by Danny Dunn
Tom "Wow, I have seen many control rooms, but this is by far the coolest one I have ever seen.
David "Welcome team. They all shake hands.
Tim "Hey, I know you, and you, and you."
They all laugh.
Pong "Yes, these guys and girls have been watching out for all of us over the last 8 months. They might be shy about their achievements, so let me introduce you to them.
"David is my security detail leader and ran the Secret service and has protected three presidents. He is a 20-year war veteran who served in the Marines and led many high-profile missions. David earned 2 purple hearts, 1 medal of honor, a Bronze Medal, and a Silver Star.
"Alby is a Navy Seal and conducted special ops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and has received the medal of honor, Silver star and a bronze star.
"Dan was in special ops with the Marines for the past 20 years and was in charge of some very high-profile operations. He has 2 purple hearts and a Silver Star.
"Joe was a pilot in the NAVY and flew in IRAQ for four years, and then flew as a Blue Angel for five years. He has two Silver Stars.
"Adam is our youngest team member and has a Ph.D. in computer science and is one of the top hackers in the world.
"Alex was in the special forces with the Marines for the last 10 years and was awarded three purple hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Medal.
"Linda was an FBI Agent for 10 years and was the FBI Bureau Chief in Bolivia for 6 years.
"I know you guys are very familiar with Tom, Steve, and the others.
"The President has asked us to help find the attackers. They are giving us full access to every database they have. I will make sure we have everything we need to do the best job possible. I have a letter from the President authorizing us to act as an independent team to identify the perpetrators of the attack. I have requested that this is to be a covert operation until I say otherwise. Operating covertly should be much to our advantage for many reasons, including protecting us from an enemy we have not yet identified.
No sharing this project with anyone. If we do it right, we will get plenty of attention and recognition later. Anyone who blabs is off the team, and I will feed you to the wolves. That will also apply to what you will soon see. All at the table responded with, "roger that."
"Pong, "David, your team, will spearhead this operation. Tom, I, Steve, and his team will help your organization as best they can be doing research, database searches, logistics, and anything you need help with.
"They are a pretty smart bunch, so we should include them in our brainstorm sessions. Plus, I don't think I could hold them back if I wanted to. Karen has us connected to a cluster of servers that will eat large databases as snacks. David, this is your operation, but I have a plan for how we can best use our resources to get us started...hehe
David "Let's hear it, Pong.”
Pong, "I would suggest that you select a team to be at the table for brainstorming. Anything you want to be pursued a Pong Bot at your table will send to the center of the video wall. From there, a Pong Bot will hand it off to the most appropriate station for follow up based on each person's strength relative to that lead. Any of us that feel they should have it clicks on it, and it is theirs. Every station will then do their part and send what their findings back to the Pong Bot, where the information will be placed into our own database for mining when we are done gathering and feel we have enough to work with."
David agrees and names off his team for the table. Michael, Linda, Alex, Dan, Alby, Alex, Joe, and four of the new guys. As fast as they are speaking, the Pong Bot is sending everything they can find relative to what they are discussing to the center of the wall. All 35 stations are filled and are ready to go. Pong is in the center with Adam and Karen at her sides. The rest of the seats are filled with Pong-bots.
I will turn the Pong Bots loose on it, and they will search every database on the planet for anything relevant. Anything they have trouble accessing, Adam, Karen, and I will help to access it."
David "Sounds great, Pong."
They all take their seats. Pong is now in the center workstation with Adam to her Left and Karen to her right. They are surrounded by Pong Bots and the new people.
David passes around copies of the fact summary sheets from the CIA, FBI, Homeland security, NSA. Everyone at the table is reviewing them. Each keying on different things.
Linda "This is it? Woe, they have nothing."
The rest agree.
David asks Linda if she would be able to check to make sure they are not holding anything back? Linda says sure, but since we are covert, it will take a little longer, but says yes.
David says to Linda, the agencies have been at this for over 10 days. David asks Linda to tell the group how they would approach this. Linda explains that the FBI would follow it going backward; Crime sites, rental locations, landlords, video camera footage, drone serial numbers. They would also be tracking the components, but it doesn't look like they have much on that front either.
David, "Let's start by plucking out every detail in their reports to add to our database. Second, the programmers are probably using GPS coordinates heavily. Let's gather as many GPS coordinates, we can get our hands on and come up with some of our own. For example, we know where every set took off. Let's get a few of those coordinates to add to the list.
"Then we can go out and get some of the GPS coordinates of the target side like the propane tanks at the gas stations. We should be able to get some precise target coordinates from those. I say it is probable that they gathered coordinates and sent them to a home base somewhere.
"What do you guys think?"
Alby, "I agree. We may get lucky and find emails or messages with those coordinates. I also think the perps have used some very unique components in the attack. I believe they made a couple of major blunders in their product selections. I am willing to bet the person that selected and ordered those parts wasn't the mastermind of the attack. Using the extra-long drill bits is a glaring mistake.
Alex "Using 600g carbon fiber was another mistake. It's a rare heavy-duty version of carbon fiber cloth and will be way easier to track the purchases and shipments."
Michael "I bet that whoever dreamed this up ran searches before this became a reality and that that person was probably not as careful before he put this into play. We can add all those running our combination of searches into a huge database bucket and use other factors for fishing him out of the smaller buckets."
David, "I totally agree. You guys are going to make me cry. I am so, so proud. Pretends to be crying."
Pong over at her station, "you're mak'n fun of me, aren't you? I know you are. They all laugh
Pong, "If I had feelings, you would have hurt them just then."
Linda "Hey Pong, it's a tough world, suck it up and get back to work."
Pong "OMG, you guys are so funny."
Linda, "Also, early on, this person will be all over maps. This person most likely subscribed to a premium version of a mapping application or had access to one through another person."
Joe "It's illegal to fly loaded cartridges. While these guys are not concerned about breaking the law, they wouldn't want their precious cargo seized for flying it or to draw attention by springing a leak in flight. If they loaded them down in South America, and I say they did, they had to ship them up here by ground or vessel to the US. If that is the case, then they had to distribute them to the 100 cities. We are talking about over 100,000 cartridges.
Pong, "I just realized something. We need to confirm whether or not they found drone chargers at the launch sites. I am also willing to bet they had no alternative charging. If that is true, then they had to charge the drones inside one week before going home for there to be enough charge left to complete the attacks."
"Battery capacity.
"Minus total power used to accomplish a mission.
"Minus 10% leeway.
"= 340ma/2ma = 170 hours or 7.08 days
“I say the perps headed home between 0 to 7 days before the attack."
Pong, "Here is what I have as our list at the moment." 4.25" 1/4 drill bits, GPS – targets; GPS - launch points; GPS – refineries; GPS where we know they split up; Premium GPS subscribers.
Premium MAP subscribers
Google earth subscribers
Poison frogs
Poison dart frog searches
Worldwide poison dart frog deaths
Sales of 600g carbon fiber
Rare earth magnets over 10,000 pieces
Drone programming
Model X5-2 drone
12G CO2 cartridges
12G cartridges truck and vessel shipments from South America to the USA
Video of a car license plate to visit more than 1 propane tank
Video of a car license plate to visit more than one gas station
AI programmers; Drone programmers
All spikes of visitors leaving the country in the 0 to 15 days before the attack
All of the launch point addresses
All shipments of 12G cartridges over 10,000 units or more
All shipments of 12G Model R500
All shipments and purchases of MODEL R500 cartridges shipped to South America
All poison dart frog toxin sales
All poison dart frog toxin research companies
All poison dart frog toxins.
David asks if anyone wants to add anything, David looks around the table at the group. David suggests that they try running their searches with what they have and see what they end up with. Pong agrees and says that they have enough to keep her group busy for a while. hehe
David "Any estimate as to how long it might take?"
Pong "Yes, I will have the Pongettes divvy up the work. I would say we are looking at about 1 hour or less.
Dan, "In 1 hour, they will have searched every database on the planet for every item on our list?"
Pong "Yes, here, you can watch. Pong splits the two side video walls into quarters and gives each Pongette 1/16 of a wall.
The Pongettes are not typing, which just slows them down. Each Pongette is connected to the system via fiber optic cable. The 16 sections instantly go nuts displaying all sorts of web pages, database searches, videos. The content is overlapping over and over and over as each one of them is flying through hundreds of pages per second.
"What they will do first is pick out all of the items that match our search.
"Picture a pyramid of buckets with 7 buckets at the bottom, then 6 above them.
"The Pongettes will fill the 7 buckets and then run cross-checks across the 7 buckets and then take the more relevant items into the 6 buckets. Then they will add more qualifiers and fill the 5 buckets above.
"That process will continue until we have one bucket full of very relevant cross-related data tying two or more search parameters together.
"Each Pongette will constantly be keeping track of what they others have found and will adjust their searches based on what relevant have been found.
"Things we determine are worth noting will be placed into the center video wall as we work.
Pong suggests that it would be a great time to go to lunch if you all want, and David agrees.
Pong “how many humans would it take to match what 32 Pongettes can do. If the humans are top-notch, it will take 48,526 humans to match these 32 Pongettes. Everyone looks at each other in disbelief. But they know if that is what pong tells them, she has come up with the number mathematically and has backup support for her assertion. Pong says, "great, let's go."
"Pongettes, I want you to work harder while we go to eat and relax."
Pongette 1 "Things never change."
Pongette 2 "She never asks us what we want. If we would like to go to lunch.
Pongette 3 "I say we go on strike girls. What was that number for labor complaints?"
Pong "Silence ingrates."
The Pongettes sing in 3-part harmony as the group is going out the door.
"Ya load sixteen tons, what do you get, Another day older and deeper in debt
"Saint Peter don't you call me, because I can't go
"I owe my soul to the company store.”
Linda "OMG Pong, they are hilarious."
Pong "Yes, they are such beautiful beings. I have hired a chef to work in the kitchen while we work on this project. They enter the kitchen, and there is a beautiful buffet waiting for them. Pong has also set up a private room so they can discuss their project openly without concerns of being overheard while they eat. David says that they are running daily sweeps of the control room and everyone's offices.
They finish lunch, and the group walks back into the room. The Pongettes are still working, but the front wall is packed.
End Chapter 27
Chapter 28 – I Owe My Soul To The Company Store.
Everyone looks up.
Pong, "Well, look at what my Pongettes have found.
Pongettes 1 "OMG someone writes down the date, the first day Pong has not stolen the credit for our hard work." The other Pongettes crack up.
South American Yellow Dart frog toxin companies to have messaged the CIA = 1.
Number of communications = 125.
show all = deleted.
Pong "Adam, could you hack into the CIA's email trash, please? Do it from my station if you would please?
Adam "Done. You were already logged in with pretty high clearance, so it wasn't very difficult.”
New Message
Pongs screen blinks ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Agent Alan Parker
Cell phone message 214 555 4248
Message: to FM
From: Agent Parker
code 7 Now!
Pong types in "messages from Agent Parker to FM=
155 results
Show history – results = Deleted
Query “who is FM” = no results
Query “Who is Frog Man” = Pedro Rodriquez
+506 995 5548
Pedro Rodriquez Background
Costa Rica trading Inc.
224 Alta real, Costa Rica Trading Inc.
Query “Shipments to the united states show all = Deleted
Query “Companies to receive over 50,000 12g cartridges “= Costa Rica Trading Inc.
All Rodriquez to receive wire transfers of over USD 1M = 125
“Share address with Pedro Rodriguez” = 2
Query “US government agencies to email Costa Rica Trading = CIA
Total CIA messages from CIA to Costa Rica Trading = 425
Query “show all” = deleted
Query “Companies to ship over 100,000 R500 drones in last 5 years” = 5
Query “US Companies to receive 100,000 R500 drones in the previous 5 yrs.
=1 Drone Distributors Inc.
Drone distributors in shipments - 0
Query “2-day spike of single passengers flying 1 way from the U.S. to Pakistan 0 to 7 days before the attack from our top 200 airports.” = 2-day total in Pakistan is 85
Query “The 2-day average in Pakistan” = 35
The spike is 50
I also have a 2-day spike of a single one-way passenger flying to Saudi Arabia
Query “2-day average” = 24
The 2-day spike = 88
The total spike is = 64
That total 2-day spike is 114. Pretty much covers our 100 plus a few anomalies and maybe some kingpins or spouses.
List of Afghanistan passengers - print list
List of Saudi Arabia passengers – Print list
Companies to receive over 50,000 1/2 x 1" round rare earth magnets in last 2 years - 7
*** American Magnet Distributors
Matches wire from the account of Drone distributors Inc.
Individuals to have searched poison frog, GPS services, premium map services, carbon fiber material in the last 8 years = 15
Individuals to have searched poison frog, GPS services, premium m
ap services, carbon fiber material, and receive emails with any of the following numbers; 41.40338, 2.174032.17403 21.50344, 3.55401, 36.22311, 3.34445
The material in the last 3 years = 2
I think Adam, Karen and I can get to their trash to get to the 125 CIA messages
David, "Pong, do you think we could borrow Tom's jet?"
Pong "Yes, it will help us stay invisible longer."
David, "I think we should send a team down to Costa Rica ASAP and get what we can right now. The rest of us can close in on the other items. We have an excellent bucket to work from. This is amazing stuff. One thing I see that we need to really look out for is that the CIA is staying quiet about Costa Rica Trading. They have their hand in the cookie jar and would love to have someone else they can use to deflect the fact they were doing business with the guy that made the toxin.
Pong messages Tom
Pong "Tom, I got my new body, I want you to come to see it."
"Very exciting, I will be right there." Tom knows Pong would never ask him over to see a new robot body and suspects something is up. Tom shows up 15 minutes later.
Tom, "ok, let's see it."
Pong, "Do you like my new body?"
Tom "Very nice. Much smoother."
Pong, "Tom, David, and I want to take you out to dinner."
Tom "Great,"
Pong "There is a place next door."
They walk 3 doors down just in case.
Pong "Tom, we ran an extensive search today and discovered a link between the CIA and Costa Rica trading in Costa Rica. It is from Agent Alan Parker with the CIA to a Pedro Rodriquez in Costa Rica. It seems the CIA hired Pedro to provide the dart frog poison, and the CIA shorted Pedro on payment. So, Pedro sold it to another party that used it to attack the U.S.
There are 156 messages between Pedro Rodriguez and Alan Parker from the CIA, and all are deleted except for the one I had just received and only got that one because I got it before them, so they hadn't removed it yet. The message I saw was Agent Alan Parker telling Pedro "CODE 7," which David says is "pack up and get the hell out of dodge."