Queen Zaria Trilogy
Page 64
The fly to the larger camps and begin dropping their packets. The three of them are tied in and stand at the rear of the plane and watch as the conveyers turn and feed the food packs out the door the hanging door was removed so the bags could exit smoothly. Z5 experiments in the larger areas with speeding the conveyer up and slowing them down just for testing purposes. They also have a team on the ground measuring the density of the landings and for failed chutes, and so far, there have been no failed chutes. But just in case they are dropping around the population and not directly on it. Zaria 5 had “Peace and Equality for All printed on every parachute and bag.
On the ground, the people are scrambling for food. As planned, the packs are spread out, and everyone is getting one and heading back. Some take two or three, but still, the wasted is zero, and the bullies are unable to get much more than their share as everyone can get away with what they have. The group below is sending the video of the event to the plane, and the 3 of them are delighted with the performance.
We just fed 16,000 people for 10 days, Pong says. Pong looks at Z5 and smiles. Feed the world, she says. Z5 buys a fleet of 110 C17s from the military for a great price of $15M each for a total of $1.5 Billion. Zaria places 10 planes in reserve for repairs so that they can maintain their schedule.
If 100 planes can do 3 flights per day and the 300 flights can drop 16,000 per flight is 4,800,000 packs per day. At 10 pounds per pack, that will provide about 10 days’ worth of meals per pack. That comes to 43 million 200 thousand meals delivered per day. It will take a while to get there, but what a nice goal. Now we need food and carts. Z5, this is so fantastic. Thank you. Not bad for less than a month on the planet. Pong smiles. Ah, please paint the jets white and put Zaria 5 on the underside of the pilot-side wings and a red Cross or the underside of the passenger-side on every plane. And number the planes 1-100. I want everyone to know it is you. I will assign 1,000 bots to you, and you can have whatever you need for this project.
Ah, we are installing parachutes on every plane from now on. I don’t want any casualties delivering food.
They place the order for the 100 planes, 1,200 carts so that there are 12 sets of carts per plane. One set of carts is to be out of delivery, one set is filled, and 10 waiting and one set are being filled. I would like to try a few night-drops to see how those go as well. If the nigh flights work out, then we can run 24/7. Z5 lines up food sources and installs portable grain silos at every base point, so they have a buffer. The press sees the logos on the bags and parachutes, and they want to see the operation. Z5 buys all she can from Z3’s project and buys the rest wholesale from other sources.
The project is in testing with 3 planes in Darfur, and they are running 4 flights per day since their distance back and forth is relatively short. They get a blanket approval from the local Aviation organizations so that they do not have to announce their flights and agree to fly at exactly 1,000 feet, so there are no flight plan conflicts. Z5 intentionally does not announce to anyone when or where they are delivery but have a general schedule to provide food every 8 to 10 days. To each place, they are servicing. So that it is difficult for the bandits, rebels, and bullies to gear up for deliveries.
They do give heads up to the press on a few of their test runs and have the press in planes and on the ground. The program is going extremely well. Every once in a while, a parachute fails to open, but because they are dropping around a site, the likelihood of one hitting someone is extremely low.
Tom’s platform is just killing the competition. Both the democrats and the republicans keep trying to claim they are going to introduce something, but neither party dares to really commit to something as drastic as Tom’s plan, and the voters see that. Some of the reporters followed up on the three bills Will gave out, and there are about 25 senate and congressional incumbents that are getting hammered for these three bills and a whole list of others where they have made a fortune off of insider trading clearly at the expense of the American taxpayers.
As it turned out, the 3 bills will give the press involved senators and congressmen who voted on a bill required spending billions on tax cuts for a handful of large corporations that lowered safety and environment standard that represented major windfalls for those corporations. As soon as the congressmen and Senators knew the bills had enough votes to pass, they, their family, and their friends bought up stock, and all made millions off the deal. While investigating the three bills, Will gave out some of the reporters expanded the story and found dozens of bills where the exact scenario was repeated.
Will, at the most recent press conference, talked about the voting laws and how long lines work in favor of the politicians. He contends that by limiting the number of voters, the politicians can tailor and better control the results. One very obvious practice where this applies is that most of the election contributions come from the rich. If they can discourage the poor from voting through long lines, making registration difficult, disqualifying minority groups, they again can increase their influence of the rich. Tom throws out Austin Texas as one example and shows a map of the districts. As it turns out, Austin is a more liberal metro area. So, what the politicians did was to take a sliced pie approach. By making Austin the center of a very large pie that reaches out to other larger conservative markets, they were able to dilute Austin and thus making the Austin votes tiny pieces of the many much larger pieces of the pie. So, Austin could be 100% for a democratic candidate, and the results could be that Republicans win all the pieces of the pie.
There are dozens of examples of this, and it is not all one side or the other; they are both extremely guilty of this. This is such a perfect example of both parties jumping up and down and pounding their fists that the things Tom is proposing are unconstitutional while they are guilty of this sort of thing. No one has to be a genius to figure out what is better for the people. One person, one vote, should always be the goal. Not how can we configure this so that we win and never mind the effect it has on the people. At every press conference, Tom and Will throw gasoline on the democrats and republics and let the press light the match.
Zaria has a whole team of Pongettes finding gasoline. The Tom for president website grows every day and is full of very specific information that just makes anyone think, “really? That can’t be true.”
Tom’s very simple logic has the incumbents all in a corner. Tom’s logic that until the voting and compensation get fixed, the system is so broken that, anyone promising grand ideas without first implementing Tom’s platform is just making empty promises.
At the company, Pong is struggling with graphene supply and is scrambling to come up with a way to produce her own graphene. They have fulfilled their orders, but she needs to change the formula to fill future orders. They decide to reduce the graphene to electrical traces only and to introduce a new model that is a few pounds heavier but $50,000 cheaper. The market actually prefers it, and it gets Pong out of a pretty severe jam. Pong’s fuser is patented and is enabling her to come up with some very exciting material combinations for other products.
On the island, Zaria 2 has dug most of the tunnels for cavity and the transport routes and is working on the center hub. Based on Zaria’s experience, Z2 puts more energy production on thermal core heat, and wave/tide power and less on solar and wind. But she is using the house and dome designs and is position all the housing above 100-foot elevation, and it builds the houses so that a portion of every house is built into the mountainsides. Zaria 2 tells Pong and Zaria she thinks she is about 2 years and $10 billion from completion.
Tom and Zaria are having a great time. The blowback from the cat getting out of the bag has settled. There is some concern about who leaked it. The timing was such that it had to have gone directly from a person at the picnic to a reporter. They are considering floating a fake story and seeing what happens. There are security concerns, and they ask David to look into it.
Z5 has been running test drops for a couple of weeks and has a drop scheduled
for today. There are members of the press on the plane and on the ground. They are making two Darfur drops for the day. The plane takes off, and all is going smoothly.
They are doing a second drop to one of the areas on their list, and there are about 20,000 people that will be receiving food. The plane takes off at 6:00 am, and they are at the drop point at 7:00 am. The drop goes smoothly. On the ground, the packs are falling all around the camp, and the aircraft has done a nice job of making a circle around the camp, spacing the 16,000 packs pretty evenly.
Many of the reporters have been to food delivery many times and can’t believe how peaceful and fair what they are seeing is. Mothers are easily getting to make their way back with at least one pack, and sometimes people are coming back with 2 or even three packs, but Z5 says they count on that happening and always deliver more food than what is required.
Plus, what they see is that one mother, father, or kid will share what they get with another person. The Pongettes explain that as the people become less hungry and their situation becomes less a matter of life or death, the more generous and kinder they become.
The C 17 is halfway to the base when a rocket is fired at the plane and hits one of the wings. The plane immediately loses all control and is heading down. The plane is only 1,500 feet up, and the Pongette pilot and co-pilot have absolutely zero chance of flying their way out of the situation. The plane radios to the base and tells them they have deployed the parachute and send their GPS coordinates. They report that there will be rebels there when they land and need help asap.
The planes parachute is lowering the plane at about 15 MPH, and everyone braces for the 20-degree front-end landing. Two choppers are immediately dispatched from the base camp, and 200 drones are dispatched from the plane. The choppers are 45 minutes away from them. At Pong’s control room, the Pongettes go into action, and they take control of the drones and send them down, forming two circles. One circle is 50 yards in diameter, and there are 50 drones in the inner circle, and the 2nd circle is 150 yards in diameter, and there are 150 drones in that circle. Every drone has video, audio, tasers, and tire poppers. The plane lands in the dense jungle, which is so thick the plane doesn’t make it all the way to the ground and is suspended by the trees about 15 feet in the air. The drones are already about 10 feet above the ground when the plane settles into the trees. At David’s control room, they see 200 video streams on the semicircular video wall. Two of the drones aimed outward from the outer circle show the rebels running inward toward the plane in the dense jungle. It is a group of 15 or so, and they are heavily armed with AK47, two browning machine guns, grenades, and more RPG’s.
David decides to try to reason with them and puts a drone in their path and has a Pongette tell them they have shot down a Zaria plane on a peaceful mission. They stop long enough to listen to about two sentences and start firing on the drone and shoot it down. David shakes his head. David has the option of tasering them or killing them with tire poppers. He knows for a fact that if he lets them live, these guys will shoot down more planes and that maybe next time they will hit a fuel tank or other vulnerable point on the plane and everyone on board will die.
The group is only about 100 yards from the plane now, and he gives the order to pop their tires. The Pongettes redistribute the outer circle and pull 50 drones from the outer circle in and send 10 drones from the inner circle out. In under 10 seconds, the rebels are surrounded, and the drones open fire and take out the rebels in under 15 seconds.
The reporters are filming everything, and they report that when the plane was hit, they each felt that if they were not dead from the plane crash, they would be tortured and killed by the rebels. They can’t believe how well thought out the rescue end of this operation is. The drones close in their circles and are all floating in the air facing outward in case more rebels are coming.
When the choppers arrive, one chopper hoists up the reporters, and the chopper takes off and climbs to 5,000 feet and does a back and forth weave on its way home.
After the reporters are away safely, the pilot and co-pilot go back and gather all the weapons, and they hoist them up. Always take their guns is a motto David repeats over and over. They load up everything they can and are hoisted up as well and head back to the base.
When they land, the reporters are there and thank the Pongette pilot and co-pilot over and over for saving their lives. The reporters interview the Pongettes and report what an amazing job they did under such incredible pressure.
The Pongettes are very gracious and tell the reporters they are only doing what David and his team taught them. Once that is all covered, the reporters show videos of what food delivery was like in the past and include the stories of entire trucks that were stolen by the governments and the rebels. Then they show scenes of what the actual deliveries looked like in the past where food bags were ripped open, and bullies were snatching the food from women and children.
Then they show the food arriving in parachutes spread out so that everyone has a fair shot of coming back with food. They usually end with something like, if you were at all on the fence with the Zarias, this is one reporter telling you that they have never seen one being have such an amazing effect on so many humans in their lives.
Here are some numbers that are just mind-boggling. One reporter says, “the Zaria has purchased 110 C17 cargo jets from 1.5 billion dollars, each jet will make at least two runs per day dropping 16,000 packs of food per day, and each pack will support 1 person for up to 10 days. That is 160,000 meals per day per run times 2 runs per day, and you have 320,000 meals per plane per day. Multiply that times 100 planes, and that is, 32,000,000 meals per day. For anyone that wants to say they are showboating, well, they made no press release, they didn’t contact us, we contacted them.
The story hits the news on most of the major networks.
Tom and Will are both traveling hard on the campaign. Zaria is with Tom 24/7, and they are both very happy and content. The Z5 bumps Tom’s numbers another 8 points as the country like more and more what the Zaria’s are doing and feel that the fact that Zaria is with Tom, she is going to have a positive influence on his presidency.
In a remote area in Arizona, there is a small group of ex special-ops soldiers of various types. There are several snipers, demolition experts, martial arts experts, computer hackers, and one very high-profile leader funding the activity. There are pictures of Tom, Zaria, and Will on their walls with Gun site crosshairs drawn over them. All of their practice targets have Tom’s picture on them. Snipers are practicing on a mountain top firing at targets halfway up the next ridge almost a mile away. Their computer team has their own fleet of various types of drones.
They have several thousand tiny ones that are designed to fly into someone at 75 miles per hour to deliver a tiny C4 plastic explosive charge designed to detonate on impact. The drone team works out various forms of attacks, including multiple angle attacks, decoy tactics, swarming. Watching the drones at work makes anyone conclude that as soon as the target is more than 10 paces out in the open, they are dead, period.
The second of three debates is scheduled the following week. The Pongettes are providing Tom and Will tons of material to post on the President and the current Democratic Senator running for president. They are two perfect examples of the systemic problem in our government. Both candidates are spending more time putting out the fires that go up on Tom’s site than running for president. Tom is up 32 points and seemingly has the election all but wrapped up.
David goes to Pong and expresses that he is really concerned that, with the technology available today, especially drone technology, protecting him is almost impossible. Pong tells him she understands and asks if there is anything he needs. David says, yes, “We need a giant bubble around him and grins. David asks that she work on a few copies of Tom. He expresses that they need to begin using them whenever possible, including between now and the next debate.
Pong agrees and says she will have 5 of the bes
t ones they can produce in the next 24 hours.
Pong says, “And while I have you, I am going to add defensive capabilities to or C17s and want your input.
David laughs and says that he has been checking into it. “I think I say your mother’s secret weapon and laughs.
Pong says that yes. Lockheed Martin has a very early version of Zaria’s Laser canon they are building for planes now. She laughs and says that they could install one, and the only problem is that there would be no room left for food. It is very tempting to build one, but that would put us in the military realm, which we want no part of.
David says that Air Force One has two measures we know of, which are Flares and chaff and a radar system.
Pong says that she saw that too. “I feel pretty confident that all we are going to have to contend with are RPGs and machine gun fire.”
David agrees and says that detection with flares and chaff was going to be his recommendation. He adds that what they might want to also do is to start spending time on evaluating their routes and to fly around areas where there has been recent conflict.
Pong agrees and says she will design her own and install it in the planes and add route assessment to the flight planning procedures.
The next day pong walks into the command center with 5 Tom look-alikes. They are extremely good, especially their mannerisms. I am going to ask Tom to start wearing hats and a scarf. That will help dramatically, she says. David is happy. Wow, that is a bit scary, David says. If you think about it, maybe Tom will get jealous. Pong says OMG, that is hilarious.
David tells Pong that he is really concerned he can’t protect Tom in public. Pong says she understands. David asks if she has seen the video of the micro droids with the C4 charges. Pong tells him she has seen it, and it scares her too. Pong asks David is he has any ideas. David says yes. He tells her that in the old days, you were protecting someone like the president from snipers and someone in the crowd. But now, there is a new world of things to protect against. He says that he would be utterly shocked if there is not an all-out attack on Tom, Will, and your mother before the election. And that he needs to insert himself more and be more imposing than he has been.