A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 58

by Gregor Daniels

  “A tasty cock, isn’t it? Orcs have tasty cocks. Very big, very tasty. Some boys like to suck on them just for that, just the taste and the scent. Use your tongue, boy. That’s what it’s good for. You can taste her big cock.”

  Oliver had no choice in the matter, for there simply wasn’t any room to move his tongue elsewhere. The orc woman’s cock filled up his mouth, throbbing from one end to the other. His tongue was right there underneath it, and he tasted it. He couldn’t tell it not to. Her scent was strong too, strong as an animal’s, but nowhere near as foul. And with her right there against his face, her crotch only inches away, he couldn’t smell anything else. And he certainly couldn’t breathe through his mouth.

  “Oh yes, that’s it,” the first kept telling him, like a mother congratulating her child on its first steps. “Very good. She likes having it sucked. Lick it up good. Make her happy and we’ll be gone. Make her real happy.”

  He wished the man and the girl had passed by a few minutes later. The orc women were aggressive, but he was alone. If others came down the muddy road, they would’ve jumped back into the forest, avoiding being seen. That’s how they worked. That’s how they remained a secret to everyone.

  While the first continued to finger his ass, the other took control, grabbing his curly hair and keeping his head still. She pulled on it until it hurt, even when he was following their orders. She pushed her cock in innumerable times, thrusting her pelvis forward faster and faster. Oliver felt it every time, the head of her prick slamming into his throat, while the massive girth of the shaft spread his lips painfully wide. She was almost grunting now. The other breathed hard against his cheek, moaning softly.

  “Yeah, keep at it,” she went on. “That’s a good boy. Short and sweet, remember? Only a few minutes. Smell her good. Taste that cock. She’s almost there. Get ready fo’ it. Hope you’re hungry, boy.”

  A few seconds later, Oliver tasted something sweet in the back of his mouth. It was gooey and abundant, and oozed into his throat. The orc woman held his head, pressing her fingers hard into his scalp. Pleasure was plastered all over her face, with her cheeks hot and burning. She played with her breasts as the cum drained from the end of her green cock. It came and came, far longer than Oliver thought possible. He could feel every hot spurt of it going deep inside of him, going down into his stomach.

  Strangely, the morning’s hunger passed. He had gotten a fill of it, and then his stomach began to ache for there was so much of it. A moment later, the orc woman finally pulled back when her orgasm reached the end. She scooped up the last bit on the end of her cock and provided it to Oliver’s mouth. The other told him to lick it clean.

  “Good little boy,” she said, ruffling his hair with her fingers. “We’re good folk. We saw to it that you got your lunch, huh boy? Best be expectin’ it from now on. We like you, boy. My cock does too.”

  Oliver caught his breath as the two orc women went to the cart. The quieter one got in front, while the other went to the back. Together, they freed it from the mud and pushed it all the way up the hill, leaving it at the top. Not a word was said to him. After, they went off into the trees and disappeared. He heard twigs being snapped underfoot, followed by a laugh, and then nothing. They were gone.

  After Oliver was certain that he was alone, he wiped his lips clean—though the taste of the orc woman’s cock lingered no matter how much water he chugged down—and set off toward town with the cart in tow. It was a thirty-minute delay at most, but he could still make out good before the sun started to set, especially if he hurried the rest of the way.

  And if the trip wasn’t interrupted by a pair of naked orc women.

  Father whipped him that night. Oliver had expected it. The cart was nearly half emptied by the thriving market square, but that wasn’t enough. Other vendors had discounted the potato crop, and so had Oliver to compete with the boom of midday customers. The trip home was less strenuous, for most of the path was downhill—and the cart was much lighter. Once Father got word of the money made, he went for his belt same as many times before. “This is food we’re sellin’,” he’d say. “People need it to survive. Don’t cut prices because of them thieves you’re sellin’ with! We sell quality.” And when Oliver would try to explain the situation, of dealing with stiff competition and potatoes everywhere in the market, Father only whipped him harder. The belt left a sting.

  The next day, the roads weren’t as soggy, and Oliver waited at the base of the hill again, watching the trees ahead. He couldn’t see deep into the woods, but he was certain they were out there, just waiting for some passersby with valuables. That’s what they really wanted. Yesterday was still vivid in his head, and he remembered the one orc woman saying they’d be back when he returned.

  The man and the girl came again. Oliver watched them pass. This time, the girl said nothing, though the two of them stared at each other. She waved at him shyly, and Oliver waved back, even smiling a bit before he could no longer see the features of her face. The horse pulled them up the hill, avoiding the areas in shade that were still damp. They made it up without incident, and again Oliver wondered if the orc women were waiting specifically for him. He couldn’t waste much time. The market was open, and he had to get there before the other vendors arrived.

  Starting up the hill, Oliver scanned the side of the road, watching the bushes with a piqued interest. He was halfway up, and nothing had happened yet. Then, he heard a rustling sound and turned to see the two orc women stepping onto the road, both with their big cocks hanging between their legs.

  “The sweet boy again!” said the first. It was Oliver’s first true look at her. She was like her friend, a deep green shade from head to toe except around the tip of her cock and the nipples. Likewise, she was just as tall and curvy, with a magnificent set of breasts. But, Oliver could only stare at those briefly before feeling his eyes drawn to her cock. He couldn’t help it. Though they had many differences from regular women, that was the biggest one of all. He remembered the taste of the cum.

  “I’ve only got potatoes!” he said, pulling the cart, but being slowed by the tremendous weight of it. They easily caught up to him. “Only potatoes, nothing else. I have to get to town. I have nothing of value.”

  “But you do, boy,” said the orc woman, the one with dark hair down to the middle of her back, the one who had pinned him down yesterday. “We like boys like you. Ain’t nothin’ better.”

  “But I have to go! I can’t waste time.”

  “That’s why we’ll be quick,” she said. “Go on, lower your trousers, boy. You know what we want.”

  It was different this time. The first came up behind him and bent him over. Oliver felt her fat cock poking against his rear, and he started to object as it slid up inside him. It was much wider than her finger, surely too wide to fit, and he cried out as it entered him fully. The wail didn’t deter her. The entirety of her cock slipped into his ass, filling him. Ahead was the second orc woman. Her musk seemed to surround him, encompassing him like the fog of the early morning, when the air was still cold and the clouds hugged the ground. He could sniff nothing but it, and she helped guide his head and his lips to her swollen cock as she had the day before, pushing it inside without waiting for permission.

  Then, Oliver was being opened up wide on both ends, simultaneously penetrated in the front and back.

  “Oh that’s a good boy,” the one behind him said, as she always did. “Very good boy. Very tight. I like your tight ass. It’s been too long since I fucked a boy as pretty as you, with skin soft like a girl. I reckon this ain’t your first time like this, isn’t it?”


  No matter how much Oliver resisted they overpowered him. He felt something warm shoot into his rectum, and the strong orc woman held him still as she released her cum into his body. There was so much of it. She held him firm, her hands gripping his waist, and it continued to come out, spurt after spurt. Oliver felt it leaking from his anus, even with her cock still b
uried inside of him. It was warm and gooey, and so plentiful that it gave his bowels an ache of fullness.

  Shortly after, the second came into his mouth. Oliver swallowed as he had before, gulping down the copious gobs of cum that she miraculously hid somewhere in her body. Her nuts didn’t look large enough to store it all. Combined, they might’ve had enough to fill a small pail. Oddly, the thought of that pail with the bubbly orc cum inside it gave Oliver a warm, pleasant feeling in his loins. He swallowed until there was nothing more to swallow, almost enjoying the sweet taste.

  Finally, the two orc women detached and left him full of cum.

  “Thank you, pretty boy!” the one said. “It was good! Run on now. Go sell your potatoes. Come back tomorrow and you’ll get another good fuck.”

  Oliver dressed himself, ignoring the sticky wetness oozing down the back of his legs and staining his trousers, and the heavy scent lingering in the air, hanging around him. He wiped his mouth clean and went on his way as the two orc women disappeared again. He found more bits of cum in his mouth with his tongue and happily swallowed the leftovers. It really didn’t taste all that bad. Oliver had never tasted a man, and never desired to, but something about orc cum was addicting. He didn’t know if it was the flavor or the texture, or just the warmth of it resting in his belly, or the knowledge that he had taken both of their hot loads into his body. His ass hurt, and his jaw was sore, but Oliver went on towards the town with a little grin on his face, hauling the cart of potatoes.

  Over the following week, meeting the orc women became habitual. Oliver anticipated it every morning, pulling the heavy cart along until he reached the hill. They would appear from the bushes when he passed, with the one calling him “pretty boy.” There wasn’t a day gone by where Oliver didn’t see them, or refused to follow their requests. He’d suck their cocks if they asked him for it. He’d bend over and get fucked if they wanted that, too. Whatever they wanted. Oliver didn’t want to upset them. The orc women were taller and undoubtedly stronger than him, and he’d fear the whipping he’d receive if he didn’t comply.

  Plus, Oliver’s tongue had become quite fond of orc cum. He loved swallowing it down, getting a full belly of it. They had so much to give him. His morning hunger was always satisfied, and every following morning he’d be anxious to meet them and do it again, getting on his knees more often than not, wrapping his lips around one of their thick cocks to chug down hot, delicious cum like another man might’ve emptied a flagon of beer.

  Father never knew of it. Oliver couldn’t tell him about his short stops on the way to the market. He couldn’t tell anyone else either. The orc women were always secretive, coming out only when the coast was clear. Once, when the man and the girl came up the road, as they always did every morning, the orc women pulled him into the bushes and continued filling him with their thick cocks, even as the carriage passed just a few feet away. Oliver remained quiet with one cock between his lips and another inside his ass. His own cock was as stiff as could be, hard as any rock. It was a thrill like none other to get fucked by them, right by the road where the softest sound could alert attention.

  When the deed was finished, Oliver would run along with his cart, off towards the town. Then, the orc women would disappear into the woods, their cocks emptied. With their musk hanging around him like smoke on a fire, Oliver would recall them again, picturing their tall green bodies and their fat cocks. He couldn’t stop thinking of them. He liked the way he was used, ordered around like an animal, forced to obey them. It made him hard again, and he couldn’t resist reaching into his trousers and stroking his manhood. Then, he’d pause by the side of the road, bring himself to orgasm, and continue on towards the market square with a smile upon his lips, hauling that cart full of potatoes.

  Oliver knew something was wrong the very minute he woke.

  It was still dark outside. Rain pattered on the window. The road to town would be absolute slop, but Oliver didn’t have to haul potatoes today. Most of them had been sold over the last two weeks, at a less-than-ideal price according to Father, but sold nonetheless. Money was better than no money at all, and you couldn’t keep potatoes around without them sprouting again. But, the farm still had plenty more. Father followed a schedule, planting every two weeks at the beginning of spring. There’d be more to take to town soon. Oliver knew it. He’d pull the cart, be stopped by the orc women, and reach town to sell the potatoes. It was clockwork.

  But this morning was different. The room was cool, but Oliver was covered head to toe in sweat. He tossed and turned on the bed, never quite finding sleep. Even out of his long johns and away from the sheets he was still burning up.

  With an image of the orc women flashing into his head, Oliver reached between his legs. His fingers brushed against something new and different, something he had never felt before. Imagining the orc women with their fat cocks was always accompanied by arousal, and he felt the same way now, like there was a tiny ticklish flame in his body, somewhere near his belly, deep inside of him. He expected his fingers to find and grasp a rapidly hardening cock, but that wasn’t the case.

  As the hand slipped further between his legs, Oliver lit a small oil lamp, waited for the flame to grow, and hovered it just over his crotch. The shadows danced like performers at the traveling circus, but he saw what he needed to. Beneath his trembling palm was nothing, not a cock or anything else. His crotch was entirely flat, smooth except for that hair that everyone had down there. There was no pain, or even anything resembling a scar as if someone had cut it off and closed the wound. Oliver would’ve surely remembered that.

  Instead, he had gone to bed with a cock, and woken without one. It made zero sense. He felt the region with his fingertips to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. The skin was his, there was no doubt about that. He could feel it. It was smooth all the way back, down between his legs and towards his—

  Oh, there was something down there. With the definite absence of his cock, Oliver had missed it. Further back, out of sight, deep between his legs, he touched an area that was rather sensitive. It felt good to probe it with his fingers, even just the tips. A spark shot through his body as he touched it a little more, getting a feel for this strange part of him that he hadn’t known about until this very second.

  His heart quickened, and Oliver laid his head back onto the pillow. He barely heard the rain against the window. More sparks shot through him. They came quick and sudden, and he had no control over it. His body moved on its own, writhing on the bed. He had to be quiet, for the floor was liable to creak if he shifted his weight too much. Father hated having his sleep disturbed.

  Then, a finger went inside him, and Oliver’s eyes shot open. He had never felt anything like that. A minute passed as he gathered his thoughts. Then, the finger moved a second time, pulling out and pushing in.

  Oliver’s mind flashed back to the orcs, to being stripped and used for their pleasure. He always thought about them, both their massive breasts and thick cocks. Suddenly, he was on the road again, and the sun was out. They came and ordered him around as always, telling him to get on his knees, take off his clothes, open wide for their cocks. One of them, the one that talked the most, took him from behind.

  Only, in the vision, she wasn’t fucking him in the ass, but rather this new hole, this better hole, this hole that Oliver himself couldn’t stop fingering. It was too good to stop. Far in the back of his mind, he knew what it was. He recognized the contours of it, the wetness touching his fingers. He knew, but he didn’t want to stop and think about it. Instead, he lost himself inside his own fantasy, of being taken by both the orc women, of being dominated and told what to do. The finger inside him moved faster, going a little deeper. His body accepted it, and rewarded him with constant pleasure, coming in the form of those sparks again.

  Oliver twisted on the bed, panting for breath. His spine arched as another jolt of pleasure rocked him, and he almost cried out before biting his tongue at the last second. He spread his legs more a
nd turned his wrist, discovering a better angle to penetrate himself.

  The orcs would surely fuck him good now, he knew. They’d fuck him hard and good, and leave him their delicious cum as a reward. He couldn’t wait to show them how he had changed. They’d approve of it. There was no way they wouldn’t. Right then, he imagined one on top of him, the weight of her pinning him down. She spread his legs and inserted her cock, not wasting even one second to fill him all the way with her throbbing glory. Oliver covered his mouth for fear of alerting his father, but he couldn’t stop. He wouldn’t. His body wanted it more than anything.

  Reaching orgasm wasn’t such a quick affair without his cock, but it hit him hard. The night suddenly became blinding, and he buried his face into the pillow, muffling his moans, trying not to scream as the fingers trembled between his legs, his body humping the bed. It came and lingered, longer than he had ever felt before, a joy unlike anything else. He fingered himself until his wrist ached, and then rubbed his crotch against the bed. It was still so sensitive, so pleasurable, begging for him to do something to satisfy it. Then, his hips became too heavy to move, and Oliver had to stop and catch his breath. The room seemed to bake like a dirt road under a sweltering sun, while a sweet scent touched his nostrils.

  Finally, Oliver pulled his hand away from his crotch. He was exhausted and about to fall right asleep again, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. The absence of his cock startled him, but something had taken its place, something new and decidedly wonderful.

  He carried the oil lamp over his naked body again, noting how much sweat clung to his skin as the flame went lower, and that his nipples seemed larger than normal. But that was ignored.

  Down between his legs, almost out of sight, glistening with a sweet-smelling juice was a slit—a girl’s slit. Oliver had never seen one himself, but he knew of it. Father prohibited him from speaking with girls, for he was needed on the farm. There was no time for girls. He had to work and haul potatoes. That was his job. That was his life.


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