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Change of Heart

Page 14

by Tina Marie Noel

  “I love when you wake me up in this way.” Darcy leaned to kiss her and moved to caress her delicious curves.

  “My, you are eager this morning,” Elizabeth moved to a sitting position while Darcy captured her around the waist, and he tried to drag her back down to him. “There will be none of that this morning.” She uttered as she pulled him up with her. “I want to take a walk to become acquainted with the town.” She kissed him soundly, “You are coming with me, and I will not hear of any distractions from you.”

  Darcy laughed at the brashness of his beautiful wife. “I am yours to command.” He bowed at the hips. When she was distracted, he kissed her until she melted against him.

  “You are incorrigible.” Elizabeth giggled.

  “While you, my precious wife, are impertinent,” He kissed her neck and pushed her nightdress off her shoulders until it slid to her waist. ‘And that is why I love you so much.”

  She sighed in contentment as her husband leaned her back into the softness of the bed where he showed her how much he loved her.

  It was a while before the blissfully sated couple left their bedroom and went downstairs to breakfast. Elizabeth finally got her walk in the park where Fitzwilliam Darcy proudly showed off the wife he loved to distraction.

  Elizabeth had gone to inspect some flowers which had caught her attention when he heard a high, grating voice interrupt his privacy, “Mr. Darcy how wonderful to see you.”

  He groaned inwardly as he realized it was Miss Bingley. He did not even have an opportunity to say anything because she continued to talk, “I am so glad that you have left the wilds of Hertfordshire and that horrible Eliza Bennet, who had such low connections. She is a contemptuous girl.” With scarcely a breath, she persisted, “I heard a horrible rumour you were engaged to Miss Bennet, but that was obviously a scandalous falsehood. You would never marry such a pathetic creature.”

  When she stopped to take a deep breath, Darcy took the opportunity to speak, “You are right, Miss Bingley, I am not engaged to Miss Bennet.” He saw Elizabeth approaching and smiled, “However, I would like to introduce you to my wife, Mrs. Darcy.”

  Caroline Bingley was astounded when she saw Elizabeth Bennet approach. She was totally dumbfounded when she observed Mr. Darcy wrap his arm around his wife’s waist, “Darling, you remember Miss Bingley, do you not?”

  “Of course, how have you been Miss Bingley?” Elizabeth openly mocked the other woman, “Did you have a nice Christmas?”

  “Miss Bennet…” Caroline could not say anything else before Darcy corrected her.

  “Mrs. Darcy.” He insisted with a hardening of his eyes, “You would do well to remember that in the future.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, it has been a pleasure.” Caroline Bingley concluded as she made her hasty departure.

  As they watched Miss Bingley retreating in her latest hideous orange creation, Elizabeth and Darcy laughed, “That was fun.” Elizabeth chuckled with a smile.

  “I can think of something I would enjoy even more.” Darcy winked at her and guided her toward their home.

  “Lead the way because your pleasure is my pleasure.” Elizabeth teased as she reached up and stroked his cheek. “I love you, Fitzwilliam.”

  “I love you, too my dearest, Elizabeth.” He agreed as he picked her up and carried her into their home with a raise of his eyebrow, “I have many rooms left to show you in our home.”

  Elizabeth raised her eyes to her husband’s, “What do you have in mind, my darling husband?”

  Darcy grinned mischievously as he answered, “I believe you owe me a rematch at table billiards and I intend to collect.”

  “Oh,” Elizabeth feigned horror as she put her hand to her forehead, “Not that, anything but that.”

  “Mock me if you will, woman.” Darcy growled in her ear, “Nevertheless, I will have my satisfaction.”

  “You, Mr. Darcy have been well satisfied,” Elizabeth’s eyes flashed with the challenge, “However, the win shall be mine.”

  “I accept your challenge, Mrs. Darcy,” He pushed open a door on the first floor and slowly slid Elizabeth to her feet with a kiss, “Although I shall be entitled to set the terms of our wager.”

  “I have not agreed to a wager with you.” Elizabeth lifted her eyebrow.

  “You must be unsure of your victory,” Darcy teased, “If you will not agree to a trifling wager with me.”

  “My win has never been in doubt.” Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed as she asked, “What is to be our wager.”

  Darcy whispered in his wife’s ear, and Elizabeth laughed, “I accept without reservation.”

  Her husband grinned, “You will find that I will rise quite easily to any challenge.”

  The glint returned to Elizabeth’s eyes, “I find you rise to every occasion quite beautifully.”

  Her husband’s eyes darkened with desire, “You have grown bold, my love.” Darcy caught her hand and kissed each finger, “We shall see who shall win this contest of wills.”

  Elizabeth blushed scarlet red as she glanced around the room nervously, “Shall I be playing with your stick again?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Darcy retrieved his billiard stick from its case and handed it to his wife.

  Once the table was set, Elizabeth took the first shot. It was a good shot. The game was a close one as the two players were evenly matched. In the end, Darcy was up by one point and would win if Elizabeth missed her shot.

  Darcy’s concentration broke when he watched his wife bend over the table as she set up her next shot. He stared at Elizabeth as she searched for the correct angle to hit the ball. His arousal was instantaneous when he stared at her while she wiggled her beautiful bottom. He closed the distance between them, and he slid up behind Elizabeth. He moved against her so that she could feel his obvious excitement.

  “Elizabeth,” His voice was husky, “I love when you play with my stick.”

  “Mr. Darcy, are you trying to distract me?” Elizabeth accused.

  “Would I do something so devious?” Darcy mused as he kissed her neck and ran his hands along her curves.

  “Yes!” Elizabeth answered her voice slightly shaky with need as she moved against him. Her head turned toward him.

  Darcy grinned, “Take your shot and I will satisfy all of your needs.”

  Elizabeth turned back to the table. She awkwardly took her last shot, and Darcy was triumphant in his victory.

  He lifted Elizabeth up and turned her to face him as she sat on the edge of the billiard table. Elizabeth fumbled with Darcy’s trousers as he removed his wife’s undergarments. Their lovemaking was wild and tumultuous as they wore each other’s bodies out with a ferocious need to devour each other. As her climax approached, Elizabeth rode the waves of pleasure and Darcy exploded within her.

  As she clung to her husband, Elizabeth asked drowsily, “So who won the game?”

  Darcy arched his eyebrow, “I won the game, of course my dear, but I guarantee we were both winners.”

  “If we were both winners then nobody has to uphold the wager.”

  “Nice effort, my love.” Darcy kissed her passionately. “However, you have lost our wager and will pay accordingly.”

  Elizabeth smiled, “With the nature of our wager, we shall both win regardless of which one of us pays the debt.”

  “My lovely Elizabeth,” Darcy laughed, “You will try to find any way to win.”

  “I did not hear you complaining a few minutes ago.” Elizabeth teased.

  “I have nothing to complain about, my darling as you are my wife.”

  Chapter 17

  Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy spent their honeymoon wrapped in each other’s arms. Darcy wanted to spend every moment with the wife whom he had come to cherish. The servants in Darcy house quickly realized if their master and mistress were in a room together they should not interrupt. An oversight could result in catching the pair in certain compromising positions.

  Everyone in the household wa
s surprised to see the change in their master. In the presence of the mistress, he was playful, loving and adventuresome. He had always been a good master but now, after his marriage, they knew he had never been happier. The household staff also looked forward to a time when the next generation of Darcy’s would be born.

  They spent many laughter filled hours in the library. The couple would read their favourite books together.

  “Elizabeth, my love,” Darcy removed the book his wife was holding from her hands and pulled her into his arms.

  “What may I help you with?” Elizabeth responded as she looked up into the face of her husband. She reached up with her fingers to run her hands through his hair.

  “I was just thinking.” His lips twitched with humour, “Two months ago I would never have believed I could love anyone so completely.” Darcy dipped his head to take possession of her lips.

  “You cannot believe it!” Elizabeth laughed with a shake of her head, “Two months ago I thought you were the most proud, disagreeable man I had ever met.”

  “I am pleased I was able to change your mind about me. Otherwise, I would not be able to do this with you now.” Darcy picked her up and deposited her on the settee.

  “I am too, my love.” Elizabeth agreed, “I could not imagine loving anyone but you.”

  “You are mine, and only mine, my dear, I would not want you to imagine anyone but me, and you do not have to imagine me loving you.” He smiled, but there was a flash of possessive jealousy in his eyes, “I will show you every day of the rest of our lives.”

  His lips caught hers. He explored the depths of her mouth as she responded with equal enthusiasm. Her hands found the hard planes of his chest and with nimble fingers. She relieved him of his cravat and shirt until she had access to his hard muscles.

  He discarded his trousers, and her dress joined the pile as they made love to each other with fulfilment of each other fantasies.

  That evening the newlyweds went to the theatre where Darcy had a private box. As they were watching the play, Darcy glanced over at his wife. He could not resist reaching out to touch her. First, he brushed a stray hair out of her face. Elizabeth closed her eyes for a moment at the enjoyment of his touch.

  He feathered his fingers along her arm and felt her quiver of anticipation. She turned her face slightly toward him, and she cupped the side of his face in her hand. He rubbed his cheek against the palm of her hand.

  Elizabeth could not conceal the feelings her husband provoked in her. Her thoughts took her down a dangerous path as she felt an increasing desire for her husband.

  “What are you thinking?” Darcy whispered in her ear.

  Elizabeth blushed as she contemplated the revelation of her thoughts, “I do not believe this is the proper time to tell you.”

  Darcy kissed her ear seductively, “If you do not tell me, I shall have to create my own scenario.” He nuzzled her neck as he ran his hand along her curves.

  “Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth giggled softly as her eyes glittered passionately, “This sort of behaviour is highly inappropriate, and I would not recommend following your current path of endeavour.”

  “So what path would you recommend, Mrs. Darcy?” His voice was low and velvety as he ran his hand through her silky hair.

  She moved to sit on his lap and positioned herself against him. She rubbed her cheek against his and ran her fingers through his hair. He moaned in anticipation as he captured her lips under his.

  Darcy was overpowered and overwhelmed. His wife was the most sexy, seductive woman he had ever met. She made his passion surge just looking at him.

  “Is this kind of behaviour more appropriate, my love?” Darcy’s eyes were dark with desire as he enfolded his wife in his arms.

  “Not at all.” Elizabeth answered as she moved her questing hands along his shirt until she found his trousers. Her movements caused her husband to respond with a groan of anticipation.

  “Elizabeth, are you ready to go home?” Darcy asked in a husky voice as he moved his body against hers.

  “Oh yes, Mr. Darcy.” Elizabeth smiled into the darkness, “Anytime you are ready.”

  “I am ready now.” He groaned as he stood and placed her gently on her feet.

  The lights in the theatre came up as their departure coincided with the intermission. The Darcy’s made their way downstairs to the exit. They were slightly dishevelled because of their attentions to each other.

  A voice with tinkling laughter called out, “Mr. Darcy, what a surprise it is to see you here tonight.”

  Elizabeth observed the most immaculate looking woman she had even seen. The lady was a blonde with her hair perfectly coiffed back into an intricate style. Her style of dress was also impeccable

  Elizabeth felt Fitzwilliam’s hand clamp tightly on hers. She could feel the tension coursing through his body.

  “Miss Miller.” Darcy responded politely but Elizabeth sensed a hard edge to his voice and wondered about the reason.

  The woman chose to ignore the presence of Elizabeth, and her voice was full of insincere sweetness, “Mr. Darcy, you remember my mother.” She waved an older woman over, “Mother was just saying the other day we need to invite Mr. Darcy over for dinner.”

  “Mr. Darcy it is wonderful to see you again.” Mrs. Miller’s voice was grating on Darcy’s nerves, “You must have dinner with us as I know how agreeable you have always found my Samantha.”

  Darcy wrapped his arm around Elizabeth’s waist and stated smoothly with pride, “Mrs. Miller, Miss Miller, I do not believe you have met my wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy.”

  “It is nice to meet you both.” Elizabeth’s voice was polite. However, her eyes full of mocking humour. “It is always pleasant to meet friends of my husband.”

  Elizabeth glanced up at Darcy through her lashes and saw he was smiling.

  “You must excuse our appearance,” Darcy stared indulgently at his wife, “We are on our honeymoon and cannot seem to remember the proper decorum when we are in public.” With a grin, he explained, “We were actually just leaving the theatre. My wife and I have an insatiable need for privacy.”

  “You cannot leave so early.” Miss Miller protested, “This is a very good play, I am sure you will enjoy it immensely.”

  “I enjoy my wife’s presence more than anything else.” Darcy guided Elizabeth toward the door, “You must excuse us.”

  The mother and daughter watched in shock as Mr. Darcy left the theatre with his wife.

  Once they were safely in the carriage, Elizabeth asked, “Fitzwilliam, what happened with Miss Miller and her mother?”

  “How do you know something happened with Miss Miller?”

  “I am entitled to some secrets.” Elizabeth arched her eyebrow with a smile as she ran her hand along his thigh.

  Darcy sighed, “I can never refuse you anything.” He closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of his wife’s wandering hand until he took her hand in his and began to speak, “Mrs. Miller was extremely determined to see her daughter married to me, whether I desired the marriage or not. Miss Miller would have done anything to garner my attention. She offered herself to me prior to marriage as an inducement.” A shudder passed through Darcy’s body.

  “She is very lovely.” Elizabeth withdrew her hand and turned to face the window. She closed her eyes as the pain crossed her face.

  Darcy was horrified as he understood what Elizabeth thought, and he took her hand in his. “Elizabeth,” she turned back to him, tears staining her cheeks. His heart lurched into his stomach, “Elizabeth, I never touched Miss Miller nor had any inclination to accept her offer.”

  “Really.” Elizabeth’s eyes lifted as she probed his eyes for the truth.

  Darcy smiled, “In fact, if it were not for the actions of the Millers, I may never have re-thought my beliefs enough to open my heart to you.”

  “Mr. Darcy, you are not making any sense at all.”

  “It will all make sense if you will just let me finish, my darling wife,�
�� Darcy teased her, but he suddenly became serious, “You are aware of the struggles I endured in order to reconcile the feelings of my heart with those of my head.” Elizabeth nodded with a self-deprecating smile, “It was when I contemplated the behaviour of the Millers that my beliefs began to undergo a drastic change. These were people who would be considered to be within my social sphere. Miss Miller would have been acceptable to society as my wife, but her actions were abhorrent to me.” His face softened as love shone like a beacon from his eyes, “I finally truly understood how exquisitely special you were, and I knew I could never let you go.”

  Tears of happiness flowed from Elizabeth’s eyes, “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Mr. Darcy?”

  “I believe I have heard those words from you once or twice, Mrs. Darcy,” Her husband laughed, “But I shall never tire of hearing them.”

  “I love you.” Elizabeth’s voice was soft before Darcy cut off any further discussion with a passionate heart-stopping kiss.

  Mrs. Nelson was not surprised to see Mr. and Mrs. Darcy come home early from the theatre. She sighed as she watched Mr. Darcy carry his wife upstairs. She knew it would not be long before there would be a new Darcy heir.

  Darcy laid his wife back on the covers and moved his hands along the curves of her body. He pressed his body against hers and found her lips. He slipped his tongue between her lips and explored the depths of her mouth. Her fingers quickly dispatched his neckwear and pulled his shirt from the trousers.

  Darcy’s breathing was becoming more ragged as he moved against his wife. Her hands moved under his shirt and around to his back. She ran her hands up his back with her nails lightly raking his back. She heard his intake of breath, and he deepened their kiss until she moaned against his lips.

  Their lovemaking continued long into the night as they were happy to gratify each other’s desires.

  A week into their honeymoon, Elizabeth got a letter from Jane which she read with relish.

  Dear Lizzy,

  I have the most wonderful news. Mr. Bingley has asked me to marry him, and I have agreed. Mama was glad all of her plans for your wedding did not go to waste. We will be married in June. I am the happiest woman in the whole world, except for you and Mr. Darcy of course.


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