A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 21

by Gregor Daniels

  “Great. I’m ten pounds underweight anyway.”

  Cody looked up at the mirror. The boredom had gotten to Brendan. He had his hands all over Kelsey, pulling down the straps of her vibrant blue dress. One went diving underneath to her chest. He could almost make out the fingers squeezing her breast. Their lips locked together.

  “So … prom,” Cody started, having an urge to speak something. Anything. “Prom was good, right?”

  “More like boring,” Belle said. “Some stupid music and whatever. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

  “Yeah, prom sucked. It totally sucked.”

  It hadn’t been all bad, Cody knew. Belle had given him a handjob somewhere private. It was right near the end, when everyone was dancing to the final song. They slipped away, found a classroom that wasn’t locked, and Cody unzipped his pants.

  After vividly remembering all the juicy details, he heard a groan. Belle was rubbing her abdomen.

  “I told you not to eat that candy bar.”

  “It’s just some cramps,” Belle said, her face paler than usual.

  Brendan poked his head between the front seats. “Hey, how long have we been fucking driving? You sure you know where we’re going?”

  Cody glanced at the clock. “About … thirty minutes.”

  “Fucking Christ. Thirty whole minutes? Where are we?”

  “I’ll check,” Belle said, pulling out her phone. The car undulated down the bumpy road as she pressed her fingers against the screen. “I’m not getting a signal.”

  Brendan pulled out his. “Yeah, same. Cody, don’t you know where this road goes?”

  Cody shrugged, concentrating on the blurry dirt path that went on ahead. “The highway. There was a detour sign. Am I supposed to ignore that?”

  Brendan sighed. “Whatever. Are you getting a signal?”

  “Let me check.”

  With one hand firmly on the wheel, Cody reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. The screen was super bright, causing him to squint. Like the others, there was no signal, not even one bar. He flipped through the settings with his thumb. The phone was actively trying to connect, but there was no tower within range. Using the touchscreen to dial a number only resulted in an error message.

  When Belle screamed, it was already too late.

  An animal was standing in the road. Cody didn’t wait to recognize what it was. He jabbed the brake pedal and turned right, narrowly missing the white and black spotted body and diving off into the ditch. For a fleeting instant, everything was calm and quiet, his body experiencing total weightlessness as the tires left the ground. The vehicle and its four occupants were in flight.

  Then, the nose of the car crashed into the embankment, crunching the hood. Cody’s head flew forward, slamming into the airbag. All he heard were the sounds of metal bending and grinding together, and the screams of those in the car with him. Everything was a whirl of motion, spinning out of control, going dark.

  When he came to, the driver-side door was open, and Kelsey was standing there. Cody blinked and looked around. Both him and Belle had had their seatbelts on. However, Brendan was sprawled on top of the center console, his body wedged between the two front seats.

  Thankfully, he was moving.

  “Brendan? My God,” Kelsey said, reaching across. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “I feel like I just died.” He looked around. “I’m not dead, am I?”

  “No,” Kelsey said.

  Cody rubbed his chest. The belt had dug in hard, but it had kept him in his seat. Belle too. Kelsey stepped aside as he got out of the driver’s seat. He steadied himself against the wrecked vehicle, staring up at the road. The car had jumped right off the edge and flown into a deep ditch. There was no way he was backing it out.

  And, judging by the smoke pouring from the engine compartment, it wasn’t even drivable.

  On the road stood a mesmerized dairy cow.

  “That son of a bitch,” Cody muttered, staring up at it.

  As Kelsey helped Brendan out, Cody went around to the other side to check on Belle. The girl was shaken up by the accident, but otherwise unharmed. However, Brendan suffered a few cuts and scrapes from his tumble inside the cockpit, but no serious injury.

  “Someone tell me what just happened,” Brendan groaned, doubling over as if to vomit on the grass. “What the hell was that? It’s not hard to drive straight, Cody.”

  Cody pointed to the road. “Well, he was kinda in the way. I didn’t want to hit him.”

  “A dairy cow?” Kelsey said. “You mean she.”


  “Great,” Brendan said. “What do we do now?”

  Cody hadn’t the slightest idea. The wreck had destroyed the front end of the car, buckling the hood and bending the sheet metal all the way back to the front wheels. He doubted the engine or radiator had survived the crash. And it wasn’t coming out of that ditch—not without a tow truck to pull it out.

  Shrugging, he said the only thing he could think of. “Well, we’ll have to call someone.”

  “Except we have no signal out here,” Belle replied, raising her phone up and turning. “Nothing at all!”

  Brendan pounded his fist against the hood. “Shit.”

  Kelsey adjusted her dress. “How far is the nearest town? I remember passing a gas station.”

  Brendan shrugged. “I don’t know. Twenty-five, thirty miles? Fuck.”

  Not surrendering to helplessness just yet, Cody climbed the embankment back up to the road, clawing his way up the soil. At the top, he turned his head both ways. There were no headlights in either direction. And no signs. The four of them were stuck in the middle of nowhere. At night.

  “Well, we should find the North Star,” Kelsey suggested.

  Brendan snorted. “I don’t see how that’ll help. So, we figure out which direction is what, and then what? We don’t know where the nearest town is.”

  “Or we can just keep following the road,” Cody said. “Roads always lead to towns.”

  “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.”

  “We don’t need to go anywhere,” Belle said, down by the wrecked car. “It’s a road. People will come by eventually. We’ll just wait for help.”

  Cody sighed, staring at the dairy cow. It hadn’t even moved since the accident. Dumb animal. Belle was probably right; someone would eventually pass by. And if not, the owner of that dairy cow would come looking for it sooner or later.

  He couldn’t even start to imagine what his parents would think. They had paid for half of the car, and now it was totaled in a ditch out in the middle of nowhere. He’d definitely need another. Maybe the insurance would cover some of it. He didn’t really know how any of that worked.

  Brendan leaned against the sedan. “We got any beer left?”

  Kelsey rolled her eyes. “We’ve just been in a horrible accident, and all you can think about is getting drunk?”

  “Hey! It wasn’t that bad. We all survived, right? Maybe we can start the prom after-party right here.”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen you drunk. I don’t think so.”

  Then, Belle spoke up. “Wait. You hear that?”

  “Hear what?” Cody asked.

  Everyone stopped what they were doing. In the silence of night, there wasn’t much to hear, except the occasional gust of wind rippling through the tall grass field nearby, and the cow munching on some grass near the edge of the road.

  That’s when they heard a human voice.

  “Hot damn!” Brendan clapped his hands together. “You heard that too, right?”

  Kelsey shushed him.

  Not far up the road was a figure dressed in white, the right hand carrying a lantern. The person was coming toward them, calling out a name, which seemed to carry far out into the night.

  “Julian?” the woman asked. “Julian, where have you gone?”

  It’s a damn miracle, Cody thought, seeing her clearly now. He immediately raced toward her, waving his arms back and fort
h in the air, leaving his friends behind.

  “Hey! Hey, we need help! We’ve been in a car accident!”

  “A car accident?” Her eyes veered to Cody’s right, seeing the wrecked automobile. “Oh, goodness! Are all of you all right?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” Cody panted, stopping just in front of her. “Shaken up, but nothing serious.”

  He was taken aback by her accent. Everyone out here usually spoke with a southern drawl, but this woman’s voice hinted at some other place of birth, maybe Europe. She definitely wasn’t American. On top of that, she was strangely beautiful, with long, dark hair and a curvy body accentuated by the white nightgown that hugged her figure. She raised the lantern a little, and Cody thought he could see through the fabric, as if it was constructed of sheer mesh. There were a pair of dark circles where her nipples would’ve been. He caught himself staring.

  “How many are there?” she asked.

  Cody shook his head. “Four.”

  “Four? Four is good.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Good for what?”

  “No reason,” she said, smiling sweetly. “I have a house you can stay at, for as long as you like.”

  “Oh, thank God,” Cody heard Brendan say. “Can we stay the night? We’ll need to borrow your phone to call—”

  “No phones,” the woman said abruptly. “I don’t have a phone.”

  Brendan laughed. “Seriously, who doesn’t have a phone?”

  “I don’t.”

  “Oh great,” he groaned.

  Cody placed his hands on his hips. “Well, can you give us a ride in the morning? Just wherever. Anywhere close.”

  The woman smirked. “I also don’t own a car.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Brendan said. “What, you just live out here by yourself?”

  She didn’t respond to that. Instead, the woman lifted the lantern so that the light hit her face. She smiled at Cody and extended her arm out, hand open.

  “I’m Valery. Please come to my house. There’s plenty of room for you all. I know you’ll like it there. It’s a quiet farm away from it all.”

  They must’ve looked like a strange lot, Cody knew. Brendan and him still had tuxedos on, though Brendan had slung his jacket over his shoulder. The night was pleasantly warm. Meanwhile, Belle and Kelsey were still wearing prom dresses. The latter wore a blue sleeveless gown that displayed a hint of cleavage, while Belle’s was a maroon-colored chiffon dress that clasped around the neck. Cody had helped her pick it out.

  Valery’s farm was a five-minute walk down the road from the car accident, marked by a two-story house atop a small hill. Behind the house, Cody saw a small red barn. For being a farm, it didn’t appear all that large.

  A yellow light greeted them all at the porch.

  “Come inside,” Valery instructed, opening the flimsy screen door for them all. “I have room upstairs. We’ll figure things out come sunrise.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Cody mumbled, grateful for the woman’s generosity, but fearing the repercussions that the next few days might bring.

  “Yeah, cozy,” Brendan said. “So tell me, how are we going to get back home?”

  “A man will come in a few days. He will give you a ride.”

  “A few days?” Kelsey groaned, stomping her foot. “I need to tell my parents where I’m at. They’ll think I’ve gotten lost!”

  “Yeah, same,” agreed Belle, staring at her phone, hopeful for that signal to pop up.

  “It’s all I can do,” Valery told them, smiling. “Until then, you can help with the farm.”

  Brendan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever lady.”

  Inside, it was obvious. Cody saw it for himself. Valery didn’t have a bra on! And she was downright stacked. The others noticed it too—Brendan especially—but nobody said a word. Her breasts were all but exposed, cramped inside the skintight nightgown, large nipples showing through the translucent material.

  Cody swore the woman caught him ogling her once, but she said nothing and only smiled. It was a sweet, reassuring smile, like all the others. She wouldn’t hurt them, Cody knew. No one as pretty as her would hurt them.

  Upstairs was a small guest room. There was only one bed, so the girls got the luxury of one lumpy mattress, and the boys resorted to sleeping on the floor.

  “There’ll be a manhunt for us, starting tomorrow,” Brendan said, just as everyone was about to fall asleep.

  “A manhunt?” said Kelsey. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we go missing for a day, and none of our parents have heard from us. They’ll call the cops. I know my dad would. They’ll check the schools, ask our friends and teachers. They’ll be looking around the whole county in three days’ time.”

  “Wonderful,” Cody mumbled.

  “But, there’s always a bright side. At least I didn’t trash my car.”

  Cody said nothing and turned to his side. Even though it was dark, Brendan was probably grinning from ear to ear. But, what was he supposed to do? Hit the cow? The damage might’ve been worse in that case. Cody imagined the accident again, this time without flying into the ditch. Instead, the nose of the sedan slammed into the clueless animal, sending it toppling into the windshield.

  They were damn lucky to get out with only scrapes and bruises. Cody knew he had made the right decision, even if it ended with his car in the ditch.

  Reliving the accident only kept him awake, so Cody pictured Valery as he closed his eyes for the final time, envisioning those dark nipples under her nightgown. It was easy to imagine her taking her clothes off. With the silky fabric sliding off her perfect, curvy body, he drifted fast asleep.

  Belle was the first to wake. The night had come and gone, leaving behind only soreness. She lazily propped herself up, squinting at the sunlight of a new day, and finding an arm draped over her abdomen—Kelsey’s. She removed it and slipped off the bed, watching where she placed her feet.

  She had hoped the accident and the farm was only a bad dream, but that wasn’t the case. The hardwood floor creaked under her toes as she stepped toward the door, gently opening it so as to not wake the others. Behind them, her three friends continued to snooze.

  I should’ve brought a change of clothes, Belle thought, looking down at herself. She had discarded the heels when setting foot inside the house. Likewise, the prom dress wasn’t designed to be worn for extended periods of time. It pinched annoyingly just under her breasts, and the tight midsection always kept her breathing labored if she barely exerted herself. It had all the benefits of a proper corset, and the disadvantages of one, too.

  It could’ve been worse. It was a miracle they had all escaped without any major injuries. Belle vividly remembered the impact and her head slamming into the airbag. There was also a blur to her left, as Brendan’s body was thrown into the front of the cockpit, crashing into the dash.

  And, they were lucky someone had found them. Valery’s house was a far cry from a four-star hotel, but it was better than sleeping in the wrecked car for the night and hoping someone would pass by.

  Across the hallway, Belle discovered a bathroom. After living through that unforgettable night, the first thing she craved for was a hot shower. The old porcelain tub left a lot to be desired, and it didn’t even have a curtain. Yet, it was better than nothing. Belle tested the temperature first by twisting the knob. After what sounded like an old man wheezing behind the walls, a spray of cold water rushed through the showerhead. She twisted the knob more until the water was lukewarm. That seemed to be the hottest it could get.

  Belle sighed. It wasn’t the best, but it would do. After making sure the door was shut tight—there was no lock—she unclasped the dress and slipped it off. The bra and panties too. Now fully naked, she stepped lightly into the tub, the water touching her skin for the first time.

  The spray felt wonderful on her skin. Belle turned until everything was wet below the neck. There was nothing to scrub herself down with, but the shower alone made her feel so much better.
She gazed down at her small breasts and cupped them. The pink nipples were achingly hard, but she ignored them for now. Below, she rubbed her abdomen. The cramps had persisted all throughout the night, and Belle felt a little nauseous because of it.

  She couldn’t stop herself from dreaming of being home again, standing in her own shower. After, she’d put her pajamas on and grab some gelati before curling up in her bed. Those were the best days, when there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

  Belle’s eyes shot open. She had been so eager to jump into the tub that she only now realized there wasn’t a towel to dry herself off with.

  Worse yet, she wasn’t alone.

  “Mind if I have mine, too?”

  It was Valery! Belle quickly covered herself, crossing an arm over her damp chest, and pushing the other between her legs. The woman was standing right there, no more than a few feet away, with a towel in one hand and a bar of soap in the other.

  “What?” Belle asked, still embarrassed about giving this woman a full frontal view of herself.

  Valery stepped closer. “The bathroom downstairs only has cold water, and the warm water doesn’t last long. You mind if we share? I won’t be long.”

  Belle started to shake her head, but Valery was already disrobing. She dropped the towel and pulled her nightgown off. Underneath, she wasn’t wearing anything! Belle’s attention was immediately drawn to the woman’s melon-sized breasts, which bobbed and swayed for a good while after being fully exposed. Belle had never seen a pair so large, not on a woman of her size. They were perky in a way that was almost unnatural, full and firm, but they definitely weren’t fake.

  Belle gulped audibly as Valery stepped into the tub with her.

  “Your friends are very comfortable, yes?” she asked.

  Belle nodded. “Yeah, sure. They’re … sleeping still.”

  “Oh, good! I could use a few extra hands around the farm, if they don’t mind. It’s hard for me to keep up with everything. One of my mares just had a filly recently. Beautiful creature.”

  Belle was barely listening. The tub clearly wasn’t designed for two people, so Valery was only inches away the entire time, her naked body glistening as the spray splashed onto her creamy skin. Her hands glided up across her breasts, over the wide areolas and pink nipples, squeezing them as suds streamed through the cleavage.


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