Remember Me

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Remember Me Page 13

by Kyle Robertson

  “We were frozen in time for you. You had five minutes to make us look stupid!”Raziel figured it out. “Where are my pants?”

  “I put them in the infirmary. You were frozen, so I had a little fun.”

  Raziel began to get his pants.

  “Somewhat funny, but this is a huge problem.”

  Keisha went to Borlund.

  “That was funny. You get two dates.”

  Give me my hair!” Brakken snatched his wig of Fischer’s head. “You wear it terribly.”

  As the rest got back to normal, Raziel came back.

  “The timestream is a fluid stream. Five minutes is very slow, but a thousand years ago, the stream increases exponentially. In twelve twenty-seven, the timestream will move like the rapids. If we just drop him back there, the paradox can disrupt the stream continuum with a terminal effect.”

  “So we’re screwed.”

  “Not necessarily. Have you ever skipped a rock across a pond?”

  “When I was a teen. Why are you asking?”

  “The timestream is like water. Throw a boulder in a river, and the river keeps going but splits. You skip a rock, the river doesn’t get disrupted.

  I just have to calculate the angle, so I can ‘skip’ him back to his time. I need you to go through just one more time when I calculate the angle.”

  “I can still destroy time this way. I can’t exist in one place twice.”

  “Just stay outside for those five minutes to not share the same space. If your mind can’t see yourself. The paradox can’t trigger.” Raziel was confident.

  “So, if I was blind and share the same space, time won’t disrupt?”

  “I don’t know how this works. It just might be your presence. You’re probably standing outside right now and time didn’t end.”

  “But how long will it take for you to calculate the time skip?”


  “It’s already calculated. I was just explaining to you what I was going to do already, Are you ready to take a ride?”

  “He’s about to do this crazy thing again?!” Keisha asked amazed. “So, You’re going for three.”

  “Let’s do it. I have three dates now,” Borlund told Raziel.

  “Step on the platform and I’ll plug in the coordinates. Just remember the paradox.”

  “I’m not screwing up my dates,” Borlund said.

  When the computer input the new applications, Raziel set the transport.

  “I hope you’re ready. See you in a few seconds.”

  “Press the pad.”

  Raziel activated the apparatus and Borlund disappeared. In ten seconds, Borlund entered the warehouse along with Chloe and Araklimn.

  “It worked. We just have one more thing to complete.”

  Chapter Nine: Every Ending Has a New Beginning

  As Araklimn and Chloe walked to the warehouse, they watched all the homeless people scavenge for food. They saw the desperation about the indigent and realized their affection toward one another was insignificant compared to the current dystopian squalor Lord Kirkland had begun a millennia ago.

  “This must cease. Lord Kirkland’s influence has affected this world longer than he had lived. He impacted this land with a devastating evil.”

  “And since you have witnessed the devastation first-hand, you are the ideal man to stop this,” Chloe said somberly. “In this situation, our affection isn’t as important as righting humanity’s ship. Why is it when I find my second piece, you have to leave never to return?”

  Araklimn felt it as well. She was his ungraspable emerald.

  “Such is life. We cannot be together for an ocean of time we cannot sail; time will separate us. Affection is truly a cruel mistress.”

  They kept walking until they saw the warehouse. Borlund was standing outside.

  “Why did they kick you out? What did you do?!” Chloe called to Borlund.

  He motioned them to come quickly, so they sprinted to him.

  “We’re in the final stages of getting you home. I’m in there right now and also out here. I just can’t exist twice in the same place. You don't have to worry about this. You’re going back to twelve twenty-seven, and you’ll never cross yourself.”

  “I told you Raziel would get it to work. I guess it’s true we will never see each other again,” Chloe said.

  “Blast this existence. I finally meet my soulmate and I get ripped away from you.”

  Borlund had questions.

  “Two things, where’s Krucks, and what happened to you two in four days?”

  “Krucks was a traitor, so Feldspar, the Skull Diggers’ Xazen wolf and her pack ate him.” Chloe began.

  “And alas, a doomed forlorn fancy betwixt us,” Araklimn continued.

  Borlund was surprised at the affection admission, but he had to confirm.

  “What is he saying, Klannis?”

  “Aside from the poetic explanation, we fell for each other and now he’s going home. We’ll never get to explore our affection. This whole experience really sucks.”

  “ Kruck was dirty and bought it, and you two like each other. Do I understand you correctly?”

  “You win the prize. We’re living in a bittersweet conclusion.” Chloe confirmed.

  Borlund checked his watch and knew he was clear.

  “We might be able to keep this sweet for you both. Are you fine with everybody knowing, and are you willing to try something crazy to be together?”

  “Stop dangling the candy bar we can’t eat, Borlund. We finally concluded this is what must happen.”

  “I’m not tempting you with dreams. I did something crazy to get a few dates with Keisha. Hey, she’s interesting. I know how you feel. I did the crazy, can you?”

  Chloe looked at Araklimn’s elated eyes.

  “We’ll talk about Keisha later, but we’re willing to take the plunge.”

  “Then follow me.” Borlund opened the warehouse door to tell Raziel about his crazy idea.

  “It worked. We just have one more thing to complete.”

  Raziel was euphoric with the outcome but wondered about the other 2.

  “Glad you made it back, where’s Krucks?”

  “Klannis told me Krucks betrayed them and he got bit… by a Xazen wolf pack multiple times while becoming a doggy snack. That’s not important though. These two are lovebirds and want each other, long story. When we send him back, can we equip him with a return disc, so he can come back?”

  Raziel was very surprised about the relationship admissions today. Even the end of the world can’t stop affection.

  “We can do it, but if he does his job and the timeline changes, we won’t exist on this temporal branch anymore.”

  They all were confused about Raziel’s explanation, so he had to refine it.

  “Let me say it so you all can understand. Araklimn, when you go back, will you complete your quest?”

  “Aye, I intend to end Lord Kirkland.”

  “Okay, say he’s successful and we never have The Rayless One here to torment us today. That means our timeline changes and this would have never happened. If he’s successful, this won’t even be a memory. I call it the temporal butterfly effect.”

  Borlund’s heart sank along with Chloe and Araklimn’s. This was designed for dissolution.

  “Why are you all so sad and give up the first time?” Brakken asked. “The only thing that would change is what The Rayless One did to this world. I was born to crossdress. Were you always meant to be a scientist or did a hairdresser creep into your professional options?”

  Raziel defended what he did. “I’m a scientist. I eat, drink, breathe, and sleep it.”

  “That means we just have to avoid all the occurrences of this timeline.”

  “It’s not that easy,” Borlund said. “Klannis and Araklimn found each other in this timeline, so when it corrects itself, Klannis won’t know Araklimn anymore. We’re at zero again.”

  “No, wait. I have an idea.” Raziel went upstairs wit
h an odd glee.

  “What is the mad scientist cooking up now?” Fischer asked.

  “I guess I just opened him to new possibilities. I motivate that way,” Brakken said.

  Raziel came down the stairs holding a helmet with straps.

  “Brakken’s right. He’s a transvestite and I’m a scientist. The only disruption this timeline produces is your feelings for one another. This is my mind-log box. I use it to recall complex equations. I’ve used it since I was a teen.” He gave it to Chloe. “Put this on so it can record your synapses. I’ll give it to Araklimn along with the return pad, then when he gets back and he finds you, put it back on to restore your memories.

  I remember I hunted for fossils at the Four Elements Salt cave in Westport when I was ten. I just have to put the blueprints of my temporal platform buried where I dug to myself, a personal embarrassing fact, so I know it’s from me, and instructions on how to build it.

  If the stars align, this could work.”

  Fischer saw his determination.

  “Okay, Raziel, how is this going to work?”

  He placed his helmet on Chloe’s head and turned it on.

  “First, we record her memories, then I need a crew to travel sixty miles south to Westport after I put my blueprints in a carbenium casing with a note and my name engraved on it. We’ll travel by HD because it’s still a cruel world. I know my location for excavating and this time I’ll find something valuable.

  We travel back, send Araklimn to twelve twenty-seven with some accessories, and hopefully not exist in this timeline anymore.”

  “Well, I don’t have anything to do today,” Brakken said. “Let’s drive to Westport. I’ve got shotgun.”

  “Then I’m driving,” Fischer said.

  Raziel’s helmet beeped. He took it off of Chloe’s head and collapsed it to pocket-sized. He gave it to Araklimn.

  “This should be more important than gold to you. Take care of Klannis. She’s your treasure now.” He turned to the crowd. “Okay, sort yourselves into two groups of ten. We’re about to go to Westport to do something crazy. You two are staying here this time.”

  Chloe and Araklimn understood they were the reason for all of this and stayed put.


  As they traveled south on Belmont Street, Raziel was going over his mental checklist.

  The street was strewn with all types of putrid refuse across the pavement The Snaggerz he had partnered with was good at avoiding all the trash and abandoned shopping carts on the street.

  Raziel hoped this would be their final journey in this timeline. The rot in the outskirts of Boston smelled so bad, he speculated if the odor could cross dimensions and haunt him in the alternate timeline.

  “So, when this is over, I won’t know you anymore?” Bjorn asked Raziel.

  “We live in the same city. We might see each other again. We just won’t know it because all of this goes away if we do this right.”

  “Your mind is on another plane. How do you think of all this stuff?”

  “Sports and drugs weren’t exciting to me, so I had to make my world fun by reading. I’m just like you. My mental stimulus is just slightly different.”

  “That’s why you and Machine Head got along. He’s boring like you.”

  Raziel grinned and wondered how Borlund was, riding with Keisha in the HD.

  “What type of driveshaft do these HDs use?” Keisha asked Borlund.

  “Three Hunter-Destroyers double as a single APC. They don’t run with driveshafts. The propulsion works on a quantum dark energy integer. This movement is all kinetic-based,” Borlund explained.

  “Now I can see why you and Scientist Boy got along on the way to Nevada. You two must have had fun scrambling each other’s brains.”

  “I fight, Keisha. I just do robotics on the side.”

  “Did you create these HDs?”

  “They’re my pride and joy.”

  “You’re right in one aspect, but you’re still a scientist.”

  “Why does everybody keep saying that? I just make what I need.”

  Keisha had to clarify.

  “You’re an expert at robotics and Raziel is a master of the temporal field. You two are the same, just in different fields of science.”

  “Why are you trying so hard to make me a scientist?”

  “Is a pediatrician a doctor?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Is an OBGYN a doctor?”

  Borlund saw her point.

  “I get what you’re saying,” Borlund said. “Which doctor am I?”

  “I’d pick the OBGYN. I don't need you checking out children's parts, I want you checking out mine. A combat scientist is kind of sexy.”

  Borlund smiled for a second, then he remembered the particulars of their mission.

  “Why are you teasing me? You know if this works, the timeline’s wiped, and we’ll never meet.”

  She took off her steel bracelet.

  “You’re not getting out of our dates that easily. Raziel is attempting something before this timeline won’t exist.” She gave him the bracelet. “I bought this when I was a teenager. When Raziel engraved his mane on that box, I engraved my childhood home’s address under the band.”

  He saw the inscription.

  I owe you a date. Find me, Start here:He saw her address.

  “But we won’t know each other.”

  “Just like right now?” She touched him. “I did say I’d go out with you if you did that stunt and you weren’t a pussy. If you find me, we can start over and I’ll know you never second-guess yourself and aren’t a pussy.”

  “But what if you have a boyfriend already?”

  “Did I ever say this would be easy?” she asked. “Do you think I’m pretty?”

  “You’re stunning.”

  “I guess being around that Old English has rubbed off on me. Win my honor and we can talk.”

  “You do know this entire conversation will disappear like a drop of water in the ocean.”

  “Yes, but I do know this. No matter where we go, there we are. The world could have a radical facelift, but our feelings won’t change. You built these HDs in a bean canning factory. You naturally overcome obstacles. If you like me, you’ll come to get me. I think I left you clues easy to figure out. If you can’t connect the dots, it was never meant to be. I also think you’re handsome, so connect those dots.”

  They continued to drive to Westport, but Botlund had a smile on his face. He loved a challenge.


  They finally arrived at the Four Elemente Salt Cave entrance. A rusted dilapidated faded blue sign greeted them. It was time to execute.

  “I need a small back-hoe able to fit into one of those caverns,” Raziel told Borlund.

  Once everybody got out, Borlund separated 3 to make 1 digger.

  “I’ll still never get over we were fighting converting construction equipment that could shove a rocket up your ass and hit you with a shovel.”

  “I can’t get over you nuts are still alive with our superior firepower sent to kill you,” Borlund said.

  “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” Keisha said.

  “All of that’s old news,” Raziel said. We're all friends fighting for one cause. Turn on the floods and follow me.”

  Raziel went into the cave entrance and brushed off the ancient cave vein map on the wall.

  “It’s on the tenth sub-level here.” He pointed on the map. “It’s in the Chimera Criffinwell section. Take a handheld map in case we get separated. You’ll know where we’re going.”

  They all grabbed those dusty brittle maps and began to spelunk deeper into the cave.


  Chloe walked up to Araklimn staring out at the yellowed sky in despondence.

  “Don’t worry about them. That cave is just 60 miles away, they’ll be back by tonight.”

  “’ Tis not my concern, Klannis.”

  “Call me Chloe. You’ve earned that,” she sa

  “My dealings are with this aberrant witchcraft we have adopted to complete my quest, Chloe.”

  It was time for Chloe’s concern.

  “Why do you call science witchcraft? Their entire quest is based on theory, not magic. You are into that, not them.”

  “They are speaking of incantations. I will hold your soul within the box your squire has given me. I do not understand the spell, so when I am in possession of your soul, I am at a pause.”

  “That’s my digital essence recorded, not me. It’s a copy of me. You won’t kill me if it gets destroyed. I’ll be fine physically. If you want me, don’t lose or break it. I won’t know you when you return, and me starting all over for you is probably not going to be feasible. You won’t be the man I find amazing. You’ll be that crazy English stalker. Your concern shouldn’t be how you’re going to get back. Your concern should be to not lose the box. You're holding our happiness in your hands.”

  “You just redirected my concern elsewhere, and now my concern has become monumentally higher,”

  Chloe became exasperated and just kissed him.

  “I call that incentive for you to complete your quest. Do you want more of that?”

  “Aye, Chloe.”

  “Then hold on to that box.”


  The team completed the burial. It didn’t take that long. Raziel remembered his dig, and the box was just waiting to be discovered in the past. Borlund drove back with Keisha.

  “That wasn’t too tough. We didn’t lose anybody.”

  “The BoltLayers have this special ability to read a map. I think Snaggerz possess that same ability.”

  “That may sound hilarious to you now, but lose a BoltLayer from a blindside attack, and see if it’s funny to you then.”

  Keisha got serious.

  “I had no idea you’ve lived through that I’m sorry.”

  “Why apologize? You didn’t do it and I got past that darkness years ago. All I’m saying is there’s always a reason for my speaking. I don’t want a cute girl I like to make light of my random statements.” Bound displayed his past baggage, so he had to ease her uncomfortableness. “Stop looking that way. How can I take away the awkwardness of a hot girl with such a cute butt?”


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