Owning Victoria (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 2)

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Owning Victoria (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 2) Page 8

by E. C. Land

  Pulling out my phone, I dial Nerd’s number, wanting him to look into a few things.

  “Yo,” he answers on the first ring.

  “You know how annoying that shit is, brother?” I ask. Why he seems to think it’s cool to answer the phone that way, I’ll never know. It’s worse than when someone answers with a ‘yeah’. Annoys the shit out of me.

  “Ever think I might do it to annoy the shit out of you,” he chuckles through the line.

  “Fucker, you can quit that shit,” I mutter as I walk around the house, checking the windows and doors to make sure they're locked. I’m not taking any chances, not after that shit Raven pulled when we first got back from Australia. I still don’t know how she pulled off getting into my house. I want to say one of my brothers gave her the code, but no one will own up to it.

  “Naw, I can’t do that. I love fuckin’ with you too much. Anyway, what do you need?” Of course, the asshole isn’t gonna stop.

  “Has there been any movement with Vi’s parents or that asshole Parker?” I ask, going on to explain the feeling of being watched to him.

  “I haven’t seen anything really out of the normal, but I wouldn’t expect anything less right now with the parents. It’s election year, right, and it looks as if Victoria’s dear old pops is running for senate this time around,” Nerd says. The tapping of keys can be heard in the background.

  “What about Parker?” I demand, he’s the one I’m more concerned with.

  “As of yesterday, everything was good. I’m not finding anything in the dark network out of normal dealing with him. In my opinion, the asshole still needs a bullet in his head for all the bullshit he deals in. I mean fuck I know we deal with guns, but damn peddling kids and women is just fucked up. What happened to the code of honor where you don’t fuck with those weaker than you shit,” Nerd rambles.

  “I’d love nothing more than to put a bullet between the asshole’s eyes. Unfortunately, I can’t right now. Not until he makes a move against Vi. When that happens, all bets are off,” I grumble, wishing I could have already made my play but I’ve also gotta think of the club. We go against Parker Boudreaux, we’ll be going to war with another club who not only protects the evil bastard, but the Inferno’s Clutch MC is not one to be messed with.

  From the information we’ve been able to gather on them, they are worse than the Dragon’s Fire MC ever were. If you traffic it then they handle it. Being right there at the Mississippi River, they have an advantage.

  Shaking my head, I make my way back to the living room to check on Vi. Finding her asleep still, I focus back on Nerd’s rambling on about all the bullshit Parker’s into. We already know everything he deals in so far but Nerd being who he is, can’t let the shit go. He’ll never be able to when it comes to peddling. Only a few people know why, and I cringe at the thought of all the shit he’s been through in his life.

  “Just keep an eye on shit make sure no movements are made without us knowing where Vi’s concerned,” I mutter before disconnecting. I’m sure I’ll get several ranting text messages about the way I hung up on his ass. Nerd is unique in his own right and one thing about him is he hates people who don’t say goodbye.

  Putting my phone in my pocket, I crack the blinds just enough to peak through them.

  “What are you doing?” Vi’s sleepy voice draws my attention from the window.

  Glancing in her direction, I find her sitting up, smiling, as she rakes a hand through her hair to get it out of her face.

  Smiling at her, I step in her direction as she stands. I immediately notice the red dot aimed at her chest.


  I’m on her as quickly as I can, sending her back to the couch just as pain rips through my body.


  Everything becomes a haze as Victoria’s screams fill the room.

  “James, please stay with me. You can’t leave me,” Vi sobs as she rolls me to my side.

  “I love you,” I whisper right before everything goes dark.



  Pressing my hands to Tracker’s chest, I do my best to keep the tears from blinding me as I sob. I can’t lose him.

  “Come on, James, wake up. Stay with me. James, please wake the hell up,” I scream as his blood continues to seep through my fingers.

  I barely recognize the crashing of the door or Neo coming to kneel next to me. “Come on, Vi, let me get to him,” he says gently.

  “No, I’m not moving. I can’t,” I sob, shaking my head vigorously.

  “Babe, I need you to move so I can work on him until the ambulance gets here,” he states as he all but lifts me away from Tracker’s body.

  Not taking my eyes off either of them, I watch as Neo works on Tracker doing his best to keep him alive.

  I don’t know how much time passes before the room is swarmed with police, EMTs, and guys from the club.

  Neo talks to several of the medics as they work together to prep Tracker to move him.

  “Ma’am, can you tell me what happened?” The question draws my attention to the police officer who is gazing down my shirt rather than meeting my eyes.

  “I-I-I don’t know,” I murmur.

  “Can you at least tell me something, maybe why you aren’t hit but he is? Or where the shooter is? Was this an attack from a rival gang?” The officer kept shooting out questions as a sneer forms on his face.

  “Hey, dickhead, back the fuck off and get out,” Blaze growls from behind me. I’d know his rough voice anywhere. Turning around I find him glaring toward the officer. Blaze can be one scary dude and you don’t want to be on his bad side ever.

  “Sir, I suggest you step back and change your attitude,” the dickhead, as Blaze called him, says calmly. Glancing back in his direction, I give him a good look. Scanning his uniform, I find his name badge, ‘Martin’.

  “Listen here motherfucker you’re in here being difficult. You want to ask questions, do it at a later time where you can be respectful. Better yet I’ll be sure to call Markus, and tell him to find someone else,” Blaze snarls.

  The look on the officer’s face would be comical any other time but right now I just wanted him away from me.

  “Come on, Vi, they’re loading Tracker up,” Blaze says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and guides me away from the asshole and out of the house.

  “I don’t know what happened, Blaze. One minute, I was waking up and standing. Next thing I know, Tracker’s throwing me back onto the couch as his body jerks,” I murmur as tears stream down my cheeks.

  “It’s gonna be okay, babe. Tracker’s a fighter, and he’s not about to give up this fight now. Not when he’s got you in his life,” Blaze says gently as my gaze seeks Tracker.

  A sob catches in my throat as I spot him in the back of the ambulance, one of the medics holding an oxygen mask to his face as another checks his vitals. Neo was with them as well assisting in keeping Tracker alive.

  Right before they closed the back door, I hear the one medic yell out, “We’re losing him.”

  Blaze’s arms wrap around me as he keeps me from falling to the ground when my knees give out and I collapse. “Fuck, babe, come on. Let’s go. It’s all going to be okay,” he mutters.

  “It’s not. He’s gone,” I scream out as I clutch at his arm.

  “He’s not ,Vi. He’s fighting. Let’s get going. I’ll call Raven to meet us there,” he says, lifting me into his arms as he makes his way to Tracker's truck.

  Everything seems to blur together as time passes. I barely register the ride to the hospital or even stepping through the ER doors. All I can see in front of me is Tracker laying there bleeding out.

  Closing my eyes, I tilt my head to the ceiling.

  Why are you doing this to me? To us? What have we ever done to deserve any of this?

  “Vicky!” Raven yelling my name brings me back down to earth.

  When I meet her gaze, I know what she wants me to do. What I need to do.

bsp; Tracker’s gone. There’s no way he survived the type of gunshot he received. It was too close to his heart. Shit, it probably did hit his heart what do I know. I’m not a doctor or nurse.

  “Turn it off, babe,” Raven whispers as she leans in to hug me. “You can get through this. Just flip the switch, just for a little while.”

  “He’s gone, isn’t he?” I ask what I already know.

  “We don’t know that, Vick. They have him in surgery right now. Harlow is in there with him assisting in the surgery right now with Doctor Torrez,” Raven murmurs as she pulls back enough to meet my gaze.

  It should give me comfort to know Raven’s sister is with Tracker right now, but it doesn’t. Nothing will be the same again.

  “Just shut it down, babe. You know your mind can’t take the overload,” Raven murmurs and I know she’s right.

  Emotions make a person weak.

  Closing my eyes, I imagine a box that I can shove all my emotions into leaving them there for a later time. In my mind’s eye, I close the box, sealing it shut.

  I hope it won’t be forever but for now I can’t deal with these emotions knowing the one person I love the most is most likely never going to open his eyes again.

  As I open my eyes, I meet Raven’s gaze and she knows I’ve done it. Giving me a sad smile, she nods her head and steps back. “Breathe and do what you need to do,” she says before turning to speak with Blaze who is staring over Raven’s shoulder toward me.

  Glancing around the room I notice most of the men from the club are here standing close to me as they wait as well for word on Tracker.

  Needing space to think I stand and make my way to the bathroom. I know I won’t be able to merely walk out of the door without someone with me.

  As I pass Raven she mouths, ‘I’ll meet you later.’ She knows how I’m going to get my space. I mean she did teach me everything I know.

  Giving her a slight nod before heading into the bathroom. Soon as the door closes behind me, I scan the room to find the best way to get up to the ceiling and remove a tile. Figuring out my options, I realize it will have to be climbing over the back of one of the toilets up to the top of one of the stall walls.

  Sighing I step into one of the stalls thankful the bathroom is empty of anyone else. Locking the stall door I climb up to the back of the toilet and heft myself up to the top of the stall walls. Careful so that I don’t fall and hurt the one thing I have left in this world.

  Mine and Tracker’s baby. Our baby boy.

  For him and his father I will make whoever did this pay. They will not get away with killing the only person I’ve ever loved.

  My mind goes blank of any other thought as I make my way into the crawl space, being careful to stick to the metal beams so that I don’t end up falling through into another room.

  As I make my way I follow the ventilation until I get to what I’m looking for.

  My exit out of here.

  Sitting on the beam, I brace myself enough to lift my leg and kick the manhole cover open and crawl through.

  The moment I step through the small hole I take a deep breath and tilt my head to the sky.

  “It’s time to end this once and for all. No one fucks with my family and gets away with it. I’ll find you,” I whisper into the air.

  Time to go home and face those who dare take from me. Everyone may think I’m weak because I’m a woman but what they don’t know is who I really am.

  Not even Tracker knew.

  After this they all will. I’ve only had to be this person a handful of times and now she’s here to stay.

  I’m not called Silent Night for nothing.



  I’d been on the phone with Neo when it happened. I swear, I’d heard Victoria’s screams through the phone and my heart stopped, knowing something had happened to my brother.

  I immediately jumped off the stool and rushed out of the clubhouse, ordering all my brothers to follow me as I headed for my bike. My gut tightened the entire way to Tracker’s. Nothing can happen to him. He's not just my brother but my best friend.

  Running into his house, I felt my world falling around me.

  I’m not one for crying and all that bullshit but seeing my brother laying there I wanted to do nothing more than fall to my knees. But instead, I sucked in a deep breath and went to take care of my brother’s ol’ lady as some prick shot off at the mouth with fucked up questions.

  If I could have put a bullet in his head right then I would have done it without hesitation.

  Getting Victoria to the hospital was a pain in itself. I’m not one for dealing with women and if it were anyone other than her, Rachel, or Momma B, I’d have gladly said fuck you, you’re on your own.

  Those three are the only ones I have respect for. Not even Raven has that from me. Sure, she’s a great fuck and can make me want to pull my hair out, but respect is earned the same way trust is.

  I’d been right to call her when we got to the hospital. Watching as she speaks quietly to Victoria, I wonder what she’s saying. The way Victoria closes her eyes for long moments only to open them and they almost seem dead.


  What the hell? I’ve never seen a woman with such cold eyes. Not even my ex-wife.

  I keep my focus on Victoria as Raven comes over to me.

  “Vicky will be okay,” she murmurs.

  “You sure about that?” I ask, glancing at her before focusing back on my brother’s ol’ lady as she gets up and starts for the bathroom.

  “Yeah, Blaze, she’ll be okay. Give her a minute to gather herself,” Raven says as she touches my arm. I don’t miss what she mouths to Victoria, but right now, I don’t have time to deal with it.

  “Alright I need to call Stoney,” I announce as I back away from Raven’s touch. Something about her fucks with my head and I don’t need that shit.

  Not right now.

  Or ever.

  I’ve had my fill of women causing my life to be fucked up. I’m not about to deal with any more.

  As I make my way to the exit, I stop next to Shadow. “Keep an eye on Raven and Victoria when she comes out of the bathroom,” I order.

  “You got it,” he says as he stiffens.

  “Thanks, I’m gonna go call Stoney,” I say before continuing out the door.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I reach into the inside pocket of my cut and grab my cigs. Grabbing one, I put the thing in my mouth and lit it. As I find Stoney’s number, I take a deep breath and touch the little phone on the screen. Lifting the phone to my ear I wait for my Prez to answer the call. When he doesn’t answer the first time, I dial his back up phone.

  “This better be important,” Stoney growls through the line and I can hear Rachel giggle.

  “Tracker’s been shot,” I say getting straight to the point.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” he snaps, and I know I’ve got his full attention.

  “Tracker was shot this evening we’re at the hospital. No news yet but it’s not looking good. Fuck Prez the shot him in the back,” I rasp.

  “How the hell did this happen?” he asks, rustling in the background I’m betting he’s getting ready to ride.

  “Don’t know all the details yet, but he’d had Neo stationed outside his house. Said he had a bad feeling. Bullet came through the window someone was attempting an assassination. I’m betting their target was Victoria and Tracker took the bullet to save her and the kid’s life,” I growl becoming more pissed by the minute as I picture all the blood covering my brother's body.

  “I’ll be there soon as I can. I’m calling lockdown until we get this shit taken care of. I’m over the bullshit. Between all the shit that’s happened so far, I refuse to deal with any more fucking people in our club getting hurt. Get Nerd on the computer. I want updates as soon as I get there. I’m sure Vi and everyone won’t want to leave the hospital but get everyone else to the clubhouse. Whoever shot Tracker has called for a war I won�
��t back down from,” Stoney says venomously.

  “You got it Prez,” I say, disconnecting.

  Putting my phone back in my pocket, I head back into the waiting room. Glancing around the room I find Raven sitting by herself. Furrowing my brow, I make my way toward her as I scan the room for Victoria. I spot Shadow stepping out of the bathroom.

  Meeting his furious stare, I know something isn’t right.

  Grabbing Raven by the arm, I yank her out of her seat. “Where the fuck did she go?” I snarl in her face.

  “Baby don’t try that voice with me,” Raven says calmly. Almost too calmly.

  “You best start talking Raven,” I snarl, grabbing her chin, so her eyes are on mine.

  “She’s doing what she does best,” Raven smiles.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Shadow snaps.

  “Means the night is about to go silent,” Raven states, jerking her chin from my grip.

  “Explain and quit with the cryptic bullshit” I grind out through clenched teeth.

  Blanching Raven does something unexpected. One minute I’m holding her arm tightly in my hand, the next Raven is not only out of my hold but holding a gun to my chest. “Don’t think you can order me around, asshole. I may have let you fuck me but I’m no dumb bitch like you’re used to. I’ve already told you all you need to know about Vicky right now. Just know that I’ll have her back and to Tracker soon as the job is done,” Raven hisses.

  “Raven I suggest you put that fuckin’ gun away and explain babe,” I growl as I take a step toward her. She might be holding a gun at me, but I know she won’t shoot me. I can see it in her eyes.

  “I don’t have time for explanations. I’ve already wasted enough time,” she snaps.

  “I’m not lettin' you leave until you tell me what the hell's going on,” I roar.

  “I can’t tell you but what I can tell you is Vicky has locked her emotions down. She won’t unlock them until Tracker’s okay,” Raven says before doing the unthinkable. The little bitch turns and walks away like nothing is wrong.


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