A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 55

by Gregor Daniels

  “Honey, this isn’t something to get excited over,” Marcus told her, wincing at the sound of his own high-pitched, adolescent voice. It almost sounded like a girl’s.

  “Don’t be silly. I would love to be young again, to play with my dolls. That’s all I ever did, giving them wardrobes and dressing them up. I was about your age when I really got into it. About nine.”

  “Esperanza, I’m not a little kid.” Marcus tried raising his voice, but he only sounded more ridiculous.

  “Of course you’re not.”

  Wearing clothes had quickly become a problem. Marcus preferred to not walk around stark naked, for that only presented more opportunities to accidentally glance down at himself. Instead, he kept a button-up collared shirt on, even though it hung down to his knees. Underwear wouldn’t stay on either.

  “Did you keep any of your clothes from when you were a child?”

  “No. Of course not.” He hated that he constantly had to look up at her.

  Then, her eyes lit up.

  “You know, I think I have some of mine still, when I was that age. Never got rid of them. Right after I moved to America, my foster parents gave me all the clothes I ever wanted. I had a whole closet full!”

  “Those are girls’ clothes!” Marcus shouted, but she was already gone, briskly walking down the hall and disappearing into another room. “I can’t wear those!”

  Marcus knew he couldn’t show up as a little kid for work tomorrow. The changes would have to be reversed, and there wasn’t anyone that could do that except for Ms. Blake.

  He retrieved his phone—which seemed slightly heavier than before—and dialed the number for her business. It was late, and she probably wouldn’t be in, but leaving a message was better than nothing. Perhaps she had other contact information in a voice recording, or maybe there was something on the internet. Marcus didn’t want to wait until morning unless he absolutely had to.

  Passing by one of the empty bedrooms, he stopped immediately.

  “What the hell?”

  It was the same room Esperanza had been gazing into earlier, dreaming of the child Ms. Blake had talked about. Marcus supposed it was a good room, with an excellent view of the city. He saw his own reflection in the dark glass, that of a child wearing an oversized shirt, and looked away.

  In the corner of the room was a white baby crib, fully furnished with bright pink sheets and outrageously large stuffed animals. The rest of the room was completely empty.

  Marcus trotted toward it on his tiny toes, believing he was seeing things. His fingers confirmed its existence. The space inside was so small, the sheets soft and expensive. He picked up a teddy bear. That was real, too.

  “Marcus? Where’d you run off to, my little sweetheart?”

  He saw her standing in the doorway. “Honey, look! Where did this come from?”

  In her arm was a bundle of clothes. Girls’ clothes.

  “I found some of my old things. They might be your size!”

  “But, the … b-baby crib. Esperanza, where did this come from? We don’t own one!”

  “Shhh. Come with me.”

  She lifted him off the ground and placed him up against her shoulder. Marcus was so shocked by being carried that words briefly escaped him.

  “You’re getting lighter, aren’t you?”

  “Esperanza, this is getting weird. I don’t like this.”

  “We have to find clothes that fit you, darling. I can’t just let you run around naked! What kind of mother would I be?”

  Marcus tried to wiggle free, but she was stronger than him now. “You’re not my mother! Stop living this weird fantasy.”

  “Have you looked at yourself lately? I don’t think this is a fantasy.”

  Esperanza had all sorts of clothes with her, from pants and jeans to shirts and underwear. Marcus wanted to protest about the latter, seeing no need for them, but soon he was back on his feet with the oversized male shirt being pulled off his body.

  His wife gasped.

  “Marcus, you’ve really changed.”

  With his years leaving and his body shrinking, Marcus naturally expected some changes down below. He had avoided looking down there, knowing that he wouldn’t like whatever he found. Twenty minutes ago, something had pulled in his groin. That was about the time he had reversed through puberty. He said a quiet goodbye to manhood.

  Instead, it was way worse. Marcus’s familiar parts weren’t smaller; they weren’t there at all! He leaned over, feeling a skip in his heartbeat as there was nothing to find right away. Then, he witnessed something that he regretted instantly, and stood up straight again, arms and legs perfectly still as goose bumps formed.

  Esperanza was smiling, holding a pair of panties. “Now you really need these.”

  Marcus shook his head. “No, I don’t.”

  “That’s no way a proper lady would act.”

  “I’m not a girl!” He sounded like an upset child who couldn’t have his favorite toy.

  “You want to look again?”

  Marcus felt absolutely powerless. It didn’t help that Esperanza was a foot-and-a-half taller and easily stronger than him. She seemed so massive now, but he knew that was only because of the shrinkage. Everything appeared larger than before, even the rooms and furniture. The apartment was designed for giants—or adults.

  Embarrassingly, the panties were a perfect fit. Esperanza wiggled him into them, grinning the whole time. Marcus couldn’t remember her smiling so much. He quite liked it, seeing her happy like that, though he would’ve preferred vastly different circumstances.

  “See? Not bad, right?”

  He refused to look down.

  “Your hair isn’t long, but I think you could still pass as a young girl.”

  “Wonderful,” Marcus pouted.

  Of course Esperanza wasn’t finished. Marcus had to endure more clothing that looked way too small for him. This time it was a yellow romper—a one-piece garment that looked like a tank top and pair of shorts combined into one. She helped his legs into the holes and slipped the straps over his slender shoulders. As with the panties, it fit him perfectly.

  His wife pulled back, tears in her eyes. “I was seven or eight when I wore that. You look beautiful in it, darling.”

  Marcus wanted to hide somewhere, where no human being could ever find him.

  “You know, I don’t think your name suits you anymore. What about Macy? One of my friends had that name. It’s a beautiful name.”

  Marcus crossed his arms. “Stop playing dress-up with me. I’m not some little girl.”

  “Whatever you say, Macy. I think it’s a little past your bedtime. You shouldn’t be up so late.”

  “Esperanza, listen to yourself! Am I the only one losing my mind here? You know none of this is right. I’m an adult man, not a seven-year-old girl!”

  She stared at him. “You’re right. The clothes are looking looser already. You might be six now. Let me measure you!”

  Once again, Esperanza hauled him down the hallway, carrying him easily at her side. Her face was this huge, monstrous thing, the contours and angles all exaggerated. When she looked at him, it was like her eyes were seeing right through him. Marcus felt like curling into a ball, though being up against her was pleasant in a way. It was frightening to watch the world around him expand, the walls and ceilings pulling away. At least Esperanza was there to help.

  They passed the spare bedroom again. Marcus saw the crib, and an empty shelf which wasn’t there before. There was also a rocking chair in the corner. Neither one of them owned one.

  On his feet again, Esperanza retrieved the tape measure, stretching it from his toes to his head.

  “Three feet, five inches. You’re really getting small!”

  Marcus said nothing. His clothes were too big now. It hurt his neck to constantly look up at this woman, to look her in the eyes, to see her lips moving. He had to look up to see everything now. Nothing was at his level anymore. A shiver passed up his spine.

  He just wanted to be held again.

  Rachel held the chastity cage in the palm of her hand. It looked and felt normal, or so she thought. Tommy had never been into that submission stuff, so she had never been this close to one. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with it.

  “We have to see a doctor.”

  That’s all Tommy went on about. Rachel understood his distress completely, but she doubted any medical professional would understand what had just happened. Only Ms. Blake would know, but that strange woman wouldn’t be reversing the changes. This was her cure, her solution to mend their marriage.

  Besides, her husband wasn’t in any pain. He was greatly exaggerating things.

  “Let me see it.”

  “See what?” Tommy turned to her. “You see one everyday. What is there to see?”

  “They’re not all the same, Tommy. And I’m more experienced than you are. I can see if something’s wrong.”

  “Wrong?” He laughed nervously. “Yeah, I don’t think you need to get any closer to see that.”

  Reluctantly, he came to the bed, and Rachel rolled out of the way, giving him a place to sit. Neither one of them had any clothes on, and the chastity cage was now off. It was obvious what had happened. Yet, Tommy ignored it. He didn’t want to look down there, to see all that was different. His pride had already been injured.

  He plopped himself down on the mattress, gentler than she’d ever seen. Rachel moved to in between his legs, pushing them open to allow light to penetrate the dark gap between his thighs. A gasp escaped her lips. She had felt it before, and seen hints of it with her husband pacing back and forth, contemplating what to do next. But now she was staring directly at it.

  Between her husband’s legs was a pretty little pussy.

  On second thought, not exactly. His manhood might’ve been gone, and his scrotum was nowhere to be found—allowing the chastity cage to fall off—but it wasn’t all that glamorous. Tommy was a hairy guy, and his pubic hair hadn’t disappeared with the rest of his male parts. She could barely see it behind a jungle of hair, a slit with a hint of pink showing.

  “So, you’re a doctor now? What’s your diagnosis?”

  “You already know what it is.”

  “Yeah, and now I’m a freak. We’re seeing that Ms. Blake first thing in the morning. She’ll have a way to fix it. You know any good lawyers?”

  Rachel wasn’t listening. She wondered how complete it was. Did Tommy have all the inner parts, too? The vulva wasn’t the only piece of a woman’s reproductive system. For example, there was a uterus, and a cervix, and Fallopian tubes. Rachel remembered all those familiar diagrams, and imagined one overlaying on her husband’s lower abdomen. And, since he didn’t have testicles anymore, he’d need ovaries to maintain hormone production.

  From the look of it, Tommy was biologically female. He could theoretically carry a child!

  Now more curious than ever, Rachel scooted forward until her face was less than a foot away. She brought a finger to his new genitals, pushing it between the outer lips. The interior was soft, pink, and somewhat moist.

  Tommy squirmed. “Hey, whoa! What the hell are you doing?”


  “Yeah? Well, make it quick. This is already really fucking weird.”

  When Ms. Blake had explained that Tommy’s penis was the problem in their relationship, she hadn’t been kidding. Now he was totally absent one. There was no scar or anything; it had pulled back into his body. Perhaps the only recognizable part of it left behind was the clitoris. Rachel discovered it near the top, where it’d be on any other woman’s body. Supposedly it was like the head of a penis in regard to sensitivity, and maybe that was all that remained of Tommy’s cock.

  She touched it with her finger.

  Tommy all but jumped into the air.

  “What was that?”

  She looked up at him. “Your clitoris.”

  His eyes were wide. “I have a—”

  “Yes. And everything else. It looks to be complete. Let me check one more thing.”

  Before she turned her attention back to his crotch, she saw how red his cheeks were. Tommy hadn’t been complaining when she first discovered it between his legs about thirty minutes ago! Now he was probably conflicted, frustrated at the loss of his manhood but surprised by how good it felt to have his new parts touched.

  Rachel decided to turn it up a notch.

  Tommy’s new pussy appeared authentic on the outside, but she was curious about the interior. Near the bottom, the skin and flesh yielded to a little bit of pressure from her finger. She pushed it right in, admiring how the lips opened up, revealing a tight and somewhat damp hole. Her finger was halfway in when Tommy’s legs trembled. Another couple of inches and it was all the way inside him, the outside flush with her knuckle.

  The muscles inside the tunnel contracted and relaxed sporadically, confused by this new sensation.

  “That’s your finger, isn’t it?”

  Rachel was trying not to smile. “Yep, in your vagina.”


  She moved it slow, in and out, not wishing to startle him by the perception of penetration. She imagined it was weird for him, to suddenly experience sexual pleasure from the other side. His ego would no doubt take a brutal hit from it.

  Yet, surprisingly, Tommy didn’t speak up against it, even as her finger quickened.

  His silence forced Rachel to speak. “How does it feel?”

  Tommy shook his head, breathing through his mouth. “I don’t want to say.”

  “Good, isn’t it?”

  Expectedly, his body reacted as hers always did. Rachel felt increasing wetness against her finger, while the inner walls continued to squeeze all around it. The juice slowly trickled toward the exit, until she witnessed the glistening pink folds with her own eyes.

  There was also a scent emanating from his crotch—a distinctly female scent. Rachel found it rather pleasant, though it was barely there, hard to differentiate. The room still smelled of sex from earlier.

  With the inside of his pussy well-lubricated, Rachel moved her finger quicker, doubling the pace. She added a second, pressing it tight against the first. There was an incredible heat lingering around his crotch now, arriving with the moisture. Tommy had opened his legs up a little more too.

  “Rachel,” he panted, the syllables slow to exit his throat.


  He didn’t say anything.

  Penetration wasn’t the only pleasure a woman could have. Rachel knew that from years of experience. With a sly smirk forming at the corner of her mouth, she articulated her thumb toward Tommy’s new clitoris. It was a little bigger than earlier, forming a small bump under a fold of skin. She almost gasped at how swollen it was now, hard like a little pebble. She swept the tip of her thumb across it, back and forth, pushing down a little bit more with each pass.

  Meanwhile, her fingers maintained their rhythm, now accompanied by a soft, wet sound as they pushed inside and pulled out.

  Tommy fell back to his elbows, breathing hard. Rachel glanced up to see his chest rising and falling quickly.

  “Holy shit.”

  He’s slowly coming around to it, she thought to herself. Once Tommy had experienced the benefits of owning a pussy, he might just prefer it to his old self. Rachel sure did. Before, his dick controlled everything. It was the sole thing that had deteriorated their relationship. She wasn’t sad to see it gone. She also wasn’t a lesbian. But, like Tommy, she was adjusting to the changes, gradually approving of them. She’d have to thank Ms. Blake personally.

  To show her appreciation for the orgasm earlier, Rachel did as her husband had, wiggling herself closer until her mouth was right there, an inch from his moist entrance. His scent was strong now, all over her nostrils. She breathed in deep, extending her tongue to probe that tight little passageway. It pushed right in with little effort.

  Tommy couldn’t hold himself up anymore. The bed undulated as he fel
l to his back, groaning.

  “Rachel, I can’t … take more of it. Goddamn.”

  With the sweetness of his release now on her taste buds, Rachel moved her tongue faster than before, twisting it inside of him. Drool and juice covered her chin. Simultaneously, she flicked at his clit. The former tiny nub was a hard little ball now, red and swollen from the stimulation. It was rather addicting to touch, like a small button to make her husband squirm uncontrollably. Pleasure as a guy was nothing like this!

  His orgasm was violent. Rachel yelped as his legs pinned her tight, trapping her head. There was nothing to do except keep licking. She lapped up the juice that came out, while his entire body shook and writhed. The sounds coming from his mouth were unlike anything she had ever heard before, like the moans of a woman with the tenor of a man’s voice.

  By the time the climax faded, Rachel had swallowed more pussy juice than she cared to admit. It was all over her lips and chin. Likewise, Tommy’s crotch was totally wet, his pussy glimmering with juice and drool.

  “Is this how a girl feels?” he asked, his voice weak. “I’m all tingly.”

  Rachel slid up beside him, cuddling. “Yes. It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

  Tommy held out his hand. All five fingers were trembling.

  “And I’m so warm, and … and numb.”

  Rachel grinned.

  Her husband was quiet for a while, relaxing with the afterglow consuming his body. Rachel loved that part. At the least, he was no longer complaining about his missing cock. She wondered if his opinion had reversed at all. Him having a woman’s reproductive system from now on would certainly be a change, but Rachel knew she’d quickly adjust. Maybe, if Tommy was willing, she could trim some of his hair down there and make things a little more presentable. Seeing him squirm like that had been incredible, though she could do without the tiny hairs sticking to her lips.

  Also, she imagined her husband wearing panties. He would never agree, but it was fun to think about!

  “Maybe I can stay like this,” he finally said.


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