A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 12

by Gregor Daniels

  Then Meg turned her head and realized she was being watched. Michelle saw her scowl before thinking she should divert her attention elsewhere.

  Nina was toward the back of the house, as still as a statue, just gazing out the window. Compared to Meg, her skin was a shade darker and her body much firmer all over. Michelle guessed she was Native American, though there was no clear answer, and she wasn’t about to waltz over and ask the girl.

  In fact, Michelle hoped that she’d be gone from this place long before Nina ever initiated another conversation. That’d be the best for everyone involved.

  Sighing, Michelle plopped herself down on the bed, squealing softly as the whole thing bounced more than she expected. She pulled the front zipper on her coveralls down, just below her chest. The entire front of the outfit was still wet all the way through, and much of the moisture had gotten through to her clothes and skin underneath.

  She remembered how wet her mouth had been after taking the fall into the stream.

  No, it’s fine. It was just a tiny amount. There won’t be any negative effects.

  Nina was right though; she did need to remove her clothes to let them dry off. Except there were three other sets of eyes all around the house, and anyone could see her if she attempted that.

  And her chest was beginning to ache. It was a weird sort of ache, not exactly uncomfortable or painful. It was sort of pleasant actually.

  Underneath the standard issue coveralls—required for field work when things were expected to get a little messy—Michelle was only wearing a tank top and underwear. The coveralls were thick enough for warmth, so it usually wasn’t required to wear much else. Besides, having more layers of clothing underneath would just make them all bunched up.

  One thing was odd though; the front of her tank top seemed to be sticking out more than usual, and the fabric pulled tighter over her chest. But that was probably just her imagination.

  “It’s so pretty out here,” Meg remarked, staring longingly beyond the rain-covered glass walls and out into the drenched forest. It was coming down steady now, not showing any sign of letting up soon. “I kinda want to live out here.”

  “For a couple days maybe,” said Aiden. “Any more than that and I’d go crazy.”

  Meg rolled to her stomach, watching as the girl in the reflection did the same. Her eyes followed the curve of her nude body, down into the valley of the small of her back and upward over the swell of her rear. She saw Aiden looking at her in the reflection and grinned.

  “But, I mean forever! Just like Nina was talking about. There’s fresh water … and berries and stuff.”

  “We can’t live off berries forever.”

  “Okay, well you can learn how to hunt or something!”

  “And you don’t get to keep your phone. I remember you being upset when you found out you had to leave that behind.”

  “I think I could do it.”

  “Ha. You text someone every fifteen minutes. There’s no way.”

  Meg had been wishing to go on a nature adventure for the past few years. She had been taking hikes since before she had graduated high school, though actually camping out in the woods was something else entirely. Nina seemed like the perfect way to live that fantasy. You couldn’t come out with her unless you left all your food and electronics behind!

  And then there was that part about removing the clothes. Meg hadn’t expected that when first getting into contact with their guide-to-be, but it was actually rather exciting! Nina was right about it. There was no shame in being nude. After about ten minutes, she had forgotten about it completely.

  Meg saw that the woman from EDAD was watching them again. She nodded her head toward her boyfriend.

  He saw. “What about her?”

  “She’s watching us.”

  Aiden shrugged. “Oh well.”

  “Oh well?”

  “Yeah. It’s a glass house. You can see everyone from any room. People are going to watch each other.”

  Meg smiled. “Maybe she’s, like, jealous.”

  Aiden rolled his eyes and glanced through the walls. “See? Now she’s not looking anymore.”

  “Good. Maybe she can look elsewhere for ten minutes.”

  Meg didn’t want to tell her boyfriend directly, but she was horny as hell at the moment. And it wasn’t because of getting naked! Actually, she didn’t really know why. It all started shortly after eating some of those berries and drinking from the stream. Her feet bobbed around in the air playfully, and she pretended to stare out into the woods, but really Meg was trying not to think about her boyfriend’s member.

  He hadn’t embarrassed them all by getting a spontaneous erection when everyone was naked, thankfully. But now, Meg kind of wished he would get one.

  Right then, Nina entered the room. The glass door opened with a soft hiss as the air pressure equalized on both sides.

  “The two of you look accustomed to the nude life.”

  “You were right. There isn’t anything to hide,” Meg affirmed. “I feel so much better like this!”

  “Clothes are a hindrance. They weaken the human body’s capabilities to take care of itself. Centuries of evolution undone by needless style and fashion.” She gestured to her own body. “The human body is perfectly beautiful just as it is without silly colors.”

  Meg nodded. “I’m starting to agree with you.”

  “You know why this place was built?”

  She shook her head.

  “Years ago there was an experiment here. The glass house was built to test the absence of privacy, to see how people would react when they couldn’t be alone for extended periods of time. Most couldn’t go for more than a day without wanting out. The anxiety of being watched was too difficult to bear.”

  “And what happened to the others?” asked Aiden.

  “The crew went home for the night, but they left cameras to document everything. When they came back, the remaining three people had murdered each other. The fear of being constantly watched made them end it once and for all.”

  Meg stared at her boyfriend, mouth agape and eyes wide.

  “But …”

  Nina snickered. “A joke. Actually everything was fine. The final two made it four days before they couldn’t take it any longer.”

  “You … you had me!” Meg shrieked. “Dammit. All this time you’ve been so serious … I thought you were telling the truth for real!” She burst out laughing. “And it’s such a creepy place too. I believed it.”

  “But really, I am watching you,” Nina said, winking before leaving through the glass door.

  “I just had a thought,” Aiden spoke after she had left. “What if we have to use the bathroom?”

  “Do as the animals do,” Meg said. “And find a good-sized leaf if you have to, and make sure it isn’t poison ivy.”

  Later that evening, the rain let up, but never anything less than a light sprinkle. It was good timing though, for Meg really had to use the ladies’ room, or so she liked to say.

  Aiden rolled to his side and watched her go, eyes firmly set on that naked rear of hers. He was always looking at it, particularly when she didn’t know. Or maybe she did and just wasn’t saying anything.

  “Just don’t go too far.”

  “You kidding? I have to be at least out of sight. I don’t want you or that other woman watching me.”

  “Hey, remember Nina saying that there wasn’t any privacy?”

  “For going to the bathroom there is,” Meg reasoned, sticking out her tongue in protest.

  Aiden watched her go, trotting down the front steps and running off into the rain-soaked woods. She’d be fine, he knew. Of the two of them, she’d be the more likely to survive out in the forest. He observed her pale shape between a mess of droplets on the window, until she was well out of sight. She hadn’t been kidding about finding some privacy to do her business!

  Aiden turned and looked around the glass house. That redheaded woman was minding her own business, turned
away from him. He couldn’t see much other than her red curls and the brown coveralls. He was surprised she was still here.

  The rest of the house was quiet and empty, as to be expected when there were currently three occupants, almost no furniture of any kind, and no electricity. The sounds of the forest were muffled behind the glass. The only noise was that of sprinkles landing on the ceiling with soft thuds.

  Then, Aiden saw Nina in her room. Their guide was quite attractive, despite her unique hair style. Of course, Aiden tried to keep his eyes from lingering whenever his girlfriend was around, but she was a pleasure to look at.

  At the moment, she was sitting with her back against the wall, legs spread, with a hand deep between her thighs. She almost looked like she was …

  Oh shit, Aiden silently mouthed.

  He jerked his head, setting his eyes on the windows, knowing that he had been caught. However, when Aiden glanced at the other girl behind two separate plates of glass again, he saw that her eyes were closed.

  She hadn’t seen him!

  Nina was lost in her own little world, her naked body almost still except for the motion of the hand down below, and her legs slowly parting, soft light breaking through the dark shadows. Aiden could see it in full detail, her shaved womanhood, visibly wet and lovingly pink. Two fingers moved within rhythmically, in and out, gliding inside her entrance without a hint of resistance.

  Her lips opened, and Aiden heard a soft moan from two rooms across, nearly masked by the pattering of raindrops above him.

  It was the most unexpected thing. Meg had gone off to empty her bladder, and now Nina was openly masturbating for all to see! Literally. With every wall inside the house being transparent, it was quite obvious. Even someone outside could look within and see her fingering herself. She wasn’t being discreet about it. Not one bit.

  Aiden felt his manhood stirring.

  Okay, focus on something else! The rain outside … or … uh … those trees! Yeah, those painfully normal green trees. It looks … wet outside. Really wet. It’s been … raining for a while.

  He turned his attention to Nina again. She hadn’t slowed down at all.

  And now she was looking at him. Directly at him! Aiden froze as if he had been caught red-handed during a robbery, carrying the bag of cash in one hand.

  Yet, she didn’t appear to be dismayed by it. Nina went on masturbating, not at all bothered that her little finger-show had gained one audience member. In fact, if anything, her hand quickened down there, moving faster than before. Aiden was quite entranced by it, the speed of her fingers and the mere sight of her womanhood. He had seen glimpses of it before, of course, since nobody had any clothes on. But this was different!

  They locked eyes, and Aiden swallowed hard. He watched her bottom lip tremble as a hand grabbed one of her firm breasts and squeezed, fingers locking around the plump nipple and twisting hard. A pair of fingers at her lower entrance pushed in deep, causing her entire body to writhe suddenly. Her neck twisted, sending her head jerking to the right.

  An abundant wetness glistened between her legs, gathering all over her fingers and every little fold.

  Aiden glanced down and saw that he was rock-hard. He looked out into the woods. No sign of Meg yet. The rain was still coming down light, alternating between sprinkles and drizzling.

  He heard a thump.

  Nina was standing now, no more than ten feet away behind two panes of glass, her breath clouding on the transparent surface.

  “Aiden,” she said. “I can’t … stop myself.”

  There was angst in her voice, but only for a fraction of a second. Aiden thought about replying, but Nina continued where she had left off, slipping a hand between her legs and rubbing herself, not caring if another was watching her. Her body moved sensually, hips rolling back and forth. She threw her head back, moaning for what seemed like the dozenth time.

  Something was different about her crotch, Aiden saw. He had no regrets about watching now, for the show was too good to ignore. Yet, there was something off with her clit. Now, he wasn’t the expert on clits—Meg’s was only one of a few he had seen in person in his entire life. Nina’s was far bigger than hers, well over an inch long. Maybe two! It was long enough and thick enough to put her fingers around it, which was exactly what she did. It was like a tiny appendage, like the end of a finger, or a smaller version of a guy’s … no, no, obviously not!

  “Holy shit.”

  When it expanded to over three inches long and widened to something larger than a thumb, Aiden realized that this wasn’t normal in any way. Yet, Nina couldn’t stop stroking it. Aiden didn’t like to think of it like that, but that’s exactly what it was! Stroking!

  The girl behind the glass had forgotten about her pussy, at least for the moment. Now she was full-on jerking herself off, rapidly gliding her thumb and forefinger up and down the length of her new addition. It was highly erotic to watch, and Aiden’s cock hadn’t diminished in size. It was throbbing so hard now that he could barely keep his thoughts off it.

  And then little details began to emerge, like the flaring of the tip, distinct pinkish coloration, and the hardening of the flesh itself as it attained dimensions well beyond that of a normal clitoris.

  Aiden cocked his head a little. It almost looked like a …

  “What is that!?” Meg shrieked.

  It was four inches long now, at least by her guess; she didn’t exactly have a ruler handy to confirm it. Still, that wasn’t normal! One inch was still too much! And what would her boyfriend think? Or Nina, even? If Meg returned to the glass house with a clitoris that looked like a small cock, well that’d be just a little bit weird!

  The high canopy offered some protection from the nonstop drizzle, though the ground was still wet enough to squish between her toes. Meg wasn’t really concerned with that at the moment. What was on her mind was that gargantuan thing steadily growing from her crotch. Yeah, it hadn’t stopped yet! Four inches would’ve been more than enough, but no. That thing was dead set on becoming grotesquely massive.

  “Please, just stop!” she pleaded to no one in particular.

  She was fifty yards away from the glass house and behind a bank. No one could see her. The forest was an afterthought, and so was her nudity. That all paled in comparison to what was happening down below.

  Meg didn’t need to be told that it was a cock. She knew that for herself once it was five inches long and throbbing all the way from base to tip. It had the look of a cock, with the bumps of the blood vessels all along the length of it, and that mushroom-shaped head that she was so familiar with. Aiden’s wasn’t that dissimilar from it, truthfully. The tone of the skin was slightly different, but otherwise it was nearly identical.

  She just didn’t have balls.

  Balls? Oh Meg! Maybe you should worry about why you have one in the first place!

  Anxiety evaporated like dew under a hot sun when she touched it for the first time. It was really sensitive! In fact, it wasn’t too unlike touching her clit, though now that little ball of perceptive nerve endings was ten times the size, a thick pole jutting out from her crotch.

  Meg eased her palm under the bottom and wrapped her fingers around the shaft, squeezing it just enough to make her body tremble. A quick moan raced from her throat instantly, vibrating her lips.

  “Oh my God,” she panted, for the very action of touching her new appendage was enough to take her breath away.

  It was so very hard, hard as marble, hard as a smooth rock. It felt heavy and bloated, so thick and swollen between her tiny, delicate fingers. Meg couldn’t stop her hand as it moved up the shaft, gliding along the sensitive head, teasing the glans of her new male organ. Her toes curled into the soft earth, clenching the ground.

  There was a temporary moment of surprise as Meg’s fingers encountered wet folds just beneath the bottom of the base. She still had her pussy! The cock had taken the place of her clit. Everything else was still there as it should’ve been, including her
familiar parts.

  Frankly, Meg wasn’t all that interested in her womanhood at the moment. There was something else to occupy her attention!

  She glanced around, her eyes darting left and right beneath fluttering eyelids. There was no one around. Even the birds were silent. The rain continued to come down, though barely any of it reached Meg’s pale skin. She wouldn’t have cared if it was a downpour anyway. Exploring her new cock was all that mattered now.

  Meg pushed herself against the tree, the bark digging into her soft, pale skin. Her fingers were a blur now, tugging the shaft and head of her cock with such a quickness that precision was an afterthought. The speed and friction were all that mattered, and it was so damn hard now! Even if she wanted, she couldn’t have stopped herself. It was all too wonderful!

  Gasping for each breath as if it were her last, Meg thrust her pelvis forward, pushing the cock between her tightly-wrapped fingers one last time. The pressure in her loins became too much to bear as her entire body undulated violently.

  “Oh! Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes!”

  Relief came in the form of a pearly-white jet of cum shooting from the end of her cock. It went several feet ahead, splattering all over the wet soil down by the stream. But that wasn’t enough; Meg continued to jerk her hand down the shaft of her new manhood, squirming as the pleasure of an orgasm overtook her body. Several more spurts of creamy release raced out, each one slightly slower and less voluminous than the one before.

  Thirty seconds later, Meg was totally spent. The charge to orgasm and the frantic moments maintaining that short-lived sexual high had left her sweaty and exhausted. She wiped the perspiration from her brow and swiped the hair from her eyes. Her chest was heaving nonstop, breasts rising and falling.

  Her new penis was still mostly hard, though it was visibly beginning to soften. Meg was thankful to at least not be obsessed with it at the moment. Reaching orgasm had returned her rational thoughts.


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