I'll Be There

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by E. L. Todd

  I’ll Be There

  Book Forty of The Forever and Ever Series

  E. L. Todd

  Chapter One


  I finished a call with our main supplier in California then wrote a few emails before my phone vibrated on the desk. Now that I was doing pretty much everything at the company I was juggling a million things at once.

  I glanced at my phone and stilled when I saw Georgia’s name.

  Want to get lunch?

  A smile stretched my lips. Not really.

  Ouch, that was cold.

  Why don’t we skip the lunch and just head to my place? There was only one thing I wanted from her and I didn’t beat around the bush. Besides, she was married so I doubt she wanted to be seen in public with me.

  As appealing as that sounds, a girl’s gotta eat.

  Fine, I’ll buy you lunch. But you need to come over when I get off work.

  That sounds like a reasonable compromise.

  See you soon. I shoved my phone into my pocket then walked out of my office. Dad and Sean were already out to lunch so I headed to Skye’s office to see if she was there.

  When I opened the door I saw her slouching at the desk. Her face was pale and she looked distraught. She blankly stared at her computer screen and didn’t type a word. Even though I was standing there she didn’t even notice.

  “Hey, I’m about to head to lunch…”

  She slowly turned my way, indifference on her face. “Oh…have fun.”

  I was really worried about her. We were much closer than we used to be and I didn’t like seeing her like this. “Want to come?”

  “Not hungry…”

  “How about I bring you back something?”

  She shook her head.

  I knew she was going through a hard time because Cayson left her and never looked back. It would be devastating to anyone. I didn’t have a lot of advice to give but I thought I should say something.

  I lowered myself into the seat across from her. “If Cayson won’t take you back over this then he obviously doesn’t love you as much as he claimed.”

  She turned to me but she didn’t react in any way.

  “Forget about him, Skye. We all make mistakes and we need to forgive each other for it. If he can’t get over it, that’s his problem.”

  She released a sigh.

  “I know you love him and everything but…relationships just don’t work.”

  She fidgeted with a pen on her desk.

  “I just don’t like seeing you like this, especially when Cayson doesn’t deserve your sadness. He’s hurting you and he knows it. Don’t let him.”

  “Conrad…don’t worry about me.”

  I knew I would never get through to her. “Text me if you change your mind and want something.”

  She stared at her computer screen.

  Knowing there was nothing I could do, I walked out.


  I approached the restaurant and saw Georgia standing outside. She wore denim skinny jeans with nude pumps and a champagne blouse. A white blazer was over her shoulders and a gold necklace hung from her neck. I noticed the wedding ring on her finger. Last time she wasn’t wearing it. Maybe she forgot to take it off.

  When she saw me, a seductive grin stretched her face.

  “Hey, beautiful.” My hands circled her petite waist when I reached her. Her blouse was soft as silk, and my hands immediately moved underneath to feel her bare skin.

  “Hello, sexy.”

  “I like that nickname.” I gave her a kiss that started off slow but quickly became purely sexual. My tongue danced with hers and I felt my dick grow hard in my slacks. I pulled away when my appetite completely disappeared and I just wanted to get down and dirty. “So, shall we?”

  She had a dreamy look in her eyes like that kiss was everything she wanted it to be. “We shall.”

  I opened the door for her then headed to a table in the center of the restaurant. She sat across from me then placed her clutch on the table. Her wedding ring had an enormous rock in the center along with smaller diamonds in the band. Since I bought an engagement ring myself once upon a time, I could tell it was one of the most expensive rings I’d ever seen.

  I handed her a menu then browsed through the selections. “I think I’m going to get a salad.”

  “That must be all you eat to look like that—and a ton of meat.”

  “And you must eat nothing at all to look like that.” Our relationship was the most superficial one I’d ever been in but I liked it that way. There were no feelings or attachments. It was purely physical, which worked out perfectly for both of us.

  She smiled then brushed her leg against mine under the table.

  “Had work today?”

  “Re-takes and touch-ups,” she said. “Then I spent the next three hours with my personal trainer.”

  “Three hours?” Damn, that was brutal.

  “We do a lot of cardio and strengthening exercises. It sucks at the time but I always feel good about myself when I walk out of there.”

  “All your hard work shows.”

  The waiter took our order then disappeared with the menus. Georgia and I returned to making eyes at each other across the table. Since she wore her wedding ring she must assume that I already knew she’d taken a husband.

  “What does your husband do?” I figured it was safe to mention him. I couldn’t care less about her infidelity.

  “He’s an agent.”

  “What kind?”

  “An acting agent,” she said. “He works all the time and is always on set. He lives his life for his clients…” Disapproval was in her voice, like this was a sore subject for her.

  “I’m guessing that’s how you met?”

  “Yeah. He saw me in the park and handed me his card. The rest is history.”

  “That’s sweet.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “It would be much sweeter if he actually came home for dinner and spent time with me.”

  There was definitely bitterness there. “You don’t sound happy.”

  “He’s married to one of the most famous models in the world and it doesn’t seem like he gives a damn.”

  I shrugged. “Men live for work. I hate to put it that way.”

  “Well, then he shouldn’t have married me at all.”

  “You could divorce him.”

  She shook her head. “That would be an uphill battle. He would never let me leave. He’s possessive of me but he doesn’t appreciate me.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s the biggest orthodox I’ve ever heard of.”

  “Well, for what it’s worth I think he’s an idiot.”

  That smile returned. “Well, thank you. If he doesn’t pay attention to me I’m sure you will.”

  “I love paying attention to you.” My hand moved to hers on the table. “Especially at my place.”

  Her fingers played with mine. “I’m off work at six.”

  “And I’m done with the gym at six. The stars have aligned.”

  “Good…because I want a second round. You know what you’re doing.”

  “Because I’ve done it a lot.” My thumb brushed over her knuckles.

  “Do you have a girlfriend, Conrad?” She leaned forward like she was eager for my answer.

  “No.” I released a forceful laugh. “I don’t do the girlfriend thing.”

  “You don’t?” She seemed genuinely surprised.


  “Why not?”

  This was dangerous territory and I didn’t want to discuss it. It got under my skin in a very bad way. “I just don’t. Why do you get married then cheat on your husband?”

  A small amount of offense moved into her eyes. She leaned back into her chair and put more distance bet
ween us. Judging the darkness that just entered her eyes she didn’t care for my words. “Sore subject I see…”

  I sipped my water because I didn’t know what else to do. “Sorry I snapped. I just don’t like talking about that kind of stuff.”

  “I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “Well, some things are better left unsaid. I won’t ask you about your marriage and you don’t ask me about my commitment issues. Fair enough?”

  She sighed like that might be too difficult for her. “Okay…”

  Good thing that tense moment was over.

  But just when I thought the worst had passed, something else came along. Two men approached my table, both wearing suits. When I got a clear look at them I realized I knew exactly whom they were.


  Sean and Dad both stared at me, their faces indecipherable. They had similarities to each other, but they were each their own man. But now they looked like twins with matching pissed faces.

  Georgia raised an eyebrow while she stared at them.

  I admit they were ominous, just leaning over the table like that. “What’s up, guys?”

  “Just got lunch and spotted you over here.” Dad kept his voice polite but it was clear he was ticked. “Thought we would stop by and say hi.”

  “I see you all day at work,” I said. “We don’t need to say hi.”

  Dad ignored the jab because Georgia was present.

  Sean turned to her. “Hello, I’m Sean. Conrad clearly isn’t going to introduce us so I will. I’m his uncle.”

  “Oh…” She nodded. “That’s nice.”

  “And I’m his father.” Dad didn’t shake her hand.

  “This is my…” How should I introduce her? “My friend, Georgia.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Dad gave her a curt nod. It was obvious he didn’t like her, which didn’t make sense because he didn’t know her at all.

  “Well, we’ll let you get back to eating,” Sean said. “We’ll see you back at the office.”

  “Yeah…” Please go.

  Dad gave me a final look that said, “We’ll talk about this later,” before he walked out with his brother.

  When they were gone, Georgia relaxed. “They seemed…nice.”

  “I apologize,” I said. “I know they are intimidating.”

  “They’re always like that?”

  “No, my dad is just mad at me.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s always mad at me.”

  “Do you work with him?”

  “My dad and uncle run the company. When they retire this year, I’ll take it over.”

  “Oh, I see.” She nodded in understanding. “I guess that must be a pain to work with your dad.”

  “It’s not that bad. He’s just been moody lately.”

  “You look a lot like him.”

  That’s all I ever heard from people. “I know.”

  “It’s a compliment. He’s a very attractive man. How old is he?”

  I glared at her. “You want my dad instead of me?”

  “No, not at all,” she said quickly. “Just wondering…is Sean married?”

  I tried not to gag. “Let’s change the subject. Otherwise I won’t eat my lunch.”


  The instant I set foot in my office my dad was on me.

  “Conrad Michael Preston.” He never used my middle name but lately he’d been using it all the time. I didn’t even flinch because I was used to it. “Are you out of your mind?”

  I sat behind my desk like everything was fine. “No…but thanks for asking.”

  He didn’t look amused. “Georgia Price? Seriously?”

  “You know who she is?”

  “She’s one of the most famous people in the world,” he snapped. “Of course I know who she is.”

  “Then the only thing you should be doing is clapping me on the back.”

  His eyes immediately smoldered in a rage. “Conrad, this isn’t funny.”

  “I never said it was funny.”

  “You’re screwing that woman.”

  “Hey, I just said we were friends.”

  “Friends that hold hands?” he asked incredulously. “Friends that make out in front of a restaurant?”

  “Dad, you’re such a perv. Why were you watching?”

  Now he looked like he wanted to break my neck. “I was sitting by the window and don’t ever talk to me like that again. Conrad, this is serious.”

  “No, we’re casual.”

  “I meant the situation,” he said irritably.

  “Dad, I have a personal life. You need to stay out of it and mind your own business.”

  “She’s married, Conrad.”

  Why did my dad have to know everything? “Married or not, I really don’t care.”

  He stepped closer to my desk like he wanted to flip it over. “This woman has a husband and you’re out with her in broad daylight.”

  “I don’t care if she gets caught. And she’s the one who wanted to have lunch.”

  “How would you feel if someone slept with your wife?”

  “I don’t plan on getting married so I don’t have to worry about it.”

  He rubbed his temple like this conversation was giving him a headache. “You’re out of control, Conrad. I know Lexie—”

  “Don’t say her name.” The threat that left my voice surprised even me. “She’s not in our lives anymore so people need to stop mentioning her. You don’t talk about Beatrice anymore so you shouldn’t talk about her either.”

  “Screwing married women isn’t the answer, Conrad.”

  “If she wants to cheat on her husband, that’s not my problem.”

  “It’s morally wrong,” he snapped. “What kind of man are you? You’re supposed to strive for excellence. You’re supposed to respect other people.”

  “Dad, I’m not a superhero. I’m just a guy…”

  “Superhero or not, you need to do the right thing.”

  “Well, I’m sick of doing the right thing. I’m tired of being noble and honest when people undermine me and stab me in the back. People walk all over me and I’m sick of it. People don’t respect me so why should I respect them?”

  Dad’s anger faded but some of it still remained. “We need to rise above that, Conrad.”

  “Why?” I demanded. “Why? Give me one good reason why.”

  “Because the world is a better place when there’s good people in it.”

  “Well, I’m not a good person, I guess. I’m not a cheater and I’m not a liar, but apparently that’s not good enough. I’m not the one breaking wedding vows. Georgia is. So, get off my back.”

  “And what happens when he finds out?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t care. I know I’m not the first boy toy she’s ever had.”

  “He could come after you.”

  I laughed because it was absurd. “I’d like to see him try.”

  “Don’t be so arrogant, Conrad. If you think I’ll protect you, you’re mistaken.”

  “I don’t need anyone, Dad.” Being alone in my own world was much easier.

  “Conrad, you need to—”

  “No, you need to stay out of my business. I listened to you when you told me to go after Lexie and look where that got me. You have no right to dish out advice when it’s nothing but terrible.”

  “Just because—”

  “Seriously, just stop.” I didn’t mean to be such an asshole but I was fed up with him. “Dad, I’m not trying to disrespect you or be a dick to you. But you keep pushing me. I didn’t want to be with Lexie in that way but you convinced me I should. Look where that got me.”

  Dad finally stopped arguing.

  “Everyone thinks I’m having a breakdown but I’m not. I’m just living my life and I’m happy. What I do when I’m off the clock is none of your business, even if you spot me in a restaurant with a model. You need to get off my back and start respecting me. I’m a grown man and I can take c
are of myself.”

  Finally, he was speechless.

  “When are you and Sean leaving anyway? I can command the battlefield.”

  He put his hands in his pockets. “A few more months…”

  They’d been putting it off for over a year now. “Skye and I can hold down the fort. Seriously, you guys are just figureheads at this point.”

  “Sean is worried about Skye.”

  “Well…she’ll get over it. And I’m here. It’s not like she’s alone.”

  “And despite how you feel about it…I’m worried about you.”

  “When have I ever messed up?” I asked seriously. “When has a meeting ever gone badly? When have I ever faltered?”

  “Never.” He held my gaze as he said it.

  “I’m doing a damn perfect job, Dad. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “You know I’m not worried about your work ethic or abilities.”

  “Well, you can worry about me while you’re at home.”

  “I would much rather see you every day.”

  God, he was annoying.

  “You’re right about everything, Conrad—almost everything.” His voice took a different tone, like he was finally taking a step back. “No matter how old you get, I will look after you. As long as I’m alive and breathing, I will always take care of my kids. I know it’s annoying and I know you can’t stand it sometimes but…it’s just how it is. When you have your own children you will understand.”

  I would never have children.

  “I mean well, Conrad. Keep in mind most people don’t have that luxury. You have two parents that love you more than they love themselves.”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, I have, like, ten parents.”

  He chuckled. “Never a bad thing.”

  It seemed like we finally came to some sort of understanding. “So…you’ll get off my back?”

  Dad crossed his arms over his chest and made that face he usually did when he was thinking. “I’ll try…that’s all I can promise you.”

  It was better than nothing.

  “Everyone sorts through their grief in other ways. If that’s what you need to get through this…I can’t stop you. Just be careful, Conrad. If you keep walking down this path it’s going to lead you to trouble. And I’m not going to get you out of it when that happens.”

  “I don’t need anyone to get me out of anything.” I always took care of myself, despite what he thought. I was one of the most powerful men in the country. It would be stupid to mess with me. Soon, I’d be one of the richest men in the world. Then, I’d be untouchable.


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