MANFAX: Winter Brothers #2

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MANFAX: Winter Brothers #2 Page 3

by Chance, Jacob

  “I wouldn’t want our relationship to get off on the wrong foot.” I smirk.

  “We don’t have a relationship of any sort.” She wiggles a red tipped digit back and forth between us. I’m tempted to nip her fingertip, but I know that wouldn’t go over well. At least not yet.

  Studying her hand, I imagine her long nails raking furrows down my back as I pump inside her. And now, despite the cool water, I’ve got a chub.

  “That could easily be remedied.”

  “Is this guy for real?” She directs the question to everyone else and no one answers. They all look frozen in place like we’ve been playing freeze tag instead of Marco Polo.

  “You’re not the first woman to think I’m too good to be true.” I bop the tip of her nose with my finger.

  She swats my hand away. “Don’t touch me again unless you like getting junk punched.”

  I chuckle. I love a feisty woman. It usually translates to being a wildcat in the bedroom. “Already talking about my dick, huh, Rocky?”

  “You wish,” she scoffs. “And my name’s Roxanne.”

  “Well, that may be, but I prefer Rocky. It’s a better fit for you and your scrappiness.”

  She opens her mouth to lambaste me when Danika cuts in, “Why don’t we take a break from this game and have some drinks?”

  “Great idea, honey,” Rex agrees, climbing from the pool. He opens the small refrigerator that’s hidden behind the large granite bar he and I built two summers ago and starts setting out bottles of beer for us guys and margaritas for the ladies.

  “Looks like you’ll have to wait to get your hands on me, Rocky.” I wink.

  Roxanne’s head drops back, and she stares up at the cloudless sky. ”Oh, dear God. I need a drink.”

  “I often get called God, however, I prefer Adam. But for you, Rocky, I’ll make an exception.”

  “Get over yourself,” she snipes, tossing her wet hair over her shoulder. “And stop calling me Rocky.”

  I watch her swim away, my smile growing by the second.

  This weekend is going to be even more fun than I hoped.

  Pressing my lips together, I hum “Eye of the Tiger”.

  * * *

  Standing in front of the enormous built in grill, I flip the steaks and peer over my shoulder. “How do you like your meat, Rocky?”

  Pausing with her drink mid-air, her eyes swing to me. In their brown depths her annoyance shows. “I’m a vegetarian.”

  “For real?” I question. Stretched out on a chaise, her voluptuous curves on display, I look her over from head to toe. Damn, I sure do like this new addition to the scenery.

  “What?” she scoffs. “Do I not meet your expectations of what a vegetarian should look like?”

  “No. I never said that.” And my question had nothing to do with how she looks. She surpasses my expectations of what a woman should look like in every way.

  “Don’t you want to take this opportunity to make some immature comment about how I’ll be missing out on your meat?” she challenges.

  I grin at her comeback. This chick's mouth is as entertaining as her appearance. Beauty and a sense of humor is an irresistible combination. “Now that you mention it…”

  She tsks, waving her hand dismissively, but I’d swear her lips twitch, as if she’s fighting back a smile. “Focus on your grilling and leave me in peace before you ruin dinner.”

  Turning back around, I flip the steaks once more. The aroma of the seared beef has my mouth watering almost with the same intensity as seeing Roxanne in her midriff-baring bathing suit all day.

  Danika begins setting food out on the granite counter and her two friends join her, heading inside the house to fetch more food.

  “Dude, I don’t think she likes you very much.” Larsen saunters toward me, a bottle of beer cradled in his hand.

  “I think I’m wearing her down. I’ll be molding her curves like clay by the end of the weekend.”

  Larsen chuckles. “I don’t think so, bro. This one’s not going to fall for your nonsense.”

  “Are you really doubting me? You know my track record with the ladies.”

  Larsen shrugs. “History speaks for itself. Every great empire falls sooner or later.”

  I beat my chest. “Not this one.”

  “Your arrogance will be your downfall,” my brother states.

  I shake my head. “I’m not arrogant. I’m confident in my ability to win over any woman. I know what they want and what they want to hear. It’s the quintessential combination of irresistible. I’m like the perfect storm—they don’t realize the damage until I’ve already come and gone.” I flash a knowing grin at Larsen. “You should take this opportunity to watch the master in action this weekend.”

  Larsen swallows his sip of beer before answering. “Oh, I’ll be paying close attention to every detail, so I can remind you of your epic failure.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “More like your nightmares.” He sets his empty bottle down on the counter next to the grill. Moving forward, he intercepts Violet on her way out the door. “Let me help you,” he croons, removing two large bowls from her hands.

  Turning back to the grill, I shake my head. Amateur. It’s a wonder this guy gets laid at all.

  He still hasn’t learned that being a nice guy is the kiss of death. When it comes to women, being nice equates to being boring. There’s a reason why there’s a popular saying nice guys finish last. It’s because they do. I should know. I was the consummate nice guy when I was in college, and I got my heart broken. And the kicker is, she left me for a bad boy, rebel type.

  After our relationship ended, I made the decision to never be in that same position again. And I haven’t.

  None of this means I treat the women I choose to spend time with poorly. While we’re together, I’m extremely attentive to them—always a gentleman. Well, maybe not always. What fun would that be?

  Removing each steak from the grates with the tongs, I place them in an appetizing manner on the large platter as Danika comes to collect them.

  “These look amazing, Adam. Thank you for being the grill master today.”

  “Anything for you.” I wink.

  Rex slaps the back of my head. Hard.

  “Hey. What was that for?”

  “Like you don’t know,” he replies.

  I let out a quick laugh. “Okay, I do know, but it’s so much fun to see you so jealous. I’ve never seen this side of you before.”

  “I can smack you some more if you continue testing me,” he threatens.

  “I’ll lay off for the rest of the weekend. Beyond that, I make no promises.”

  Bending down, Rex presses a kiss to Danika’s lips. “Do you need help with anything else?” She shakes her head, and they walk off together.

  I turn the valve, shutting off the gas flow, and call out, “Who’s ready for some grub?”



  The food is set up buffet style on a long island that’s built into the patio. I throw on my coverup before I take a little bit of everything from potato salad to baked beans—so much for sticking to my keto diet. But I’m going to cut myself some slack because long weekends spent away with close friends are not the time to worry about what I’m eating.

  When I go to sit at the large rectangular table, I realize the only open seat is next to Adam. Oh, for fuck’s sake. Can’t the universe work with me at all?

  Setting my plate on the glass top, I lower onto the chair, scooting away from him as much as I can.

  “Where you going, Rocky? I won’t bite.” He leans toward me. “At least not in front of everyone.”

  “I can’t tell you how relieved that makes me,” I droll.

  He flashes a quick grin. “I like a woman with natural wit.”

  “Save it for someone your lines have a snowball in hell’s chance of working on.”

  I hear sniggers all around, reminding me we’re not alone. My eyes lower to my plate. Picking up
a knife, I focus on cutting my steak. The sharp, serrated edge slides through the tender meat, like butter.

  Adam nudges my arm to gain my attention once more. “I thought you said you were a vegetarian.”

  I sigh. “I was kidding.”

  “Good.” He nods as if he approves. As if he has a right to care one way or another about my eating habits. I feel the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand upright as my annoyance climbs.

  “Why is that good?” This I have to hear.

  “I like women who eat meat.”

  Mentally, my eyes roll a dozen times. So much for needing to hear his reason.

  “Adam, leave her alone,” Rex rushes to my defense. Although I appreciate his help, it’s unnecessary. This isn’t my first time shutting down an overconfident guy, and unfortunately, it probably won’t be my last.

  I point my fork Adam’s way. “You know, I’ve been considering becoming a vegetarian. You might be the final push I needed, so thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. And so you know”—he leans closer—“I’m not gonna give up on you, Rocky.” He licks his lips, drawing my attention to their full shape. When my gaze rises to meet Adam’s, he smirks. “You should throw out the white flag now and accept the inevitable.”

  “When you say inevitable, are you referring to my fist meeting your face? Or maybe my foot kicking your junk? Because those are two very real possibilities.”

  “You’re hot when you’re hostile. But then again, you’re always hot.”

  I snort and it turns into giggling. “You really need to work on your lines. Or maybe shut up and let your handsome face and hot body do the work for you.”

  Instead of being insulted with my remarks, he beams.

  “You think my body is hot? Wait till you see me naked.”

  I hold my hand up in front of his face. “Can we change the subject? I’m trying to eat my dinner.”

  Adam’s phone vibrates on the table in front of him. Picking the iPhone up, he opens the message. My eyes skim over the screen, widening when I see a large pair of tits. This dude is unreal.

  “Larsen, what do you do for work?” Violet asks, thankfully drawing my attention. It’s nice to see her coming out of her shell, and she’s helping me out at the same time.

  “I work in computer programming.”

  “You must be busy,” she replies.

  “Fortunately, business has been great.” He smiles at her.

  Adam nudges my arm. “Don’t you want to ask me what I do for work?”

  I spear the steak with my fork. “Not particularly.” I pop the bite into my mouth, and before I can stop myself, I hum with pleasure. “You might be an arrogant jackass, but you grill a mean steak.”

  “I knew you’d love my meat.” My only reply is a quick eye roll.

  “What project are you guys working on now?” Larsen asks Adam.

  “We’re finishing up a renovation we’ve been working on for the past few weeks. We redid their kitchen, a bathroom, and added a deck to the back of their house. All we have left is to add a front porch.”

  “I don’t envy you guys working in the heat. I’ll take my air conditioned office any day,” Larsen replies.

  “Yeah, the heat sucks, but building things with my own hands makes up for that. Not to mention all the fun Rex has working with me.”

  Rex nods. “You might be a pain in the ass most of the time, but when we’re working, you’re a beast.”

  “Thank you. I’m gonna focus on the compliment and ignore the untrue insult.” Adam smiles good naturedly. “Rex, you’re not so bad yourself. We do the work of four men.”

  At least he’s got a great sense of humor. He’s got that going for him. And good looks too, I grudgingly admit. Unbelievably good looks, my subconscious chimes in with the unwanted clarification.

  Fine. I can admit he’s the hottest guy I’ve ever met. That doesn’t mean I’m susceptible to his game. Especially, since I know he must have an interesting romantic history. Although, even calling it that is definitely romanticizing his fuck and chuck ways.

  I didn’t delve into the deeper details of his report, but from a cursory glance I noticed the longest relationship he’s had lasted less than a month.

  Not that my own history is much different. I’ve never been one for becoming emotionally involved. In fact, I deliberately choose the men I date based off of two criteria:

  1.) He has to be physically appealing to me.

  2.) He has to only be physically appealing to me.

  If his personality is also attractive, I’ll pass on pursuing anything beyond a casual acquaintance.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” Adam’s deep voice penetrates my musings.

  Glancing around the table, I wait for someone to answer, but everyone seems to be watching me.

  “I’m talking to you, Rocky.” Adam jostles my arm with his.

  Me? Well, that explains all their eyes on me. “I’ve got big plans.”

  “Tell me more.” His voice lowers to a gravelly husk that I find extremely sexy. But I refuse to dwell on that fact. I’m only human, after all.

  Instead, I reply, “I’ve got a hot and heavy date with my kindle.”

  Adam looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “Can’t your book wait? You’re away for the weekend. We should all be going out.”

  “I’m beat,” Danika interjects.

  “Me too,” Rex quickly agrees.

  “You two want to go screw,” Adam states. And on this one thing I have to agree with him. Rex hasn’t been able to keep his hands off my friend all day. And I’m thrilled to see someone so in love with her. She deserves to be happy, and Rex certainly puts an ever-present smile on her face.

  An unwanted pang of jealousy washes over me. One that annoyingly niggles my gut and has me wondering why I’m feeling this way. I've never been the jealous type. Envying others for their looks, their income, who they fall in love with, or any other reason, isn’t in my make up.

  I was raised by a hardworking, single mom who provided well for me on her own. My father and she divorced when I was ten, and I’ve seen him a total of three times since. My mom never took a penny from him—not that he ever offered to pay for anything. Once he left, she didn’t want him having a financial claim on me.

  My mom taught me to stand on my own two feet and not depend on anyone else—especially a man—to provide for me. Everything I’ve accomplished is due to my own hard work. I haven’t been handed anything, and that makes me inordinately proud of myself.

  So what if occasionally I get lonely.

  So what if I sometimes wish I had someone to talk about my day with or massage my tight shoulders and neck at the end of my long work day.

  It’s a small price to pay for the life I lead.

  Besides, having someone to share those things with comes with a price that’s too high for me. I’m not willing to give up control of my own destiny, and there aren’t any men worth having that I’d reconsider my stance for.

  “I’m not opposed to going out,” Violet jumps in, offering her surprising opinion.

  Adam high fives her. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  “I’m on board,” Larsen agrees.

  “What about you, Rox?” Violet asks, aiming her pleading gaze at me.

  Dammit. I don’t want to spend any more time with Mr. Manfax than I have to, but how can I let my friend down? I can’t. “I’ll be the designated driver.”

  Vi squeals excitedly. “You’re the best.”

  “How much time do you ladies need to get ready?” Larsen inquires.

  “We both need to shower, so give us an hour,” I answer.

  “Do you need any help washing your back, Rocky?” Adam questions.

  I can’t say his cheesy, predictable line is unexpected. I’d be more surprised if he didn’t ask.

  “No, thanks. I’m a big girl.”

  “Oh, I noticed.” His gaze lowers to my chest before climbing up to connect with mine. He win

  Violet pops to her feet with obvious enthusiasm. From the covert glances she’s been shooting Larsen, I can tell she wants to take advantage of this opportunity to spend more time with him. And though I’m less than enthusiastic about how my night will go, I push my chair back and rise. These are the kinds of moments where you earn your friendship stripes.

  * * *

  Adam starts his truck and fastens his seat belt. “Unfortunately, there’s not much nightlife around here, so I’m taking you to one of our favorite places.” His eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror. A sinking sensation assails my stomach. I hope it’s not a premonition about this evening and what it’ll bring.

  “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of alcohol where we’re going.” Larsen peers around the passenger headrest to the backseat of the extended cab where Vi and I are seated. He winks at my friend before facing forward once again.

  Opening her eyes comically wide, Vi vigorously fans her face. I barely restrain the laugh battling to escape my lips.

  A phone pings an alert somewhere in the front of the truck. I know it’s not mine or Vi’s.

  Larsen checks his phone. “It’s not me.” He picks up Adam’s from the center console. “Who’s Josie?” He grins.

  “No one important,” Adam replies.

  I roll my eyes. I bet he says that about all the women he knows.

  It takes about fifteen minutes of riding along a two lane, winding back road to reach civilization. I use that term loosely because this area's version of civilization is not the same as mine. However, there’s a certain charm to this main street and the older brick buildings lining each side. If not for the automobiles parked roadside, we could’ve traveled back in time one hundred years or more.

  And once we’re inside Molly’s, the large bar Adam brought us to, that doesn’t change. A decent sized crowd is gathered around the long bar. High top tables are situated near the row of oversized sliding windows lining the front of the building. There must be a killer view of the mountains from here during the daylight hours.


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