Brother’s Best Friend

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Brother’s Best Friend Page 11

by Black, Natasha L.

  But as I stared at my blank television, only one thought crossed my mind.

  I really wish Cole were here.



  My cell phone rang across the room, and I reached for it. Millie kept throwing a toy for Hope and laughing whenever the puppy ran after it. I smiled as I got up from the floor, making my way over to my phone. When I saw it was Lance calling, I picked it up.

  “Hey there, man. Listen, the room is completely dry, and it looks great. You should really come over and see it soon,” I said.

  “Ace has been run over,” he said.

  I paused. “Oh shit.”

  “Yeah. Layla just called me, crying. Apparently, he had surgery and needed a leg amputated. They’re keeping him overnight at the vet’s office for observation.”

  “Holy shit. But he’s okay, right?”

  “It sounds like it. Layla isn’t, though.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s at home, for now. She said she has to go back to the school to pick up some things. But she’s taken the rest of the day off. I think that’s what she said, at least.”

  “You think?”

  “She’s crying pretty hard, Cole.”

  I wonder why she hasn’t called me yet. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “No problem. I figured if she canceled your date for this week, she might not tell you why. I mean, she knows you don’t like her dog and all.”

  “The dog really isn’t that bad. But, thanks for the heads-up. I appreciate it.”

  I hung up the phone and looked over at Millie. Flowers. I needed to get Layla some flowers. I walked over and scooped Hope up, listening as Millie groaned in frustration. I walked the puppy outside and put her down, making sure to have plenty of water and food out for her to have.

  “We play outside?” Millie asked.

  “Actually, you and I are going to see Layla. How does that sound?” I asked.

  She smiled and leapt into my arms, letting me pick her up. She was doing that more and more, and I loved it. I mean, I knew she was more excited about seeing Layla than me holding her, but I took the wins wherever I could get them. The first thing I did was drive by a florist and pick up a nice bouquet of flowers, lilacs interspersed with baby orchids and lavender sprigs to make it smell fantastic. Another thought crossed my mind, though.

  One that prompted a text to Lance.

  Me: What vet does Layla go to?

  Millie and I sat in the truck as those three little dots bounced around on my screen.

  Lance: She’s not there. She just texted me and told me she’s headed to the school. Why?

  Me: Dude, what’s the name of her vet?

  I finally got him to cough up the information, and I typed it into my GPS. I wasn’t far from the place. Less than ten minutes. I set the flowers down in the empty passenger’s seat, then helped Millie out of the car. After a quick talk with the receptionist, I got it set up to have them bill me for the surgery, Ace’s medications, and for anything he might need to help him recuperate.

  “Do you also want me to bill this card for his walking apparatus?” the receptionist asked.

  “Walking apparatus?” I asked.

  “Well, yes. There are possible wheelchairs for three-legged dogs now. To help them get their balance while trying to learn how to walk again. I mean, many dogs do fine without it. But it is a struggle to get there.”

  “Use this card for literally whatever Ace needs for his recuperation and to help life get back to normal again.”

  She smiled. “Will do, sir.”

  Millie and I walked back out to my truck, and I quickly got her snapped back in. If we could catch Layla at the school, I might be able to kill two birds with one stone. My niece was really coming into her own with playgrounds and things. Plus, I could talk to one of the counselors about getting Millie enrolled. Or, at the very least, set up an in-home evaluation through her. We drove out to the elementary school and parked in the front parking lot. I had to grab Millie by her dress to keep her from rushing out into the road. She was very excited to see Layla, so I let her hold the flowers I had picked up.

  Then, we started into the school.

  I wasn’t sure where to find Layla, so I started with the front office. I told them we were there to see Miss Harper, and that we needed to know which room she was in. The school receptionist snipped at me, telling me she’d left for the day. But I was able to get it out of her anyway, and we headed for the school’s art room.

  But she wasn’t there.

  “Layla?” Millie asked.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll find her. I’m sure she’s here somewhere.”

  We walked around and I familiarized myself with the surroundings—the winding hallways, the artwork on the walls, and the helpful slogans slung across decorative banners. We passed by a room that had Staff Office plated across it. I figured we’d give it a shot. Millie and I both knocked on the door, wondering who would greet us on the other side.

  And we were both pleasantly surprised.

  “Well, hello, you two. I take it you’re looking for Layla?” Nicole asked.

  “Is she still here by any chance? Or is she gone for the day?” I asked.

  “Cole? Is that you?”

  Nicole stepped off to the side, and Millie took off for Layla. The flowers dragged across the floor, and I chuckled, bending down to pick up the discarded bouquet. Millie ran into Layla’s arms as Nicole kept grinning at me, her eyes falling to the flowers.

  Watching Layla hold my niece so tightly warmed my heart.

  “I’m sorry about Ace,” Millie murmured.

  “It’s okay, pretty girl. He’ll be just fine.”

  “You want Hope?”

  I laughed as a smile spread across Layla’s face. I saw tears in her eyes, but she held them back.

  “That is so sweet. Thank you. I might just take you up on that offer to come around and play. Okay?” Layla asked.

  “You can even feed him,” Millie said.

  “Oh, oh. Thank you. That’s wonderful of you to offer.”

  “Here. These are for you,” I said.

  I brandished the floor-swept flowers as Layla stood up. She took them from me as Millie clung to her, a smile crossing her face. Then, Millie started clawing at Layla, itching for her to crouch back down to her level.

  “Easy there, Millie. Miss Layla doesn’t feel well,” I said.

  “What is it, Millie?” Layla asked.

  And when Millie pressed a kiss to her cheek, Nicole gasped. My jaw fell open. Even Layla’s eyebrows shot up in shock.

  Well, if that’s the train we’re starting.

  I walked over as Layla stood up, and I kissed her other cheek, which caused Nicole to squeal. I grinned down at Layla as her cheeks flushed. But she didn’t push me away. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me. It was obvious she hadn’t told Nicole yet, but I didn’t care.

  I was just glad I could make Layla smile during a day like this.

  “I don’t want you to worry about those vet bills, okay?” I asked.

  Layla quirked an eyebrow. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing bad. Just got them paid.”

  “Awww!” Nicole exclaimed.

  “Wait, you did what? Wait a second, Co—”

  “And Millie wanted to bring you flowers,” I said quickly.

  Oh, yeah. I had no issues throwing Millie into the forefront of this picture. Anything that got Layla to cooperate with me right now.

  “You like them?” Millie asked.

  Layla stared at me for a long time before nodding.

  “I love them. They’re gorgeous. Thank you, sweetheart,” she said.

  Layla hugged me tightly, but I knew I’d be hearing about the bill thing later. I didn’t mind, though. Because I knew Layla didn’t make much as an elementary art teacher. And both Ginny and Hank were retired. Neither of them was capable of paying those kinds of bills without having to make financial sacrific
es, which neither of them needed to be doing right now.

  It wasn’t an issue for me to take care of them, though, so why not?

  “How much longer are you going to be here?” I asked.

  “I uh, just wanted to come by and talk to Nicole. Get at least some planning done for the week. I can’t sit around my apartment, though. I just…”

  I nodded. “I get it. There’s a lot of Ace there without him actually being there.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Well, if you want to rethink Friday—”

  “Don’t you even say it.”

  Nicole butted in. “Um, excuse me. What’s Friday?”

  I smiled. “Well, I need to go talk to the school counselor about this in-home thing and getting her ready for school. But we’ll talk tonight. Okay? I’ll call.”

  “I appreciate it. Thank you. And again, thank you for the flowers.”

  I nodded. “Don’t work too hard, okay?”

  “I’ll try not to,” she said.

  After pressing another kiss to her cheek, I took Millie’s hand. I led her out of the staff office and back to the front office. I slipped into parent mode, readying myself for the mounds of information that would be thrown my way.

  But, inside, I couldn’t wait to talk with Layla tonight.



  I didn’t like Ace staying at the vet’s office for the majority of the week. But the vet assured me he was doing well. I’d been to visit him every day since his surgery, and now it was finally time to take him home.

  “Time to get out of here,” I murmured.

  The weekend was upon us, and I couldn’t wait to scoop Ace up in my arms. I left school and rushed over to the vet with anticipation flowing through my veins. I barged through the doors, and the receptionist smiled. She walked me back into a rather large room, one I hadn’t been in before.

  When I heard the nurse call out for Ace, my lips parted in shock.

  “Oh, my gosh! Little man!”

  He came limping toward me without any help, and I dipped down. I scooped him up, nuzzling him close. He had done so well walking to me. He licked my face, even let out a little bark, and the sound brought my heart back to life.

  “How in the world is he walking so well?” I asked.

  “The vet’s been working with him on some rehabilitation tactics. He’s adjusted very well,” the nurse said.

  I was anxious to get him home. I signed him out and wrapped him up in a blanket, then got him into the car. I had a great deal of paperwork in a folder in my lap. But I’d read it over later. Right now, I wanted to get Ace home and curl up with him on the couch.

  Wait. The date.

  Shit. It hit me like a freight train as I pulled up to my apartment complex. It was Friday, which meant I had a date with Cole tonight. I stared out the window as I racked my brain, trying to figure out what to do. I didn’t feel comfortable getting Ace a babysitter. Every single part of me wanted to stay in with him. But that wasn’t fair to Cole.

  I have to call him.

  I walked Ace upstairs and brought him home. I bedded him down on his spot on the couch as the smell of those lilacs and orchids filled the space around us. I peeked at the flowers. I felt guilt fill my gut. Hopefully, Cole wouldn’t be upset at me rescheduling our date. Not canceling. Just rescheduling, is all. Maybe once Ace got better, we could—

  “Layla? Open up.”

  A knock came at the door, and I shot upright. I rushed to the front door and ripped it open, staring at Cole as he held bags in his hands. He smiled at me kindly and his eyes lit up the second he saw me. I looked back at Ace, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

  Then I saw the bags he held were full of food.

  “I better get cooking if dinner’s going to be ready at seven,” he said.

  He pushed past me, making his way for my kitchen as I stared after him.

  “Um, what’s going on again?” I asked.

  “Date night. Don’t tell me you forgot.”

  He heaved the bags onto my stove before turning to me with his cheeky little grin.

  “I was just about to call you, actually,” I said.

  “I’m sure you were. I mean, I figured you wouldn’t want to leave our amputee over there. So, Millie’s with Lance and your mother, and I’m here to cook dinner.”

  I blinked. “Millie let you leave her with my brother?”

  “She’s really coming along, isn’t she?”

  I finally closed the door. “Yeah. She is.”

  I leaned against the door and watched him rummage around my kitchen. This man. I didn’t know what the fuck to do with him. He never ceased to amaze me. And as I watched him pull out steaks, a smile crept across my face. Cole, the man I’d probably been in love with for years, knew me so well. And it made my heart leap for joy.

  Follow your heart for once, you nitwit.

  I locked the door before walking over to him. He reached over the stove to turn it on, but I placed my hand on top of his. I peeked over at Ace, who was already passed out on the couch, softly snoring away with his blanket draped over him.

  “What? Don’t like steak?” Cole asked.

  I grinned. “I need to take a shower first. I haven’t gotten changed out of my work clothes.”

  “Well, I can cook while you’re showering if you’d like.”

  “Or, you can help me wash my back.”

  His face fell, but his eyes ignited. He took my hand, pulling me away from the kitchen before I led the way into my bedroom. I smiled as I pulled him toward me, turning on the bathroom light. His lips fell to mine, and our clothes came off, stripping them in layers. I moaned into his mouth. I barely got the shower water running with his hands wandering all over my naked skin. He massaged my tits as I bent over. He ground his cock against my ass cheeks as I turned the water on. I pulled him into the shower with me, thanking my stars that I didn’t have a tub.

  Nothing to trip over as we stumbled into the stand-up glass encasement.

  The hot water doused my skin, and I hissed. Cole pulled my head back by my hair, raking his teeth down my pulse point. I slid my nails over his skin, feeling his taut muscles jump. The calluses of his hands tickled me in ways that filled me with electricity, tingling the tips of my breasts and making my clit swell.

  “You dirty little minx, you,” he grunted.

  He kissed down my stomach. My head fell into the tiled wall as he slid my leg over his shoulder. His nose nuzzled my slit, and I felt my juices already dripping for him. He wasted no time in gracing me with his tongue. As the steam of the shower swirled around us, he dove into me, sliding his tongue up and down through my folds until they parted for him, revealing my swollen nub and an entrance pulsing for his intrusion.

  And oh, how his fingers filled me.

  “Fuck, Cole.”

  “You taste outstanding.”

  “Shit, that feels so—it’s been so—”

  “Fuck,” he growled.

  He pumped his fingers, spreading me as my arousal leaked into the palm of his hand. I swiveled my hips against his lips, feeling his stubble slide along my pussy lips. I shivered and gripped his hair with my hands. I gasped and moaned, my words becoming broken syllables as they fell from my mouth. He licked harder, then sucked my clit between his teeth. He crooked his fingers, stroking me quickly as his tongue pressed deep into my aching nub.

  “Cole!” I exclaimed.

  “There it is.”

  I unraveled against him, my knees weakening as I slid down the wall. His fingers slipped from my pussy, catching me before I fell to the floor. He gathered me in his arms. I quaked from the force of my orgasm as his lips found mine. I tasted myself on him, a heady concoction I committed to memory. And as he pinned me against the wall, I felt his cock fall between my legs.

  “Fill me up. Please,” I whispered.

  He granted my request, sliding effortlessly along my walls. His girth took me by surprise, and my eyes widened. His face c
ontorted with pleasure and he let out the most wondrous grunt as he bottomed out within me. His forehead fell against mine, and our eyes connected. Our bodies melded into one as his hands found mine. Threading our fingers together, he pinned my arms above my head.

  His pounding became relentless. My tits jumped against his chest. My heels dug into the small of his back as his abs rolled against my stomach. Our kisses grew sloppy. Fire rushed through the marrow of my bones. Nothing else existed, except the feeling of him. I heard nothing else except the sounds of our skin slapping against each other. He took my breath away. This strong man. This wondrous man. A man whose kiss ignited a passion within me I hadn’t felt since I was in college.

  Engaged, and in love.

  “Yes, Cole!”

  “I’m so close. Fucking hell, Layla.”

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Oh, right there. Right there. Right there. Damn it, right—yes! Cole!”

  “Holy shit.”

  His lips crashed against mine, swallowing my sounds as his tongue slid across the roof of my mouth. I trembled against him. My walls caved around his cock. I squeezed his hands as he fell against me, pinning me harder to the shower wall. And as he slowly fell to his knees, he took me along with him, his cock still sheathed inside me as it throbbed and pulsed and poured his hot seed into my body, marking me as his own.

  He knelt on the floor as our hands slowly untangled. He wrapped me up in his arms, then turned and twisted until he sat on the floor. I straddled him as his cock slowly fell away. A gush of fluid rushed from my legs, coating us both as we sat there with steam surrounding us and water battering our backs. He stroked my wet hair as I kissed his red skin.

  “You’re incredible,” he whispered.

  And I felt my heart skip a beat.



  I don’t know how long I held her in that shower. I don’t know how long we sat on that floor. But every time I kissed the side of her head, it reminded me that this wasn’t a dream. That what happened between us had actually happened.


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