Marvels and Misfits

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Marvels and Misfits Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  “My Fae, you are so blasted ugly.” He lifted his right hand from beside my shoulder to poke at my flat stomach with one finger hard enough that a bruise instantly formed—and then disappeared. “Do you even eat, or do you starve yourself?”

  “I don’t eat what you surely have to eat to be as repulsive as you.” My lips pulled back in a disgusted snarl. “Do you munch on the shifters you kill when they challenge you?”

  “No, I kill them and burn their bodies afterward so their loved ones cannot mourn them.” He squinted at my chest. “This cannot be what elves think breasts are supposed to be. How do babes even suckle?”

  “Our children aren’t born the size of monsters. Our children are perfectly proportionate.”

  King Athon still stared at my breasts, his head tilting just so. “So those are normal for an elf?”

  “You’ve seen plenty of elves before. You damned well know they are.”

  “Your mother’s are bigger.”

  “Because she is considered curvy for an elf. Mine are perfectly average.” I flashed my fangs up at him. “And we may have a problem, besides the obvious. If your shifter dick is as horribly large as the rest of you, I don’t even know if it is going to fit in me.”

  The shifter king’s lush lips curved in a rogue smirk. “I can assure you it is bigger.”

  My blink was slow. “I was serious. You may not fit.”

  “I am serious, too.” His head plunged to stare at the apex of my thighs, assessing my body intimately. His white hair flopped right onto my face. “My hips fit between there. That’s on the positive side, I suppose.”

  My face scrunched up as hair slid into my mouth. “Do you mind, King Athon? You might smell amazing right now, but your hair still tastes like hair.”

  He flicked his head back up, and his white hair flew off my face and onto his bare back, only a few wisps of white dangling over his shoulders. “My mind is fuddled right now. I didn’t think this through. I left your bedchamber door open.”

  “You get the door. I’ll get the curtains,” I grumbled, and shoved at his huge shoulders. “Hurry the Fae fuck up so we can get this over with.”

  Both of us barely pulled ourselves to stand on unstable legs. We swayed where we stood and tried to catch our balance first, our hands clutching at each other for support. Our feet hadn’t even moved for our tasks.

  “We aren’t hurrying,” I muttered drunkenly.

  “Elf, the room is damned well spinning,” King Athon griped. “Give me a moment to gather my bearings.”

  I nodded in full agreement. “How did you get here?”

  “Axel flew me.” He shook his head hard, squinting at the door. “I snuck onto the property. No one saw me enter.”

  “If they had, you’d be dead by now. Father would have burned you to a crisp if he saw you anywhere near my castle.” I released his arms and walked on shaking legs to the windows across from my bed. “This is the single most humiliating night of my life. Why did the Fae do this to us?”

  My bedchamber door slammed, and then clicked as he turned the lock. The shifter king answered frankly, “I believe it’s a mistake. Hopefully, one we can’t be punished for.”

  I yanked the curtains closed on my floor to ceiling windows and heaved a tired breath. “I pray that is true. Otherwise, you will have been the last person I screwed. I’d rather not have that as my final thought before I’m killed. Vomiting on oneself during your own execution would be unseemly.”

  I turned back to face the shifter king.

  I gagged a little, even as the sight of him slicked my panties further. “There is something simply not right with you. Have you always looked this way?”

  King Athon snorted and kicked off his black boots, the ties already unbound, like he had thrown them on in a hurry. His thick gray socks went next, flying across my room. “I am considered extremely attractive in my kingdom, and not merely because I am the king. I just am.”

  I stared. “That’s not saying much about your people.”

  The shifter king unbuttoned his white leather pants. “Are you going to get naked or do you want me to rip your bra and underwear off for you?”

  I quickly rid myself of my remaining clothes. “There.”

  His eyes roamed up and down my frame, his gaze flaming with heat from the urge, but his face said it all. He dropped his pants—no underwear—and kicked them somewhere to my right. He snarled, “You are like the gruel my nanny made me every morning when I was young; wholly nauseating and incredibly dull.”

  “The feeling is obviously mutual.” My eyes dropped to his erect cock. “I really don’t think you are going to fit. Do shifter women even find that pleasurable?”

  “Oh, yes. They do.” He snapped his fingers at my bed. “Hop up and let us get this over with.”

  Like drunken fools after a bender, we hobbled over to my bed, zigzagging back and forth, until our bodies slammed into the side of it.

  I rubbed at my stomach and muttered, “Put me up there. I don’t think I can climb right now.” This was absolutely undignified.

  King Athon placed his massive hands on my hips and tossed me on top without care. He pulled himself up onto the mattress and crept between my legs, dipping down to place the tip of his straight nose above my bellybutton and dragging it slowly up my body, inhaling the entire time, capturing my scent. He placed his face in the crook of my neck, still sniffing, until he reached the tip of my pointed ear, his nose brushing it.

  He jerked his head back and hissed like the tiger he was.

  “I haven’t said a Fae damn word about your abnormal ears, so shut up,” I growled.

  I grabbed ahold of his cheeks and pulled his face down to mine, and, somehow, with the urge uncontrollable, only tentatively pressed my lips to his.

  That wasn’t so horrible.

  I tried again, testing the texture of his lips.

  I groaned softly and mumbled, “At least, you have nice lips. With my eyes closed, I can almost pretend you are an elf.”

  His mouth curved against mine into a wicked smile and ground his cock against my soaking, soft wet core. “No elf has a cock this size.”

  “Oh my Fae,” I moaned, and thrust my hips back up against his cock, grinding my clit against his hard length. “You had better fit, or we are going to be useless tomorrow morning, and everyone will know there is something terribly wrong.”

  “To Fairy and back with the consequence. I’d kill you first before anyone finds out about this.” King Athon pressed his mouth harder against mine, done allowing me to test the waters. “So you had better open those skinny thighs as far as you can when I tell you to. My cock will be sliding in your cunt tonight.”

  His lips plundered mine, shoving the back of my head hard into the mattress. I grunted in surprise, but pressed back and ate at his mouth, quickly losing myself in it. Our tongues touched, and his honeysuckle taste and scent detonated inside my brain. The urge fully ignited as we let ourselves go, no longer fighting the call.

  King Athon’s right hand lowered and grabbed onto my left hip, squeezing so hard I broke free of the kiss and dropped my head back on a guttural cry. Solid black eyes stared down into mine as he squeezed again and ground his cock against my wetness at the same time, watching as I shuddered in pleasure.

  “You like pain with your pleasure.” Dusky pearl lips curved into a sensual grin he hadn’t shown me yet. “That is an excellent thing, considering my size to yours. You will, without a doubt, feel pain while I am fucking you, elf.”

  I lifted my hands and yanked his small, golden circular crown off his head, tossing it aside on my bed. I couldn’t look at that. It was just a reminder of what he was. “You had better be able to back up your words, shifter. Show me.”

  King Athon ran a single digit down the center of my chest, his skin the opposite of mine, dark versus light. He dragged his finger down over my quivering stomach to the juncture between my thighs, already slicked wet for him.

  He grunted and held my
heavily lidded gaze, stating, “I will see if you are ready for me.”

  In one swift move, he shoved two of his large fingers up inside my too tight channel. I gasped and jerked beneath him, my back bowing off the bed, my soft breasts brushing against his hard chest. I grabbed onto his bulky biceps the best I could and sucked in a labored breath.

  King Athon had no mercy. He started fucking me hard with his two fingers, those shifter eyes staring into my elven gaze. He demanded, “Fuck my hand, Princess.”

  My cheeks instantly changed from a flushed pink to a molten red as heat burned under my skin, and my eyes rounded in embarrassment.

  He lifted a gradual brow. “I see. You like your partner to set the pace. Is that for everything?”

  My lips pinched. “I suppose.”

  “You are a submissive then.” King Athon hummed low in his throat, his brows puckering low with whatever was running through his mind.

  I slammed a hand down on his wrist between my legs, halting his actions in a mere second. My voice held much warning. “I beg your pardon, King Athon, but I am no submissive female.”

  “In bed, Princess,” he enunciated clearly. “You are a submissive in bed.”

  I wasn’t positive I liked that new term. It sounded…demeaning. And I was no one’s fool.

  He stated further, “You prefer the man to dominate you.”

  Said like that, it sounded even worse.

  “Why don’t we keep your labels out of this,” I offered gradually. “I think this will go a lot faster if we don’t speak to one another.”

  “My labels?” King Athon snapped his mouth shut suddenly at my boiling anger rising to the surface. “Please, I’d love to see you try to hurt me right now. Get it out of your system if you wish. I can already tell you the outcome, though. Would you like to know what it is, Princess?”

  I ground my teeth together and released his wrist.

  “Excellent choice,” King Athon mocked. Ruthlessly, he slammed his two fingers back up into me. He attempted to curl them, but there wasn’t any room inside. “You are still too tight.”

  I spread my legs wider, allowing him more room. “Just put your damned cock in me. I will heal if it is too bad.”

  “I do love the smell of blood.” He licked over his bottom lip, his pink tongue darting out to wet his mouth. The shifter king removed his fingers from inside me to grip his cock and place it at my channel’s entrance. “If you scream and servants come in here, I will kill them. Do you understand?”

  “If you kill them, I will kill you.” I smiled sweetly.

  King Athon snorted. He pressed his hips forward, his jaw tight with disgust, and his eyes ablaze with lust. The shifter king held my hips still with his right hand when I tried to flinch away, giving me exactly what I had asked for.

  I grabbed onto his shoulders, a choked cry passing my parted lips when he jerked his lean hips forward with more power, managing to settle the head of his cock inside me. A bead of sweat dotted his left temple, almost hidden by his flowing, silky white hair. The tiny black beads in the few braids he wore glimmered in the lamp’s light from my nightstand.

  His black brows lowered, his hips slammed forward, and he quickly bent down to capture my scream with his mouth. He possessed my lips with blatant need while he rocked his hips gently back and forth, light strokes, wetting his cock with my juices. The shifter king leaned back up and released my hip to place his right palm directly over my mouth, the only warning I had for what was coming. He powered hard through my channel again and again, without remorse, stifling my screams of pain—and ecstasy—until my pussy completely cradled his cock in a brutally tight fist. Perspiration painted both of our foreheads as we stared at one another with horrified expressions, his breaths heavy pants and mine muffled behind his hand.

  King Athon swallowed heavily, muttering bluntly, “I cannot believe my cock is inside an elf’s cunt. This is a damned low day.”

  “You’re bloody well inside me now,” I growled against his palm. “Finish it.”

  The shifter king kept his hand over my mouth, his fingers digging into the side of my face, and pulled his hips back to throttle his cock hard inside me. His hand over my mouth was an excellent idea, my scream of pleasure and agony muffled to almost nothing.

  He ordered, “Lift your legs further up.”

  I lifted my shaking limbs, his heated flesh blazing against my sensitive inner thighs. I tipped my head back when he slammed into me again, and whispered in reverence, “Oh Fae.”

  The call of the urge was very happy now.

  King Athon ruthlessly fucked me, showing not one ounce of kindness as he pounded into my soft flesh. The disgust fled from his features, and pure pleasure replaced it. He dipped his head down to stare where our bodies continued to meet, and his hair once again fell all over my face.

  I didn’t give one Fae fuck.

  The more I arched my back, the faster he thrust, his oversized cock stretching me in beautiful pain each time, cries of pleasure dragging from deep in my throat to his waiting palm. I released his shoulders and drew the pads of my fingers down his chest, my skin warming and touching everything that I could. I scratched my short nails down his rolling stomach muscles, and then back up, enjoying his soft moan at my cruel touch.

  My mouth opened wide on his next thrust and my fangs sliced through the flesh of his palm, biting his hand hard and closing my eyes with the repeated shoving of my body against the comforter the harder he drove himself inside me. His blood touched my tongue, and I moaned deeply. His blood tasted just like his scent, but only more potent. I was on a honeysuckle hormone high.

  He flipped his head back up, and his hair flew behind him once again, leaving my face tingling in the cool air.

  He ordered sharply, “Open your eyes.”

  My eyes snapped open.

  “Do you like my blood on your tongue?” he asked roughly, rolling his hips slowly, making me feel every single bit of his cock. “Everyone who has ever made me bleed, I have taken their heart from their chest and crushed their Fae-spark to nothing.”

  The taste of his blood didn’t sour in my mouth at his words, but I released my hold on him as a memory smashed into my mind. My brows puckered in suspicion and nausea began to churn in my stomach, despite the urge pushing this on. I shoved his healed hand off my mouth and stared hard into his solid black eyes while he continued to slowly fuck me. I no longer responded to the pleasured pain of our joining.

  His gaze roamed my features. He smirked.

  With his blood coating my lips, I asked directly, “Were you there the night my grandmother Isabella was murdered? Was it you who did the actual killing?”

  “I do enjoy handling business myself,” he stated with cruel pleasure. “But, alas, that was not me. Your grandmother never made me bleed.”

  The urge rushed over my mind when relief ran through my veins, making me shiver with its strength. “Why did you say that then? Are you planning to kill me now?”

  “I have no current plans to kill you, Princess.” King Athon leaned down and licked away his blood staining my lips. He whispered, “But I do like when you scream.”

  My arms wrapped around his shoulders just as he stopped his slow grinds, altering to harsh, brutal thrusts, guaranteed to hit my clit.

  “Oh my Fae, just like that.”

  The shifter king followed my plea.

  “Just like that?” he whispered against my lips.

  “Yes,” I moaned while my stomach clenched.

  I pressed my mouth against his more firmly and drove my tongue into his mouth. His rasping groan buzzed against my lips as he tipped his head to the side. His hot tongue met mine in a warm, leisurely caress, unlike the hard pounding down below, where he filled me again and again and again, unrelenting, and mind-blowing. The wet slap of our bodies connecting curled my toes from the titillation, the hard beat naughty and dirty and depraved.

  I ran my fingers up the back of his neck and up into his hair, clenching fistful
s to trap him close lest he decided to end the kiss any faster than I wished.

  A ‘submissive’ I was not right now.

  I hooked my heels under the bottom of his muscled ass and shoved him to move harder and harder.

  “More?” he breathlessly questioned as he tilted his head the other way, licking the corner of my mouth.

  “Fae yes. Give me more.”

  King Athon’s own hands slid behind my head and yanked my hair brutally, jerking my head back, and baring my throat. His killer hands held me immobile, painfully so, and his blunt teeth started nibbling at my jaw and traveling down to my throat. Harsh, punishing bites closed in on my tender flesh until he opened his mouth wide and bit the entire side of my neck, holding me hostage—with his hands, his fierce mouth, his heavy body, and his thrusting cock.

  I groaned, “Yes.”

  The shifter king held onto my neck with his deadly teeth. Tiny grunts of need vibrated in his throat, his admissions of pleasure flourishing with each fierce drive of his hips against mine. He released one hand from my hair and slid it down my side. The shifter king grabbed one of my legs to hook over his arm, opening me up further so he could get deeper where he wanted.

  It was also my spot far inside that he was hitting like he already knew my body personally. He groaned softly against my neck, but bit me even harder, drawing blood to the surface. He released his hold on my neck to leisurely lick away every little drop of crimson that he’d caused.

  My body began to tighten underneath his, and my legs started to tremble. My quick panting breaths were all I could do to suck in oxygen. I groaned and pressed my pelvis harder against his, and he swiftly altered his drives to grind against my clit and pump his dick so far into me that I screamed his name.

  King Athon sealed his mouth over mine, silencing my shout, the tip of his tongue tracing the very edges of my lips. The shifter king rubbed, rubbed, rubbed at my clit, pulling me even closer to that beautiful peak of falling from existence into pure ecstasy. He held me even closer, tighter, and brutally, not letting go while his own body began to tense over me.


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