Queen Zaria Trilogy

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Queen Zaria Trilogy Page 76

by Danny Dunn

  They find pieces of three US-made stinger guided missiles. David has the Pongettes analyzing the fragments to get a chemical makeup of the three missiles since the serial numbers were filed and melted away with acid. The Pongettes can identify all the cell phones that were on in a 20-mile radius for the last 30 days, and at the moment, that is their starting point. Because the area was so remote, the number of phones in the area is pretty small.

  David, a Pongette fly one of Pong’s 3 new Gulfstream jets she has fitted with every state-of-the-art defense system on the market, including Zaria’s laser canon system and a dual parachute system to Ronald Reagan airport. David has President’s remaining belongings driven from Andrews AFB to the private terminal at Ronald Reagan Private terminal. Joe files a flight plan for the same path as the one Air Force 1 took. They schedule it for 7:00 am the next morning. Michael’s guys load the rest of Tom’s stuff into Pong’s new plane. The plane is fueled and ready to go by midnight. At 2:00 am, while the airport is closed, the president asks the airport to turn on the runway lights.

  Pong’s 650 Gulfstream is sitting at the end of the runway, waiting to take off. David asks Joe if he can safely take off without the lights. Joe says it is a piece of cake as long as there are no roadblocks in the beginning.

  Just then, the lights turn on, and Joe hits the throttles. And they are on their way. Joe tells the tower-controller that there is a change of plans, and there is a new flight plan at their doorstep. The same destination he says, but we are taking a different route he tells them.

  At Andrews AFB military radar, they see David’s flight the moment it takes off. Alarms go off. The president calls the office per Joe’s recommendation and tells them it is David’s detail and to let them go. There is a pause, and a Major gets on the phone and tells the President they will send an escort to take the plane out of the DC area. Will tells them that is not needed and to stand down. The major calls a general and tells him the situation, and the General tells the major to tell the President we are not standing down. The General takes the phone from the Major and tells him he is not standing down. Will tells the General he will stand down or lose about 5 ranks. The General tells the president yes sir and slams down the phone.

  David’s team arrives at Pong’s at 7:00 am

  All the Zarias come home to be with their mother. This is only her second loss and her first bio mate she has lost. Zaria says she wants them to all go to Zaria 2s island and spend time there together.

  Zaria asks David for him, and a team to fly to Zaria 2’s island and to get the security to his liking. David, Joe, Michael, Alby, Dan, Linda, and Alex and four Pongettes fly to Zaria 2’s island in the Philippines. They arrive, and the plane goes directly into a hanger built into the mountain there.

  The entire world is in mourning. Tom stipulates in his will, he wants to be cremated but wants a grave-site, his tombstone reads “Thank you, Zaria, for showing me the way. We didn’t do much this time, but we will give it hell next time.”

  Tom leaves $125 Billion to Zaria and leaves $10 billion to Will. And he leaves $20 million to every employee of the company and to his team, including the Pongettes. Tom requests that no one feels bad for him and requests a joyful party 3 years after his death.

  A week later, David tells pong it is ok at the island, anytime is good. Pong writes back thanks and that they will leave there in 2 days after they finish up some things which, of course, is the team loading the defense systems into the plane. They actually leave the following day.

  Zaria 2 has the island done and is ready to populate it. She invites Zaria and the others to the island, and they agree to go there as soon as things are settled there. Zaria 3 has expanded her venture to include well digging, farming, and food distribution and supplies Zaria 5 will distribute more and more of the food they grow. Zaria 2-5 all come back to the compound and let the Pongettes run their operations. Steve is managing the business that is doing a steady $1 trillion per year, with half of the revenue coming from annual licenses and software updates.

  The Zarias and the four Pongettes take off and are on their way. The plane lands on the island and taxis into the hanger, and the door is closed behind them. There are Zari bots outside, and drones are everywhere.

  The Zarias exit the plane, and they all hug David and his team. From behind the team, Tom heads straight for Zaria. God, I missed you so much. He tells Zaria. Zaria says hm, she had already gotten used to no Tom. They all laugh.

  Everyone loves seeing them together, and they are both thrilled to see each other.

  They all jump into a few transports that run under the hanger that takes them to a big resort with lots of rooms and a huge canopy that covers the whole pool area. It lets much of the sun through but blocks the aircraft and satellite pictures.

  They have big BBQs together and tell stories over and over. They all have so many stories to tell.

  Will implements a very clever campaign fund scheme in which every voter has $100 to spend. Seventy of the $100 is to spend on local candidates, and $30 is to spend on national candidates. The citizens are cultivating good people who do good work at lower levels to step up over time. They spend their money by logging into the system via phone or computer or going to any computer store where there are free voting stations where anyone can sit down and research their candidates. They save the work of their favorite candidates to a profile and can refer to it at voting time. There are enough voting stations so that for the people who don’t have their own phones are computers, a person can spend however much time they need to vote for each candidate. The money allows candidates with good ideas to receive money without special interests swaying what they have to say. As a result, what the candidates talk about are solutions to real problems.

  Zaria writes Will, I love your voting system Will. I think I am going to vote for you. Hehe. Tom would be very proud of you Will - Love, Zaria

  Three years later, the Zarias all return. They celebrate Tom’s life. The university is open, and Pong renames the university to Thomas Wilson University. Tommy Tech is what they now call it. They unveil a statue of Tom out front, and he is carrying a heavy stone. At his feet, a plaque reads, “I carried the stone as far as I could. Now it is up to others to keep it moving forward.

  Pong puts together a video for Tom’s celebration. The video starts out with Tom as a young boy with his parents. There are scenes where his father is teaching him electronics and programming. Then the video flashes to Zari talking to his father, and the father explains the rock and how his mother is teaching him to handle the rock after it is across the line. Then the video flashes back to Tom becoming successful in his company and building the telescope and the day they found Pong. The video covers Tom hiring his lawyers to fight for her in court, Tom loaning her money for security, loaning them their jet to go to Costa Rica.

  The video includes his running for president and winning in a landslide. Then it goes back to Zari and Zaria, realizing that it was Zari who would manage the rock and Zaria, who would handle the rock after Zari handed it off.

  Zaria takes over from Pong and explains that Tom was the one to get his country over the line, and now it is time for others to take over from here. Zaria says that Tom never once said what about me. Zari would have loved Tom so much. I have had the incredibly good fortune of watching two of the most amazing bio beings do so much for their planet.

  I will always have Tom with me, but whenever I think of him, I will think of how funny, generous, considerate, and loving he was every single day. Thank you for being here today. Tom would be very proud of all of you.

  They all head back to the compound. Zaria asks Pong if the security system is functional. Pong says absolutely. There are another 20 towers online and 10 around the University. Pong tells Zaria she doesn’t think they are done yet.

  The Zarias decide to rest and spend some time together. Will is doing a great job running the country. He and his party are projecting a $200 billion surplus in their budget. The
wealth is being distributed more evenly, and the companies are finding doing business easier and easier as the government simplifies the government structure.

  Will uses Qari’s economy modeling program daily. He had his staff plug in all the historical data to verify all the numbers over the decades, and it tracked everything in us with extreme accuracy. The changes Tom made before he left created a 50-year swing in terms of expenses, and bases on all the projections, the wealth distribution will move from 1% owning 40% to 20% owning 50% in just 3 years. The world didn’t end, the economy didn’t crash, the big companies didn’t go broke. The chart is trending the other way and a fantastic rate. Qari’s program projects that in 10 years, 35% of the population will on 56% of the wealth. Thanks to the flat tax structure, Will and his team can see a lot by plugging in some pretty basic numbers. Everyone is paying something which makes “everyone” happy. The higher minimum wage dramatically helps the poor. The cost of hamburgers went up, but no one died.

  David Smiles and says that he has something to show her. They get into a transport, and it takes them to a door that opens as they approach it. They drive another 2 minutes, and the transport stops. They all get out, and Michael walks up to a rock wall and punches a code into his phone. The rock wall slides inward about 10 feet and swings open. They walk along an aisle, and every 30 feet, there is a cave. In each cave, there is a man with the same set up as the snipers. A big concrete block with 5 heavy chains connected to their feet, hands, and neck. In each cave, there is a 1500-gallon water tank, several months of bagged food, and a toilet hole and a small shower.

  The order of prisoners in the 16 caves is 3 driver, 3 launchers, 3 generals and 6 lobbyists, and 1 Secretary of Defense. There is zero chance of any of them talking to each other. The two-way mirrors are sound-proof, and prisoners never know when someone is outside their cell. When we do talk to one, it is over the communications system. Any time we speak to one of them, we blast the song “Hail to the chief” into all the other cells so they can’t hear who we have spoken too. But since they all know when the music is on, we are speaking to one of them they know the others are talking. Of course, we turn the static on a lot even though we are not talking to anyone. That makes them feel they are being ratted out, and they talk even more. The drivers gave up the shooters, the shooters gave up the lobbyists, and the lobbyists and the shooters gave us the generals, and the Generals gave us Tom’s short time Secretary of Defense. They have all confessed individually, which we have on tape. We have cross-checked their stories to confirm they all line-up. We have the missile codes and serial numbers.

  Zaria asks what evidence we have to establish they are the ones. David says they have a lot. Flight plans, burners phones, messages, a few phone calls. two shooters were saving things in case they got caught by the government. The phones place the 6 under the plane at the exact time of the attack.

  Zaria says ok, Michael, talk to your sheriff buddy and discuss handing them over. But first, let Betty and Wilma be the ones to unlock the prisoners and only one of them at a time. Each prisoner will attempt to overtake them, and then they can exact their revenge on them. Then the sheriff can have them.

  I want the charges to be Terrorism, and Treason, period, and I want them to spend out their lives in Gitmo.

  Zaria hugs both David and Michael and tells them good work. Zaria thanks and hugs each one of them.

  David and works out a deal with the Sheriff’s department, and David’s long line of SUVs pull up to the Sheriff’s office. David’s team told the press to be at the Sheriff’s office in an hour. The 16 suspects are taken from the SUVs and are handed over to the Sheriff’s department. David hands them a video of each of the 16 suspects attempting to overtake either Betty or Wilma and getting their asses kicked. They are bruised up pretty good, and David tells them they each tried to overtake Betty and Wilma.

  The 16 men are never allowed to speak to anyone. They are picked up by the NSA and taken directly to Gitmo, where they are tried and convicted of Treason and terrorism.

  The Zarias, the Pongettes, and Tom are all on the island, and Tom tells Zaria, “Ya know, China, now there is a place that could use some Peace and Equality for All.

  Everyone laughs and says, “here we go again.”

  End Volume III




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