Bad Blood

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Bad Blood Page 10

by M. Malone

  And she wasn’t about to enlighten him.

  “Booty call wasn’t the best choice of words but Jamie is hardly a prude.”

  King sighed. “You didn’t see his face when you said it.”

  Georgie shifted, wondering if maybe the comment hadn’t come across as lighthearted as she’d meant it. Jamie had been a little abrupt as he’d left. But she’d chalked that up to embarrassment at being caught by his best friend.

  Guys were so weird about the “sister” thing. Jamie was probably giving her time to reassure King she hadn’t been taken advantage of or whatever boneheaded thing her brother had decided on.

  All at once, the night without sleep caught up with her and she was finished trying to decode the male mind. If King wanted to argue about her hypothetical relationship, he would be doing it by himself. She was going back to bed.

  “I’m really tired. I’ll see you later. At a normal hour.” Georgie rubbed her eyes. Her brother could see himself out since he’d had no problem inviting himself in.

  “You’re going back to sleep? You’re not going to apologize?” King stared at her incredulously.

  “For what? You are the one who came in my room uninvited. If you saw anything that traumatized you, it’s your own fault.”

  King looked like he wanted to strangle her. “Not to me. To James. To the guy who left here looking like he just lost his best friend. Which is really interesting because until recently, I was his best friend. You might want to think about what that means.”

  Chapter 14

  As soon as Jamie got home, he walked straight through to his bedroom. If he was going to Europe early, he had a lot of preparation to do. He hated doing things on the fly but considering what had just happened, it was best for all if he was on the other side of the ocean. He wouldn’t have a chance to say goodbye to Georgie but maybe that was for the best.

  Booty call.

  He shook off the hurt and tried to focus on what his next twenty-four hours would be like. Once he was in the office, he’d have a better idea of what meetings could be pushed forward or back. But he knew that getting out of town was for the best.

  He heard the door open behind him and paused in the act of throwing shirts in his suitcase.

  “Who let you in? Someone’s not getting a Christmas bonus,” he said over his shoulder.

  “I’m on your approved visitors list, asshole.” King responded.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you this soon. Figured you’d need some time to cool down. Maybe put your fist through a wall first.”

  “I thought about it,” King replied.

  “Unless that’s why you’re here. You want to take this outside? Hell, I’ll give you one shot for free.”

  Jamie didn’t realize he was holding his breath until his chest started to hurt. He had known that King wouldn’t approve of him with Georgie since the beginning but that didn’t make it any easier to hear.

  They’d been best friends for so long that Jamie honestly didn’t know what he’d do if King didn’t forgive him. Would that be the end of their decade-long friendship? The end of their business partnership?

  Damn, he’d really fucked this up.

  “I might take you up on that. You owe me one to the face just for not locking the door. That could have been my dad knocking, you know.”

  Jamie grimaced. “Maybe the universe is looking out for me after all. I would have never been able to look him in the eye again.”

  When King didn’t say anything, he figured it was time to put it all out there. He couldn’t pretend he understood how his friend felt because he didn’t have any siblings. But if nothing else, before he left he could try to explain and hopefully save some semblance of their friendship.

  “I’m not sorry for loving Georgie. That would be like saying I’m sorry for being blond. She’s a part of me.”

  He could hear King walking around the room. Finally he chanced a look behind him and saw his friend staring at the diploma hanging on his wall.

  Jamie kept it in his room as a reminder, but not for the reasons people would assume. The money his grandparents had left for him had been the difference between getting his degree from a prestigious school like Georgetown or having to settle for whatever school he could afford with loans.

  After a lifetime of watching his father try one get-rich-quick scheme after another, Jamie had been determined never to have to ask anyone for money. He’d decided to study business so he could learn how to make money in legal ways.

  But it had always been about proving that he could do it. Growing up with parents who were constantly scamming for money had taught him the importance of acquiring it on your own terms. He’d promised himself that one day he would be somebody. Well, he’d succeeded. And it still hadn’t been enough.

  His parents only called when they wanted something.

  Despite having more money than he could ever spend, he came home to an empty apartment.

  All along, he’d been playing the game to win without asking what was the prize. Because the only thing he really wanted wasn’t something he could buy.

  Jamie moved to the next drawer in his dresser. “I’m going to Europe early. I might need you to cover some of my meetings next week.”

  King didn’t try to argue or change his mind. But he did look disappointed. “She really didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I know she feels really bad about it. You should talk to her. Let her apologize.”

  “No apology is necessary. Georgie doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.”

  He had no doubt that Georgie had just been joking around when she called him a booty call but unfortunately it had hit on all his old insecurities. That a woman like Georgie would only see a guy like him as fun for a night. It had forced him to take a step back and acknowledge he was in this thing a lot deeper than she was.

  The last thing he wanted was to get trapped into a loveless marriage like his parents. His dad had left and come back so many times and for what?

  Just to hurt his mother again.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be warning me away from her? You’ve never made it a secret that you don’t think I’m good enough for her.”

  King actually looked shocked. “That’s not true. When I found out you were with her after the wedding, I was worried. But not about Georgie. She dodged a bullet. I just wanted to make sure it didn’t hit you instead.”

  “Too late,” Jamie muttered.

  Going back to sleep proved futile, so Georgie finally got up and went downstairs. Her father was already at work but Fiona was in the dining room. A cup of coffee and a bowl of cut fruit were placed in front of her.

  “Darling, there you are. I trust you slept well?”

  Georgie sat in the chair next to her mother and poured herself a cup of coffee. “I did. It was fun to get together with the girls again. And I was able to meet up with Alex beforehand and give him the ring.”

  Fiona pursed her lips and took a dainty sip from her coffee cup. “I’m glad it’s done. Distasteful as it was, it’s better to make a clean break.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is. I’m just sorry you and Dad had to be embarrassed in front of all of your friends.”

  “No one was embarrassed except for the Summerlands. I know I’ve been hard on you Georgina but it’s only because I want you to be happy. I worry about you. Ever since you were a little girl, you’ve always been so impulsive. The world isn’t always kind and I wanted you safe with someone who could look after you when we’re gone.”

  “Mom, I don’t need looking after. Okay, maybe I do sometimes but that’s only because I’d never had to learn how to do certain things before. But I’m learning.”

  Fiona put her cup down gently in its saucer. “I can see that. You’re much stronger than I was at your age. Fearless.”

  Georgie was shocked at the pride in her mother’s voice. “I always thought you were ashamed of me. Or maybe wished I was more like your friends’ daughters. Elegant and ladylike.”

sp; “I wasn’t always the perfect lady myself,” Fiona confided. “And I’ve learned over the years perfect ladies don’t get nearly as much accomplished. Being perfect isn’t as important as being happy.”

  Her mother’s look turned calculating.

  “Perhaps our James will be a part of that.”

  Georgie almost spit out the sip of coffee she’d just taken. “What?”

  “I saw him on his way out this morning. Darling, I must say that I always thought you two would make a striking couple. But you seemed to bicker like siblings so I thought perhaps I was seeing things that weren’t there.”

  Georgie was still stuck on the I saw him on his way out this morning part.

  “Um, sorry about that, Mom. Oh my god, please tell me Dad wasn’t with you when you saw Jamie leaving.” Every part of her wanted to melt with shame at the thought of her father running into her lover in the early hours.

  “No, your father was still getting dressed. Your secret is safe with me.”

  Georgie left her mother with a kiss before retreating back to her room. She needed to call Jamie and warn him. Because Fiona’s version of a secret was taking out a billboard ad. She had to warn him before her father found out.

  Several hours later, Jamie still hadn’t called her back. Finally Georgie gave in and texted King. She wasn’t inclined to ask for his help with anything after their fight that morning, but she was getting desperate. All she kept imagining was Jamie being cornered at work by her father, demanding to know his intentions.


  King finally texted that he was coming over. Which seemed a little odd. All of the men in her life were workaholics so she knew they’d all gone in to the office today, even if it was the day after Thanksgiving. Why wouldn’t her brother just walk over to Jamie’s office and tell him to call her?

  As soon as she opened the door an hour later and saw her brother’s face, Georgie knew something was wrong.

  “Hey, sis. Can I come in?”

  “Now you ask?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Trust me, I’ve already paid the price for my mistake.”

  Georgie walked away, leaving the door to her room wide open. King stepped over the threshold and shut the door behind him.

  That door was the start of the problem. If it had been locked, King wouldn’t have been able to walk in without knocking. It wasn’t King’s fault but it was convenient to blame him so she was going with it.

  “Your feeble brain will have to deal with it. I almost got married. How are you still shocked that I’m not a virgin?”

  “No comment. Anyway, I saw Jamie earlier. He wanted me to tell you that he’s going to Europe early. He’ll be visiting some of our subsidiaries and visiting potential new partners. It’s an important trip and someone from Kingsley has to do it every year.”

  Georgie just stared at him. He was rambling. Her brother never rambled.

  “He’s already gone, isn’t he?”

  King nodded somberly. “Yes.”

  She rubbed her forehead trying to make sense of everything. So much had happened today that it was difficult to keep track. But somehow she’d gone from waking up with Jamie, to her mom giving her blessing, to King saying that Jamie was gone.

  It was a lot to take in.

  “Okay, but why did you need to tell me that? Why didn’t he just text me?”

  As the silence stretched out Georgie finally got it. Jamie didn’t want to talk to her. That was why his kiss this morning had felt so different. Because he’d known then that he was saying goodbye for good.

  “I think you need to give him some time,” King replied finally.

  “He’s really that mad?”

  “Words can hurt more than actions sometimes.”

  Such as right now, Georgie thought. Because hearing that Jamie would rather fly to another continent than see her again hurt worse than any physical blow.

  “You know him better than anyone. What should I do?”

  King sat on the small sofa in the sitting area. “It’s hard to say. Jamie comes from a family that never thought he would amount to much. But now that he has, they only want to use him when it’s convenient. So being referenced as a booty call had to bring up some unpleasant feelings for him.”

  Georgie wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly cold. These past few weeks with Jamie had been everything she’d ever dreamed of. Great sex and fun times with a man who believed in her wholeheartedly.

  “I think I love him, King.”

  Her brother smiled kindly. “But you don’t know for sure. And James knows that. Maybe it’s time you stop thinking about being part of a couple and just figure out what you want. Just Georgie.”

  “You think I haven’t tried that? This self-reflection stuff is harder than it looks.” Georgie flopped down on the couch next to him and rested her head on his arm, the same way she used to when she was a little girl.

  She looked up at him. Her brother might be a bossy know-it-all but he always had it together and he’d found love with Olivia, so clearly he was doing something right.

  “When you don’t know what to do, how do you figure things out?”

  King looked thoughtful. “It depends on what you’re good at. Use your strengths in your favor. Your instinct will usually guide you in the right direction.”

  “Mainly I write things down. Or doodle. That’s why I started Sweet Nothings. But I’m not sure a greeting card will make Jamie come back.”

  “You’ll figure it out. I believe in you.” King made a disgusted sound. “Can’t believe I just said that. All those Lifetime movies Olivia watches must be rubbing off on me.”

  “She's good for you,” Georgie whispered.

  “She’s perfect for me. And maybe James is perfect for you. But you need to take some time to figure out if he is. Because if he’s not really what you want, then it’s best to let it go.”

  Chapter 15

  Sweet Nothings by Georgina

  It’s been two weeks since you went away.

  Not that I think you didn’t know that but I’m reminding myself. For once my brother actually had good advice. He recommended that I figure out how I communicate best and then use that to apologize.

  So that’s what I’m doing by writing you this note. I want to apologize. Because I would never in a million years want to hurt you.

  Even though you won’t answer my calls, you’re still the first person I want to talk to every day. It feels like a million years since I last saw your face but I still remember how you used to look at me like I was priceless. Maybe I didn’t appreciate it enough until it was gone but I miss it.

  I miss you.



  P.S. Since I don’t know what country you’re in right now, that’s why I’m sending you an email. But here’s a picture of the letter I wrote for you. Isn’t it cute?

  Chapter 16

  Sweet Nothings by Georgina

  It’s been three weeks since you went away and I really wish I could talk to you. Things have been bad here.

  The gossip rags finally figured out the identity of Alex’s mistress. They have pictures of him coming out of a hotel with none other than Regina the wedding planner.

  I really shouldn’t have been surprised. That woman put my bridesmaids in ugly dresses. At least I learned a valuable lesson.

  Never trust a woman who likes eggplant.

  On the other hand, all the media attention has been hard on the rest of the family. King has been working around the clock trying to contain it. My dad was just furious on my behalf. I think he was worried that I would be embarrassed. My mother had to take to her rooms after she saw the pictures. Regina was one of her oldest friends.

  I expected to be hurt when I found out but I really didn’t care. Which was a nice surprise. I’m focused on more important things.

  I thought about what you said to me that last day. About going after what I want and doing all the things that scare me.

sp; For so long I wanted to do a line of angry greeting cards. Weird, right? But I feel like that’s an untapped market.

  Your best friend slept with your father? Your coworker keeps eating your tuna fish sandwich? I have just the card for you!

  Look, I even composed the first card in honor of Alex.

  Roses are red

  Cheaters are blue.

  So glad to be free

  And by the way, FUCK YOU.

  Kind of poetic, huh? I’ll take a video when the new website goes live next week. I’m sure my mother will be so proud.



  P.S. Are you really not going to answer any of my texts?

  Chapter 17

  Sweet Nothings by Georgina

  It’s been four weeks since you went away and I still wake up saying your name.

  Oh and by the way, a picture of a half-eaten croissant wasn’t the response I was looking for but at least I know you’re alive and haven’t been kidnapped by European ruffians.

  Or the Swedish bikini team. Which is probably more likely.

  Anyway, I’m starting to feel like a bit of a stalker writing these messages that you never respond to (not counting the croissant) but I’m not giving up on us.

  Is that what you thought would happen? Well, I’m here to tell you Georgina Kingsley is used to getting what she wants. I’m your princess, aren’t I?

  What we have may have started off casual but that’s not how I feel about you, Jamie. This is worth fighting for. YOU are worth fighting for. So you’d better come home soon because I love you.



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