Four Play

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Four Play Page 13

by Stephanie Brother

  I hang my head.

  “Maddy! You’ve been with the four Harding brothers? Together? In bed. Together?” She’s the one up and pacing now.

  “You’re not mad, are you?”

  “Why in the world would I be mad? You’re my hero!”

  “You like them, though. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It all happened so fast.”

  “Sure, I like them. What women wouldn’t like them? But I don’t have a claim on them or anything. We’ve never even gone out.” She sits back down next to me and pushes hair back from my face. “All of them, huh?” Her voice softens. “And now tell me. Why exactly is that bad?”

  Now it’s my turn to look at her with wide eyes. “They’re my stepbrothers, Lacy!”

  “Okay, but they’re not your blood relatives. Your parents are married to each other. That’s all.”

  “That’s exactly the problem. Our parents are married. My mom would be horrified if she knew what I’ve done.” The tears start again.

  “Horrified? That’s a pretty strong word. Sure, she might be surprised but I think you’ve got this blown out of proportion in your mind.”

  I shake my head and reach for another tissue.

  “From what I know of your mom, all she wants is for you to be happy,” Lacy says.

  I rest my head in my hands and let out a long breath. Though I don’t know if she’s right, her words soothe me. Until I remember the test.

  I jump up and rush into the bathroom, where the little stick still rests on the counter. Two bold pink lines. I’m pregnant.


  No turning back now

  Lacy spends the night with me. She’s wonderfully supportive, but I’m numb.

  I stare at the little stick until the lines blur but it doesn’t seem real. I curl into a ball and cry, and Lacy brings me tea and rubs my back until I eventually fall asleep.

  After a night of strange dreams, I awake with some acceptance. The situation is sinking in; I just need to figure out what to do about it.

  Lacy has to work in her family’s shop, so she leaves early, promising to check on me later. I have the whole day ahead of me with no plans, except to figure out how to deal with a major new direction for my life.

  When pacing around the house doesn’t bring any solutions, I throw on shorts and a top and drive to the beach. The fresh air and the water’s soothing energy have always helped me clear my head, and I need their help now more than ever.

  I leave my shoes in the car and feel a little bit better the moment my feet hit the warm sand. It’s instantly grounding.

  I have a child growing inside me. Tomorrow I’ll call my doctor and figure out how best to take care of myself and the pregnancy. After that, I’ll need to figure out how best to take care of the baby after it’s born, and how it will impact the important people in my life.

  The thought of running back to the city crosses my mind. If I go there, my mom and Mike would be shielded from the island gossip that will certainly run wild. But if I move to the city, my child won’t have the benefit of growing up near a family that loves them.

  A lot is uncertain right now, but I do know my mom will love and accept my child no matter how much I screwed up and disappointed her.

  If I go to the city, my child won’t be near their father.

  Whoever that father is.

  It’s an issue I’ve been keeping at the outer edges of my mind, not yet ready to deal with it. One of my stepbrothers is the baby’s father. Will they be upset that I got pregnant? They have no right to be mad, of course. It wasn’t intentional.

  And then there’s the question of which man is the father. Maybe tests can be done to determine whose sperm reached my egg.

  I don’t like the uncertainty, but I do like the thought that one of them is the father. My baby will be lucky to inherit the good looks and good qualities from any one of them.

  I can’t imagine their response to the news, but after a few more minutes walking the yielding and unsteady line between sand and surf, I decide that they need to know what’s going on, and they need to know now.

  My feet pick up pace beneath me and I realize I’ve been heading to them all along.

  When I reach their house, there’s a figure on the back porch who eventually comes into focus as Matt. He’s leaning against a post, looking off to the south, and I watch him for a while as I approach before he notices me.

  When he finally spots me, he stands and heads my way, meeting me before I reach their deck steps.

  There’s no turning back now. I have no idea how this will play out, but the best I can do is be open about what’s going on, and hope for the best.


  “Hi, Matt.”

  “What’s up? Are you okay?” I’m not sure how I must look to him. I’ve been walking at a fast pace without really realizing it, and now that I’ve stopped I can feel strands of hair stuck to the sides of my face and notice my breathing is heavy. I pull my hair back to smooth it and take a deep breath.

  “I’m fine. Is anyone else home?”

  “They’re all inside. You want to come in?”

  “Yes, thanks. I’d like to talk to you all.”

  His expression turns somber but he doesn’t say anything else as he leads me up and in.

  As soon as we’re in the door, memories of the week I spent with them register physically on my body with warmth flooding my insides. The kitchen where we cooked together, the big table where we shared meals, the couch where many intimate moments got started… This is the place where my baby was conceived. Our baby.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thanks. I’m fine.”

  “Okay. Have a seat.” Matt tips his head toward the living room. “I’ll go get everyone.”

  I choose the chair at the end of the room. My body wants to pace, but I stay seated and focus on slowing my breathing. I can do this. I have to do this.

  There are sounds of low voices from up above and then the pounding of feet on the stairs. They file in, Matt in front looking wary, Josh and Jake tentative but hopeful, and Adam’s expression unreadable.

  The younger brothers sit but Adam remains standing at the opposite end of the room from me. “What’s up, Maddy?”

  “I need to tell you all something.” I take a deep breath. “I’m just going to come out with it. I was on birth control but something went wrong. I’m pregnant.”

  There is silence for a moment that seems to last forever, but may only be one or two seconds. A wave of panic rushes over me in that instant, and I feel a strong urge to run. This was a mistake. I should have waited to tell them until I had things straight in my head. I stand and my next words rush out of me. “I just wanted to let you know. I’m not here to ask for anything. I don’t need anything from you. I don’t need your help.”

  Then Josh is at my side, pulling me against him. More arms wrap around me, and when I look up, I’m surrounded by all four men.

  “We know you don’t need us, Maddy,” Jake says, cupping my cheek in his warm hand.

  “We need you,” Josh says.

  Matt catches my eye. “It’s been miserable here without you.”

  With barely a gesture, Adam moves his brothers aside and comes to stand in front of me. “Let us take care of you and the baby, Maddy. Josh is right. We need you. And though you don’t need us, you can’t deny you want us.” The cocky grin that I love so much curves up one side of his mouth.

  Matt turns me toward him with a hand on my shoulder. “Whatever you’re worried about, we can work it out. You belong with us.”

  Surrounded by all of them, reassured by the love and support flowing from each of them, I feel my body grow lighter and a warmth expand in my chest.

  Josh reaches in to gently lay a hand on my belly, and I give thanks to the little life growing inside me. Maybe it’s our future son or daughter who’s helping my heart open up to new possibilities. I’m ready to let myself be needed, and to need them in return.r />

  Filled with love

  “Jake, I’m not sure we have time.”

  “You’re the guest of honor. The party won’t start without you.”

  I’m in the new glider recliner chair we bought. Jake’s head is up under my big tent of a sundress, and the back and forth motion of the chair is assisting as he rubs his thumb against the wet folds between my legs.

  “But shouldn’t we be downstairs helping to get things ready?”

  “Everything’s set up, and you are not supposed to be doing anything.” He lays a hand against my ridiculously large belly. “You are supposed to relax.”

  “Well, what you’re doing is definitely very relaxing.” I take a deep breath and let out a satisfied sigh. I can’t see what he’s doing between my legs, but I feel his lips on my inner thighs, kissing, sucking, nipping, and soothing, and his fingers work expertly, making my pussy drip with honey.

  I try to stay quiet in case any guests have arrived downstairs, but my breath grows ragged as I start to pant with need.

  “What’s going on in here?” Josh’s head is in the doorway. It looks like he was passing by but he changes direction to come and join us.

  Jake comes out from under my dress to grin up at his twin. “Just making sure the mom-to-be is feeling stress-free.”

  “Mmm. That’s definitely important. Why don’t I help you.”

  Kneeling beside me, Josh stops the motion of the chair so that he can give me a sexy, dirty kiss, the kind that promises all sorts of good things will follow. As his mouth explores mine, he smoothly reaches into the stretchy elastic at the top of my dress and cups my breast, supporting its swollen weight in his hand.

  Soon he’s freed my breasts entirely and both of his hands work at circling my nipples in the way he knows drives me wild. And as they always do, with seemingly no communication, the twins’ motions are coordinated, Jake’s fingers somehow finding the same rhythm as Josh’s, rubbing, swirling, picking up pace together and effortlessly taking me right to the edge.

  “Oh yes, oh yes!” I try to keep my cries to a whisper volume, but soon I don’t know what I’m saying or how loud I’m saying it as I let go. “Oh god, oh yes!” Everything seems to feel so much more – all of me ripe and ready to burst – and I press my mound against Jake’s thick fingers as I come hard.

  The glider supports me as I slide back and forth, the twins helping me ride the edge of orgasm for a long time. I’m panting and smiling, and surely glowing as I slowly float back down to earth.

  “I love you, Mads,” Josh tells me before giving me a tender kiss.

  “I love you, too.”

  Jake gives me a lift out of the chair and helps me adjust my dress. “I love you, Maddy.”

  “I love you, too.” I return his kiss. They’re so expressive. All of them, not just Josh and Jake. Every day, all four of my men let me know I’m loved, through their words and their actions.

  “Are you ready to go downstairs?” Josh asks.

  “You two, go ahead down. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  I take a moment to look around the room we’ve prepared for the baby, and I’m filled with happiness at what we’ve put together in the last several months: the fresh coat of paint in pale green, the dark wood crib that will someday convert to a toddler bed and beyond, the sweet little pillows for the new chair, and the teddy bear pictures on the walls. The room is already filled with love, waiting to surround our child.

  My little one will be the luckiest baby on earth, with four daddies ready to give him or her everything they need. We don’t have any plans right now to find out who among the four was the “sperm donor.” Maybe we’ll want to know someday, but for now, they are all daddy, and I think they always will be. Even though they can be competitive with each other, none of them have been wanting to know whose little tadpoles swam the fastest.

  And I’m the luckiest mom-to-be. The Harding brothers – my men, is how I think of them now – take care of me in ways I could have never imagined. They’ve made their house my own and welcomed me into every part of their lives.

  Passing by Matt’s room, I smile to see my robe on his bed. I share my nights with all of them in turn, individually or in groups, as space and comfort allow. We had to stop spending nights all together in our love nest on the landing floor when it became uncomfortable for me, but I’m sure we’ll get back to it someday. The men also have remodeling plans in the works, so we’ll see what the future brings.

  As I make my way down the stairs, Adam meets me halfway, his eyes playful. “Well, if it isn’t Ms. Maddy Mother-to-be.” He leans in close to my ear, his voice a growl. “You look like you’ve just been fucked.”

  I laugh. “No, just fingered. We didn’t have time for more.”

  He circles his arm around me, keeping me steady, and grabs my ass, giving it a good squeeze. “We’ll have to take care of that later.” His sexy grin softens. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’ve never been better.” I press my lips to his, wanting to show him how much I appreciate his care, and how much I love him.

  “Then let’s go join the party, Mama Maddy.”

  There are tables of food and drinks on the back deck, along with a stack of pastel-wrapped gifts for the baby. Further down, on the beach, our family and friends are mingling.

  The sun is glistening on the ocean’s waves and everything seems right with the world.

  I make my way toward the water, stopping for conversations with Lonnie and with friends from high school, who are full of both questions and congratulations.

  When I spot my mom talking to Lacy, I head their way. My mom breaks away to give me a hug, her arms not quite able to wrap around me these days. “Hi, sweetie, how are you?”

  “I’m great. How are you?”

  “Wonderful! I know this shower is for you and the baby, but Mike and I were just saying this morning that we think we may be even more excited than all of you. We can’t wait to be grandparents!”

  I give her an extra hug and try to keep tears of joy from falling. My mom and Mike have been amazing. The fears I had and all of the obstacles I put in the way of my relationship with my men now seem ridiculous in hindsight.

  My mom was supportive about my situation from the moment I first told her, and I suspect that she wasn’t even surprised about my unconventional relationship.

  “You look beautiful!” Lacy says, giving me a side hug. “The baby is making you glow.”

  When I hold her eye contact and give her a secret little smile, she laughs. “Oh, I see. Other people are making you glow, too. You are one lucky woman. Hey, do your guys have any cousins or anything?” She looks around at the small crowd on the beach. “Because I could use some of that glow myself.”

  “You look great, Lacy, but I’ll ask about the cousins.”

  An arm goes around my shoulder and Matt is suddenly by my side, laying a kiss on my cheek. “Hi, gorgeous. Are you hungry?”

  “Oh, hi. Yes, I can always eat. You know that.”

  He caresses my back and gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Let’s go, then.” He makes an announcement to everyone on the beach letting them know the food is ready, and keeps a supportive hand on me as we walk through the sand back up to the house.

  The steps are tiring with the extra weight I’m carrying, and Matt is patient as I go slowly. “It won’t be long now,” he says. “We’ll be able to carry the baby for you.”

  I smile up at Matt, picturing him and others with a sweet little bundle in their arms. I imagine sunny days spent together on the beach, all of us spread out on a big blanket, building sandcastles, having picnics, watching our baby learn to crawl and walk.

  Adam calls down and I look up to see him and the twins waiting for us on the deck. Just a few more steps and I reach them, and then we’re all together. I’m surrounded by my four, wonderful, caring men. I’m exactly where I want – and need – to be.

  About the Author

  Stephanie Brother
writes scintillating stories with step-siblings and bad boys as their main romantic focus. She's always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she's enjoyed writing them.

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  Also by Stephanie Brother

  PERFECT: A Stepbrother Romance

  The first time I met Billy Taylor, we came thisclose to having sex in the parking lot of a bar.

  I was upset, okay? I'd just dumped my lying, cheating boyfriend. I had my perfect life with him all planned out, and then he ruined it when he put his hands on another woman.

  Billy isn't like him, or any other man I've known ... but I can't let myself think about Billy. Or his amazing, sculpted, gorgeous Greek-god body. No. I can't. And I absolutely, positively mustn't fantasize about finishing what we started.

  We could never work. Ever. I'm all about the city. He's country down to the bone.

  And if that's not enough ... he's also my soon-to-be stepbrother.

  So I can't think about the way he keeps teasing me, flirting with me, driving me crazy. Or remember the way his body felt against mine in that parking lot, all heat and hard muscle. And the times he's been nice when I really needed it.

  I have a plan for my life, dammit. And Billy Taylor is not part of it.

  If I keep telling myself that, maybe I'll even believe it.

  SPEED: A Stepbrother Romance


  Axel Beckers. Hotshot. Heartbreaker. My first crush. I’ve never truly gotten over him, and now he's back in my life.


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