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Driven Page 14

by Megan Hart

  Linna loosened her throat muscles and drew him in deep, all the way to the base of his cock. Then she slid out, sucked gently on the head of his dick while stroking the rest of his length with her hand. Up and down, never letting any part of his cock go without her lips or her fingers caressing it, Linna made love to his cock. He grew and throbbed under her touch, and she smiled around his cock. She slipped her other hand around to stroke his balls. She cupped the weight of them, loving the velvety texture of his skin, the musky scent of his arousal, the smooth, hot fierceness of his stiff rod.

  Something seemed different, so different she had to pause in surprise to take a closer look. The skin of his sac was soft and wrinkled, and lightly furred with dark curling hair, just like every other man she'd ever been with. When she gently rolled him in her fingers, though, stroking another moan out of him, she realized what the difference was and couldn't believe she'd never noticed before.

  "You have four balls!"

  Del's laughter was genuine, though a little strained. "Yeah."

  Linna giggled and bent her head to lick the soft skin of his testicles. She felt the press of four distinct balls beneath her tongue. Del lifted his hips under her kiss.

  "That explains all the fighting," she murmured. "Helluva lot of testosterone in you guys."

  He laughed again, though the chuckle hissed into another moan when she continued to lick and suck the soft skin between his legs. She flicked her tongue along the seam of his sac and he muttered a curse that sounded more like a prayer. Her hand moved back to his dick to stroke him up and down while she licked his balls.

  They swelled under her mouth. His dick grew impossibly harder. His muscular thighs, normally as hard as concrete, tensed as his arousal rose. Linna knew the signs. He was going to come. She eased off, teasing him, stroking more lightly and using only the tip of her tongue to taste him.

  Her own clit had swollen, demanding attention. She left Del's cock to slide her jumpsuit all the way off and sat up for a moment to stretch and revel in complete nakedness.

  His eyes lit as he watched her. She pulled his pants down, over his ankles, then tossed them on the floor. Now he was naked, too, and Linna let her eyes devour him as she'd wanted to do for ages.

  "God-of-Choice, you're perfect." She murmured the words without thinking of how they might affect him.

  His dick twitched. She'd been with men of all shapes and sizes, and one thing Linna had learned was that the bigger the man, generally the small the equipment between his legs--unless he'd paid for the expensive operations to enhance his length and girth. Cock augmentation had never been quite as perfected as breast enlargement and other cosmetic surgeries. The penis's function of erection and deflation meant anything added to it had the possibility of malfunction. She'd seen a lot of dicks, and could have picked out the ones that had been "fixed" with her eyes closed.

  Del's cock, on the other hand, was both long and thick, but not grotesquely so. She'd already had it in her mouth and in her body, and knew he was big enough to fit her comfortably without hurting her. Unlike the men she'd met who had paid to fix their dicks, Del's cock was the only part of him that had no scars.

  He sat up suddenly, hiding himself a little bit from her view. "It's not that bad, is it?"

  She could tell he was trying to joke, but heard the insecurity in his voice. "It's the best I've ever seen," she told him honestly. "And I've seen a lot."

  Another man might have been jealous by the reminder she had more experience than him, but Del only laughed, shook his head and pulled her in for another kiss.

  "Even with the extra balls?"

  She reached between his thighs to cup him. "I love those extra balls."

  He laughed again, and she joined him. It wasn't really that funny, but as they laughed some of the tension wound inside her since the first moment she'd awoken to find Newcity was dark dissipated. He pulled her closer and they hugged, both still laughing, and it felt good to be like this with him. Naked and laughing. Loving.

  The laughter became moans of pleasure again as he found her bare shoulder with his lips and pulled her onto his lap. His cock rose between them, its base snug in the slickness coating her clit. Her nipples brushed the smooth skin of his chest. Linna put her head on Del's shoulder while he kissed her neck. They rocked together gently for a few moments.

  "Linna," he said softly, "I want to taste you."

  She pulled away to look at him, her clit already jumping at the thought of his mouth on it. "You're sure?"

  He didn't have to speak. His expression made her laugh again. "I guess you're sure."

  With the same liquid grace with which he did everything else, Del rolled her onto her back and slid down to kneel between her thighs. His grin made her pulse pound and the inner muscles of her thighs jump in expectation. Seeing and doing might be two different things, but she had no trouble believing Del would know exactly what to do.

  He settled himself on his belly, propped up on his elbows, and contemplated the spot between her legs for so long she began to feel self-conscious. "Now I know how you felt a few minutes ago."

  "I'm just not sure where to start."

  Linna hesitated before giving directions, not wanting to embarrass him, and was glad she'd stopped her answer when he spoke again.

  "It all looks so good," Del said with another husky chuckle that made her pussy quiver. "I can't decide if I want to dive right in or just nibble."

  Linna relaxed onto the lumpy pallet and lifted her hips at Del's urging. He slid his hands beneath her, fingers curled on her ass cheeks. She waited, tense, for the touch of his tongue on her, and was rewarded a second later by the tentative stroke of it right where she needed it most.

  Del might not have done this before, but he was a natural at it. He flicked her tight button, then licked it in a slow, steady circular pattern that had her on the edge in moments. Then he slid away from her clit to kiss and lick her opening. Up again, then down, until she was mindless from the pleasure of it.

  He slid a finger inside her and pumped it in and out to the rhythm he set with his tongue. He captured her clitoris with his lips and rolled it as he'd done her nipples. He put another finger inside her, a poor substitute for his cock, but delicious just the same.

  This was all about him, Linna thought, but all her best intentions fled when he slid a third finger inside her wet slit and rolled her clit in time to his thrusts.

  She was breaking, she was crashing, she was throbbing and pulsing and coming, oh, God-of-Choice, she was coming....

  "Del!" she cried his name over and over again, swept up in the ecstasy pounding her into mindless oblivion.

  Linna's entire body tensed like she'd been given an electric shock. Her toes curled, hips lifted, tits and pussy and ass contracted in spasms of pure, bright pleasure that went on and on until she thought she might die from the sheer delight of it.

  It took Linna a few minutes to notice her orgasm had passed and she could think again. Del still rested quietly between her legs, mouth pressed lightly to her cunt.

  "I felt you come." He sounded amazed.

  She was boneless and couldn't move. "Where did you learn to do that?"

  "From the porn network." Del laughed and kissed her still tingling clit, then slid up her body to kiss her lips. "It was very...educational."

  His weight on her was pleasant and erotic. His cock nudged her opening, but he didn't thrust forward. He put his forehead to hers to stare into her eyes.

  If she lifted her hips at the right angle, if she parted her thighs just a bit wider, he'd slide right in. Again, this was all about choice. Del's choice. She desperately wanted him inside her, but this was for him.

  Thank God-of-Choice I just had that orgasm. Otherwise, she'd have been flipping him over and riding him like the ancient cowboys used to ride their horses.

  "You're smiling," Del said.

  "I have a reason to, don't I?"

  He nodded. His face was serious. His eyes asked her a
silent question, and she answered him as best she could with her own.

  Time spun out between them, delicate as a nanospider's thread. Desire and friendship wove a web between them, strengthened by the thread of love.

  With a slight adjustment of his hips, Del slid inside her. He rested there, filling her. He didn't move.

  "Are you..." Linna reached up to hold his face between her hands. "Del, you're trembling."

  Heat bloomed under her fingers as he blushed. He tried to duck his head, but she forced him to look at her. She kept her gaze locked on his, giving him permission to do what she wanted him to do.

  "Make love to me, Del."

  "Linna." Her name came out as a moan tempered by a whisper, and she lifted herself to meet his first thrust.

  The movement brought her clit into direct contact with his pubic bone. He pulled out and the pressure lessened. In, delicious friction again. She'd thought she knew her body's capacity for pleasure, but making love to Del surpassed anything she'd ever experienced. Even the times they'd been together before paled beside what they were doing now.

  It wasn't just the desire coursing through her veins and sending her toward ecstasy again. It was more than their bodies joining like they'd been made for each other. This was all encompassing, an entire universe of sensation and emotion filling her. This was the look of love in Del's eyes as he moved inside her.

  Her climax filled and overtook her, and he joined her in his.

  She had meant this to be a gift for him, but as he shuddered and moaned her name, then fell silent on top of her, Linna knew Del had given her a gift, too. The gift of himself.

  "Isn't this a pretty sight?" The male voice broke through the best sleep Del could remember ever having.

  He cracked open one eye, suddenly aware of the warmth of bare skin along his side. Also bare. He peeked down at himself and the arm curving over his waist.

  "You have the smile of a man well-satisfied." The man who spoke smoothed his long blond hair back from his face as he moved closer to the pallet. His gaze flickered over Del and behind him to Linna. "And I can see why."

  Del sat up to block Linna from this man's view. She gave a sleepy mumble and shifted. The heat of her breasts against his lower back made him grin again, but he held it back. He wouldn't give this jerk the satisfaction.

  "Wake her up."

  Linna was already awake. She sat up and curled herself along Del's back, her chin on his shoulder. "Who are you?"

  The man sniffed and looked insulted. "Who am I? Who do you think I am?"

  Del looked at the man's frilly white shirt, billowing sleeves cuffed tightly at the wrists with multi-colored ribbons. Blue flockweed pants, belted with a crimson sash, tucked into knee-high, shiny black boots. They looked like real leather, too.

  "I'm guessing you're the captain of this ship," Del said. "Which would make you Erystus Sloane."

  Sloane smiled and gave a small bow that sent his thick golden hair tumbling over his shoulders. He straightened and tossed it back, then smoothed some more stray hairs from his face. His blue eyes glittered as he put one hand on his hip and looked Del over once again.

  "Shaitza," he swore. "That bitch didn't tell me you were Xanderran."

  Del shrugged. "I am."

  "I can see that." Sloane's lip curled. He spoke to Linna. "But you're not. You're...something else. Something...different. Come here and let me see you."

  Del tensed, but Linna put a soothing hand on his shoulder. "It's okay," she whispered as she obeyed the pirate captain.

  Del didn't want any other man looking at his woman the way Sloane was, but he clenched his hands into fists at his sides without raising them. The bond between him and Linna heightened every sense between them. He could tell how she was feeling by the way she walked, talked...smelled. She wasn't worried.

  Sloane reached out and touched one of her nipples, then rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. Linna didn't move. Del breathed hard, wanting to rip the other man's head off.


  Next, the man put his hands on her cheeks, tilted her head from side to side, smoothed the lobes of her ears, pulled open her lips and checked her teeth. Linna stood, completely relaxed, as though she'd done this a hundred times before. It didn't make Del feel any better to realize she might have.

  "Very nice work." Sloane pursed his lips. "Did they partition your brain?"

  Linna shook her head. "No."

  The man grinned. "You were smart enough."

  Linna shrugged, the casual movement making her bare breasts rise and fall. "I like to think so."

  Sloane took his hand and, without any warning, slid it between her legs. Linna gasped and took a step back. Del was on his feet in a minute.

  The growl burst from his throat and filled his ears before he realized he was making the sound. Sloane's throat was in his hands, the man's back against the metal door, so fast he had no time to protest.

  "You keep your hands off her!"

  Sloane's gaze didn't waver. He smiled, then ran his tongue along his lips. He slouched in Del's grasp and pressed his lower body against Del's crotch.

  "Oooh," the pirate breathed. "How powerful."

  Disgusted with how he'd allowed the man to taunt him into anger, Del let go of him. "Keep your hands off her."

  "Sorry, fellow. I have to check the merchandise before I pass it along. I have a reputation to uphold."

  "Fuck your reputation," Del gritted between clenched teeth.

  Sloane raised one shaped eyebrow. "No, I believe I'll be fucking your lover."

  With a roar that hurt his throat, Del leaped toward the pirate captain. Then the world went black again.

  Chapter 10

  "You son of a bitch!" Linna knelt by Del, who'd shaken the floor when he fell flat on his face. She rolled him over and wiped the trickle of blood coming from above his eye. "What did you do to him?"

  She didn't see any sort of stunner or hypogun, no weapons at all. Sloane lifted the hand that had probed so recently between her legs. The forefinger was much longer than the others and tapered to a point. The skin was blue, without a fingernail.

  "Power of The Force," he intoned in a low voice, then broke into a fit of giggles. "Isn't that one of your ancient Earth legends?"

  Linna didn't answer, just kept trying to stop the blood from Del's forehead. "He needs a bandage. And you're an idiot."

  "I can channel the willpower innate in most humanoid species. What many scholars call the consciousness," said the pirate, giggles gone. "It won't hurt him permanently."

  "His head will scar," she retorted angrily. Del's blood had a slight purplish hue to it. She reached and grabbed the thin, worthless blanket from their pallet and pressed it to the wound.

  "What's one more among so many?"

  She shot him a glare. "It's one he didn't need to get!"

  "Interesting." Sloane dropped to a squat next to her and reached for her cheek. "You're not Xanderran, but you act like you're bonded to him just as much as he is to you."

  Linna jerked away from his caress. She'd suffered it earlier because she knew he intended to sell her into prostitution, and she needed time to figure out how to avoid that fate. Causing trouble would be the fastest way to get into trouble. She'd learned a long time ago to close her mind away from her body anyway.

  "That bitch Lunavoss didn't tell me that either." Sloane sounded more intrigued than angry. He reached again, touched the length of her hair, very much like his own. "Still, you are damned gorgeous. Tits I could spend all day with, an ass I'd adore plundering...and a pussy so tight and sweet I bet you'd milk me dry."

  The bleeding had stopped. Linna tore a strip from the flimsy blanket and tied it around Del's forehead to keep pressure on the cut. Her fingers shook. Delayed reaction maybe.

  "No response to that?"

  She looked up and met his eyes. "I'd have thought my tits too big for your tastes, and my pussy too...female."

  He laughed at her attempt at insult. His
long-fingered hands stroked down Del's naked chest, then his belly, and she reached out and knocked them away. Sloane gave her a thoughtful glance.

  "Oh, I have no interest in fucking Xanderrans. I have enough trouble with my lovers wanting more from me than I'm willing to give. I have no desire to actually bind someone to me for all eternity. By Ardet's Trident, that would be a responsibility!" He looked over Del's body again, so thoroughly she wanted to poke out the pirate's eyes. "He is fine, though. I might be tempted to sample him, if he wasn't bound. But he is, and you're not, so you're the only one who will be of use in the brothel."

  Linna got to her feet when he did, so she could face him eye to eye. "I don't want to work in your brothel."

  "I don't suppose you do, though I think you'd be awfully good at it."

  Linna stared at Sloane. She really ought to loathe him. He was a criminal, he'd hurt Del, and he intended on selling them both into slavery for his own profit.

  He quirked his brow at her and slid his fingers through his long, shining hair. "Would you like to touch it?"


  "I want you to touch it. In fact," Sloane said calmly, "I want you to do more than that. I want you to let it cover you. I want you to roll in it. I want you to let it caress every part of that luscious body."

  Even several weeks ago, she'd have accepted his offer with dollar signs gleaming in her eyes, and gratitude he was at least pleasing to look at. Now, Linna shook her head. She used the rest of the blanket to cover Del.

  "You don't interest me, Erystus."

  The touch of his hand on her shoulder surprised her and straightened her back.

  "I think I do. At least a little bit."

  Linna blinked as a rush of heat filled her. Her body felt suddenly languid. Liquid. Moisture pooled between her thighs and coated her clit, which rose and begged for attention.

  "Don't," she managed to say in a thick voice.

  "Shhh." Erystus put his mouth to the nape of her neck.


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