A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6

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A Gender Swap Mega Bundle 6 Page 68

by Gregor Daniels

  “We could be twins,” she said. For some reason, this made Liam happy.

  After, Liam woke confused. He reached for his manhood, grasping with that lingering image remaining in his thoughts. He felt the familiar urge in his loins, the desire of a man for a woman, for Nadine. He hadn’t felt it in so long. Yet, in spite of his best efforts, his cock just wouldn’t respond. It remained limp between his fingers, soft and pathetically small, a mere bump under the silky panties.

  However, Liam’s body wasn’t totally nonreactive. The dream had left, leaving a spark behind, only it wasn’t his cock that had interpreted the raw lust circulating in his veins. He grabbed one of his breasts, gasping at how sensitive it was now. The 36C bra was beginning to feel too small for them, yet Nadine hadn’t stopped by with a replacement yet. Regardless, Liam pushed his hands into the cups, running his fingers along the turgid nipples. He pinched one, releasing a moan through his lips. They had never been that sensitive in his entire life, but he definitely didn’t hate it. He twisted the other one as well, writhing in the sheets.

  Images of Nadine returned to his thoughts, the voluptuous woman of his fantasies, dancing and taking her clothes off, unveiling her perfect body for his eyes to wander over. A heat in his loins burned hotter than before, and his little cock went hard for once, but he wasn’t interested in it. He squeezed his breasts instead, picturing that vision of female beauty so flawlessly behind his closed eyes. Nadine visited him so regularly that he could recreate her with stunning accuracy, force her to do whatever he wanted, send her to wrap him up in her arms and her soft chest, suffocate him with her delicious curves.

  The orgasm came, and Liam was completely unprepared for it. He rolled on the bed, his toes curling and his fingers clenching hard into his breasts. His tiny cock gave forth a laughably small amount of release, and he barely felt it shooting into his panties. He was too exhausted to change them. He fell back asleep with his breasts in his hands, a little smile forming on his lips. He hoped he’d see Nadine in his dreams again.

  Liam didn’t know what time it was. He did not wish to get up, but the wailing cry of the smoke alarm was deafening. It wouldn’t cease no matter how tightly he wrapped his head under the pillows. Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore. With a lengthy yawn to announce his defeat from sleep, he stumbled out of bed and wobbled his way over to the loud device, barely cracking his eyes open enough to see where he was going. He grabbed the stool and climbed his way up, his body jiggling during the whole ascent. A simple press of the button turned it off, and he went back to bed, falling asleep right as his body slammed into the mattress.

  Ten minutes later, the smoke alarm blared again.

  “Motherfucker,” he cursed, waking. He went clumsily across the room, grabbed the stool, reached up, pressed the button. The wail silenced, and Liam jumped down to head back to bed.

  It went off again.

  Liam didn’t know what the problem was. The batteries had been changed—Nadine had done it herself. The connection was solid. The room didn’t smell of smoke, though he didn’t trust it to warn him of anything burning. The smoke alarm’s only purpose now was to irritate him. He pressed the button, and still it wouldn’t shut up. It did nothing now. It only continued to cry, blasting in his ears.

  “Shut up!” he shouted, slamming the thing with his fist, knocking it off the secure lock. It dangled by a couple of wires as he continued to pound into it. Finally, it flew to the ground, giving out one last cry before silencing completely.

  Liam rubbed his temples. The annoying shrill had built up a rage inside of him, but now he worked to settle it back down. It was still light outside, but he didn’t know the time. He didn’t care to know. The days were mostly filled with sleep, and he rarely bothered to find a clock. Drowsiness was beginning to set in again.

  He was about to step down when he noticed something else hanging in front of his face. It was where the smoke alarm had been, except black and much smaller, connected with a tiny wire that disappeared into the ceiling. Liam immediately recognized it at some sort of camera.

  “Has she been watching me?”

  He felt the rage again. It came often now, especially whenever he realized he couldn’t go outside, and if he did no one would recognize him. It was harder to look at himself in the mirror, to see the changes. He suddenly hated it all. He regretted agreeing to that stupid contract and to gaining all that weight. Even remembering the money did little to suppress the anger inside him. Some mornings, he didn’t even care for it. He wanted his old body back, his old life, his old salary working as a male porn star. Things were going too far.

  Liam gazed outside. It was a beautiful day, still early by the look of it. He tried to remember what he’d do on a day like this one. Deep down, he felt a nagging to head to the gym, to get his body in motion, to build muscle. Laziness had completely changed his body. It had eaten away his muscles, his motivation. Yet, Liam felt that spark again today, something he hadn’t felt in so long.

  Nadine would disapprove of him leaving the apartment, but she wasn’t here. Liam found something to wear—an old stretchy sweatshirt and a pair of athletic shorts. The latter was really tight around his ass, but he didn’t care. He’d receive a few strange looks with his odd body and skintight clothing, but he didn’t care about that either. He just wanted out of the apartment, even for thirty minutes. It was suffocating him.

  One circuit around the block later and Liam had to stop. Every muscle in his legs burned, and he couldn’t swallow down oxygen fast enough to catch his breath. He felt fat and slow, packed into clothing that no longer fit him. The worst part was the jiggling. Everything shook when he ran, as if every square inch of his flesh had been replaced with Jell-O.

  Defeated and humiliated, Liam went back up to the apartment. Nadine was waiting for him, and she didn’t appear pleased.

  “Gone out for some fresh air I see.”

  “Yeah,” Liam panted. “I had to.”

  Nadine crossed her arms. “The terms and conditions say you must not leave the apartment, or have you forgotten? It could void the contract.”

  He remembered the money. It was the only incentive in this strange agreement. “No! Just please hear me out, Nadine. I had to go outside. I … I couldn’t take it staying cramped in this room. I was going insane.”

  “Yes, that’s good. Please beg some more. Get on your knees.”


  “Did you not hear me, or have you forgotten that you have to do exactly what I say?”

  Liam nodded, complying. The short jog around the block had reminded him of how weak he was now, and he was on the verge of tears. It took a lot for the old Liam to cry, but something had changed over the last few months. Along with his weight gain, Liam felt more emotionally sensitive. He didn’t like how Nadine had raised her voice, or how she was looking at him. He wanted to curl into a tight ball and shrink out of existence. He imagined this was what puppies must’ve felt like when they behaved badly.

  “Now apologize.”

  He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Nadine. I didn’t mean to leave. I made a mistake. I won’t do it again.”

  “Good. I’m glad you said that. I’ll make sure you never do it again.”

  Nadine had something that looked like a collar in her hand, black and thick. Liam was about to protest when she came toward him, but remembered the anger in her voice and kept his lips sealed. She wrapped it around his neck and latched it in the back. It had a small lock with it too. Nadine stuffed the key into a pocket.

  “Now, go for the door again.”


  Nadine raised her voice. “I am commanding you, Liam. Go for the door and leave the apartment. Right now. But stay on your hands and knees.”

  Liam turned his head toward the exit. He was reluctant to move at first, but when Nadine didn’t say anything he crawled straight for it. He was a few feet away from the hallway when an electric shock went through his body. He cried out in surprise,
falling to the ground, whimpering as his legs and arms convulsed. For five long seconds he couldn’t move a single muscle. All his insides burned. It seemed like an eternity before the pain vanished.

  Nadine stepped over him, stopping just outside the door. “That’ll keep you from disobeying me again, Liam. You know, that’s a silly name for you now, especially with you looking like a girl. What about Leanne? It suits you better.”

  The door slammed in his face.

  After picking himself up, another discovery was made. All his clothes were gone. Nadine had watched it all unfold from her penthouse, perhaps with other cameras he hadn’t found yet. She had taken them all, the shirts and the pants, the shorts and socks and shoes—everything. Each piece of clothing Liam had brought with him on that first day was gone. All that remained were panties and bras, and lots of them. He even saw a few thongs.

  Liam now dreaded the regular meetings with Nadine. Several weeks passed, and the shock collar remained on his neck. He was forced to be on his hands and knees whenever she was around lest the crippling pain would come. In the meanwhile, he continued to gain weight. The latest evaluation put him just a tick over two-hundred and thirty pounds. As usual, most of it had gone to his ass and chest, though some was starting to accumulate in his stomach. Soon enough, the 36C bras were too small, and he was upgraded to 36D, and then those began to feel cramped around his breasts. They were both humongous things now, too large for his hands. His ass was the same story. To Liam, it felt like it had a mind of its own. It jiggled excessively whenever he went about the apartment, bouncing back and forth. On the upside, it provided a nice cushion to sit himself on.

  “You must see the plan now,” Nadine said one day, washing his hair after dying it a bright red and then trimming it into a stylish pixie cut. “I’m going to measure your cock on camera today. It can’t be more than a couple inches, can it? But that’s not the point. I’m going to humiliate you, Leanne. I’m giving you a fair warning of what to expect. The videos have documented everything up to this, and you have to do what I tell you.”

  Liam remained absolutely still as the scissors passed by his eyes.

  “Remember the contract. Remember the money. I’m still being completely honest with you. It’s all there in Liam’s account, the amount I said to the exact cent. All you have to do is obey me. Do that and you’ll be as rich as you ever wanted, and you can do whatever you want.”

  That evening, the two took their familiar places in front of the camera again. Liam recited all the measurements Nadine had taken, keeping a grin on his face. Over the last few months, his ass had ballooned outward. It was forty-six inches around now, and it sure as hell felt like it. His waist was slightly bigger, and his breasts were up to a solid 36DD. Nadine had him take the bra off. He was getting good at unlatching the hooks now, even able to do it with one hand. Once undone, the garment fell away.

  “We are almost up to month five,” Nadine spoke into the microphone, “and Leanne’s come a long way from the first day. Don’t you think? Look at those! And such quick growth! Leanne, do you love having tits?”

  Liam smiled. He was trained to. “Yes I do.”

  “Do you play with them? Don’t be shy, Leanne. Us girls always play with our boobs.”

  “Every night,” Liam lied. “I love their weight and sensitivity. I’ve always wanted tits of my own to play with.”

  “Well, your dreams are coming true. But, being a girl is more than just having some boobs. Leanne, show us what we’re all so curious to see.”

  Liam spread his legs. His cock couldn’t even be considered as such anymore. It was a tiny thing, all wrinkled and unresponsive. Even getting it to a full erection was impossible, but Nadine measured it anyway.

  “One inch and three-quarters,” she announced. “Very small indeed. I bet you can’t wait until it pulls up into your body and turns into a pussy.”

  Liam felt sweat on his forehead. “Oh yes.”

  “And getting it fucked? You must have dreams about that.”

  His cheeks reddened with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. “All the time.”

  Nadine smiled. “When that time comes, you’ll surely love it.”

  Liam expected another dessert. He was a growing girl in Nadine’s eyes, and he required plentiful treats to sustain and expand his developing curves, but not tonight. Instead, she retrieved something that made his palms sweat. He didn’t want to believe it. This was all going too far too fast.

  “Leanne, you know what this is?”

  Liam forced himself to smile. It took all his energy. “Yes.”

  “And what is it?”

  “A dildo. It is a dildo.”

  “And certainly bigger than your own cock,” she laughed. “Good girls know how to suck one. Are you a good girl, Leanne?”

  Again, Liam went along with it. He had to. “Yes.”

  “Then be a good girl for the camera.” She handed him the dildo.

  It was the realistic type, flesh-colored and molded after the real thing. Liam had seen plenty of them in the adult industry. They were always available on set for girls doing solo scenes. He had handled many of them too, so the weight and texture of it wasn’t unfamiliar. Only now he was in the spotlight, and Nadine expected him to use it as any other adult female star would.

  “Go on, Leanne. Don’t be shy.”

  Liam understood the consequences well enough. He reminded himself of the collar around his neck, and that painful shock it gave out with the press of a button. Nadine surely had the little remote in her pocket in case he disobeyed. He didn’t want her to use it.

  So, with that fake smile on his face, Liam brought the cock to his lips and slowly pushed it in. The flavor of the toy was unremarkable, but certainly not awful. He opened his mouth wide for it, making sure to watch the camera, appear excited, do as Nadine told him. It went toward the back of his throat, stopping with a couple of inches still remaining outside of his lips. With a firm grip around the base, he pulled it out, keeping his lips sealed, letting it glide along his tongue. He faked a moan for good measure.

  “Good girl,” Nadine said. “Looks like she has gained a taste for cock. I can’t wait to see her try a real one.”

  Liam ignored that. He didn’t want to think where this might lead, or how far Nadine was going to go. Sucking a fake cock was bad enough, but he put all his effort into it, playing it up for the camera, pretending to enjoy it. He rolled his head back, shoving the cock in and out of his mouth repeatedly. It was thoroughly coated with saliva now. Then, he pulled it all the way out and licked the underside with his tongue, watching the camera again.

  “She’s lubing it up for me,” Nadine said. “Very good, Leanne. Your own cock might be worthless, but I bet your asshole is very tight. You all want to see? Go ahead, Leanne. Put that cock down for one second and show the camera your tight butthole. They want to see it.”

  Liam turned so that the massive girth of his chubby rear faced the camera. He kept the smile on his face, even though he had no idea what Nadine had planned. She gave his wide rear a soft squeeze, jiggling it for the camera, spreading it open. Liam felt a shiver pass through him as air touched the sensitive skin between his ass cheeks.

  “That’s one beautiful ass you have, Leanne,” Nadine said. “Look at that pretty hole. And his little cock. You can barely see it.”

  Liam couldn’t believe how massive it was as he stared over his shoulder, watching the tremendous mounds of flesh ripple with Nadine’s contact. He knew it was large, but it looked positively gargantuan now with Nadine next to it, providing a source for comparison.

  She grabbed the dildo and waved it for the camera. “You want to see me fuck Leanne’s pretty ass?”

  Liam gulped. He was no longer comfortable with this, and he almost blurted out an objection right then and there. But, he remembered the shock collar and Nadine’s stern voice when she threatened to press that button. He didn’t want to disappoint her. She’d turn his life into a world of pain if h
e ruined this.

  So, Liam was forced to accept his position, bent over for the camera with a stupid smile on his face, seemingly eager to get naughty. He couldn’t escape the dildo aiming for his ass. It went inside him with a bit of a push. Liam held back a groan as it filled him. It felt larger than it looked, but he couldn’t complain. He had to take it. He had to be fucked by the dildo. He wouldn’t upset Nadine.

  “Oh, very tight!” she announced, stuffing it inside his rectum. “As a former man, I bet he never knew this would feel so good. Isn’t that right, Leanne? Don’t you love your ass even more now?”

  Liam forced himself to nod and agree. “Yes, absolutely. It feels … really good.”

  “Moan for me, Leanne.”

  And Liam did. His throat opened up, his lips parted slightly, and he heard a girlish moan rush out. It surprised him by how high-pitched it was. He did it a second time, just to make Nadine happy. Meanwhile, she continued to penetrate him with the dildo, spreading his ass wide open with every inch of its silicone girth. It had been uncomfortable at first, but now he didn’t mind it so much. His body seemed to accept it, and the muscles back there gradually relaxed. His poor cock had gone achingly hard, even if it was only a couple inches long and barely thicker than a finger. Liam was embarrassed that the camera could see it. The weight gain was one thing, but that was the definite proof that he was really changing into someone else, someone completely different.

  The dildos became a regular portion of the interviews, along with butt plugs. Another month passed, and Liam had graduated to the 36F bras. Nadine was happy to provide some so that he would stop stretching the other ones. At just under two-hundred and fifty pounds, he was just as voluptuous as his boss, though not quite as stacked. All the weight he had been packing on had given him a soft, squishy layer. He ass was beyond humongous, now coming in at forty-eight inches. Nadine had commented about it slowing down, but that didn’t make it seem any smaller. It dominated his body and controlled his gait. Whenever Liam got up and took steps, it caused his entire body to twist back and forth, like the hips on a woman but greatly exaggerated. Forcing himself to walk like a man was impossible.


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