Remember Me

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Remember Me Page 10

by Kyle Robertson

  They began to travel from Yucca Mountain with the vital component to start the platform. They just had to beat Klannis back.

  As they returned, Borlund saw a few vehicles up ahead on the forward-looking screen while Raziel checked the radiation dispersion of the plutonium.

  “Keep your eyes on the road, we have company.”

  Raziel looked up to see a parked caravan about 2 miles away.

  “They look dangerous. What should we do?”

  “How do parked cars look dangerous’? Just drive past them. We have the key, so we don’t need to provoke any unnecessary conflicts.”

  “You don’t get this inherent caution. Snaggerz attack, BoltLayers defend and this may be a time to defend,” Raziel said cautiously.

  “That was Brakken, not the rest of us. We were trying to survive just like you were. The Rayless One incited our violence. Stop viewing us in just one way and realize your view was manipulated by the one you want to stop. Just drive past the parked cars.”

  Raziel thought about what Borlund said. Why were they in this state? Who capitalized on the Drop? Who forced the Oroboros Effect of engineering humankind to eat itself? Borlund looked outside of the stereotype. Why couldn’t he?

  “Okay, I’ll relay to the team to just drive on by. What if they attack?”

  “If they’re Berzerkers, I still have a duffle bag of shock weevils. We’ll start from there.”

  Raziel radioed back for everyone to keep cool when they passed the vehicles. They had to get through, and I there’s any static, they had retaliation tactics. They all acknowledged and became more alert.

  They kept moving at the same pace while passing the vehicles. Keisha looked farther out from the vehicles to see some form of a ceremony from a band of Renegades. They heard the HD engines, turned, and began to give chase! Keisha all-called.

  “Renegades are about to chase us! Get ready, they might just be the Gripz type!”

  Borlund grabbed his bag and opened the window. As he began to dump out the contents about the asphalt, he yelled at Raziel.

  “Haul ass, I was wrong! Now it’s time to defend by attacking! We have around a 45-second head-start to get out of these HDs, so they can transform! Relay the plan!”

  Raziel called back to let them all know of the strategy and looked back at Borlund.

  “Next time, I’ll go with my gut! Your suggestion was a good hypothesis, but reality is debunking it right now, hold on!” Raziel floored it.

  They began to haul it out of danger, but those Renegades were an asphalt clan with souped-up vehicles. The BoltLayers would be overtaken very shortly.

  As Raziel saw them gaining relentlessly, he panicked.

  “Don’t these things have turbo?!”

  “These are robots turned to APCs, not street machines who double as robots! I designed them not to run, but with people inside, their just APCs! Just hope those shock weevils latch on because we’re about to have a street brawl!” Borlund yelled at Raziel.

  “A street brawl?! I thought these HDs would do the trick!”

  “Against people, not war machines! There was a reason we got out a mile early last time!”

  That was when a rocket exploded across their HD! The blast rocked it over 2 lanes!

  “The HD is impenetrable, but a rocket can kick! Keep your control and keep moving!” Borlund yelled.

  “Yea, like a bullet-proof vest! You won’t get a bullet in the chest, but you can sure as hell can feel it! We’re about to be surrounded in two minutes! I say we make a stand!” Raziel called to the rest and began to slow down.

  “What the hell are you doing?! That clan is crazy!”

  “We’re about to defend. BoltLayers don’t run.”

  “Defend with what arrows?! You’re about to throw rocks at a cannon!”

  “If you have a cannon and I have an arrow to your throat, who’s in charge?” Raziel called back. “BoltLayers, Ninja Protocol! Time to sneak and stick!”

  They all stopped their HDs and scattered among the abandoned buildings on either side of the road. Shortly thereafter, a bevy of rockets rained plasma fire on the HDs scattering them asunder.

  “They just kicked the Xazen wolf naked soaked in sweet and sour sauce.” Borlund activated the HD transformation protocol.

  They didn’t move.

  “Wha… transform!” Borlund yelled and pressed the button again. Then a dark realization came to him. “That last rocket bombardment automatically kicked them into turtle-shell mode. I have to go out there and input an eye code on each APC to get them to transform.”

  “You just made this ten times tougher. And I’m guessing only you can release them.” Raziel assumed.

  “It’s a retina code. I did that so the enemy couldn’t open them.”

  Raziel knew this wasn’t going to be easy. He radioed Keisha.

  “We’re behind this old bait shop, what?”

  “Borlund has to go out there to release the HDs so they can transform. The last blast locked them tight. I’m not letting him go out there by himself. They’ll be here in 45 seconds. I’m a scientist and you’re a war vet. Let’s switch before they come.”

  “Hey, I don’t need Keisha. I’m a combat master!” Borlund protested.

  “Be there in a split. We’ll get this done, heavy fire or not.”

  “One, shut up and two, you’re welcome,” Raziel said. “BoltLayers never lone wolf anything, and now, you can see if you really like Keisha.” Raziel gave him the ideal Montegue, Capulet situation, left and went to Doze.

  Borlund heard the revved street machines coming over the horizon and hoped Keisha knew of the danger they were in. This wasn’t a routine attack on the Gripz Renegades. This new clan was speculated to be more aware and accurate. They roved the highways. That was the proverbial front lines. The Gripz were equivalent to the ancient National Guard while this new clan was the legendary Special Forces.

  Keisha joined him as the street machines slowed to a stop.

  “What do you need to do?” Keisha asked.

  “I need to unlock the HDs from turtle-shell mode so they can become the bots we need, and I unlock them with a retinal scan code individually.” Borlund felt the task would be impossible against an elite clan with rifles.

  “How long for each individual HD?”

  “It takes ten seconds to unlock them.”

  Keisha looked out from behind the building.

  “They’re not too far apart and the unlock takes ten seconds each. Thirty seconds there and back. We can do this in two and a half minutes. I think it’s time for a little distraction. You can do this, right? No pussin’ out?”

  “If there wasn’t any opposition, I can do it all day.”

  Keisha smiled and said, “You said that. Don’t be a wuss.”

  She radioed the rest.

  “BoltLayers, run the Divide and Conquer six tactic. We need the road clear for three minutes. Call back when you’re locked and loaded.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My people are about to run a little deadly distraction. When the road clears, you have three minutes there and back. We’ll do our job, just do yours. I have your back for any strays.”

  Borlund was impressed she had a tactic to get this done. He did like her.

  “We’re ready, Keisha. On your mark.”

  “Have you stretched--no cramping?” she asked Borlund.

  “Watch me shine, Keisha, give the order.”

  Keisha clicked her communique.


  All of their pursuers were shot with arrows! They were surprised at the crude ammunition. Silent and deadly.

  “They’re behind the buildings! Kill those dogs!” They went after the BoltLayers.

  Keisha slapped Borlund on the ass.

  “GO! I have your back!”

  Borlund ran to the first HD. He opened a panel and tapped on a pad. A green laser-scanned his pupils and he saw a light turn green.

  “First one’s done!” he yelled
as he saw Keisha put the wounded out of their misery by snapping their necks.

  “Turn and burn! I have some work to do!”

  As they executed, the BoltLayers were playing pop-n-drop with the other clan. It wasn’t power winning this fight. It was experience and intelligence.

  Doze did his job and took out 3 of them. He was amazing until the opposing clan got lucky.

  As he sprinted to a dumpster for cover, a clan member shot him in the neck! His blood splattered across the dumpster as he crashed into it and fell in a limp heap.

  “Man down! Doze is a casualty!”

  Keisha’s soul dropped. Doze was her partner, and she didn’t even get to welcome him to his afterlife.

  “How many left, Bot Boy?!”

  “Two! Then it’s time to finish this!”

  Keisha grabbed the next wounded clans member and saw he was just shot in the leg.

  “One of you killed my partner!” She put her boot on his head. “You pay for your clan’s indiscretions!”

  As Borlund went to the last HD, he saw Keisha blast both arrows in the poor man’s face! It was official to him to never piss her off!

  Borlund opened the last HD and called out to Keisha. “DONE! I’m activating the HDs -- stand clear!” He pressed his control device.

  The bots began to separate and become the mech killers.

  “Call your people back! They're gonna want to see this!”

  Keisha called off the Divide and Conquer stop-n-pop and told hem to rendezvous on the road. As they returned, all the Hunter-Destroyers were assembled.

  “Let’s invite that clan to the party!” Borlund had his bots target the 4o street machines. They began to fire!

  The other clan heard all the explosions on the road and rushed out to see their vehicles being destroyed!

  “They’re nukin’ our cars! Kill them ALL!”

  Borlund knew something no one else did. His shock weevils were equipped with grappling hooks. When the cars sped by, the weevils hitched rides on the undercarriages of each car. When they stopped and got out, the weevils completed their mission by releasing from the cars and latching themselves to the enemy.

  As they raised their rifles, Borlund activated his weevils!

  As their cars were being destroyed by plasma missiles, being blasted by incendiary flames, and getting sucked into singularities with Hadeon grenades, they all were electrocuted!

  As the clan fell to the ground with electric worms racing across their bodies, Raziel walked up to Borlund.

  “So, that’s why you dumped those weevils, You had a combat scheme.”

  “I’m sorry Doze bought it,” Botlund said.

  “This life has a dark balance, my friend.” He pointed at the other BoltLayers taking the other clan’s rifles and executing them being lead by Keisha,

  “Dark indeed – when they’re done, let’s get back. I don’t want two women angry with me because we couldn’t get there in time.”

  “The ramming racks are ready. Let’s plow through some Gripz, and not stop until we get back.”


  Chloe’s team rested by candlelight in the Design Center. They were close to the Atlantic Ocean and smelled the dank marine air of the pungent odor of dead fish as she routed their next leg.

  “We got lucky a Xazen wolf’s pack didn’t smell us while we evaded their area. We were downwind of them so they couldn’t scent Kruck’s ‘fragrant bouquet’.”

  “Live in nary a dwelling for years and see if you do not have an environmental aroma about yourself,” Sagen said.

  “If I smelled like rotten eggs, spoiled milk, and sardines, I think I’ll just stay with my clan, thank you.” A passive-aggressive slam, Klannis style. “If you look here, we’re in the Design Center. We have to cross Broadway to get to Dudley Square. I have a Skull Digger contact there. We might need some support in Forest Hills. That’s this era’s ‘bad neighborhood’.”

  “I have heard of the Skull Diggers. Why would we need assistance from those scallywags?” Sagen asked.

  “Those ‘scallywags’ are my support in any harrowing situation, so when things go south… become unfavorable, they’ll help. I’ve never actually met this Rayless guy, and from what I’ve heard about him, we need all the support we can get.”

  “The Rayless One is a dark warlock. Your support cannot aid us in any way.”

  Chloe accessed their scenario and began to ask some questions.

  “Araklimn. Are royals guards equipped with any magic?”

  “Neigh, Klannis. We only protect without the sorcery.”

  “With all that combat and the use of anything you can make into a weapon?”

  “Aye, we are warriors bequeathed with the knowledge of every adequate defense.”

  Chloe looked at Sagen.

  “How did you get here again?”

  “Lord Kirkland banished Araklimn to this desolate era to be free to slay Princess Gwenlyn. I pursued Araklimn to this epoch so we could destroy Lord Kirkland’s descendant. This is Araklimn’s destiny, and we will fulfill his destiny.”

  “So all those combat skills will be able to defeat magic?” she asked.

  “It is his calling.”

  Chloe was a spy who lived by skepticism. One of the most precious tools in her arsenal was critical thinking. It was time to use that tool, but not in front of everyone. Why would Kirkland send Araklimn here when America wasn’t known by them in the 1200s? Why did Krucks know where just not when?”

  “We’re still meeting Hawk. It just makes me feel better. You never go against a titan alone. That’ how you end up missing.”

  “According to this current age, Araklimn and I were already ‘the missing’ to our former comrades. We will never gaze upon our brethren again. Their purgatory of our rediscovery died with them nay close to a millennia ago. We have nary a tie to this period.”

  “You probably don’t, but I kinda like Araklimn. He protected me when he didn’t even know me. On the other hand, you pissed me off. With your attitude, I’m surprised you ever had a tie to anyone in the 1200s or even now.”

  “I am a sorcerer! I do whatever is required of me!” Sagen got upset.

  “I’m seeing that. Pulling rabbits, just not out of hats. We’re at the climax of this journey. I know this place and you don’t. I know how to utilize an ally, and we’re about to meet Hawk. I told you we will get to our end position. It doesn’t matter how convoluted the winding path is. As long as we reach our destination. That’s the main point.

  Grab your things. Our escape window is open. Let’s get moving before it closes again.”

  They all gathered their things and left the center to get to Dudley Square.

  As they began to walk across Broadway, Chloe started the questioning of Sagen in a way as not to recognize it as an interrogation.

  “What does this Princess Gwenlyn mean to you?”

  Sagen was surprised.

  “Why, she was a royal lass deemed to inherit the throne. She showed no other vital signs of valor.”

  “How could you speak of the princess in such a plain manner?!” Araklimn asked Sagen. “The princess lead the rebellion against all of the dastardly corruption in the kingdom.”

  “She was an over-privileged harlot,” Sagen said.

  “Princess Gwenlyn was a warrior for the just.”

  Chloe interrupted, “She was your Joan of Arc.”

  “Of whom are you speaking?” Araklimn asked.

  “I’m sorry,” Chloe mixed her chronology periods, “She was a French leader 200 years after you lived. She lead her people like your princess. I guess Joan of Arc was like her.”

  “Was she as memorable for everyone or is it for the reason you are unnaturally wise you know of her?”

  “It’s not because I studied history that hard to know of her. Everybody here knows of her. Her name has become a description for a very strong woman.”

  Araklimn turned to Sagen.

  “If the princess did not perish prem
aturely, a strong woman would be deemed a Gwenlyn of Cumberbatch.”

  “You were always delusional about the princess. She was just in line for the crown through birth. This Joan woman had to have more virtue than your pampered princess. It does not matter anymore. You were banished through time, and Lord Kirkland slew her. This is your vengeance to Lord Kirkland’s treachery now. Slay The Rayless One to bring about balance.”

  “You never liked her,” Chloe said.

  “It is forbidden to voice a deleterious opinion upon royalty,” Sagen said.

  “Who’s coming to arrest you now? Say your piece, Krucks.”

  Sagen had been holding back ever since she began her adverse crusade against the elders. It wasn’t her fight to initiate.

  “Princess Gwenlyn was an upstart, a roiderbanks skelpie-limmer muck-spout draggle-draggle.”

  Chloe wasn’t fluent in Vuictorian, but looking at Araklimn’s face, Kruck’s words were not favorable.

  “How could you speak of her with Beeuzabub’s tongue?! She was but a mere sixteen years of age!”

  “Hence the skelpie-limmer observation. The princess was too young to engage in such a war against the elders in which she concocted with her personal mad wiles. What does my opinion matter now? She has perished. I shall speak of my indiscretions nary again.”

  Chloe knew how to play this game. Barbarous intrigue was a timeless fiend. They kept walking until they came to the edge of Dudley Square.

  “Okay, let me speak this time. Hawk’s Uruguayan and barely knows English, so your Victorian will confuse him even more.”

  They walked into the square and Chloe knocked a code on a dilapidated shack door. A minute later, a longer-haired Latin man opened the shack door.

  “Hola, Klannis. Why are you here at Dudley, and who are these two?”

  She gave him a warrior’s arm-shake.

  “We’re about to go into Forest Hills to go after The Rayless One. These two are here to kill him. The Rayless One’s an alpha, so we need support. This is a real Benedict-Vlasov operation. We need help.”

  “I am understanding the strangers do not know anything about this operation.”

  “They came from the 1200s through a temporal eviction… Ask Raziel later, so no. They have an idea of how this operation works.”


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