page 36

by Lisa Caviness

  Carson shot a glance behind her. “Let Delphine take the baby inside and we can talk.”

  Lance shook his head. “Delphine, don’t you move. The old man couldn’t impregnate anyone.”

  “It’s hot. Let me take the baby inside where it’s cooler.” Delphine pleaded with her husband.

  “I told you to stay put! I don’t give a damn about what happens to you, Delphine. I’ll kill you all and take the child.” Lance’s voice boomed across the yard and bounced off the canyon behind him.

  With fear in her eyes, Delphine nodded. She pulled the baby closer to her chest and adjusted the blanket. The baby stirred and began to whimper.

  “Son, you were raised on the ways of The Order. Loyalty is a trait we hold dear. You may have inspired loyalty among your followers but what about to your father. I was the Grand Commander when you committed that egregious act of overthrowing me in every way.” Ivan held Hilary’s hand. “This woman has shown commitment you can’t begin to comprehend. She stood by while I impregnated another woman, for the good of The Order.”

  Cody wanted to grab Lila and get as far away from these psychotic people as possible.

  Lance loosened his tie. “I’m in control. I’m the better one. Grandfather would approve and so would Aunt Vivian. I don’t need nor want you in my life. I thought I’d killed you before, and I didn’t suffer a minute of regret.”

  Lance’s hateful words didn’t appear to penetrate Ivan as he remained steady and upright.

  The baby went from soft whimper to all out cries. Delphine tried to calm the infant without success.

  Cody maintained eye contact with Lila.

  As the baby’s cries grew louder, Lance continued his downward spiral. With the pointed blade, he skimmed the knife along Lila’s throat creating tiny cuts along the blade’s path.

  “Shut up!” Lance screamed.

  Ivan inched close, pushing Sloane back. “It’s over. Let Lila go. Penance is your next course of action as a disloyal subject of The Order.”

  “Never.” In one motion, Lance reared back and plunged the knife into Lila’s arm.

  She yelled then thrust her elbow back striking Lance in the neck. When Lance reacted to the assault, Lila dived left.

  Two shots rang out.

  The force of the bullets caused Lance to stumble back but he grabbed on to Lila’s ankles, pulling her half over the edge.

  Cody rushed to Lila. “I’ve got you.” He clamped his hands around her arms and pulled.

  Lila’s gaze connected with his as held on to him. “Cody!”

  “I will not let you fall. I promise.” Cody blocked out the dizzying effect of the ocean crashing against the shore and long drop from their dangerous position.

  As the Alliance circled around Cody to help, Ivan approached. “Son, this is your destiny. It was always you who should fall to your death, not me.” Ivan leaned over. “Let her go.”

  Cody pulled Lila up with Lance hanging on. Holding on to her, he stumbled back on safe ground. “I’ve got you,” he whispered.

  Then a wild scream penetrated the atmosphere.

  Cody twisted around just as Lance grabbed hold of Ivan. “No, Father. If I must die, then so shall you.” Lance pounced and they both disappeared over the edge, their cries cut short seconds later.

  Hilary screamed as she raced toward the edge. Collapsing at the precipice, she dissolved in tears. “Ivan, no!”

  Cody turned back to Lila. Blood poured from her wound. “I’ve got you.” He repeated as he pressed his hand over her wound.

  “Are they gone?” she said.

  “Yeah, you’re safe.”

  She nodded then closed her eyes.

  Chapter 55

  Pain radiated through Lila’s arm, but she relished the ache because it meant her heart continued to beat. She placed the last of her personal items in the cardboard box and stared at the empty office. Had she ever been truly happy, at HTP?

  Gia sauntered in and perched on the side of her empty desk. “I’m going to miss you around here. But I understand why you’re leaving.”

  Lila gave her a weak smile. “I learned a lot, and I don’t regret taking this job, but I can’t stay here.”

  “We all may be looking for new jobs when the Feds finish their investigation.” Gia rose and closed the door. “According to the grapevine, it’s bad. Suppressing evidence, corruption, murder. Who knows what else? Thankfully, at the moment, the dirty deeds were limited to the senior partners, but with Talcott and Steve dead, shit may roll downhill. And where the hell is Hilary?”

  Lila inhaled. “Hilary has her own set of problems. Turns out she was working with her husband Ivan Sinclair. She won’t be going anywhere for a very long time.”

  “How are you holding up?”

  Lila shrugged. “Walking the line between fatigue and excitement. The last week has been exhausting but my family was rescued in Florida without anyone being hurt so I’m beyond grateful.” After Lance’s death and the swarm of FBI agents and international authorities investigating The Order, members were falling over each other to cooperate, hoping for a reprieve from prosecution. Between quitting her job, endless rounds of questioning with the authorities, and processing all that had happened, Lila vacillated from joy to worry to relief. She dropped two phone chargers into a box. “Thanks for all of your support. Having a friend like you has definitely helped. So, what’s up with you and Jimmy?”

  Gia extended her hand, a mid-size diamond sparkled on her ring finger.

  Lila’s eyes widened. “When did this happen? I’m so happy for you guys.” She hugged her friend.

  “Right after the Veridian ball. I didn’t want to tell you because so much was going on.” She smiled down at the ring. “I’m really happy. We’ve got no plans yet, but you better believe you’ll be standing right beside me when I take that leap.” She grinned, wiping away happy tears.

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Lila hugged her again then inspected Gia’s hand.

  “What about that emerald mine and the island you mentioned?” Gia asked.

  Lila sighed. “The authorities shut down operation, but the initial paperwork revealed the mine had been purchased by my great-grandfather, Russell Sinclair. After Russell’s death the mine went to Ivan and his sister, Vivian. After Vivian’s death, Ivan owned the entire mine and island. The authorities authenticated Ivan’s will. Reid, Sloane, and I are not thrilled to be the rightful owners. Hilary didn’t ask for a cut because she’d been promised Ivan’s other assets which were valued in the millions. Turns out Hilary is Delphine’s aunt. Along with Ivan, they concocted the idea for him to impregnate Delphine in order to get back at Lance.”

  “Wow, that’s some twisted family drama for you.” Gia scrunched her face and tossed a dead plant in the trash can. “What about you and Cody? Sounds like you guys have bonded.”

  Lila thought back to their magical time under the stars and smiled “We’re good. Better than good.”

  Gia emitted an uncharacteristic squeal. “We’re two badass attorneys with hot men. Call me later.” She hugged Lila then disappeared around the corner.

  Lila surveyed her office once more, picked up the last box, and then turned off the lights. Sadness filled her. She could deal with moving on, but the lives ruined because of her family hurt. Did Russell Sinclair have any clue the destruction his sordid vision would have?

  Thirty minutes later, she pulled into the parking lot of her father’s bar and grill, Tribe. The restaurant Lance destroyed, The Ranch, had been demolished and her father was working through plans to rebuild. She smiled as she gazed at the building. Her family waited for her inside. She said another silent thank you that they were all alive and assembled to celebrate a new beginning. As she neared the door, she spotted a sign reading Closed for a private event.

  Cody stood at the door dressed in jeans and V-neck shirt. Her heart lurched as he grinned.

  “I missed you,” he said, embracing her. After they pulled apart, hi
s brown eyes landed on Lila and her belly fluttered. Cody had always held a special place in her life. Once as her best friend and boyfriend, then the man who’d hurt her, and now the man who sat center in her heart.

  “You just saw me this morning.” She laughed.

  He checked his watch. “That was seven hours ago.” Leaning down, he kissed her.

  “How was your last day?”

  “Great. Rick, Tally, and even Sher were too involved in meetings to save their asses to think about me. And the entire project team quit. The authorities are having a field day lobbing charges at the company and Veridian executives. I’m glad to be done with that episode.”

  “Did you get a chance to speak with your brother?” Lila hated that Cody’s mother was another of Lance’s victims.

  “I think her death has sobered him. I made the last of the arrangements. We decided on a graveside service. The police in Virginia arrested the guy posing as Kyle.” He pulled out his phone and handed her the device. Before we go in, I need to show you something.”

  Lila read the email from Nikki twice before she glanced up at Cody. “You never slept with her.”

  “After all the arrests associated with The Order, she confessed someone paid her to claim we slept together all those years ago. Unfortunately, our relationship was another casualty of The Order.” Cody ran a hand through his hair.

  “I should have believed you. I should have had more faith in us. I’m sorry.” Lila covered his hand.

  “I don’t want to live in the past. It’s over. Tonight, is about celebrating.” Cody brushed a kiss across her lips. “Then later we’ll have our own private celebration.”

  “I like that plan.” Her heart fluttered with anticipation. “So many changes I feel like I need time to absorb it all.”

  Cody grinned and began to hum the song, “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce.

  Laughing, she gave him a playful shove.

  As they entered the private room, Lila’s eyes lit up. Everyone jumped up when they entered. Lila wiped tears away as her entire family surrounded her. In addition to the Caldwells, everyone from the Alliance was there, including Jeb.

  Her father approached, with Patty, Jenna, and Brent close behind. “We thought you could use a celebration dinner.” He turned to face everyone. “Thank you all for your love and concern for my daughter and my family. You all are special people and will be a part of our family forever. Congratulations on bringing down The Order.”

  Patty and Jenna served champagne to everyone.

  Dan raised his glass. “Here’s to love, family, and sleep!”

  Clinking of glass and shouts of “here, here” echoed throughout the room.

  “I’m so thankful for all of you.” Lila bit her lip. “I will never forget those who lost their lives because of The Order.” Faces of lost loved ones flashed through her mind as she embraced Reid.

  Reid nodded. “That’s why we’re here.” He pulled out a chair for Holly then took the one next to her. “Adam and I have a few updates. We were frozen out of a joint investigation with the CIA and other departments into Lance and The Order because we were deemed too close to the subjects. I hate we were left in the dark, but I understand.”

  Adam took Sloane’s hand. “Hilary has been indicted on a number of charges and she’s talking up a storm. She knows the operation and has been a valuable source in bringing charges against others.”

  “As we speak, Peter Shaw and several others have been taken into federal custody. Thanks to Cody, who planted some secret software into the Skies International system, Evan, and Angie, unlocked database giving us the complete history and roster of Order operatives and members.”

  Holly turned to Lila. “I’m so glad you’re all safe.” The two women embraced. “I’m thrilled for you and Cody.”

  “Thanks.” Lila turned to Carson. “How are you?”

  Carson’s brilliant blue eyes sparkled with tears. “My family bought into the notion they were superior to others. In some respects, I’m sad they had to lose their lives, but I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else hurt. At one time, I had a great relationship with my father. He exhibited signs of compassion. I remember hearing so from some of the employees during my time growing up in Switzerland. Maybe in time, I can separate his evil deeds from the sliver of goodness within him.”

  Adam wrapped her in his arms.

  Justin, who held Marissa’s hand cleared his throat. “What will Delphine do now?”

  Reid shook his head. “There isn’t anything to charge her with. Poor judgment isn’t grounds for arrest. Delphine and the baby will be going back to France this evening.”

  “Adam and I visited her this morning.” Carson said. “She promised to give us regular updates about the baby. I still can’t believe that baby is my half-brother. He now has a chance for a normal life.”

  Marissa placed an arm around Lila. “You and Cody have quit your jobs. What’s next?”

  Lila grinned. “My father has offered us positions with Caldwell International. I’ll be working under the CLO, and Cody will be director of Information Security.”

  Dan beam. “I finally got my wish. I understand you wanted to go out on your own and you needed to do what you could to bring down The Order, but I love having your legal skills under my roof. And Cody, thank you for coming on board. We’re lucky to have you.”

  “You’re lucky to have them both,” Jeb slapped Cody’s shoulder and winked at Lila.

  “We have something to show you.” Cody pulled up his sleeve then did the same to Lila’s. “Matching tattoos.”

  Everyone crowded around. The code Lila had been imprinted with as a child had been turned into stars alongside the phrase With truth and love the stars shine brighter.

  “I didn’t want to live with that tattoo any longer. The mark had once been a permanent reminder on my body. Thanks to Cody and all of you, I have a new life. Now we’re really free.” She wiped away tears as she glanced from her arm to Cody’s.

  Cody pulled her into his arms. “We’re together now and that’s all that matters. I love you, Lila.”

  She smiled, and for the first time, looked to the future with excitement. “I love you, too.”


  The iron gates of Babylon Hall stood like jagged edges of broken glass, sharp and formidable, but crippled at the same time. The Alliance stood just beyond the gates, each member lost in their own thoughts.

  Lila took Cody’s hand. He looked handsome in the suit he’d worn to his mother’s funeral hours earlier. “You okay?”

  “Strangely, yes. Although there was nothing in my mother’s papers to indicate who my father is, I’m okay. I have you, your family, and our friends. That’s my family.”

  Adam embraced Carson. “Are you ready?”

  She nodded and led the way through the gates.

  On a slight hill the ruins of Babylon Hall rose. Windows had been removed and most of the interior of the grand mansion had been gutted. Cranes and men in yellow hard hats stood waiting for the go-ahead.

  “This place is evil. So much pain and bloodshed. This is really over. Lila said.

  Cody squeezed her hand.

  Reid wrapped his arm around Holly. “And we’re all safe.”

  As the investigation continued, many of the properties would be liquidated or sold, including the emerald mine. Babylon Hall would be the first to go. The companies, including Skies International and Veridian Technologies, had been stripped of most of their power and business status. Sloane, Reid, and Lila took the Sinclair money and set up funds for Order victims.

  The foreman approached. “We’re ready when you are.”

  Justin wrapped his arms around Marissa, who patted her tear-stained cheeks. Reid and Holly turned to face the house. Carson stared at the ruins as the cranes began to demolish the building.

  Cody cupped Lila’s face then kissed her. Drawing back, he whispered, “You’re free.” He handed her an envelope.

  “What’s this?” She
opened the envelope and drew out two airline tickets to Singapore. She lifted her gaze and grinned. “Really?”

  “I told you I’d take you wherever you wanted. No time like the present. I will always light the dark for you.” Cody wrapped his arm around her.

  As the crane demolished the last wall of Babylon Hall, Reid smiled. “Ordo Ortus is dead. Order Rising has fallen.”

  Also by Lisa Caviness

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  * * *

  The Order Series (listed in reading order)

  Order of Fear

  Order of Malice

  Order of Rage

  Order of Truth


  This book would never have been published without a few fabulously smart and kind people. Thank you to my beta readers, especially Jillian Jacobs who read and reread this book. Thanks to my editor, Nan Reinhardt, who’s patience, words of encouragement, and keen eyes are a blessing. A huge thank you to Susan Cambry for your input. Thank you to my amazing and talented cover designer, Alexandra Corza. And as always, thank you to my family. Love you all!

  * * *

  This book is a work of fiction and while I have taken strides to mirror reality as much as possible, any mistakes or liberties taken with the facts are my own.

  About the Author

  Lisa Caviness is an award-winning author of romantic thrillers and suspense novels. She loves dreaming up story ideas where her characters are pushed to their limits during dangerous and blood-tingling adventures before finding true love. She also has a deep interest in science. After college, she worked as a registered nurse before starting a career as a clinical project manager in medical research. She has lived in Boston, Massachusetts and now makes her home in Indiana with her husband, kids, and a sometimes affectionate black cat.


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