Zeke's Reluctant Omega

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Zeke's Reluctant Omega Page 6

by A. J. Stone

  “Mr. Lowry?” Marcel’s breath caught. He hadn’t behaved in a way that would lead a stranger to assume there was anything between them. There wasn’t.

  “Oh, yeah. He said you won’t call him by his first name. It’s driving him nuts.” Edgar giggled again. “I’ve never seen anyone rattle Zeke the way you have.”

  “We’re not, um, we’re not...together.”

  “Not yet.” Edgar favored Marcel with a smile as he merged with traffic outside of the hospital. “Zeke’s a good guy—trustworthy, dependable, smart.”

  “Demanding,” Marcel murmured.

  “Well, he’s an alpha. Of course he’s demanding and bossy. That doesn’t mean he’s unreasonable. He’s also romantic. He was the first one who encouraged Amar to pursue me.” Edgar’s smile turned dreamy.

  Something about Edgar urged Marcel to confide in him. “I don’t like most alphas. I’m not a submissive omega.”

  “That’s good. Zeke needs someone who’ll stand up to him.” Edgar turned into a parking garage with a sign that warned it was for tenants only. He swiped a card on the reader, and the gate opened to admit the car.

  “You live here?”

  “Yes,” Edgar confirmed. “We’ll be neighbors, sort of. We’re on the top floor, penthouse. You’re on the ground floor. This way, I’ll be around if you need help or if you just want some company.”

  Marcel emerged from the parked car, holding onto the body for balance while Edgar extracted his crutches from the back. He wondered if living in the same building as Zeke’s BFF, as Edgar had indicated, meant he’d run into Zeke a lot. The thought left Marcel with a confusing mix of feelings. While part of him craved the alpha’s attention, another part was terrified he’d never dance again.

  An elevator took them from the underground parking structure to the first floor of the apartment building.

  “I haven’t seen inside your apartment.” Edgar’s chatter continued. “So the décor might be frightful, depending on who decorated it. I swear, some of these dragons fell in love with the wrong designs. I know it’s small, but it’s more than big enough for just you. It has two bedrooms, so you could probably use one as a dance studio. If it’s like my place, it has beautiful hardwood floors.” He glanced back at Marcel’s crutches, noting the rubber tips on the bottom. “You’ll be fine.”

  At the door to the apartment, Edgar handed a set of keys to Marcel. Marcel took them, noting the smaller key for the mailbox and the larger one for the deadbolt. “What’s the third key for?”

  “Access to the building. We don’t have a doorman or concierge all the time like some of the buildings do.” Edgar motioned to the door. “Are you nervous? I probably shouldn’t have said it might be decorated like a Nineteenth Century bordello.”

  Unsure if his escort was kidding, Marcel shot a sidelong glance to Edgar. “You didn’t say that.”

  “Okay, good. I meant to keep that to myself.” Edgar clapped. “Go on. Open it up.”

  Marcel fit the key into the lock and opened the door to reveal a narrow entryway with a closet, and a hall that led to the right. He flipped the light switch, and he hobbled down the hall. After a few feet, it opened to the left, revealing a good-sized living room. The kitchen and dining area were off the living room, each separated by wide, curved openings.

  The hallway continued past the kitchen, where Marcel noted another entrance, to a pair of bedrooms with a bathroom between them.

  The décor was nondescript—cream walls and furniture in shades of brown. A few paintings lent the majority of the color to the space. It wasn’t depressing, yet it stopped short of cheerful.

  “The layout isn’t bad,” Edgar noted. “Big rooms.” He crossed the living room to a sliding door. “You have a private patio.”

  “Yeah,” Marcel allowed. “It’s fine.”

  It was the fricking Four Seasons compared to his previous accommodations. For a brief second, he felt a little sorry for his fellow dancers crammed six to a room a quarter the size of this living room. Then he sighed. He’d give anything to be with them right now.

  Edgar’s hand on his shoulder roused him from his wistful thoughts. “You’ll feel better after a soak in your own bathtub and a good night’s sleep in your new bed.”

  Marcel wasn’t inclined to agree, but he kept his brooding thoughts to himself. “Thanks. I can take it from here.”

  For the first time, Edgar appeared uncertain, like he wasn’t sure if he’d done something wrong. “Um, okay. Sure.” He set Marcel’s backpack on the sofa. “If you need anything, let me know. We have extra toothbrushes and whatnot. Don’t hesitate to call.” He pulled a card from his back pocket. “This is Amar’s card, but I wrote our home number and my cell on the back.”

  Marcel took it from him. “Thanks, again. I appreciate you taking the time to drive a stranger home from the hospital.”

  “Sure.” Edgar’s hesitation was still there, but instead of the anxiety, he radiated confusion.

  Before he could move to leave, the sound of the front door opening captured both men’s attention. Marcel immediately recognized Mr. Lowry’s scent mixed in with two others.

  “James, put those bags in the kitchen. Neven, take those to the bathroom.” Mr. Lowry’s authoritative voice sailed through the space and claimed a spot near Marcel’s libido.

  Two men hurried past the opening to the living room. Marcel watched as the kitchen light came on, and a man set a whole bunch of cloth shopping bags on the counter. Immediately he began unpacking them. Meanwhile, rustling noises came from the bathroom.

  Mr. Lowry’s imposing figure appeared in the doorway. Until now, Marcel had considered it a wide opening. Given the way the alpha shifter filled the space, he revised his opinion. That penetrating cerulean gaze found Marcel with unerring accuracy.

  The predator was in the house.

  Then his gaze swung to the other omega. “Edgar, you arrived sooner than I expected.”

  Edgar parked a hand on his hip and huffed. “I told you I didn’t have time to take him out to dinner.”

  “I know, I just... Never mind. Thank you for picking him up.”

  Mollified, Edgar patted Mr. Lowry on the arm. “I’ll see you tomorrow night, seven sharp.”

  Mr. Lowry nodded. “Good night, Edgar. Give my best to Grange.”

  While these pleasantries were happening, the people in the kitchen and bathroom finished their tasks. They stood off to the side, waiting for Mr. Lowry’s attention, which he promptly gave them.

  “You’re finished?”

  “Yes, Mr. Lowry.”

  “Thank you.”

  The pair exited, and that’s when Marcel noticed Edgar had gone as well. Now he was alone with Mr. Lowry.

  Gesturing to the kitchen, Marcel said, “What was that about?”

  “It occurred to me that you might need staples, since everything you own fits into a backpack. You’ll find food in the kitchen and personal hygiene products in the bathroom. The apartment already has non-perishable supplies, like dishes, cutlery, and towels.”

  Marcel wasn’t sure how to respond. “This comes out of my monthly allowance?”

  “No.” A brief frown marred Mr. Lowry’s chin.

  Limping closer on his crutches because he couldn’t resist the tempting scent emanating from Mr. Lowry, Marcel scowled. Mostly, he was upset because he had the urge to rub his body on the sexy alpha, and fighting instinct was never fun. “I’m not going to have sex with you, Mr. Lowry.”

  Those eyes coolly assessed Marcel. Mr. Lowry’s nostrils flared, but other than that, he didn’t seem to have a reaction. “I don’t recall offering, Marcel.”

  That voice washed over Marcel, the utterance of his name like a sensual caress. “Then why would you go out of your way to be here when you knew I was coming?”

  Mr. Lowry’s lips pressed together, a subtle tell that should have been a warning. “As you heard me tell Edgar, I thought it would take longer to discharge you. I had planned to be in and out before
you arrived.”

  Marcel didn’t like hearing that Mr. Lowry had intended to avoid him. Instinct warred with his better sense, creating a level of turmoil Marcel had never before experienced. He should have been ecstatic that the alpha was honoring Marcel’s professed wishes. When an omega pledged himself to an alpha, that alpha had expectations. He’d expect Marcel to quit his job, stay home, and raise the children. Many omegas wanted that kind of life, but Marcel did not.

  He wanted to dance on the stage. He wanted to hear the thunder of applause and soak in the adoration of the audience.

  He put a hand to his temple in an attempt to block the discord in his head.

  Mr. Lowry’s arm slid around Marcel’s waist. “Let me help you to the sofa. Do you need a pill or something? I don’t know what they sent you home from the hospital with.”

  He let Mr. Lowry guide him to the couch, and he luxuriated in the feel of the strong man’s hands on his body. Marcel’s ankle throbbed, reminding him of the reason he was in this predicament, but he wasn’t keen on polluting his body with unnecessary medications. “The anti-inflammatory.”

  “Where is it?”

  Now that he was at the sofa, Marcel opened up his backpack and pulled out the prescription bottle. “Can you get me a glass of water?”

  In half a minute, Mr. Lowry returned with a glass.

  Marcel took it from him. “Thanks.”

  “Have you eaten?”

  “I had dinner at the hospital.”

  Mr. Lowry stacked throw pillows on Marcel’s right side. “It’s been a while since I’ve broken an arm, but I remember that you’re supposed to keep it elevated.”

  Marcel set his arm on the pillows. “You don’t have to keep being nice to me.”

  “I’m trying to get into your pants, remember?”

  The dry delivery had Marcel’s head whipping up to look at Mr. Lowry so quickly he pulled a muscle in his shoulder. Before he thought to temper his reaction, he felt a smile spread across his features. “You have a sense of humor.”

  “Yes. And a temper.”

  Marcel lowered his lashes coyly, allowing himself to enjoy this banter. “Is that a warning, Mr. Lowry?”

  “No, cupcake, but this is.”

  With that, the alpha’s lips closed over Marcel’s. The action was unexpected and unwelcome, and yet Marcel would rather die than pull away. He recalled the last time he’d rejected when Mr. Lowry had offered something of himself. Vestiges of pain lanced through his heart, and Marcel knew he’d rather face a real dagger than see the hurt in Mr. Lowry’s eyes and feel the emptiness of his absence. More than that, his canine was finally happy.

  Mr. Lowry’s strong mouth moved over Marcel’s soft lips, a gentle coaxing that had Marcel moaning as he parted his lips to invite the alpha deeper.

  Rather than accept what was offered, Mr. Lowry ended the kiss. He straightened up and stepped back. Marcel blinked at the transformation. Gone was the man who’d teased him with a kiss, and in his place was a man with a firm set to his jaw and a cold remoteness in his eyes.

  Mr. Lowry gestured to a lever on the side of the couch. “The ends of the sofa recline. You really should keep your ankle elevated as well.”

  Marcel’s mind was not on his throbbing ankle. Other parts of him throbbed, like his lips and his cock. “How was that a warning?”

  By way of response, Mr. Lowry flashed a devilish smile, revealing a cute set of dimples.

  “That’s not an answer. You can’t just kiss me and not explain yourself.” With an aggravated grunt, Marcel pounded his good fist on the arm of the sofa.

  “Awww, cupcake. You’re so cute when you’re angry.”

  With a start, Marcel realized that Mr. Lowry was calling him out. It was true Marcel had pushed Mr. Lowry’s buttons because it brought him pleasure. “Do not call me by that ridiculous name.”

  “I will stop when you declare a cease-fire.”

  “So this is what we’re doing? We’re just going to do and say things to piss each other off—until what?”

  “Cease-fire, cupcake.” His maddening grin grew. “I’ll play your game for as long as you want, and I’ll give you fair warning—I give as good as I get.”

  Unbidden and unwanted, a thrill ran through Marcel. He had the sense he was in over his head, but a reckless part of him didn’t care—and the part of him that yearned for Mr. Lowry’s touch cheered. Rather than put his leg up, Marcel leaned forward. “You give as good as you get? Prove it.” Before Marcel knew what he was doing, he took Mr. Lowry’s hand, and he set it on his cock. The thing stirred to life, nudging the alpha’s hand.

  The grin melted from Mr. Lowry’s face, transforming into a heavy-lidded expression that failed to warn Marcel of his intention. He knelt down, which put his lips at the perfect height for kissing.

  Marcel watched the tip of Mr. Lowry’s tongue peek out and flick against his lower lip. It was forked, and his eyes had transformed. Now they were dark with even darker slits for pupils. It was sexy as hell, and the few remaining pieces of Marcel’s brain that still worked short-circuited.

  “Holy fuck, you are a dragon. Or a really big lizard.”

  “Tread lightly, omega.” With that, he closed his mouth over Marcel’s, capturing it for a kiss that seared clear to his toes.

  Primal need controlled his behavior. Marcel’s shifter side was firmly in charge. He spread his legs wider, welcoming his alpha closer to his core.

  Mr. Lowry moaned. One hand massaged Marcel’s cock, while the other grasped the back of his neck to hold him still. The kiss went on and on, and when Mr. Lowry finally broke away, Marcel was a writhing mass of need.

  Sometime during the kiss, Mr. Lowry had lowered Marcel’s pants, exposing his thick cock. His hand pumped slowly, and then he bent his head down, blocking Marcel’s view.

  A tongue lapped at the sensitive underside of the crown before roaming the length. Once he’d wet the shaft, Mr. Lowry’s hot mouth closed around Marcel’s throbbing cock.

  With a gasp, Marcel lifted his hips, thrusting into Mr. Lowry’s wet warmth.

  A large hand settled on his thigh, holding him down as the alpha’s head bobbed up and down. He found himself lifted and turned so that he lay on the sofa, and his pants were gone.

  Somehow Mr. Lowry’s tongue was everywhere, caressing and wrapping around Marcel’s thick member. His free hand wrapped around Marcel’s balls, and a finger invaded his anus. Pleasure, insistent and bright, zinged through his body. Before long, a climax loomed. Thunderous waves crashed into him as his orgasm exploded.

  As he came down, he found himself cradled in Mr. Lowry’s arms. The big man held him tenderly, murmuring assurances and pressing kisses to Marcel’s temple. All the while, he played gentle caresses along Marcel’s hip and thigh.

  His canine wasn’t as settled as Marcel hoped it would be. In fact, the interlude only made it want more, and it remained firmly in control. Tipping his face up, Marcel nibbled Mr. Lowry’s lower lip. “More,” he moaned.

  “You’re hurt,” Mr. Lowry’s voice rumbled through Marcel’s consciousness, setting off a dozen riots.

  Feverish with a desire he’d never before felt, Marcel moaned. “Please.”

  “I’ll be careful of your ankle.” His strangled assurance revealed that Mr. Lowry was at the mercy of his shifter every bit as much as Marcel was. He got to his feet, lifting Marcel with him.

  Marcel wiggled until Mr. Lowry let him wrap his legs around the alpha’s waist. He tore at his mate’s shirt, ridding him of his tie and opening most of the buttons before they made it to the bed.

  Mr. Lowry lowered Marcel down, somehow undressing the rest of the way as he did so. His movements were a graceful blur. Seconds later, he stood next to the bed. Long, sinewy muscles corded his body into sculpted perfection, but he seemed entirely unaware of exactly how sexy he was. “You’re sure?”

  Faced with naked magnificence and at the mercy of his animal, Marcel nodded. “I need to feel you inside me.”

>   Mr. Lowry settled between Marcel’s legs. Automatically, Marcel lifted his knees, spreading them wider. The alpha rained kisses on Marcel’s chest, arms, and shoulders. Alternating with stinging bites and soothing licks, he tracked pinpricks of pleasure in his wake. By the time he made it to the sensitive places on Marcel’s neck, the omega was a writhing mass of need.

  He lifted his knees higher. “Now, please. I need you now.”

  Mr. Lowry reached between them, and Marcel felt the large, blunt tip of the alpha’s cock at his entrance. He pressed forward, easing into Marcel’s body.

  For his part, Marcel felt split open, a rift that allowed insane amounts of bliss to travel along his veins. His heart beat faster, and he lifted his hips to urge his lover deeper.

  The alpha’s cock slid home. Mr. Lowry paused, his body a mass of tense, trembling passion. “Are you okay?”

  “Perfect,” Marcel said. Nothing in his life had ever felt so fucking perfect. Even more than dancing, being joined to this man made him feel complete and whole, as if this was the whole point of existing.

  Mr. Lowry moved in him, his pace increasing as sexy grunts and moans escaped from between his luscious lips. Every few thrusts, he pressed another kiss to Marcel’s lips. The whole time, he held Marcel prisoner with his penetrating gaze. Something inexorable passed between them, and Marcel’s canine whined.

  Marcel reached between them, and he took his cock—hard once again—in hand.

  A sensual smile played about Mr. Lowry’s lips. “You’re going to come with me.”

  It was an order, a directive he couldn’t conceive of disobeying. “Yes.”


  With a shout, Mr. Lowry slammed deep as he climaxed. Warm jets of semen bathed Marcel’s insides, triggering Marcel’s orgasm. His seed spilled on his stomach, and the world went black.

  A little while later, he opened his eyes to find his body clean and tucked into the covers. A light from the hall hinted at Mr. Lowry’s whereabouts.

  Marcel got out of bed, careful to put his weight on his good ankle. His clothes and crutches were in the other room, so he wrapped the blanket around his body and clung to the wall for support. He found the alpha in the bathroom. He was mostly dressed, though his pants and shirt hung open.


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