Gryff the Griffin Rider 2

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Gryff the Griffin Rider 2 Page 8

by Marcus Sloss

  The young lad panted heavily and caught his breath. “A shaman in white portaled into the city. He is seeking the god’s champion known as Gryff. I was sent running to alert you, grandpa.”

  I figured he would find me. It was better here in an open area than when I was caught unaware like before. I bet it had to do with the ship supplies I held in Streb. Only one way to find out.

  “Nate, get with Addilyn and Velia. Run the numbers. I tentatively agree to the deal though. Make sure I am not missing something. Duke, Count, Lords, and Ladies. I will excuse myself. It seems another meeting has interrupted this one. It was nice doing business with you and I hope to leave within two days if you can manage. Is that doable?”

  “We can certainly get three ships and crews ready that quickly. I will see to it personally. Thank you for the fair trade and the business.” Dax said to me with a handshake all but sealing the deal. “Son, please escort Lord Gryff to the awaiting shaman please.”

  The young lad nodded and walked out of the restaurant with me in tow. I had him pause at the establishment’s foyer on the first floor. I unarmed myself and piled all my gear onto a bench. I then stripped down to my thin layer of padding only, I looked goofy but was free of my armor. I instructed the young lady behind the greeting counter to inform Sir Nate of Fernlan to have my weapons sent to Emperor Igrad’s estate.

  We continued our journey toward the center of the city and I saw more residents. There was no denying that these nice and friendly folk had it easy down here in the south. At least for the warmer months. An overcast had swarmed over us and the air temperature had chilled since this morning. I saw a few jackets on children, but for the most part, people were in normal clothes. We navigated through winding streets that seemed poorly laid out. It was as if the city was built up as needed and then grew upon itself at the whims of owners upgrading. A large fountain was off center and the portal in the middle. If I had to guess, the shamans had moved the central water decoration to make room for the monthly quota.

  In the middle of the portal, the Master Shaman of Vin awaited me… Virtue. His golden eyes and light green skin still gave me the feeling he was more human than the rest of the Horde. The eyes he gazed upon me with, boiled with anger. His six foot staff of black and white catalysts swam and danced with sparkles. He even wore the exact same white robe with the needless frills.

  I was overjoyed to see him and began clapping as I approached. “Far enough lad, come no closer,” I said to the boy. I already forgot his name. “Greetings Virtue! It is an honor to see you again. What brings you to summon little ole me?”

  “A showboat as always… We have business to discuss and I would rather do it in refinement than out in the open. Will you accept my terms of truce for negotiation? I am wearing the white.” Virtue said and summoned a portal already. He clearly expected me to answer in the affirmative.

  I shrugged and accepted his truce. My tan padding shifted to white from the tendrils of the yellow contract magic. I stepped through the portal and into blackness.


  The transition was smooth with only the briefest of hazes. My eyes cleared quickly and of all the things I expected to step into, this was the last on the list. We were in a sticky floored titty bar. It was loud, dimly lit, and full of dancers as well as single eyed monsters watching. Things only got stranger as I noticed the dancers were female shamans and female cyclops. My jaw tried its hardest to hit the floor in shock.

  Virtue waved me to a large table, but I was flat out stunned. First, I had never seen a cyclops, I was not certain if anyone from Vin had either. They were backline planners and tabletop strategists. Never seen in the battle lines. So for me to be in a bar with males casually viewing females dancing… well, I was lost in what to do and how to react. A human female came to my side and this floored me with rage. I used a few moments to study the largest cyclops. He was at least nine feet tall with gray skin. He bulged with muscles, but his hands lacked callouses of hard work. His outfit was intricate and detailed to show off physique more than be useful in work or combat. They all had three fingers and a thumb. Their single eye was teal in the iris on all three and the sclera a swirl of black and white. There were very sharp pointy teeth in his mouth that spoke of a predator. His fingertips were sharp pointy black claws. This definitely was an apex predator when you combined tools.

  “Easy sugar… Your outfit is white, be careful with that temper. Now go get seated with your host, they rarely exude patience.” A woman in a bikini swimsuit said. She wore a collar with a small bell and a tag. She was a slave… I wonder if Virtue wanted me to go irate and trigger my own death. Nevermind… of course he did. I exhaled a steamed breath and worked my way past a few serving girls to a poorly lit back table.

  I grabbed a seat with my back to the dancers. I was not here to ogle the one eyed dancers. They were thick, bright green, and had triple tits. They also had huge asses and it was better for me to have them to my back. The female shamans were a preserve man’s dream come true though. These ones on the stage were rocking bodies that were fit and curved right. If you didn’t mind the lime green coloring, hideous teeth, and offset orange eyes.

  “Why bring me here?” I asked.

  There were five cyclops around the table playing a game of cards. I guess I could call it cards, but the reality was more like card sized dominos with far more dots. It was a game I could not follow being so foreign to me. They gambled on moves and paid little attention to me.

  “We want the sails and oars? Are you dense?” The smallest of the cyclops said.

  I was brought a drink by the human waitress who I got a good look at this time. She was well fed and older. Not my type but I was to assume she was not at any risk of dying from starvation. She was mostly void of emotion and handed me a dark liquid without a smile. I grabbed the glass and gave it a sniff.

  Whiskey… Well, I’ll be damned. I sipped it and it was delightful. I pointed to the glass indicating I would like another and she simply nodded.

  “This is yummy, now where were we… Oh, right you lost four wagons carelessly to me. Ouch…” I laughed at my own statement.

  The crowd hushed and the dancers stopped. The dancers were ushered off the stage and the other patrons were escorted out. In a matter of moments, it was only me and six of my foes.

  “You dare to insult me. I am...” The cyclops went to launch into his accolades. I did what any child would do when they wanted to avoid hearing a grown up talk.

  I stuck my fingers in my ears and started making stupid noises that drowned out his voice. This got him to slam the table in anger, breaking it. As the table shattered with his force, a splinter of wood embedded itself into my stomach. It stung and barely pierced the skin. The cyclops realized his error too late as the contract magic touched him. He gave a blood curdling cry as he was slowly vaporized into dust for his transgression.

  I stared at the pile of coins, weapons, and jewelry left behind. “Wahoo, loot! This is all mine correct?” I said and waited for Virtue to acknowledge me.

  “By the seven gods of the Horde, we warned him not to come. He was told to be rational to your irrationality. Yes, by a violation of the truce the items are yours and technically the host owes you a boon. Desma you need to take over his caravan now.” The largest of the cyclops ordered. He nodded to Virtue who portaled the dead cyclops gear to somewhere else. I was hoping the items were in Bavie now. Another cyclops excused himself and then it was three cyclops, Virtue and I.

  “I am Master Cyclops Rakmar, this is my second Quarton and my third Klimarna. The one who you defeated by trickery was the cyclops leading a five million troop caravan south. We will discuss this more elsewhere. This table is ruined and I desperately need another drink.” Rakmar stood and we followed him out of the floor room.

  Small winged aliens that looked like fairies rushed in to clean up the mess. Each had a small bell and a tag. It made me wonder what other aliens were out there and if I could contract goblin sla
ves. Maybe that was why the half dead orc never came into Fernlan. I figured this was a rare opportunity to glean some knowledge. It was probably prudent I curtailed my provoking of the enemy from here on.

  We passed a set of double doors and found a lounging room with a half circular bench. I slid my back against the wall, not wanting it exposed. It did put me in the middle of the half round bench with a full view of the entire room. I was surrounded as the grey cyclops grabbed a comfy spot beside me. A new shaman girl with a large bust who side eyed Virtue with lust, delivered our drinks.

  “Ah much better. So introductions are done. We know you and recognize you as Gryff of Vin. While wearing the white I always find it most pleasing, to be honest. I hope you follow suit. We want those sails and oars. Are you willing to trade for them?” Rakmar got right into it. I was about to answer when a chubby index finger went into the air. “Know this Gryff, Emperor Salvoni sat at this very table. He was always cowardly though and never sat among us, as you do now. He also was indecisive. If we make an offer the worst thing you can do is say you need to think about it. It never got him anywhere.”

  I nodded at this rationale.

  “Okay makes sense… How else do we show we value each other’s time than by avoiding wasting it? Yes, I can deal with the sails and oars I earned through conquest afforded by the accords… What did you have in mind?” I said and this brought a grin to Rakmar’s face.

  “Same thing I only ever once offered to that weakling Salvoni.” The Master Cyclops of Vin reached into his pocket on his vest and tinkled a bell. I sipped my drink and waited to see what was offered. “Varuska… Make her wait outside the door. I want to see if the human has an offer first before I grant him this one.”

  The lady shaman waitress peeled off from the bar where she was preparing drinks and blocked the door. Well, this was not fair.

  “I need to get north. That is what King Horus and I want most. We need silk tree worms. We would need a place for griffins to land three times for rest until we got to the tropics. And then one village for harvesting.” I said giving the offer.

  “That is a big ask… Why?” There was real curiosity etched on his face.

  “We are training students. We use the blood of the worms to copy text onto blank…”

  That was as far as I got when Rakmar halted me. “Varuska come here darling.” He ordered and the waitress came over to us. “Closer.” She hesitated and Rakmar did not.

  His clawed tips shot out and into her throat. With a vicious yank, the bartender fell over, clutching her neck where her blood flowed freely. The ruined windpipe was gently dropped on her twitching body.

  “Now that was awesome… I wish I had claws.” I said. The other cyclops chuckled while Virtue paled. I think he was worried he was next.

  “Virtue your contract on keeping this a secret. Immediately.” Rakmar ordered and even his underlings flung yellow magic his way. The contracts were sealed, bound, and sent to the Master Cyclops. “Virtue silence us, and so help me by the seven gods, if you slip I will eat your heart myself.”

  I was perplexed by the whole situation really. I was still stumped cyclops were not some forty foot monster of legend.

  “Gryff, we know you have a few magics new to us. We are an ancient coalition of members you call the Horde. We have seven gods who are revered for their knowledge, grace, and unique abilities. We have what you call a bible. For us, it is tedious to copy and painstaking to duplicate. It costs us endless amounts of toil to perfect a duplicate. We cannot have any errors. We cannot use stupid creatures like goblins or orcs because they are uncultured. Even shamans get distracted and make mistakes, ruining an entire binding. The best source is a team of dedicated professionals that swap sections in almost an art form. Of course, these teams are slow and charge extensively for their time. If you could make say a hundred copies for me, you will make the four and in essence five of us very rich. Would that be possible?”

  I hesitated here. I had him by the balls in this negotiation.

  “I promise to answer but first I must know what the ships in the south are for?”

  Quarton fielded this question. “It will not be a secret for long. We want ice cats and yeti. Both are a delicacy. The young also sell well on our planets dedicated to universal trade hubs. We plan on sending a few million troops to gather as much as we can to profit. We would happily expend millions of fodder troops for financial gain. I hope that sinks in for you.”

  Rakmar nodded in approval at his answer and it made sense. I knew the Horde had yellow, white, black, and red magic. They wanted the beasts for the meat. He never mentioned they were there to also reign seven hells on our fishing boats, but there was a twinkle in his eye that spoke of something hidden.

  “I want what is behind that door. Four villages in a flight path north to the tropics. And then three more to Darunsa for a desert fruit I need. I can circle them on a map if you can provide one. Lastly, I want a hostility free zone in the Venisis Sea.”

  Rakmar sent Klimarna to retrieve a map. “My counter, I will grant you the seven protected zones, and the prize behind that door. Alas, it is a no on Venisis Sea, mainly because the spell would take up too much. In exchange, I will expand your home city of Fernlan to double its size and give city size barriers for the seven locations of your choosing.” He paused as Kilmarna returned with a map of Vin. I quickly circled the seven locations I would need. “You certain?”

  “Deal… One hundred of your bibles delivered in two months’ time. If I finish earlier I will knock on a portal. I will swear my earth's caster to secrecy and let no one view the contents. I will have my people in Streb roll out the sails and the oars. In exchange, I get these seven city barriers and an expansion of Fernlan. Also whatever is behind that door that has me curious now.” I said sternly.

  “I am impressed human. Not my finest deal but we give up little and gain a fortune. I accept. Here is your original I want copied. This volume is worth a lot so keep it secure. You die if it is destroyed. Do not fail me human. Virtue retrieve Princess Amber. Emperor Igrad’s only surviving daughter. I am transferring her indentured contract to you now.” A yellow stream of magic swirled into my chest and locked into my soul. That was beyond disturbing. I did understand the spell somehow though. Rakmar saw me studying the spell. “I wish I could test you without breaking the terms of the truce… I see it in your eyes you won’t allow it. I also saw you fathom the complexity of the spell I sent you. You make an interesting human Gryff, in this body and your other.”

  I was about to launch into a string of questions about my other life when Virtue dragged a shaking angry redhead from behind the door.

  When I mention red hair I mean fire red. The young woman who was maybe eighteen had a figure that was a step above Pipi’s body. Her waist slimmed and her hips widened. Her large full bust was hidden behind a servant's dress. Her green eyes pierced mine with anger and hatred. Not necessarily at me, more toward her handling. She fought Virtue the entire way to the table. I saw her lips pout and dimples grow as she frowned.

  “Release my father for me… He does you no good as a madman locked in a dungeon.” Princess Amber confessed. Virtue went to backhand her and froze. She was mine now and never would be hit again.

  “Unhand her before I consider it a violation. Conjure a portal. You, Princess, are free. Your father will have to wait for another time assuming he is still alive.” I commanded and Virtue obeyed. Before I could step through Rakmar gave me a warning.

  “You are bound now. Deliver in two months or die like the fool you turned to ash earlier.” The yellow magic sealing our deal raced for me. I slowed it and pulled it apart. The Horde in front of me gasped in shock. The contract dictated exactly what we agreed on. I condensed the terms and folded them into my soul.

  “Not poss…” Rakmar was saying when I lifted Amber into my arms and took us through the portal.


  The dizziness wore off quickly and I saw I stood over my loot. H
ell yes! I loved me some loot. The first thing I did was unclasp the slave ring around Princess Amber’s neck. I handed it to Virtue who tossed me a small bag of gold for it. He waved goodbye and vanished with his portal.

  We were in the central portal of Bavie. The young lad waited with his father for my return as did Nate and my wives. I raced to Count Dax and he jolted in surprise at my speed. To be honest they all were scared a bit.

  “I need you to inform your father to ready the fleet and every ship he can man right now. We should sail as soon as possible.” I commanded and the lad flinched at my demands.

  Count Dax stood his ground until thirty griffins soared over my head in my support. “As you wish my Lord. You will need to justify yourself and the fleet has been at a semi ready for years. I have lots to achieve in a short amount of time. Charles tell the harbormaster that the fleet is to prepare for war on orders of King Horus.”

  I cut him off. “I may even be so bold as to say on the orders of Emperor Igrad remaining heir.” This elicited gasps even from my wives and the griffins. “Lord Nova east of here you will find that caravan meeting the ocean. Find it for me. I also need the two wagons of oars and sails pushed out of Streb. Break a wall if they have to. They no longer belong to us and I die if they are not delivered.”

  The griffins split as they hastily discussed scouting plans. Lady Addilyn approached me first. Nate cut her off though.

  “I will ready the men and head to the wharves. I will ensure the Knights of Fernlan are ready.” Nate bowed. I grew confused and then I looked behind me to view Princess Amber approaching. She was still in shock at her release.

  Princess Addilyn's eyes lit up and she jumped with joy as she clenched her fists. I saw her scream in happiness as she rushed Amber. Velia approached me, giving the two space as they hugged. Amber’s eyes finally recognizing Addilyn.


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