Hopeless Sacrifice

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Hopeless Sacrifice Page 2

by A. K. Koonce

  “An angel made in divine image has come to you for help and you would turn her away, Viola?” A tsking sound leaves his lips. “If help is what you seek, then help is what you shall receive.”

  Light laughter shakes his thin frame, it crawls down my spine, and I suddenly wish we would have taken our chances going through the mortal realm.

  This was a mistake.

  Chapter Two

  Puppet Fucking

  Viola leads us to a palace. Its peaks are impossibly high, reaching up into the already thinning heavens. We trek through twisting staircases. Nightfall kisses the horizon as we climb to the top floor.

  Loki promised me we’d settle this tomorrow with a bigger audience. The way he said audience still lingers in my thoughts.

  “Vi, we can’t stay here. Our realms are in danger, our soldiers are waiting for us. We cannot waste time here.” A tired and worn sound fills Ryder’s voice. We stand in a dark hall in front of a door. Gold lines swirl across the wooden door. The details sway over the surface, catching the light before drifting farther with shimmering magic.

  “Time does not exist for the gods. Each day passes at our own pace. You’ve been here for what seems like hours, but in your realm only a few minutes have passed.” Viola’s gaze dances across Ryder’s perfect features. She seems to be memorizing them or remembering them.

  “The time you spend here with us will never be a waste.” It’s said in a whisper; a sad tone that fades away as she steps past us, walking quickly back the way we just came.

  The four of us stand quietly alone as her footsteps echo through the castle.

  Hesitantly, I turn the gold knob and push open the door. Upon opening, a soft golden light warms the room. It tingles across my flesh. The source of the light is unseen. It simply … exists.

  An echo sounds through the room with every step I take. The cobble floors are spotless and lead to a grand space that I wasn’t expecting. The widest bed I’ve ever seen sits on the far wall. A comforter of deep mossy green is snugly pressed over the mattress. Gold trim highlights the ceilings, making every angle of it shine in the warm lighting. A deep bath similar to a pool takes up the far corner, and clear water drifts through it invitingly.

  A single window takes up the opposite wall, looking out into the crystal white stars of the night sky. The heavens look pure and bright from here. Seconds pass and still I just stand in the center of the room, staring out at the intensity of the moon.

  “What do you think Loki’s planning?” Dax asks. He leans against the edge of the bed, crossing one ankle over the other before folding his arms. He looks careless and confident.

  Ryder sits on the edge of the bath, his fingers gliding through the surface of the water. His attention is held on the depths of it.

  “Nothing good.” Ryder’s vague comment sounds distracted, filled with thought.

  My brows pull together as I try to think about what Loki could possibly want in exchange for his help. Why didn’t Baldur offer his help? If they aren’t to get involved in mortal issues, perhaps Loki has no intention of helping us at all. Darrio steps closer to me, his palm skimming down my ribs, making me shiver against his touch.

  “We’re going to be ready for it whatever it is.” The promising sound of Darrio’s tone makes some of the tension fall away.

  The other two men look at me, and suddenly I realize my worry is making them worry more.


  “Come take a bath with me.” Darrio’s tone is gentle and quiet and throws me so far off guard that I physically stumble back to look at him.

  He … wants to take a bath with me … with two other men?

  It’s just a bath. Why am I being so emotional over a bath? I need to pull my shit together or these men will think I’m as breakable as they always try to treat me. I can’t help it, my heart melts because he’s trying. He’s trying so hard to make me happy, and I love him completely for it.

  “Okay.” It’s the shyest my voice has ever sounded in my entire life.

  Ryder and Daxdyn seem equally unsure of themselves as Darrio takes my hand and leads me to the bath. Ryder even steps aside for us. The prince’s hands shove into his pockets as he stands with the most unsure look on his face.

  Daxdyn doesn’t seem to have a shitty comment for his brother for once. Everyone is a chain of support in this moment; supporting Darrio to support me.

  Why does that make me want to cry? When did these assholes have to turn into the sweetest men I know? It was so much easier when they were just self-centered jerks. I can’t believe I actually prefer it when they’re total assholes. At least then I know what to expect.

  I swallow down the rising emotions. Darrio’s fingers push up my abdomen slowly and lightly. The white shirt raises against his palm and I arch into his touch. His stormy eyes hold mine as he pushes the material up my chest. I raise my arms for him as he pulls it off. Silence like I’ve never heard before clings to the room.

  With care, he unfastens my jeans. Big hands skim across my outer thighs as he pushes my jeans and underwear down. I try my best not to melt into his touch. His strong shoulders meet my palms. I lean against him and kick off my boots and clothes.

  And then I’m naked.

  I’m naked before the three men I love. My attention drifts to Ryder. The intensity of his pale gaze skims across my chest. Does he know I love him?

  My heart thunders hard and strong.

  I love him?

  It isn’t something I’ve confessed to even myself yet.

  Darrio steps back from me. His hand grips the back of his shirt as he begins pulling slowly. A mixture of hard muscle and soft scars line his abdomen.

  If he feels awkward in front of the other two men, he doesn’t show it. I suppose he’s been naked in front of other men before. He’s two hundred years old and a commander of the largest army in the seven realms.

  It’s not like he has anything to be ashamed about. His jeans shove to the floor with a quiet clicking sound of his belt hitting cement. My eyes wander down the veering lines of his hips and I’m reminded just how very much he shouldn’t be ashamed.

  Once again, he takes my hand. His long legs step over the ledge and slosh into the water. Warm droplets of it hit my stomach and slide down my skin. With both hands, Darrio helps me step into the bath. His palms grip my hips, pulling me toward him. The water skims across my breasts before stopping just below my shoulders.

  It isn’t hot, but it is relaxing. The feel of his hands slick on my body is relaxing and energizing all at once. When my chest brushes against his, the long, hard length of his dick pushes across my inner thigh, making me lean even closer to him.

  The golden glow of the lights flickers strangely. I feel the warmth of it drift across my skin with a chill.

  His chest brushes against mine. My nipples tighten and I feel the sensation all through my core. Darrio’s big palms push down, low against my back, melding my body to his.

  “So … like, can we join you guys or what?” Daxdyn’s voice is full of uncertainty. Not a hint of amusement. Just honest confusion about his place in life right now.

  My palm settles against Darrio’s pounding heart as I look back at Daxdyn. His leg bounces slightly as his boot taps quickly against the floor. Is he anxious? Nervous? All of the above?

  I swim the short space to the edge of the bath. My arms rest against the slick rock and I intentionally pull myself higher, until water glides down the valley between my breasts.

  “Only if you want to,” I say in a soft voice filled with innocence.

  Ryder’s gaze follows the water trailing between my breasts and he’s moving before the words are fully out of my mouth.

  With haste, he pulls off the white shirt, revealing hard lines veering into his tight jeans. Ryder’s jeans hit the floor before Dax is even moving. The water is smooth against my skin as I drift back to make room for Ryder. He sits on the edge of the bath before lowering himself slowly down.

  The clear waters
show me every hard inch of him and it makes my thighs shift together.

  Daxdyn takes his time. He’s beautiful and he knows he is. He pulls at the shirt. Cut lines of muscle highlight his body in soft shadows against his abdomen and even his sides. Lean muscle covers his body in a lithe form of strength. The odd golden hue of the room gives him a glowing appearance.

  I swallow hard, not realizing how truly perfect he is until now.

  As he steps over the ledge, I reach out to him, inviting him in.

  And he takes the invitation fully. He drifts toward me, wrapping me against his hard body the moment our hands touch. The slick feel of his cock against my thigh makes me grind against him and his lips are on mine in a matter of seconds. He leads me through the water, pushing me back until I’m arching against Darrio’s thick length.

  I moan against his tongue as he rolls it expertly against mine. Darrio’s palms push down my ribs, sending tingles all through my body before locking on to my hips.

  Strength surrounds me and I turn slightly, breaking the kiss to reach out to Ryder.

  He swims closer, his fingers tangling with mine beneath the water. How does this even work with the four of us? It sounds both exciting and exhausting. They better be prepared to carry me to bed after this.

  It’s a lot of work taking care of three men. A lot of very, very rewarding work. The benefits are very obvious. Long hours though.

  My hand slips away from his. When my fingers wrap around Ryder’s cock his eyes flash with a lust filled look. Darrio rolls his hips against the curve of my ass. Daxdyn presses his lips to the base of my neck as he slides the head of his dick against my clit.

  Ryder drifts closer as my wrist rolls, my palm taking the length of him. His lashes lower and he presses his lips slowly against mine. Darrio’s hand skims up my ribs and his fingers slide across my nipples.

  We’re a tangled mess of slow and teasing movements. I’m panting against Ryder’s mouth and no one’s even fucked me yet.

  Once more the lighting intensifies a little brighter.

  And then a thought has me pulling away from all three of them. I stagger in the waters, sloshing it over the ledge as I struggle to remove myself from between their hard and fantastic bodies. The cold wall meets my back and I look around the room with caution. My gaze trails up to the warm mysterious light.

  “Are you okay?” Ryder asks, clearing his throat gruffly.

  “Did we hurt you?” Daxdyn reaches out to me.

  Darrio steps closer but doesn’t touch me.

  Their dicks are like compasses pointing true north

  I’m the fucking true north here.

  Never in my life have I been surrounded by so much dick. And never in my life did I think I’d be complaining about it.

  “What if,” my voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, “what if the gods can see us?”

  Daxdyn’s laugher shakes through his damp chest.

  “Then they’re some lucky bastards.” His laughter quiets to a serious tone. “I imagine some of them probably can.” His fingers push through his disorderly hair.

  “And that doesn’t bother you? That they might be getting off watching us?” My nose scrunches just thinking about it.

  “If they can see us here, they could see us in the Hopeless Realm and you weren’t too worried about who could see you with Dax and I.” Ryder’s hands settle on his hips, a confident smirk pulls at his lips.

  My thighs shift just thinking about the night I spent with the two of them.

  “This is different,” I hiss. “The giant bed, the alluring bath, the mood lighting. That doesn’t seem … pervy to you?”

  Darrio’s spine stiffens and he too begins to look up at the mysterious lighting of the room.

  “She’s right, this is weird. Like we’re puppets they’re wanting to watch fuck.”

  “Puppet fucking? Is that a thing for you? A new fetish you forgot to share with us?” Daxdyn cocks a brow at his brother. Darrio settles him with a look of annoyance.

  “And with that, I’m done. Apparently, puppet fucking is where I lose my libido at.” Ryder climbs from the bath, the water cascading down the panes of his back as he strides away. Roughly he pulls at his jeans, tugging them on and flopping down on the bed without another word.

  Daxdyn looks like a puppy that’s been kicked too many times in his life. His lips part as he stares across the water at me. The clear bath reflects in his gaze, washing out the color and happiness there. My fingers skim through the waters and I drift closer to him. A chaste kiss is all I give him and he leans into it.

  “We need to be rested for whatever tomorrow has in store for us anyway,” I whisper.

  “You’re right. I know you’re right.”

  Deep down my chest aches to be closer to him, wanting to wrap myself up in his warmth instead of dwelling on what tomorrow will bring.

  Is he worrying over it too?

  “What’s wrong?” My finger’s tangle through his damp hair as his palms run down my spine before settling low on my back.

  “I just want to keep you safe. I wish I could keep you here forever.” A smile breaks through his voice but it holds sadness that I can feel shaking through me.

  This man would protect me with his last breath. They all would.

  Even if I don’t need them to.

  “I’m not breakable, Dax. I’m … the least breakable person in this room right now.”

  The word immortal burns through my memory. Mesa was so certain but she wasn’t an expert. I’m still not sure how much I believe in my immortality.

  Daxdyn’s gaze drifts across the features of my face. I feel like he’s searching inside me, looking for something that not even I can see.

  “You’re right.” Again, that false smile fills his face, making my heart crumble to little tattered pieces.

  “I love you,” I whisper it low before pressing my lips against his.

  “I love you too.” His words catch between our lips as he flicks his tongue against mine. He kisses me slowly but passionately, dumping all his swirling emotions right into me.

  I pull back from him just enough to lean my temple against his, letting droplets from his hair fall into mine.

  “Come to bed.” My gaze searches his. The pink of his tongue slips between his lips as he nods to me.

  The waters shift when I turn to look back at Darrio. He’s bathed. While Dax and I had a little heart felt moment, Darrio’s washed his hair and body as if we weren’t bothering him at all.

  The long locks of his hair glisten in the light. His hair isn’t normally down and loose. For the most part, it’s usually pulled back. It hangs to his shoulders and my fingers twitch to touch it.

  “Come to bed,” I whisper again and the small sound of my voice commands him. The waters push against Darrio’s hard chest as he stalks toward me. His heated gaze burns across my flesh and his attention drifts down to my pebbled nipples.

  I shift in Daxdyn’s arms.

  Darrio slips his fingers through mine and the two men help me from the bath as if I’m a goddess in need of pampering.

  Ryder’s asleep on top of the soft comforter. He’s curled up on his side, taking as little space as possible at the edge. On my hands and knees, I crawl across the monstrosity of a bed until I’m at his side. The cool blankets skim across my calves as I shimmy beneath them. The moment my body aligns against his, he rolls toward me, wrapping his big arm around my small waist. Warm breaths fan across my neck as he hides his face in my hair. Content and exhausted sleep consume the prince of Juvar.

  I’ve exhausted him. I bet his life was simple before we met.

  That’s a lie, because he was a prisoner when we first met.

  Yes, my presence has really changed his life for the better.

  It’s obvious as we prepare for sleep in the Realm of the Gods, while waiting for a trap set by Loki, before going to war with the great and powerful Eminence.

  Changed for the better, I tell you.

sp; Chapter Three


  The cheerful sound of birds and the lustful sound of a groan wakes me the following morning. Darrio’s palm splays across my stomach as his hips roll restlessly against my ass. My bare thighs shift smoothly together.

  The golden lighting has faded away, replaced by the natural, pale morning sunlight. It strikes through the room in watercolors of blue and white as if the sun has not fully risen.

  Unlike the cock pressed low against me.

  Ryder sleeps curled up once again. His wide back is to me as I peer around the room. I listen intently but only the birds seem to be awake and ready for the day.

  Discreetly, I reach behind me and push my palm over the bulge in Darrio’s tight jeans. A shaking breath fans against my neck, making me meld into him even more.

  His palm skims slowly down my abdomen. Beneath the blankets, in silence, we explore one another. Touching as if it’s the first time.

  In a way it is.

  Everything between Darrio and I has always been so rushed. Hurried and exhilarating, but not caring and caressing.

  Not like it is right now.

  His fingers push down my sex, dipping low before swirling back to my clit. My eyes clench closed as I try hard not to make a sound.

  Once again, I’m having quiet and secretive sex with the asshole fae who stole my heart from the very start.

  Soft lips press to the curve of my neck. He takes his time rolling his tongue along my throat before nipping lightly. The rough feel of his beard sends a frenzied feeling right through me.

  From behind me, my fingers skim the trail of hair leading down the front of his jeans. The smooth head of his dick rubs over my palm before I wrap my fingers slowly around his length.

  His heavy breath is silenced against my neck, rumbling through me with a humming sound of his pleasure.

  I only manage to stroke my palm down his cock a few times before he speaks.

  “Spread your legs for me.” It’s a rasping whisper, spoken as a command and I waste no time doing as I’m told.

  The bed dips just slightly as he pushes his jeans down. I’m slick against his tip. The feel of it spirals a reckless energy through my core. Deliberate slowness guides his pace as he sinks in inch by inch. His teeth bite hard against my shoulder to quiet a low growl that shakes through his chest.


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