A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 43

by Gregor Daniels

  Nate lowered himself down to his knees as his husband revealed his manhood. Unsurprisingly, he already had a full erection. From there, Nate took over. His hand came up to it, the fingers wrapping gently around the swollen shaft. It was already throbbing. He gave it a few swift tugs, making sure it was completely stiff. Frank groaned softly. A release was probably just the thing he was after, especially after all the packing and moving from California. They rarely had time to relax.

  “Yeah,” he whispered. “Just like that.”

  Nate reached down and fondled himself. Years of hormones had desensitized his own cock and balls, but it still felt good to grasp them between his fingers, especially when he was with Frank. Further back, he discovered his anus and slipped a finger inside. Shortly after, he lowered his head onto Frank’s pulsing member and started giving him head.

  He didn’t have to hide anymore. With a husband and a child of their own, Nate had become the woman he had dreamed of since way back in childhood when he had noticed boys and girls were different. It felt right to wear the negligee, to dress sexily for the man whose cock was in his mouth. He was the wife, and he loved nothing more than to please Frank however possible.

  As pre-cum dribbled onto his tongue, he pushed a hand down the front of his lingerie and squeezed his right breast. The nipple responded instantly, growing just long enough to get his fingers around. Those had been a pleasant surprise during hormone treatment. Nate really felt like a girl when he was playing with his boobs, or looking at himself in the mirror. No one would look twice and think he had been born male.

  Frank didn’t last long. Nate’s tongue was one of a kind, and his lips provided nothing short of a wet death grip on the shaft of his penis. A tasty explosion of seed shot into his mouth, and Nate gobbled it all up, swallowing it all down and then pulling back to catch his breath. He showed Frank the inside of his mouth. Not a drop was left.

  “Damn,” Frank panted. “That felt amazing. We could do some more, but—”

  “—but Julia might wake,” Nate agreed. His ass was aching to be filled, but they’d have to wait for another night. Besides, it was already late, and they were both extremely exhausted. Frank kissed him on the lips before getting under the covers. Meanwhile, Nate chose to hit the bathroom one final time before joining him. The worst feeling in the world was waking up in the middle of the night with a full bladder.

  Behind him, he heard the front door slam open.


  The bed was empty. It didn’t even look like it had been touched. Julia was gone too. Nate was about to scream for his daughter’s name, but then he remembered who he was. He was no longer the transsexual woman wearing lingerie, but just a limo driver.

  Outside, standing bright and tall in the darkness, was the sign for the Copper Discount Motel. The night was peaceful and still now that the rain was gone. Not a soul was to be seen—except in the main office. Nate saw Bobbi from a distance through the tall glass windows, still sitting at her desk and reading something. Probably that same comic book. She must’ve had the night shift. Not worth it tonight, Nate thought. There was no traffic whatsoever on the highway.

  He glanced behind him at the empty motel room. The room number on the door was 111. The limo was parked a few spaces down. He thought about heading back to 108 to see if Linda had managed without him, but then he set his eyes on Bobbi again. The night was stranger than any he had lived through. None of it felt like a dream.

  He went for the main office.

  The bell over the door jangled as he entered. Bobbi was engaged in her comic book and working on another piece of bubblegum. She didn’t look up when he came to the desk.

  “Ninety-nine dollars for a room,” she said, turning a page. “You can save ten percent if you stay more than one night.” On the radio, John Fogerty was singing about a big wheel turnin’.

  “I already have a room,” Nate said.

  Bobbi looked up, popping a bubble against her lips. “You must be the replacement.”

  “Replacement?” None of this was making any sense.

  “Hang on a sec.” She jumped up out of her chair and tossed the comic book onto the desk. “I bet you saw some really strange stuff tonight.”

  “Yeah, about that—”

  “Nope. Don’t say a word. It’s not for me to know. I’m just going to change my clothes.”

  “You … what?”

  Nate had no explanation for it. First the strange body-hopping roller coaster ride through different messed-up lives, and now the chick at the front desk was getting naked right in front of him. Bobbi wasn’t bad looking. She looked fresh out of college, and her naked body was just as slender as her clothes advertised. She slipped out of her shirt and shorts, and then removed her bra and panties. Nate tried not to stare.

  Every item of clothing went into a pile on the desk.

  “Okay, you’ll be staying at the motel for a while,” she explained.

  “Wait, what? I can’t do that. I have to take Linda to—”

  “You won’t have to worry about that anymore.” She gestured to her surroundings. “Out here, you’re kinda nobody. Someone with just a first name.” She reached under the desk into a drawer and pulled out another pile of clothes. Nate saw right away that these were for a man. “It might be a few weeks. Maybe a few months. That’s what the last person told me. You just stay at the front desk and rent people rooms. Pretty easy stuff.” She started to put the new clothes on.

  “Hold on a minute,” Nate began.

  “Oh, and when there’s a night where the storms are real bad, you go into the utility shed and throw the switch right around ten o’clock in the evening. Can’t miss it. And don’t be too late.”

  Nate rubbed his temples. “You aren’t making any sense. I don’t want to stay here. And what do you mean a switch? A switch that does what?”

  “Well, I can’t really explain all of it. The switch activates some giant turntable thingy, and the whole motel rotates. I don’t know. Freaky shit happens after that.” She twirled a finger around a golden lock of hair. “Just do it and don’t ask questions.”

  Nate had a whole line of questions to ask her, but then Bobbi’s body changed right in front of him. The new clothes were several sizes larger than her, so everything looked like it was about to fall off—for a few seconds. Suddenly, she grew into them. In Bobbi’s place was a twenty-something boy with pimples who was easily twice as wide and probably three times as heavy. He squinted at Nate before reaching into a drawer and pulling out some thick-rimmed glasses.

  “You have the clothes. The compass. The—”

  “Compass?” Nate asked.

  “Yeah, it tells you when the motel is spinning. In case you want to know. And there’s some reading material in case you get bored.”


  “I told you everything I know.” The male Bobbi hustled for the door, holding up his pants with one hand. “See you later. Have fun.”

  Nate raised a finger as if to stop him, but then he was gone.

  “What the fuck?”

  It was supposed to be a simple trip to Hollywood. And Linda paid him good money. Nate didn’t want this. Everything Bobbi had told him sounded like a bunch of bullshit. It wasn’t his job to manage the hotel while he went to … wherever the hell he was going. He went for the door to leave, but found it stuck in place. Even with putting all his strength into it, the thing wouldn’t budge. Nate quickly became more desperate and hurled a chair at a large section of glass. Didn’t even crack.

  “Are you serious?”

  He peered through the window and saw an old sedan speeding out of the motel. It had to be Bobbi. He slammed the door and screamed at the top of his lungs, but the car never stopped.

  Suddenly, his clothes were scalding hot. He tore them off as quick as his fingers could work—undoing the buttons, yanking his arms out of the sleeves, hopping out of his pants, throwing his socks to the far side of the office. Once naked, he laughed. The night
had been so insane and unbelievable that he just had to laugh. He laughed even harder when he saw the pile of clothes that Bobbi had left behind on the desk. Nate wasn’t doomed to reside in his temporary dwelling as a naked man. Rather, the whole thing—thing seemed most appropriate to describe it—wanted him to become the girl at the desk.

  Bobbi had been a good six inches shorter than him and at least fifty pounds lighter. Of course, that made no difference whenever the clothes touched his skin. The pink thong panties went up his legs, and his body just magically transformed to fit them. The soft fabric stretched over his new hairless mound, and the thin strip in the back went deep into his ass crack. It wasn’t the most comfortable piece of underwear, but it was something. Same for the denim shorts. They were sized perfectly for his body, fitting like a second skin over his new round ass and flat crotch. The two legs erupting out beneath them had no hint of masculinity.

  “Fucking insane,” he muttered, grabbing the bra next. Boobs spilled into the cups, growing to a perfect B-cup. He gazed at them before retrieving the shirt next. A male head went underneath, and a female head popped out.

  Bobbi cleared her throat and yanked her hair through. The clothes fit just as she had thought. The denim shorts did an excellent job showing off her ass, and the Northern Arizona University logo was displayed prominently across her chest.

  “Testing,” she said. “Well, I sound like a girl.”

  Bobbi made a mental list of all the things the previous Bobbi had told her. Wait until a night that is more stormy than the rest. Throw a switch at ten o’clock. Seemed easy enough to remember. For the time being, she felt exhausted. Following a long yawn, she curled up onto one of the sofas meant for the customers and fell fast asleep.

  When morning arrived, she was up and at her desk. Some of the overnight patrons were starting to file out of the rooms. The Copper Discount Motel wasn’t a tourist attraction by any means. Rather, it was more like a pit-stop between major cities. Around it on every side was long, boring desert. Most people only stayed one night.

  Bobbi saw a very pregnant young woman with a dog hopping along at her side. Near her was a man with a scruffy beard helping a very beautiful lady into the backseat of a limo. She looked like some actress, though Bobbi wasn’t up-to-date on movies and such. She didn’t recognize her. Further down was a van packed full of boxes and an assortment of other stuff. The folks who got into the front seat were probably moving. The man was holding an infant to his chest—breastfeeding by the look of it. The woman was carrying a box full of pups. Bobbi didn’t get a good look at them, but she imagined they were probably adorable. She watched as they all left the parking lot.

  The morning would undoubtedly be boring, Bobbi knew. Most of the customers didn’t come in until late, whenever they were on the road looking for a place to stay the night. So, she strolled back to the front desk, pushed some bubblegum into her mouth, and picked up the comic book. The previous Bobbi had left off near the end, but the new Bobbi wanted to know what had happened at the start. She flipped to the beginning, put her feet on the desk, and started to read.

  Behind her, a local station was broadcasting on the radio.

  “Hey folks! Billy Dee Baxter here for the morning drive. Did y’all hear that storm last night? Someone said they got hailstones the size of baseballs in their front yard. Wow! Hey, I know we got that global warming stuff going on, but can it hold off a few more years? Anyway, the forecast is looking great. Clear and warm for all of next week. Now, I know all of y’all out there just hate getting up and going to work, but do me a favor and look out to the west at that beautiful sunrise. Won’t see anything prettier. This has been Billy Dee Baxter for the morning drive.”


  Lana Craft: Dirty Pixels

  A trio of computer monitors lined up side-by-side lit up the sweltering basement. The room was barely larger than a broom cupboard, thick stone blocks on all four sides, grime-covered and darkened. The soot was so deeply embedded that it was impossible to remove. He had tried many times.

  On the wall above the three screens was a newspaper clipping, black bold letters spelling out a headline: PAIR OF SKIERS INJURED IN AVALANCHE.

  He had read it several times, so many that the words themselves were burned into the backs of his eyelids, always there, staring at him even when he tried to get some rare shuteye.

  A small television set crackled with static, before a voice came through the speaker.

  “Lana Craft, Britain’s sexiest millionaire? We spoke to the famous archaeologist on a recent vacation to the Rocky Mountains. The heir to the Craft estate was spotted on the slopes in a skintight one-piece outfit.”

  “I’m always out for a little adventure,” Ms. Craft spoke into the camera, raising her goggles. “Nothing like a little danger to get one’s heart pumping.” Frosty breath misted from her pale lips.

  “Just how much is the Craft inheritance worth? Around three-hundred million dollars, including a three-story mansion and several hundred acres. But you won’t find Lana relaxing in the hot tub or the massive library, which is said to hold more than ten-thousand books from all over the world. Instead, she travels the world, scouting ancient ruins of long-lost civilizations. So, we asked Lana herself what her average day is like.”

  “Well, mountain climbing for one!” She paused to laugh. “Oh, and deep sea diving! I love that. And spelunking, digging up invaluable artifacts, and discovering ancient tombs that no pair of eyes has seen in hundreds of years.”

  “You ever feel like each trip might be the last?”

  Lana smiled. “Never! It’s actually quite a thrill, hanging from a loose rock ledge a hundred feet above the ground, knowing that one mistake will mean the end for me. I don’t let it bother me. Life isn’t long enough to mope about. You have to live it! Get out there and go on an adventure!”

  “Some might view your version of archeology as extreme. The London History Museum was quoted as saying your methods are ‘reckless and not indicative of the field of archeology.’ How do you feel about that?”

  “Well, I love discovering long-lost relics, but frankly some are just damn hard to get to! I don’t have time to slow down. The world is a place full of infinite wonder, and I’d be potty to let it all go undiscovered.”

  “We also asked Lana if there was a lucky man in her future. The twenty-six-year-old is unwed, and the sole heir to the Craft estate. But, she doesn’t have her eyes set on marriage.”

  “Men only slow me down,” said Lana.

  With the click of a button, the image on the television paused, showing Lana’s smiling face under a thick pair of goggles. A hurtling glass bottle smashed into the screen, shattering into a dozen razor-sharp pieces. Ribbons of a day-old alcoholic beverage blotted the screen, yet Ms. Craft’s grinning expression remained.

  “Not for long,” the man grumbled, removing his prosthetic leg and scratching the itchy stump. He flicked his computer mouse with expert precision and saved a copy of his latest work.

  She was accurate down to the millimeter, constructed of more than a million meticulously-placed polygons. Even the individual hairs on her head and crotch were modeled. He had been working on it for more than a year, sitting at his desk, comparing the digital model’s shape with hundreds of photos of the woman herself. And memory. He still remembered her well, her voice shouting, the last glimpse before the endless white that buried him, leaving him to die.

  “We’ll see what you can really do,” the man said, leaning back and cracking his knuckles, staring long and hard into the eyes of his betrayer. “Soon.”

  Lewis gazed at the sandy beach, the white-capped waves out in the distance, and the palm tree off to his right. There was a perfect amount of shade just underneath to plop himself down and enjoy the view. He’d lay for hours, just watching the horizon, listening to the seagulls squawk as they swooped down and picked up leftovers and crumbs.

  There’d be plenty of hot girls to watch, too, all in their revealing skintight
bikinis, some so small that he couldn’t wrap his head around how they stayed on at all.

  He could almost feel the heat from the sun’s rays, and the humid gusts coming in from the water. A crack of thunder in the distance brought him back to reality.

  “Figures you’d have a picture of a beach in your house,” Lewis mumbled, turning his gaze to the next one over, that of a mountain peak covered in snow. It looked like one such mountain in the Himalayas, though he couldn’t be sure. “Nope, not going back there anytime soon. Forget it.”

  The third picture down depicted a dark cave with glowing eyes painted in the center of the black entrance, like a wolf’s, or maybe a bear’s.

  Lewis shivered. “Yeah, that’s enough of that.”

  The Craft manor was totally empty, just as Lana had told him it would be. There wasn’t even a single butler or maid to chat with. Instead, Lewis occupied himself with wandering around the house. Most doors were locked, but that didn’t stop him from trying every knob for himself.

  Lewis had never seen a house so large. The massive foyer itself was bigger than his first apartment, with overlooking balconies on either side. A giant staircase led up, opposite the wall with the front doors. Beyond that, dark hallways led into even darker rooms. Lewis had lost count on how many bedrooms there were, and he hadn’t been able to find the master one.

  “Hello?” he called out. His voice echoed twice back. He had yet to see anyone else in the four hours he had been here, but he just wanted to make sure. The manor at night was kind of spooky, vast and quiet, except for the occasional heater kicking on. It wouldn’t be hard to get lost.

  I’m just a glorified babysitter, Lewis mused. Not even that. There’s no baby. Just an empty house.

  After being a part of a Himalayan adventure—in more ways than one—Lewis had expected more than this. Lana’s letter was prompt and short, outlining the time of her expected absence and the requirement of someone to look over the house. The pay was good, so Lewis didn’t complain too much. It was just lonely, boresome work.


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