Ajei's Destiny

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by Rori Bleu

  Struggling to get up from the chair, Ajei shouted, “I don’t need this!”

  Lexi hoisted Ajei up. “Calm down, already. I’m just kidding.”

  “You are a real brat!” Ajei groused at her.

  “Yeah, I hear that a lot,” Lexi chuckled.

  Carrying Ajei through the doorway and up the stairs to the guest quarters, Lexi added, “But you never did answer me. You are housebroken, yes?”

  Ajei huffed and punched her in the chest.

  Chapter 9

  Fuerte del Verdugo

  Ajei found the sanctuary she had sought out in Lexi’s realm had been tenuous, at best, during her time there. Mere months after her arrival, the war Nicolette had always feared indeed erupted among the elites. The Council, powerless to prevent it, soon found itself disbanded. Any of the members who resisted losing their power found their necks stretched across the executioner's block and their severed heads left on display upon pikes in the Capitol’s main square.

  The ensuing power struggle to fill the void led to a continuous battle for control. All sides claimed to have the only legitimate right to rule. In the end, it mattered not if it were innocents or combatants, all were swept up in the melee. Death and retribution touched everyone.

  Even Nicolette found herself a casualty of the conflict. No longer a member of the Council, she still found herself imprisoned by the main opposition party. They had shown up in the middle of the night to drag her off. Carlos and the girls had done their best to protect her in a short pitched battle, but they were no match for the number of invaders. In the end, it was Nicolette who put an end to the melee. “Please, Carlos, stop! I promise everything will be alright,” she brushed a kiss to his lips. “I need you here to watch over Alexandra and Ajei.”

  “But, my love, I will be lost without you!” Carlos cried out as she was ripped from his arms.

  “I love you, too! Stay strong!” she called to him as she was thrown into the prison wagon.

  Fuerte del Verdugo had served for centuries as the realms prison, housing its most hardened criminals. However, once the unpaid guards deserted their posts, it became easy prey for the strongest army to seize. In addition to now serving as their headquarters, it also provided them the most ruthless of mercenaries to fill their ranks.

  This is where Nicolette found herself.

  Upon her arrival in the fortress courtyard, she was met by the opposition leader, Andreas Franco. The large, overbearing man had been a constant thorn in Nicolette’s side during her time on the Council. He had fought against any of Nicolette’s reforms and was a deciding factor in her decision to step down.

  “Ah, Lady Hidalgo, it is so good of you to join me this evening,” Andreas welcomed her with a broad, toothy smile.

  “Did I have a choice, Andreas? This was a little extreme, even for you.” Nicolette replied, unimpressed with her host.

  “I must apologize for having dispatched my men to collect you, Nicolette, but I feared for your safety. I hope you will understand.”

  “My safety, huh?” Nicolette said, arching a brow. “How about saving the pleasantries and just tell me what you’re after?”

  “You cut me to the quick, Madame, suspecting that I would have an ulterior motive,” Andreas frowned. “For now you simply are my guest.”

  Taking a few steps to escort Nicolette to the door, Andreas stopped as if a thought suddenly occurred to him. Turning once more to his guest, he rested his chin and mouth between his index finger and thumb, adding, “Though that you mention it, I do have a small favor to ask. As you can see, our forces are strong, but we lack proper organizational skills to garner the support of your favored peons.”

  “And you want me to take over your army? While it’s a tempting offer, I’m sure whatever carnival sideshow you gathered these miscreants you call soldiers from is mis—” Nicolette taunted.

  “Silence, wench! Maybe spending some time in our fine accommodations will make you more open to my offer!”

  A tiny cell with a single window served as Nicolette’s guest room for the next two months. Throughout her confinement, she would receive three regular visitors. The first was Andreas Franco, ranting threats to destroy everything she held dear if she did not join his forces. The other two were a pair of ravens who would periodically appear on Nicolette’s window sill. They would noisily squawk for scraps of food from her until some guard would chase them away.

  Little did any realize, save Nicolette, Ajei had succeeded in teaching Lexi the art of transformation. The two were busy passing messages between Carlos and his wife. The last message she received filled her with pride for her husband.

  My Dearest Heart,

  After having failed to convince that buffoon Franco to release you, I have arranged for an army to liberate you! Be prepared and stay safe!

  My love always!

  True to his word, the alliance Carlos cobbled together between other warring factions fielded superior numbers over those holding the fortress. With promises of gold and whatever spoils a victory would guarantee, the leaders of each of Carlos’ mercenary forces deemed it worth losing a few men, especially if those men came from their compatriots’ army.

  As for Carlos, he hoped greed would rear its ugly head and drive all sides to obliterate each other trying to divide the wealth. To Carlos, it simply meant less armies would be able to lay waste to his beautiful countryside.

  It took less than two hours for the invaders to overwhelm the defenses along the battlement and the gate. Once inside, the fighting turned to brutal hand-to-hand combat.

  Nicolette heard the crash of metal intermingle with the moans of the dying. She tried hard to catch sight of the battle, but her window didn’t give her the luxury to do so. When a hush eventually fell over the inner courtyard, Nicolette immediately turned her attention to the cell door. Coiling the chain fastened to her ankle shackle, she was determined to defend herself from whomever appeared through the door.

  The lock released with an echoing clang. With his grandfather’s bloody broadsword clenched in one hand, and blood splattered over his face and tunic, Carlos Hidalgo stood in the doorway.

  Thrusting the blade up in triumph, he exclaimed, “Mrs. Hidalgo, I have arrived with your pardon!” That was the extent of their loving reunion.

  Freeing her from her chains, he quickly added, “We should go now before the real battle breaks out.”

  Once safely home, Nicolette was greeted by a small army which lined both sides of the drive up to the manor. In unison they saluted as the Hidalgo’s coach passed. Leaning to her husband, Nicolette whispered, “I hope you know this is coming out of your stipend.”

  A light chuckle rolled from him as he kissed her. “Then, I’ll need a raise in my allowance.”

  From then on, even as the civil war raged around them, Nicolette and Carlos did their best to keep clear of any additional fallout. The pair took great lengths to protect not only their daughter but also the girl they come to accept as their unofficially adopted second child.

  Carlos wasted little time in accepting Ajei into their family. He took a liking to her the first day he had met her. As he put it, “If she’s good enough for Lexi, she’s good enough for me!”

  The same had not been true for Nicolette. To her, the girl had been an unwelcome guest, hiding more about her past than she would let on. She could see the anger still alive in the girl. The woman kept a wary eye on Ajei, waiting for the day she would slip up and the truth would accidentally spill out. If the day came, Nicolette was prepared to banish the girl for the sake of her family.

  Even as Ajei proved herself instrumental in freeing Nicolette, drawing the two of them closer together, the woman still held concerns about her new daughter.

  Chapter 10

  You Can Choose Your Family

  Before the dove of peace could take flight anywhere, the specter of war spread everywhere. Civilizations across all the realms fell prey, most brought to the brink of total annihilation. There was spec
ulation as to the causes of widespread turmoil. Greed, envy, and retribution always topped the lists. There was one additional theory most wrote off as wild speculation, but it still had its staunch supporters. The burning of the camp had been a deliberate act of terrorism.

  While no one ever definitively proved the cause of the blaze which had wiped out the encampment, the loss was felt everywhere. No longer was there a neutral ground to provide interaction among the races and teach the subsequent generations the necessary skills of diplomacy and integration. Civility came to an abrupt end, allowing chaos to become the order of the day.

  Ajei though had her own belief about the camp’s destruction. It was one she dared not share with anyone else, not even Lexi. Especially Lexi!

  She had always feared the guilt for the fire and all of the deaths it caused rested squarely on her shoulders. Ajei could not remember if she had extinguished her campfire before she ran off the night she had talked to her mother. How could Ajei ever admit to Lexi she was the one who had almost burned her friend to death?

  As for Nicolette, whatever doubts she held about Ajei, slowly abated. Her constant observations of Ajei ultimately discovered a girl who, though still awkward in public settings, was a positive influence on her daughter. She made sure Lexi got her studies done...and was doing her best to understand their ways as well.

  One afternoon, Nicolette happened by the study the two girls had claimed as theirs. They were in the midst of a history lesson when the topic of marriages came up.

  “Can you imagine anything as barbaric as marrying your daughter off for the sake of her family?” Lexi scoffed. “Worse yet, the daughters weren’t allowed to return home...ever!”

  “Well, in some cultures, it is a tradition,” Ajei replied. “Like in mi—”

  “Like I said—barbaric! Besides you belong here now, so you’ll be able to marry whoever you want!”

  As the girls chattered on about the type of person each should marry, Nicolette remembered the stories her grandmother had told her about when arranged marriages were mandatory. Whispering a small prayer of thanks to the forces-that-be, she was happy neither child would be forced to endure such a pain and their hearts would able to find the love she shared with Carlos. Clearing her throat at the door, it amused Nicolette to hear the girls suddenly shift the conversation back to their studies.

  Nicolette also enjoyed the debates she got into with Ajei on the differences in their definition of magic. What Ajei might see as mystical, Nicolette would try to explain in scientific terms. The conversation usually lasted until the wee hours of the morning, or until Carlos came to chastise them both and send them to bed. With all Ajei learned from Nicolette, the older woman still took care Ajei did not abandon her own beliefs.

  As for Lexi, she was no longer quite the lazy ass Nicolette had always known her daughter to be. In fact, Lexi had gone so far as to learn their ancient form of self-defense. That had shocked Nicolette the most.

  Instead of finding her daughter lounging around the house, ordering the servants about, Nicolette would watch as Lexi and Ajei happily enjoyed tossing each other around in the sparring pits. Other times, she would catch them casting defense spells at one another.

  Even the instructor Nicolette had begrudgingly agreed to hire mentioned to her how he was impressed at the speed their skills had developed. To which, she simply replied, “Then it appears we will no longer be needing your services.”

  Living in Lexi’s realm also provided Ajei with an unexpected surprise. Having to compensate for the greater density of their atmosphere, Ajei’s muscles and lungs became stronger. Gone were the days of struggling to breathe with every step.

  In addition, the creatures which existed here provided Ajei with a larger arsenal of animals to transform into. Her favorite, as with Nicolette, were the Manor Wolves. Larger and more muscular than the typical wolves which lived around her village, the pack was allowed to roam and hunt freely over the manor. Additionally, the wolves provided extra protection against anyone who dared trespass on the grounds.

  From her bedroom window, it did not take Ajei long to study their structures and ways. Soon, she was venturing outside and easily transforming into one. The chill of the night air made her pelt thicker than in the desert, with a beautiful, rich, cinnamon tone.

  The pack readily allowed her to join them on their hunt.

  It also sealed the bond between Nicolette and Ajei. Nicolette loved watching the Manor’s new wolf’s sleek agility during the chase, and the wolf prevented any harm from coming to either the lady or the house.

  However, unbeknownst to either parent was a skill both girls had managed to hone...cross-realm teleportation.

  The first attempts still led to Ajei accusations of, “Are you really even trying to learn how to land right? Or are you still wanting revenge for pushing you out of the tree?”

  Kicking Ajei off, Lexi would growl back, “Well, we’re still in one piece, aren't we? And you're not the most graceful of creatures when it comes to this, either!”

  In the end, practice made perfect. Gone were the days of clumsy, bone-jarring landings. The only problem was, they couldn't teleport anywhere apart from the burned remains of their old camp. It did not matter because it gave them a place to escape to when difficulties at home became too tense.

  Quite by accident, the pair discovered they were not the only ones who had learned how to return here. One by one, the other girls from their cabin, who had survived the devastation of the camp, began to find their way back.

  There were times Ajei would slip from Lexi’s side and disappear up the ridge to where her camp had been that fateful night. She would build a small fire and attempt to reach out to her mother. Ajei wanted her to know she was safe and being cared for and that Ajei finally understood why her mother had done the things she did to keep her daughter safe. Every time, she would put out the fire with tears of disappointment in her eyes.

  This particular night, she lamented, “What’s the use in trying?”

  “You give up too easily, you always have!” Lexi’s voice made Ajei spin.

  “Why are you here?” Ajei demanded.

  “You still feel her don’t you?” Lexi said, taking a seat next to Ajei on the log Ajei had dragged up here years ago. “You will reach her one day. Fate, destiny, dumb luck…whatever you want to call it, you know it in your heart to be true. It’s what keeps you going.”

  The pair fell silent and stared into the flickering flames.

  Ajei forced herself to ask, “Lexi…the night of the fire…do you still think about it?”

  Without taking her eyes off of the embers, Lexi nodded. Her voice cracked ever so slightly as she replied, “Not a day goes by I don’t. I thought I’d lost you.”

  Ajei had only experienced the depth of sadness and loss which tugged at Lexi’s usual smile twice. There was the time the guards had kidnapped Nicolette...and the night of the fire. Those types of personal emotions Lexi tried her best to suppress.

  Turning back to the fire, Ajei quietly asked, “Have you ever given any thought as to how it—”

  “Does it really matter?” Lexi finally shifted her attention to Ajei. “What did was finding my sister alive and looking for me!”

  It was the first time Ajei heard Lexi call her sister. It was true they had long since moved beyond only being friends. Ajei slipped her arm around Lexi.

  Lexi took a shuddering breath, “When I finally found you in camp, I didn’t care how you managed to survive, I just wanted to get you somewhere safe….” With what happened over the past few years, Lexi chuckled and corrected herself, “…safer.”

  Ajei nudged against her shoulder.

  “How did you know to find me up here tonight?” Ajei asked.

  Lexi rolled her eyes, “For being able to transform into a wolf, you have to have the worst sense of smell. I’ve followed you up here every time you thought you were alone. I wanted to make sure nothing bad happened.”

  Ajei pulled Lexi
tight against her.

  If things could always stay this way, Ajei asked herself, would it really be so bad?

  Chapter 11

  The Price of Peace

  But time does force change.

  The civil war continued to rage within their realm for two more years. Ultimately, its conclusion was not brought about by a series of decisive military battles. No, peace was finally established through a more devastating and lasting tactic…diplomatic weddings.

  Beginning with the betrothal of the eldest daughter to the oldest male heir from the two most heavily armed families, a royal house was once more established within the land, filling the void left by the abolition of the Council.

  Soon the other families followed suit. In order to create alliances and garner political favor with the newly crowned king and queen, similar marriages were quickly arranged. As much as it broke their hearts, among the casualties was the daughter of Carlos and Nicolette Hidalgo, Alexandra.


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