Sabers, Sails, and Murder

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Sabers, Sails, and Murder Page 17

by Nola Robertson

  Sweets were my weakness, and I didn’t hesitate to snatch a handful of the fluffed sugar.

  “Wow, Logan has great form,” Shawna said.

  I gave him an admiring glance. “Yes, he does.”

  Jade laughed and gave my arm a light smack. “I think she was talking about his fighting abilities.”

  I stuffed the candy in my mouth, then licked my sticky fingers. “So was I.” Sort of. Logan was a hot guy, so who could blame me for ogling? Having someone willing to fight for my honor wasn’t an everyday occurrence, and I planned to enjoy it while it lasted.

  “If Josh wins, does that mean you have to start dating him?” Shawna waved a lump of candy in front of my face and giggled.

  “Not likely.” I snatched the sugary sweetness out of her hand.

  “Hey,” she grumbled, then reached inside the bag for another piece.

  “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” Jade tipped her chin toward the waning duel.

  While Logan looked as if he’d barely started to sweat, Josh was wheezing, his swings slow and halfhearted. Logan’s next swipe knocked the sword out of Josh’s hand and sent the blade sailing through the air. It landed on the pavement with a clatter.

  Logan lowered his sword. “I believe I win unless you’re interested in continuing.”

  “Fine.” Josh dragged his feet as he walked over to retrieve his blade. “No girl is worth this much effort.” He scowled at me, then headed for a gap in the crowd.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” Logan glanced in my direction, his smile causing heat to rush to my cheeks.

  “You need to congratulate the winner.” Jade gave me a nudge toward Logan.

  I wasn’t graceful and was glad I’d reached him without stumbling. “That was quite a demonstration.” I noticed my blue fingertips and tucked my hands in my pockets. There wasn’t anything I could do about the color of my tongue and was happy he didn’t mention it. “Where did you learn to fight so well?”

  “I’ve participated in a few renaissance fairs.” He slipped his sword back into his belt. “Though I’m much better at jousting.”

  He never seemed to lack confidence when he was around me, and I’d bet there were quite a few things he was good at. “Thank you for protecting my honor and for helping me out with Josh.”

  “You’re more than welcome, though I did have an ulterior motive.” He took my hand and pulled me closer.

  I placed my hands on his chest. “And what would that be?” My heart raced, and the flutters were back.

  He grinned and lowered his head. “To collect the kiss a lady bestows on her champion.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The sun had started to set, and brilliant stripes of pink and gold filled the early evening sky. With fall closely approaching, it wouldn’t be long before the daily temperatures dropped, and every day would require warmer clothes and jackets.

  I sat on the blanket Jade and I placed on the sand next to the fire Bryce and Nate built shortly after our group had arrived on the beach. After reading the article in the newspaper about the pirate ship sighting, Bryce had pestered my friends and me to accompany him and check it out. He thought my special ghostly ability might make the ship reappear. Since we hadn’t participated in a campfire outing in a long time, we agreed to go along and make a night of it.

  I stared at the flames glad that Hildie had been caught and the festival was over. The second day of activities hadn’t seemed nearly as exciting as the first. Not when I thought about the wonderful kiss I’d gotten from Logan.

  Shawna discovered her future didn’t hold anything exciting but was happy she’d gotten her reading from Nadine. I hadn’t seen Martin and Pete since the Trudy episode, yet somehow sensed their trip to the afterlife had been postponed. Even so, I didn’t think a trip to the cove would magically produce them or a glimpse of the vessel the spoofers were hoping for.

  “Have you seen anything yet?” Shawna asked as soon as she returned from her walk with Nate.

  “Nothing so far.” I scooted closer to Jade to make room for them to sit on the other half of the blanket.

  “That’s too bad.” Nate reached into a nearby food basket and pulled out a bag of marshmallows and two metal roasting prongs, then handed one to Shawna. “We’ve spent a few nights out here watching and were hoping we’d actually see something this time.”

  I glanced at Bryce and Myra, who were standing near the water’s edge staring at the rippling waves. I’d been afraid to ask where he’d gotten the night vision goggles or what he expected to see with them.

  “It’s still early.” Shawna sounded confident. “Maybe the witching hour rules also apply to pirate ships.” She grabbed a handful of marshmallows, then stuffed one in her mouth and stuck the other two on the end of her stick.

  “I hadn’t thought about that.” Nate finished squishing as many marshmallows as possible on his prong, then held it over the fire. “You’ll have to mention it to Bryce and Myra when they come back.”

  Jade and I remained silent. She didn’t agree with Shawna’s theory any more than I did, but unlike me, she chose to show her skepticism with a roll of her eyes.

  There wasn’t a breeze, yet cool air broke through the fires warmth and swirled around me. For the first time since I’d started getting ghostly visits, I welcomed the chill. I stretched and got to my feet seconds before Martin and Pete made an appearance.

  “Hey, Martin,” I said so my friends would know he’d arrived. Jade, Shawna, and Nate stopped what they were doing. If I’d known they were going to stare, I would have taken a walk so I could talk to him privately. Since it was too late, I did my best to ignore them.

  “Evening, Lass.” As soon as he scratched Pete’s head, the dog sat on the ground next to him, body pressed against his leg, tail wagging. Pete still had a bandanna tied around his neck, but Martin had changed into the pirate outfit he’d worn the first day we met. “I suppose ye know why I be here?”

  I did, but I didn’t want to admit it, so I teased him instead. “Let me guess, you came to tell me you drenched someone else with a soda.”

  He chortled. “Ye will be thankin' me later. The good detective be smitten wit' ye 'n be a much better match than that Josh fellow.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” I felt the evening chill now that I’d moved away from the fire and pulled my jacket closer to my chest.

  His grin faded, and he rubbed his hand along his nape. “Rylee, 'tis time fer me 'n Pete to be on our way, so I 'ave come to say goodbye.”

  “Oh.” Even though I knew it was time and had been prepared, it didn’t prevent my chest from tightening.

  “Ye 'ave been a good friend to us 'n I be goin' to miss ye.” His voice cracked, and Pete whimpered.

  “I’ll miss you too.” I blinked away the moisture building in my eyes. “I’d give you a hug if it wouldn’t turn me into a block of ice.”

  “'n I would let ye.” Martin winked. “Ye take care of yourself.”

  “I will.” I watched the two of them fade, then vanish completely.

  Jade and Shawna had gotten to their feet, and as soon as I told them Martin was gone, they pulled me into a group hug.

  “The spirit world will never be the same.” Shawna stepped away from me and held out her roasting prong, offering me the remaining burnt marshmallow.

  “That’s for sure.” I pulled on the sticky blob, then popped it into my mouth, and followed my friends back to the blanket. I was about to take my seat when movement on the water caught my attention. “Well, I’ll be darned.”

  Jade followed the direction of my gaze. “Did you see something?”

  I debated whether or not I should tell my friends about the glimpse I’d gotten of a pirate ship, or that Martin was standing on the deck with Pete beside him, his front paws hooked on the railing.

  I shook my head and grinned. “Nope, just a reflection.”

  Even though I knew he was headed for the spirit realm, I couldn’t shake the feeling
I’d be seeing the wayward pirate and his best mate again someday.


  A Note from the Author

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  Also by Nola Robertson

  The Tarron Hunter Series

  Hunter Bound

  Hunter Enslaved

  Hunter Unchained

  Hunter Forbidden

  Hunter Scorned

  Hunter Avenged

  City Light Shifters (Stand Alone)

  Stolen Surrender

  A Cumberpatch Cove Mystery

  Death and Doubloons

  Sabers, Sails, and Murder

  St. Claire Witches

  Hexed by Fire

  Spelled With Charms

  About the Author

  Nola Robertson is an author of paranormal and sci-fi romance, who has recently ventured into writing cozy mysteries. When she’s not busy writing, she spends her time reading, gardening, and working on various DIY projects.

  Raised in the Midwest, she now resides in the enchanting Southwest with her husband and three adorable cats.




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