Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5)

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Jesse: Broken Hill Boys (Novella 5) Page 10

by Sheridan Anne

  “So, you just happened to fall into his bed? You tripped and landed on his dick? Give me a fucking break.”

  “Kaylah,” she says, hurt. “I thought I was in love with him. For years I thought that.”

  Is she for real? She couldn’t possibly believe that I’d fall for that crap. “Bullshit. You never once told me that. Don’t come up with shit like that to make you look like the good guy.”

  “Are you kidding, right now?” Henley demands. “I am the good guy. I couldn’t tell you because every fucking day you reminded me just how awful it would be if one of your friends wanted to get close to him. You made me feel like what I felt for him was wrong. You made me feel worthless for having a fucking crush on an amazing guy. Of course, I couldn’t tell you.”

  My jaw clenches as the tears threaten to spill. “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not lying, Kaylah. For so long, I thought he was it for me. I had dreams of having his babies… and then, well, shit went up in flames and I didn’t only lose him, I lost you too. You were supposed to be my best friend and you didn’t even give me two seconds to explain myself.”

  “Because you betrayed me,” I yell.

  “No, you betrayed me.”

  I shake my head, refusing to believe it. “You got close to me just so you could be with him just like every other girl in this fucked up place does.”

  “Stop lying to yourself,” she demands. “You know that’s not how it is. We were both drinking. You were at home sick, and it just…happened. Look, truth be told, I should have told you from the start that I was crazy about him, and you should have told me that you were leaving. I deserved an explanation. Do you have any idea what it was like for me all alone at that damn school? I’m practically a chew toy for Monica and Candice.”

  Understanding dawns and I suck in a breath as I look over her again. “Is that who did this?” I ask with a grunt. “Maybe you need a few kickboxing classes.”

  “And maybe you need to forgive me for having stupid feelings for your brother? It’s not like I could help it. He’s pretty cool, you know?”

  “I know, he’s the best,” I agree with a heavy sigh before hesitantly looking back at her, desperately wanting what we used to have. “You don’t still…you know? Want to have his babies?”

  “No,” she laughs. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure his babies are going to be gorgeous, but they won’t be crawling out of me. It took me a little while, but I realized what I felt for him wasn’t the real deal. And to be honest, I had the shits with you both too much to even consider it.”

  “How’d you know it wasn’t the real deal?” I ask, ignoring her last comment.

  “Because what I feel for Noah is.”

  “Noah?” I question with my brows flying up into my hairline. “Noah Cage? Like King of Haven Falls? Pack leader? Most intimidating guy on the face of the earth?”

  Her cheeks flame, suddenly becoming very sheepish. “Yeah.”

  “Well…shit,” I say, impressed. “So, Spencer?”

  “Was supposed to be fun.”

  Ugh. “Doubt it,” I grumble in disgust while giving her a small smile. “I’m happy for you.”

  She gives me an awkward smile and I find myself glancing down at my hands. “I’ve missed you,” I tell her. “It’s been pretty shitty not having you around. I had to make new friends at Broken Hill and it wasn’t easy.”

  “I know,” she sighs. “I’ve missed you too, but you could have called me or come by.”

  I glance up at her “Do you think…?” I cut myself off, unsure how to even word what I’m trying to say. All I know is that I need her back in my life.

  “Yeah,” she says, still able to read me like a map. “We can.”


  Henley shakes her head as a wide grin spreads across her face. “No way in hell. You’re not getting one foot through the door just to hover in the damn thing. If you’re in, you’re all in. None of this taking it slowly bullshit. We’ve been friends for too long for that crap.”

  I let out a relieved sigh. “Oh, thank God,” I say, crashing into her with open arms. “I’ve hated being angry with you.”

  “Fuck,” Henley cringes in agony. “Get off me, skank.”

  My eyes bug out as I remember her injuries. “Shit.”

  I hurry off her, feeling a million times lighter before looking her over. “I think you need a shower. All your blood is matted in your hair.”


  I help her up off the couch and down to the bathroom before taking my sweet ass time to get her feeling somewhat human again. After a long shower and clean, unbloodied hair, I help her into some comfortable clothes and before I know it, Jackson is helping me to get her into his car.

  She asks to be taken to Noah’s place and after Jackson whines about the idea, we take her there anyway. Neither of us dares to leave her side until we knew that she was safe.

  Jackson and I walk back out to his car with his arm over my shoulder. “Are you guys good now?”

  “Yeah,” I tell him. “I think we are. We still have a few things to work through, but I think we’re going to be just fine.”

  Chapter 16


  I stand looking out at the track with Kaylah’s back against my chest and my arms securely around her. It’s Friday night and all of Broken Hill High seems to have shown up at the races for a good night.

  Everyone is here, well almost everyone. Nate is on his way with Tora but Brooke hasn’t been answering her phone about tonight. That probably has a little something to do with the fact she’s feuding with Tora at the moment, and Maxen being here doesn't help the situation. The only other person missing is Brylee, but with her away at Yale, we’ve had to get used to hanging out without her. That doesn’t sit well with Tyson though. The more time that passes, the clearer it becomes that he’s feeling something for her, I just wish I knew how deep that ran so I could help him do something about it.

  Two cars race around the track and the sound of their engines is deafening, yet the familiar sound of Nate’s Camaro pulling up still manages to drown out the sound of the speeding cars. I look back over my shoulder to see both Tora and Nate stepping out of his Camaro and walking around the front hand in hand.

  I catch Tora’s eye and my arms slowly drop from around Kaylah. She looks back up at me wondering what’s going on but as she sees the look in my eye, she lets me go, ignoring my wicked ways and probably just pleased they’re not aimed at her for a change.

  Tora blanches, freezing on the spot and instantly starts shaking her head, making a devilish grin spread across my face.

  Hook. Line. Sinker. She’s mine.

  Tora tries to pull her hand from Nate’s ready to run but he holds on tight, looking away while trying not to smirk at his girlfriend’s bad luck.

  I run.

  “No,” she screams, but it’s too late. I grab her around the waist and her body is thrown over my shoulder. She squeals for me to put her down, but messing with her is far too much fun. “Put me down, you big turd.”

  “No way,” I laugh, slapping her ass and jogging back to the group.

  I spin her around for good measure and only put her down when my laughter gets to be too much and I fear I might drop her. Nate joins our group and starts up a conversation with Puck about tonight’s race as the girls chat among themselves.

  I pull Kaylah back into my arms, feeling empty without her there when Tora silently raises a brow. I smile at her and wiggle my brow, letting her know everything is alright.

  The past week has been shit. Last weekend Kaylah and I had been at a party and after some whore followed me into the bathroom and tried to suck my dick, things went south. I kicked her the fuck out but not before Kaylah stood there watching me with a broken heart, thinking I’d cheated.

  I’ve never felt so low. I thought I was going to lose her. As always, I went to Tora and she gave me a kick up the ass and made me realize that instead of moping around, I shou
ld have been at Kaylah’s place explaining what had happened and hoping she had enough love and trust for me to see that I’m completely dedicated to her.

  I talked it through with Kaylah who explained that while she was pissed off and thought the worst, she was able to come to the realization that I’d never do her wrong like that. Since then, I’ve been making it up to her over and over again. She shouldn’t have to deal with watching skanks trying to make a move and vowed that from now on when she sees something that doesn’t sit well with her, she’ll be delivering a smackdown just like they do in Haven Falls and I can’t wait. It’s going to be so damn sexy.

  Courtney starts asking Tora what’s going on with Brooke and has Maxen listening with eager ears. After hearing this story at least a million times, I grab hold of Kaylah’s hand and slowly back away from the group without a damn person realizing that we’re gone.

  I break off into a jog, pulling Kaylah along with me. “Where are we going?” she laughs, trying to keep up with me.

  I grin back at her and wink before continuing on without a word, only a booming laughter that has her shaking her head. “Jesse?” she squeals.

  I turn back and as she runs straight into me with a gasp, I grab her and throw her over my shoulder. I bring my hand down on her ass and hold it there so she doesn’t fall. Usually, when Kaylah is over my shoulder, she’s banging her fists into my back and demanding that I let her down. This time she’s laughing far too hard to be able to demand a damn thing.

  I get to my Range Rover and walk around the back until we’re out of sight. I let her down but before she has a chance to know what the hell is going on, I press her up against the side of my car and kiss her deeply.

  Her grin is so wide that kissing her is a shitload harder than it ought to be, but I enjoy it either way, knowing just how damn happy she is. My lips drop to her neck and she tilts her head, needing more. “What are you doing?” she asks, curling her arms around my back and holding me close.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are?” I murmur against her skin.

  Kaylah giggles as she watches me with love shining so fucking brightly in her eyes. “Are we seriously missing the races because you’re a horn dog?”

  I grab her thigh and lift and she instantly wraps her legs around my waist as I press my hips against hers, keeping her pinned against the Range Rover. “You better fucking believe it.”

  Kaylah leans her head back against the car, opening her neck up even more. A moan pulls from deep within her as her eyes close in pleasure, looking like a fucking angel. “I’m so down,” she whispers.

  We fool around until she’s screaming on the backseat of my car and way too soon, we’re walking back towards the crowd, hand in hand. Kaylah glances up as I struggle to take my eyes off her. “Is that my brother?” she asks, looking down at the track.

  I follow her gaze and sure enough, Jackson is sitting at the starting line with Nate’s Camaro pulling in beside him. I shake my head. “Ahh, shit.” These two fuckers are idiots, but still, this has got to be the most entertaining race of the night.

  They’ve certainly had their differences and it’s about time they settled them. Though I just dropped a bomb getting that Camaro fixed for Nate and if it gets fucked up, I’m not going to be happy. Either way, this isn’t going to end well for me. If Nate wins, I have to listen to Jackson complaining about the race being rigged, and if Jackson wins, Nate’s going to be going on and on about Jackson jumping the start or some bullshit like that.

  We make our way back over to our friends and I step in beside Puck while Kaylah stands with Courtney. “Who the fuck put them up to this?” I ask, shaking my head, though the interest and entertainment factor is definitely winning out. I just can’t help that protective part of me that hates watching Nate race. I fucking love that guy and if he was to get hurt, I’d never forgive myself for letting him get behind the wheel of that car. He knows what he’s doing though, but accidents happen and six months ago when Jackson accidentally sent him flying off the track, that’s proof enough.

  “Who do you think?” Puck grumbles beside me.

  I let out a sigh. Jackson. This one is on him. Nate’s happily been getting about knowing he was in the lead the last time they faced off, but Jackson has never been able to let it go, despite knowing that Nate would have won anyway. No one can beat Nate. He’s the fucking king of this track. He holds all the records and not to mention, the kind of shit he equips his car with is ridiculous. He’s also an incredible mechanic. Hands down, Nate’s got this, but Jackson still won’t back down.

  “Where are Elle and Tora?” Kaylah asks, glancing around.

  “With the guys,” Courtney says, nodding down toward the track to where the bikini-clad woman is strutting between the Charger and Camaro, shaking her ass as if Nate or Jackson would even remotely be interested.

  Oh, fuck. Poor Tora. She’s probably shitting her pants right now. We always watch Nate’s races together. She absolutely hates being up close and personal, you know, except for the times where she’s trying to prove a point that she’s a badass bitch and is the one behind the wheel. Elle, on the other hand, would be loving it. She’s wild and reckless, absolutely loves the adrenalin of a race.

  The race starts and I pull Kaylah back in front of me, holding her tight. She may think that I’m just holding her like I usually do, but right now, I need the comfort. While I love the races, when it’s Nate or now even Jackson, anxiety pulses through my veins.

  The guys take off like fucking rockets, spitting dust up behind them. Their engines roar to life and I can’t help the pride sailing through me, watching the Camaro go. Fixing that thing was the best damn decision I’ve ever made where Nate’s concerned. Seeing that joy on his face was so worth it.

  They race around the track like professionals and for the first time, these idiots are probably enjoying themselves while they face off. They’ve come such a long way.

  They hit the first corner and I grin as Nate pushes out in front. I’m not fucking surprised.

  “Come on, Jackson,” Kaylah murmurs to herself. “You’ve got this.”

  I tighten my arms around her. “Nate’s going to smoke him. You know that right?”

  “You don’t know that. Jackson could still win.”

  “No way in hell, babe. Do you have any idea what kind of shit I had them put under the hood of Nate’s Camaro? Trust me, Jackson won’t stand a chance, though Nate might let him think he does.”

  Kaylah sighs looking defeated. “Seriously?” she says. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

  “You and me both, babe.”

  The guys hit the next corner just as a siren sounds over the noise of the revving engines. What the fuck? The whole fucking crowd spins around to find red and blue flashing lights pouring in through every fucking entrance.

  Holy shit.

  My gaze snaps back to Nate and Jackson who are still pushing themselves around the track and the realization hits me instantly, they’re going to see this through no matter what, even if it means that I’ll be bailing the fuckers out later tonight.

  “Fuck,” I groan, holding onto Kaylah tighter as the crowd breaks into chaos. Everyone starts running and I take off, making sure Kaylah stays right by my side.

  Cops continue pouring in, trying to round everyone up but lucky for us, they’re not moving too fast in fear of running over one of the many underage kids who are more than likely wasted.

  They surround us but with so many of us, they’re outnumbered and it quickly turns into a game of chicken. We get to my car with Puck and Courtney right on our heels and we all dive straight in. Maxen shows up a second later, throwing himself in through the back of the car. “Go, go, go,” he chants.

  I send one last glance down to the track, knowing that once we’re all out of here, the cops will mainly be aiming for Nate and Jackson, but I trust them. I don’t doubt they’re going to finish this, and when they do, they’ll get out of here and ge
t home without an arrest warrant.

  I hit the gas and we take off. My Range Rover is one of the first ones on the dirt road leading out of here. It takes a minute or two, but soon enough, we’re breaking out onto the highway, free of any red and blue flashing lights.

  Cars shoot out onto the highway behind us and I slow my pace as they speed away. My car blends in with the other cars already occupying the highway and we laugh as a cop car shoots past us, chasing after one of the guys who pulled out behind us.

  Maxen is getting around in the backseat and when he squeals like a teenage girl and raises his hand, I find myself glancing back in the rearview mirror. “What the fuck is this?” he asks, holding something up in the darkness that seems to be stuck to his hand. He shakes his hand but it doesn’t come off.

  My lips press into a tight line and Kaylah’s eyes go wide in horror. I wonder if it’s still warm.

  Puck spins around and howls with laughter. “Dude, that’s a fucking used rubber.”

  “I know!” he demands. “Get it the fuck off me.”

  “Nah, man,” Puck booms. “You’re on your own.”

  Maxen starts gagging in the back and leans over the top of Puck who darts across to Courtney to get out of the way. Maxen hurries to put the window down and a second later is shoving his hand out the window and letting the wind take care of business.

  The condom flies off his hand, but the damage is done. He glares at me through the rearview mirror. “Seriously? Take care of your shit.”

  I shrug my shoulders, not put off by my used condom in the least. Besides, what the hell was I going to do with it? Put it in my fucking pocket? No thanks. I’d rather wait till I get home and put it in the fucking trash. “My car, my rules, man. Love it or leave it.”

  Max just shakes his head as he scrambles around the car for something to clean his hand with until Courtney is throwing hand sanitizer at him, refusing to actually hand it over.


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