Deuces Wild Boxed Set

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Deuces Wild Boxed Set Page 53

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  Ryu patted her shoulder on his way past. “I’m sure we’ll find out what’s in there soon enough.”

  Tabitha smirked and stopped typing. “You’ve got that right, I just made those scanners my bitch. Here, guys. I’ve got what we need.”

  Hirotoshi came over to the console. “What did you get from the infrared?”

  Tabitha expanded the scan results to show Hirotoshi and Ryu. “We have warm bodies all over the temple. There’s a group on the upper level. They’re pretty concentrated, but they’re moving between rooms. Since they appear to have freedom of movement around the temple we can assume those are our bad guys. There are also the isolated heat signatures in constant motion around the perimeter and grounds. Those must be the guards. Then it gets weird.”

  “How so?” Hirotoshi asked.

  “There’s a basement level, which is like really deep. All I could get was a rough impression of maybe six people and this large heat source, so there’s someone down there.”

  Ryu scrutinized the image. “It’s too big to be human, so it has to be our Loren.”

  Tabitha nodded. “I think so. Whether the other sources are Stacy and the missing courtesans or just more guards, I can’t tell without Achronyx to assist.”

  Hirotoshi and Ryu regarded the image onscreen for a long minute, then Hirotoshi nodded to Tabitha. “Either or both is likely.”

  Tabitha asked, “Want to make it interesting?”

  Hirotoshi raised an eyebrow. “These things usually end up being much more interesting for you than they are for Ryu or me.”

  “You can’t go up against all this awesome and expect to come out a winner.” Tabitha laughed as she flounced out of the armory and made her way to the drop doors in the cargo bay with Ryu.

  Hirotoshi tightened a final strap and sighed before heading out of the armory after them.

  Tabitha leaned out of the ship to look at the temple below and whooped at the feel of the wind rushing in her face. “You guys ready?”

  Hirotoshi eyed the exit warily. “I am still not certain about using the G-bars without Achronyx to operate them.”

  Tabitha straightened up and made a face at Hirotoshi. “Can you not be so stuffy? We need to get down there quietly and quickly, and we haven’t got Achronyx to help since the Order refused Bethany Anne’s request to make an exception for him.”

  Ryu came to stand by the drop door with his G-bar. “I find that suspicious in the extreme. Why refuse if they have nothing to hide?”

  Tabitha pointed at Ryu. “Exactly. It just confirms that everything we’ve learned about them is true. It doesn’t matter, though. We’ll get to the bottom of this one way or another. Let’s go.” She activated her G-bar as she dropped out of the open door.

  The wind wrapped around Tabitha as she fell, the G-bar slowing her descent into something manageable. Hirotoshi and Ryu were right behind her as they plummeted toward the ground, three streaks of death in the darkening night.

  They landed softly on the temple roof, and Tabitha exchanged her G-bar for her drones.

  Ryu eyed the marble-sized spheres skeptically. Will they work?

  Only one way to find out. She tossed them up into the air, and they went a little way from her before dropping to the roof, inert. Guess not. She shrugged and picked them up again, dropping them back into their pouch before she drew her Jean Dukes and checked it. At least I have something I can rely on.

  Hirotoshi patted the sword at his hip. You can’t get more reliable than cold steel.

  Tabitha snickered. If you say so. I’ll stick with Jean’s best, thanks. She nodded toward the temple roof access, and they padded over in silence.

  Ryu broke the lock on the door with a twist and Tabitha led them into the temple with her Jean Dukes at the ready. They worked their way down into the main complex through the dark corridors, avoiding alerting any of the occupants to their presence just yet.

  Tabitha turned to them when they reached the staircase that went down to the basement level. Just like we planned. Hirotoshi, take out the guards at the top. Ryu deal with the ones on patrol. Then both of you get back here and cover me and whoever I find down there who doesn’t need introducing to Saint Payback while I get them out.

  Ryu grumbled a little about his assignment as he and Hirotoshi peeled off in separate directions

  Tabitha grinned and wiggled her fingers at them. You two have fun now, okay? She moved on silent feet down the stairs into the underground level of the temple.

  She realized she’d been a little hasty in calling it a basement. Deep-rooted vines crept over every carved surface and the frescoed wall of the cavern. The roof was supported by a double row of elaborate pillars that created an imposing avenue to the other end of the vaulted space, where a green-blue pool lay in front of what looked to be an altar. You guys should see this, she murmured over her mental link to the Tontos. You’re going to love what they’ve done with the place.

  Little busy, Hirotoshi replied tersely.

  Need a hand? Ryu asked. I’ve got two here that are doing nothing.

  That would be good.

  Are you okay? Tabitha asked. I can come up there if you need me.

  No, Kemosabe. You have more important work. Hirotoshi grunted, Tabitha recognized the noise as his exhale on a downswing.

  I’m with him now, Ryu assured her. Go rescue Stacy and the sexy tentacle alien.

  Tabitha snickered. You think the Loren is sexy? I’ll be sure to tell her when I find her.

  Ryu spluttered. That’s not what I meant!

  I know what you meant, she teased. Now finish up what you’re doing and get your asses down here. This place is unbelievable.

  Tabitha’s eye was drawn by a slight movement near the altar and she walked down the center, alert to the possibility of a surprise attack. She reached the altar, but there was no one there. The vines swung lazily behind it.

  “This is creepy,” Tabitha muttered. “Not as creepy as talking to myself. Damn, I miss Achronyx.” She climbed up behind the altar and discovered that the apparent solidity of the back wall was nothing but an optical illusion. She peered around the façade into the dark passage beyond.

  Hey, guys? I’ve found a secret passageway, and I’m pretty sure I saw someone go into it. I’m going to follow and see where it leads.

  We are on our way, Hirotoshi responded. We will find you.

  Tabitha pushed the vines aside and set off down the downward-sloping passage at a light jog. Behind the altar, you’ll see the fake wall. She took note of the rapid decline as she negotiated the twists and turns of the passage and wondered how deep underground she would be at the end of the passage.

  Tabitha grinned as she ran through the darkness. Her enhanced vision meant that the darkness was her ally instead of a hindrance. She was a Nacht, a badass, hot-as-hell creature of the night. Unstoppable in her bodaciousness.

  Nevertheless, it made for a shock when the passage suddenly turned a corner and her night vision was destroyed by the light of a thousand candles.

  She stumbled, shielding her eyes just a moment too late, and fell backward…into Hirotoshi.

  She recovered and grinned at him and Ryu. “Nice of you to join me.”

  Ryu pointed behind her. “Um…”

  Tabitha wheeled around, her Jean Dukes up and ready for— “Stacy?”

  The young woman in question was pressed up against the bars of one of the cells that lined both sides of the room, staring at Tabitha and the Tontos in complete shock. “R-ranger Tabitha?”

  Tabitha rushed over to free her. “The one and only. Let’s get you out of here.” She snapped the lock and pulled the barred door open.

  Stacy tumbled out into Tabitha’s arms. “I’ve never been so glad to see anyone in my life.”

  Tabitha soothed her. “It’s okay, we’ve got you now. Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?”

  Stacy shook her head. “I’m okay, just go and save the others. The monk has them, and the auction for the Loren is due to
start soon. He told me my services would be required by morning.”

  Tabitha grinned. “The others? The courtesans—they’re all here?”

  Stacy nodded. “Yes. Let’s go!” She pulled away from Tabitha and took a few steps before her knees buckled beneath her.

  Tabitha darted forward and caught Stacy before she fell. Stacy shook like a leaf in her arms, and if the dark rings around her eyes were anything to go by she was close to complete exhaustion. Tabitha wasn’t taking her anywhere just yet.

  Tabitha wrapped Stacy’s arm over her shoulder. “Yeah, sweetie, we’re going to find you a place to hide first. Tell me what you know about this place; how many bad guys, what rooms you’ve seen.” She guided her over to a shadowed nook off to the side, and Stacy told Tabitha what she’d seen while she helped her get comfortable.

  Tabitha paused before leaving. “Just stay here until we get back.” She removed one of her backup pistols from her thigh holster and handed it to Stacy. “I’m breaking every rule giving you this, so don’t shoot yourself or us by accident.”

  “I know how to use a gun,” Stacy told her.

  Tabitha nodded and jogged over to where Hirotoshi and Ryu were waiting for her.

  “Did Stacy know anything that could help us?” Hirotoshi asked as they set off walking.

  Tabitha looked around for the passage Stacy had told her led to the monk’s hideout. “She gave me some directions, but they weren’t all that clear. We’re looking for another secret entrance.”

  Hirotoshi found it a few minutes later. Over here, and be silent. I can hear voices.

  K’nthel System, Zaphod, Hidden Temple

  Tabitha crept down the passage with Hirotoshi and Ryu close behind.

  The voices drifted up from below, and as they neared the bottom, they realized that all but one were coming from speakers.

  They hurried to reach the end of the passage, which terminated in a long corridor containing a series of stone archways. They peered around the one they heard the voices from in the absence of drones to assist. The room beyond was filled with technology that shouldn’t have been on Zaphod at all.

  The hooded figure sat at the center of a wide, curved table, surrounded by monitor screens. The soft hum of computer processors was like a balm to Tabitha’s soul. Tabitha scowled at the monk. He’s alone. I can handle one monk, no problem. I can’t see the captives anywhere. He must have them somewhere else.

  They are most likely being held in the nearby rooms, Hirotoshi supplied.

  Probably, Tabitha agreed. How is all of this even working down here?

  The field has been disabled, Ranger Tabitha.

  Tabitha clapped a hand over her mouth to restrain herself from speaking aloud. Achronyx!


  Good to have you back with us, Ryu told him.

  It’s good to be back, however temporarily.

  Tabitha eyed the hooded figure at the desk. Shall we find out who that is and stop the auction?

  The auction has already begun, Achronyx informed her. We are too late to stop it.

  Of course, we are. I don’t know why you would expect things to go so easily. Tabitha stepped back from the archway and considered the problem for a moment. Okay, you guys go and find the Loren. I’ll stay here and make sure you’re not disturbed.

  What do you have in mind? Hirotoshi asked.

  Tabitha withdrew her drones from their pouch, then rolled them in her hand and grinned. Don’t sweat it. I’ll think of something.

  Achronyx, you have no idea how much I missed you. I’ll never complain about your reports again.

  Did you have to break into some stuff yourself?

  Tabitha made a small noise of indignation. And then some. Not that I’m not the best hacker there is, but… I dunno, it’s just more fun when we do these things together.

  I will admit that my enforced seclusion has been rather boring. I’m in, let’s get to work.

  Tabitha smirked as the monk’s computer system displayed in her HUD. Great job. Now, how can we fuck this auction up without any of them realizing we’re playing with them. Ooh, I have an idea.

  Why are you joining the auction? What’s the plan?

  We outbid everyone and let the kidnapping son of a camel-humper think he’s been successful. In the meantime, we, meaning you, backtrack the other bidders and make sizeable donations in their extremely generous names to the Empire’s planetary disaster fund or whatever. That will give Hirotoshi and Ryu enough time to rescue everyone and get them back to the ship.

  Sizeable donations?

  Clean them out, Achronyx. They’re here to buy someone’s life, probably with money earned from the suffering of innocents. Screw them.

  Fair enough. Then what?

  Simple. Then we take whoever is sitting there back to Yoll, and they go on trial. Job done.

  What, no killing spree?

  Not if it’s unnecessary. We’re doing this by the book; no more running around half-assed. For now, let’s concentrate on keeping this auction going and do some good at the same time.

  Forgive me, but that almost sounds like maturity.

  Coming from your snarky self, I’m going to take it as a compliment and move on. She pushed the bid up, and kept pushing it until the other bidders began to drop out. See, my plan is working. How is your end going?

  Teamwork is rather awe-inspiring. So far I’ve made transfers to twenty-seven hundred charitable causes, including the EPDF and the Widows of Merrick Foundation within the Empire, and relief efforts for the poor on each bidder’s home planet.

  Tabitha grinned. I’ll just call you Robin Hood from now on.

  Show me the money.

  Wrong reference, Achronyx.

  I know.

  It was down to Tabitha and one other bidder, and it had turned into a bidding war. Every time Tabitha upped the bid they countered within moments. Tabitha grew frustrated. Why won’t they just quit? It’s a good thing I have no intention of paying.

  I can’t imagine you would survive Bethany Anne receiving a thirty-six million credit bill.

  I know, right? Ugh, another bid. Give up already!

  There was a soft snicker from the monk at the desk.

  Tabitha glanced at the monk. He tapped away at a device between short bursts of activity from the computers on the table. Is he the one bidding against us?

  Hirotoshi and Ryu had searched most of the rooms along the corridor. This part of the temple was less ornate than the rest and less well-maintained. The farther they walked, the older and more dilapidated their surroundings became.

  They paused at the sound of voices from one of the rooms ahead.

  What do you think? Ryu pondered.

  Hirotoshi’s hand moved to his hip. I think we should go and find out who they belong to.

  They glided toward the source of the voices, a group of mercenary-looking types gathered around a table. Hirotoshi took in the situation with a glance. The Loren was in a transparent tank of some sort. There was also a small group of humans and other species in one of the more traditional cells that lined the left-hand side of the room.

  The eight mercenaries were playing a card game and had their backs to the door.

  One of the guards threw his cards down. “I’m out. The boss will be back soon, right? I hate it when he disappears down there for days on end. He always has that weird glaze over his eyes. I tell you, it’s not natural being around so much technology all the time.”

  Another took a card and nodded his agreement. “You got that right, Ludd.”

  Hirotoshi spotted the keys on Ludd’s belt. He caught Ryu’s eye and indicated the keyring with a tiny nod. Ryu nodded in return, and they drew their swords and advanced at vampiric speed.

  It was less than a moment’s work for Hirotoshi and Ryu to relieve the guards of their heads and retrieve the keys. They got to work freeing the grateful captives, being careful not to slip in the spreading puddles of blood.

  Tabitha asked again, Is he the
one bidding against us?

  Achronyx was quiet for a moment. Oh. Um, yes. No idea how I missed that.

  Tabitha shrugged as she tried to figure out what could be done with seventy million credits. Yeah, well, now we know. Does he even have that kind of money?

  He does, Achronyx confirmed. But not for long.

  He definitely has some making up to do. Make sure it goes to a worthy cause, Achronyx. Tabitha snickered at the deliciousness of what they’d pulled off.

  Hirotoshi interrupted her moment. Kemosabe, we have the captives, and we are almost back at the surface.

  Tabitha grinned. That’s the sweet music my ears wanted to hear. Any problems?

  None, Hirotoshi replied. We’ll see you back at the ship.

  You betcha. She cut the link to Hirotoshi and brought her attention back to her present situation. Okay, Achronyx. What we have here is the perfect opportunity to drop out of the auction in the most painful way possible. For him. She closed her link to the auction, effectively ending it.

  The monk at the table stood and let out a moan. His hood fell back, and Tabitha couldn’t contain herself. “Cuthbert?”

  Cuthbert spun and shot at her with the blaster he pulled from his sleeve as he wheeled around.

  Tabitha ducked the spray of rock when his shot went wide and darted forward to restrain the malfeasant monk. She was forced to dive out of the way when he shot at her again.

  She rolled to her feet with her Jean Dukes in her hand, but Cuthbert was nowhere to be seen. “Dammit, where did the little weasel go? Is there another tunnel?”

  He made a run for the stairs as soon as you were distracted. I will be blocked when you leave the room.

  We’re nearly done here. She headed for the door and ran up the stairs two at a time. There was no sign of Cuthbert until she got to the ground floor level.

  She dashed outside, hearing a ship taking off. Guys, where are you? Cuthbert is the one who’s behind all of this, and he’s getting away! She breathed a massive sigh of relief when she heard Hirotoshi’s voice.

  Stay where you are. We’re on our way to pick you up.


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