A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 15

by Gregor Daniels


  He pushed himself up, seeing that her eyes were open.

  “You awake?”

  He shot a glance toward her crotch. “Now I am. You?”

  “Can’t fall asleep for very long.”

  Aiden hadn’t told his girlfriend about Nina yet. He was waiting for the right moment, whenever that was. It wasn’t exactly something easy to bring up. Yet, deep down inside, he knew she’d be okay with it. She had been okay with everything else so far. Growing a dick didn’t faze her one bit, and neither did the wild notion of living out here in the woods. That’s what Nina was suggesting. Aiden wasn’t sure about it yet. That was a huge leap to take, to suddenly leave everything else behind and make a home of this glass house with three others. Or was it two? That lady from the EDAD hadn’t said anything about staying permanently.

  “It won’t bite you,” Meg said.

  Aiden could see her grinning in the darkness. He knew exactly what she was talking about.

  “I’m just not used to seeing one from this angle.”

  “Me neither. But, we’ll all have to adapt. This is new for everyone.”

  Aiden wasn’t so sure. Seriously, which was more likely? Nature supplying a gift to four chosen individuals, or it all being some wacky side-effects of radioactive contamination? He would’ve been more inclined to believe the former had that one lady changed like the others had. Instead, she had four lactating breasts, or so Meg had told him. He hadn’t seen them for himself.

  Then again, Meg had also started to fall under the fate spell. She has four breasts, so they must be for each of us, or something or other. Aiden couldn’t recall the exact phrasing.

  “Damn,” Meg muttered, breaking him from his thoughts. “Now I’ll never go to sleep.”

  Aiden saw. His girlfriend’s male member had decided that it was time to wake up, erecting to its full length of six inches. It stood perpendicular to her hairless crotch, swaying slightly each time her heart beat.

  “Maybe a quick one,” she groaned. “I’m too tired to reach. Aiden, you mind?”

  “Me? I’m—”

  “You’re what? Busy? It’s right there next to you. Besides, you’re the expert, aren’t you?”

  Aiden could see her smile as plain as day. She was having fun with this change to her body. Aiden couldn’t blame her; suddenly having a cock when you didn’t before would be really fucking weird!

  That reminded him of his own change.

  “Are you gonna be bossy from now on?”

  Meg giggled. “If it means getting a handjob anytime I ask, then maybe.” Then, she laughed some more. “Me getting a handjob, oh my God.”

  Aiden eyed her cock. He hadn’t really looked at it up close. He supposed it was like all other cocks. They weren’t all that different, really. They certainly varied a hell of a lot less than women’s breasts.

  Continuing to remind himself that it was, in fact, attached to his girlfriend, Aiden wrapped his fingers around the base, getting a feel for its rigidity. Just twelve hours ago, Meg’s cock hadn’t existed. Now, the upper cleft of her pussy was practically gone, erased by the sudden existence of a cock in place of her clitoris. Beneath, the familiar folds were still there, vertical lips leading down to her entrance. Ninety percent of her crotch was unchanged, but that other ten percent was something else!

  Aiden gave it a slow, sensual stroke, not unlike anything he would’ve done to his own cock. The entirety of it was firm, with the shaft being the thickest right behind the tip. And the head was like all others, swollen and almost purplish. Aiden remembered the times when his turned that shade—when he was really aroused.

  “Yeah, just like that,” Meg cooed, squirming a little as the pace quickened. “If you ever catch me sleeping in, just do that to wake me up.”


  Aiden closed up his fist, tightening the grip. Meg’s cock started to throb the more she was turned on. The vessels along the surface widened, pumping warm blood throughout the length of it. Aiden even saw a drop of pre-cum on the end.

  The inner workings were all still a mystery. Meg didn’t have testicles, as evidenced by the clear lack of a scrotum beneath her male member. But, maybe she did. Aiden had no way to confirm his theory, but maybe Meg’s testicles were inside her body. It would explain why her and Nina were both able to shoot sperm out. That meant both girls had ovaries and testicles in their abdomens.

  And so did he. Or, at least, that was the suspicion.

  Aiden exhaled sharply, feeling a twinge of pleasure down below. He glanced toward Meg. In the time he had spent wondering about the alteration to human anatomy, she had taken his cock by the middle and started rubbing it. Next thing he knew, her lips were opening wide to take the head. Aiden shuddered as he felt her tongue snaking along the underside, guiding the tip into her mouth.

  “Damn,” he groaned. Some things hadn’t changed.

  Meg’s own cock was as hard as ever. Aiden increased his pace, moving his hand up and down the shaft without pause. Pre-cum got swept up in the friction, giving the turgid head a glossy, polished appearance.

  A familiar sweetness teased his nostrils. He saw that her pussy was wet and untouched as of yet. Now that was something that he knew how to handle.

  With his girlfriend bobbing her head back and forth on his own manhood, Aiden guided two fingers into the entrance of her little damp mound. The soft inner walls led them well inside, until he could push in no farther. Together, with one hand wrapped around her cock, and another penetrating her womanhood, Aiden worked both parts simultaneously, giving her a handjob and a thorough fingering.

  Meg’s cheeks rumbled with a moan. She pulled away, leaving behind several strings of drool attached to Aiden’s cock.

  “Oh! Oh Aiden! It’s too much!”

  With his girlfriend’s squeals vibrating the glass walls, Aiden glanced up. A black shape stirred two rooms down. He almost missed it. Nina was awake by the look of it, and she was watching the whole thing. A hand was busy down at her crotch, jerking up and down.

  Then, the room spun, and Aiden lost sight of the shape. Every muscle in his body tensed up at once, while his eyes tried to roll back into their sockets.

  “Oh, you’re so tight!”

  “Ah! Oh shit,” he panted.

  Meg liked to reciprocate in the bedroom. As it was now, Aiden was getting her off in both ways. And his new pussy wasn’t that far away from his cock …

  A trio of fingers entered him without warning, causing his rhythm to falter. He bit into his bottom lip hard, exhaling through his nose. She wasn’t slow about it, either! They moved hard and quick, sliding inside with unparalleled ease.

  He was as wet as she was!

  “I think I’m gonna … oh … like the new us!” Meg admitted.

  Despite being true hermaphrodites, their sex organs weren’t entirely connected, as Aiden had found out. For example, he could attain an erection without getting the slightest bit wet—though the act of sex seemed to arouse both parts equally. On the other side of the fence, he imagined that it was quite possible for Meg to get turned on down below without getting an erection.

  He just hadn’t seen that yet.

  Meg threw her head back into the pillow hard, almost grunting. “Yeah, make me come! Yes!”

  Aiden was right there on the edge too, fighting hard to suppress the explosion about to happen. The strain wasn’t worth the effort required.

  It was a complete mystery as to who reached orgasm first. Aiden felt cum rushing up through his cock, and that was precisely when Meg started to scream in pleasure. A fountain of seed erupted from the head of her prick, all while he felt the same thing happening down below. The spurts were numerous and powerful, rocking his entire body from head to toe.

  “Yeah! Oh fuck!” Meg screamed.

  The load she had stored was immense. Aiden lost count of how many times he had to dodge the stuff, but it didn’t matter in the end. Meg’s cum flew everywhere. He felt it stuck t
o his face, clumped in his eyelashes, caught in his hair, and one small wad of it next to his mouth.

  Aiden stuck out his tongue before he even realized what he was doing. The release was still warm and gooey, and it didn’t taste all that bad! He instantly regretted not using his mouth to finish her off.

  Maybe another time.

  Once both of them had finished, Aiden lay in his girlfriend’s arms, one hand on her breast. Her chest was still rising and falling after the orgasm, but her cock had started to soften.

  “My mind is made up,” she said after a period of silence. “I want to stay. You, me, and Nina. And maybe that other woman if she wants to. You have to taste her milk. It’s delicious. There’s enough to feed all of us.”

  Aiden ran his fingers through her hair.

  “And we have new fruit. Remember what I told you?”

  “That your cum made a plant grow with fruit on it?”


  In any other situation, Aiden would’ve recommended his girlfriend to a mental hospital. Yet, here he was, laying next to her after one hell of a mutual orgasm. Both of them had cocks. Both of them had pussies. The real world seemed a long ways away.

  He kissed her on the forehead. “If you stay, I’ll stay. I think you’re right. We’ll be just fine here.”

  Sunrise was Michelle’s favorite time of the day. She was always up for it. There was something exhilarating about watching the sun come up, appearing from behind the horizon and casting its rays down upon the Earth. What was once hidden in darkness was revealed anew.

  Out in the woods, she couldn’t view it.

  Meg hadn’t been lying about the plant from which the fruit had been plucked. It was next to the stream, as tall as Michelle was and as dense as any bush. She counted a dozen more fruits hanging on the green branches, each the same color as the one from last night. She grabbed one and stuffed it into a pocket, along with the vial of water from the stream. The more evidence of radioactive contamination, the better.

  The hike back to the truck was a little over two miles. No one had been awake when she had set out. She’d rather them wake up and find her missing. It was easier that way.

  The coveralls were borderline impractical, but Michelle had no alternative. She had skipped the upper half, for there was simply no reason to bother. Four gargantuan breasts just wouldn’t fit in the front of the uniform. Instead, the empty torso and sleeves dangled from her waist. The green tank top was all she wore above the beltline, even if it only covered one pair of breasts. Still, it was better than nothing.

  By the time Michelle reached the truck, she was panting for oxygen. Carrying around all that extra weight without any support whatsoever was exhausting! And her breasts had begun to leak along the way, turning the front of the tank top into a soggy, sticky mess. The upper pair was clearly outlined underneath, with fat nipples pressing outward through the damp material.

  There was rarely any traffic on this dirt road. Less than a mile north, it merged with the closest highway. It’d be less than thirty minutes before Michelle would be back at the office. By the time she arrived, she’d have a crazy explanation for why she looked so different. Or, at least, she hoped she would. Nevertheless, the contents of the fruit and vial would answer each question.

  One thing was certain, though. This wasn’t strontium-90. Radioactive waste couldn’t mutate the body like it did to hers, or the others for that matter. This was something different, something not cataloged.

  Michelle turned the keys in the ignition. The truck rumbled to life. She pulled the gear lever down and slowly pressed the throttle. The vehicle lunged forward, before jumping back again. Michelle pushed on the pedal harder, causing the rear tires to spin in place. Dirt and small rocks pinged against the insides of the fenders.

  “What now?” Michelle groaned, turning the engine off and stepping out.

  Nothing seemed out of place at first. Small ruts in the ground had been dug up where the rubber had been kicking out dirt.

  Bending down to get a view underneath, Michelle saw the problem.

  A green vine had wrapped itself around the rear axle at least three times. It was thick too, as wide as Michelle’s wrist where it disappeared into the soil. Even the torque of the engine couldn’t break free of it.

  What had Nina called it? Oh yeah, kudzu. Or a mutated version of it. The toxic waste had affected it just like everything else.

  “It’s meant to be,” said a voice.

  Michelle saw a pair of naked feet on the other side of the vehicle. Pulling herself up by the fender, she recognized a familiar face.

  “Don’t you say it,” Michelle said. “Don’t tell me some nonsense about fate or … or how nature intended this. I don’t believe that.”

  Nina saw the vine for herself. “Then what else would explain that? This place doesn’t want you to leave.”

  “A mutated plant just so happened to wrap around—”

  “It’s a message.”

  “It’s an inconvenience! It’s poor planning on my part that I didn’t bring a knife with me. It’s not a message.”

  Nina nodded. “I can see there is no convincing you.”

  “Good. Don’t mistake coincidence for fate.”

  Michelle lightly grabbed her upper breasts by the sides. She couldn’t ignore how full they were. She had tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep with those four huge mounds on her chest. Her mind couldn’t fathom how much milk was waiting inside. They needed to be emptied, and badly.

  She imagined the three others nursing from her breasts, all at the same time, before pushing the picture out of her mind completely.

  Michelle spotted the CB radio hanging just under the center console. It wouldn’t take long for help to arrive.

  “You want to stay,” said Nina.

  Michelle shook her head. “No.”

  “You had all day yesterday to head back. You never did. The glass house intrigued you, and you wanted to see what would happen. Nature bestowed this upon you. This is a chance for all of us to do something special with it. What is there to head back to?”

  Michelle snorted. “My job, for one thing.”

  “And you’re willing to leave all this for good, to never see it again? They’ll come out here, won’t they? They’ll find where we live now. They’ll force us to leave.”

  Michelle tapped her foot. “You said there was no convincing me.”

  “You don’t need to be convinced.”

  Michelle gazed into the driver-side window. It was a reflection she had grown accustomed to. The glass house was full of reflections. There was always someone staring back, no matter which direction she looked.

  Would her employer find a way to reverse the changes? Not likely, she knew. She imagined a civil conversation when she reappeared at the main office, all four of her milk-filled breasts leading her through each door. They’d ask her the standard questions, give her papers to fill out, instruct her to recite the series of events in every detail she could remember. That was before a team would come out to investigate the area.

  What would happen to her after that? First, they’d have to determine if her condition was contagious. They’d keep her locked up for a week, maybe more, never letting her go home or contact anyone. Then, there’d be tests. Countless tests. Someone who had been exposed to radioactive contamination capable of changing one’s physiology within hours would garner worldwide attention. Hundreds of curious employees and lab geeks would flock to see her, before poking her with needles to find some antidote—if there was one.

  As for the others in the glass house, they’d be discovered before long. Anyone within a certain radius of the nuclear waste spill would be brought in and tested. Michelle couldn’t prevent that from happening if she went back. It was all standard procedure.

  “Come back with me,” Nina said. “Leaving will only make it worse. You know this. Together, we can live however we want, away from everyone else. No one will accept us like this. We’re on ou
r own.”

  Michelle gazed into the woods, observing the path she had taken to leave the place. It was a straight shot back to the glass house.

  The sun was just starting to peek over the treetops.

  Michelle swallowed. “We’ll need chores to do. Keep the place clean and tidy. And we’ll have to keep a stock of food and water at all times. I have some empty containers in the back here. Should give us ten or fifteen gallons to keep inside the house for emergencies. That stream won’t be around forever.”

  Nina nodded, her mouth slowly widening into a grin.

  “And there’ll be a feeding schedule.”

  Nina raised an eyebrow. “Feeding schedule?”

  “I don’t want all three of you around me at once. It’ll be cramped.”

  Nina giggled. “Right. With water, milk, and all the fruit we can eat and grow, I think we should be fine. What do you think?”

  “I’m thinking … “ Michelle started, glancing up at the cloudless sky. A pleasant warmth touched her bare shoulders. “I think it’s gonna be a beautiful day.”


  Black Voodoo

  TJ raised his half-full glass of Irish stout. “To the titties!” He had to shout over the festive crowds and Champion Jack Dupree’s groovy jazz tunes to be heard. Along with him, Chris and Harry clinked their glasses together with such force that it sent stout spilling out and running all down their fingers. The three of them chugged until there was not a drop left. “Titties!”

  Only in New Orleans on a late February evening could you shout such a word and have a barmaid come fill up your drinks. The girl who answered to the name was really an early-twenties gal by the name of Tessa, but no one at the table called her that. What everyone saw first were her tits—melon-sized knockers that stretched her black t-shirt to the limit. She arrived with a smile worthy of a celebrity and a new trio of glasses filled with Irish stout.

  TJ just stared at her chest. “Dear Lord Jesus,” he started. His wet lips worked like a baby’s when learning words. A line of drool hung from the corner. He didn’t care. “Those are … tittyrific. Is that a word?” He looked around at everyone before deciding that, yes, this word that described the Holy Grail of titties was something that could be found in a dictionary. “Tittyrific!”


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