The Strange Existence of Krissy Nichole (The Memory Eater Chronicles Book 1)

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The Strange Existence of Krissy Nichole (The Memory Eater Chronicles Book 1) Page 8

by Rose Alexander

  “How about I try to help you with yours?” I offer. “I’ve never done it before though.”

  She thinks about my offer for a minute. “Maybe next time. I’ve got this,” she says. “But someday I will get you to wear makeup.”

  “Good luck,” I laugh.

  I crawl out of bed and head to the kitchen while Tori takes a shower. Dad and Tony are already sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

  “Did you make enough for us?” I tease as I enter the kitchen.

  “Of course,” my dad says.

  I make a plate with pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon then sit next to Tony.

  “How are you doing?” I ask him as I start eating.

  “I’m great, kiddo. Any new art projects?” he asks.

  “Not yet. I need to get my supplies before I can. We haven’t gotten that far yet,” I reply.

  “We’ll have to fix that. Dustin, you can’t deny the girl her supplies,” he says.

  “I wasn’t doing it intentionally.” Dad throws his hands in the air.

  By the time I finish eating, Tori emerges with a towel wrapped around her hair, but fully dressed.

  “Shower is yours,” she says. “What’s for breakfast?”

  I show her where the plates are then hop in the shower to get ready for the day myself. When I return to my room, Tori is sitting on my bed with a dozen different products scattered in front of her. I watch as she applies her makeup. She’s right, it is an artform. When she’s finished, she barely looks like she’s wearing anything at all. I still don’t see the point.

  It’s nearly eleven by the time she’s ready to go.

  “Ok, I see why you got up so early,” I admit.

  “I can’t wait. Today is going to be so much fun,” she smiles.

  “Have fun you two.” Dad hands me a debit card. “I meant to give this to you yesterday but I got distracted when Tony called.”

  “Oh, thanks,” I reply slipping the card into my pocket.

  “There’s a couple hundred dollars in there. Don’t spend it all in one place,” he says.

  Wow, he gave me a lot more than I was expecting. I figured there was enough to get into the theme park at most. I still have the money my mom left me. I’ll have to ask him about depositing that into my account as well. I had grabbed money for the theme park already, so I’ll probably use it and leave the debit card for online shopping.

  The guys pull up in the driveway. I tell Tony and my dad goodbye as Tori and I dart out the door. This will be my first time visiting an amusement park. The thought of riding a rollercoaster is both thrilling and terrifying.

  We hop into the van and then we are off. The guys explain their favorite rides and Tori chimes in while I listen.

  “We have to ride the Sidewinder,” Noah says.

  “Oh and the Mind Eraser,” Chance adds.

  “I want to ride the Half Pipe,” Tanner says.

  “We have to do the Meow Wolf’s Kaleidoscape,” Tori says. “I think Krissy will love it.”

  That must be the art ride she told me about yesterday.

  “I’m game to try whatever you guys like. I’ve never been to a theme park,” I admit.

  “Really?” Noah asks. “Then we will have to take you on all of the rides.”

  Tori starts looking on her phone then gets really excited.

  “You guys! It’s the first weekend of Fright By Night. Are we staying to do the haunted houses?” she asks.

  “Of course, as long as you ladies are up for it,” Tanner says.

  “Sounds fun to me,” I reply.

  “Me too!” Tori exclaims.

  We pull into the parking lot then make the long walk to the front gate. After standing in line for a while, we are finally in the theme park. We ride a couple of the smaller rides then take a break to eat a slice of pizza then continue making our way around the park.

  We step into line of the first roller coaster, the Sidewinder. It doesn’t look too scary. The track drops down then loops into a circle before rising again. I can do this.

  The line moves forward and it’s time to queue up in front of the cars we will ride in.

  “Sit with me?” Noah asks, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front line. Butterflies explode in my stomach. I drop my head to hide the flush that’s heating up my cheeks. Do I like Noah?

  The coaster returns from its last trip and the people exit on the other side. Noah climbs in first and I take the seat next to him. The bright yellow harnesses are lowered and clicked into place by the employees, then we are off.

  Click, click, click, the coaster goes as we gain momentum. My stomach is in my throat in anticipation. I hold the metal handles on the harness as we drop fast. I scream as we speed up then loop upside down. This is fun!

  As the ride slows down and stops back at the beginning, I’m grinning ear to ear.

  “How was your first coaster, beautiful?” Noah smiles at me.

  “It was awesome!” I squeal, then his words hit me. Did he really just call me beautiful? What is that about?

  We make our way around the park, riding every ride we come across until evening sets in.

  “We should grab something to eat before the haunted houses open,” Tanner suggests.

  The guys argue about what to eat before deciding on hitting Rustler’s Food Court. When we arrive, there are several options. We split up, Tori and Tanner going for burgers and fries while the rest of us hit the BBQ place.

  When we finish eating, we meet back up and head towards the first haunted house to get in line. On our way, Tanner stops dead in his tracks.

  “Guys, we have a problem,” he says, his voice getting very serious.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, looking in the direction he’s staring.

  Shit! This isn’t good. There are three men up ahead, facing away from us with no auras.

  “Is that Vinco?” I ask, panic taking root in my chest.

  “It has to be. Everyone else has auras,” Tori says nervously.

  We turn around and head back to the food court, glancing over our shoulders periodically. So far no one is following us, but why are they here?

  Chance pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls someone. He explains what is happening then listens to their response. He agrees with whatever they say then hangs up.

  “Catherine said to get out of here and head to CODA headquarters,” he says.

  “Where’s that?” I ask as we change direction to the park exit.

  “You’ll see,” he replies.

  We exit the park without seeing any more Vinco people and head to the van. When we reach it I go to open it as a bag is shoved over my head. I scream and start to feel drowsy instantly. Darkness consumes me.

  Chapter 11

  I wake up in pitch black. I try to move but my body betrays me. I can feel a sack over my head, which smells of chemicals. My mouth feels like it's stuffed full of cotton, my head is pounding, and I’m lying on hard metal. As my brain begins to focus, it feels like I’m in a moving vehicle. We hit a bump and I’m jostled around. We’re definitely being transported somewhere.

  “Hello,” I cry out tentatively.

  “Krissy?” I hear a deep voice next to me. It registers a moment later, it belongs to Chance.

  “What’s going on?” My lip trembles as I try not to cry.

  “I don’t know. The last thing I remember is trying to get in the van. His words drag out at the end, the confusion evident in his voice as if he’s trying to remember what in the hell happened to us.

  “Same. Where are the others?” I struggle to move again, only to find my arms are bound behind my back.

  I try to move my legs, but they are tied together as well. I kick out with both of them and hit something soft.

  “Who’s kicking me?” Tori mumbles, her voice slurred. “And what’s going on?”

  “We’re all here, but I have a bag around my head so I can’t see anything,” Tanner growls, his voice gruff with anger.
/>   We pull to a stop and the vibration I didn’t notice stops. My body feels strange with the absence. I hear a door click then feel a breeze of fresh air hit my body, making goosebumps raise on my arms.

  “Get them inside the cell.” A man barks in a harsh tone.

  A hand wraps around my ankle then I’m dragged across the metal surface. I try to kick out of the grip, but it’s no use. Whatever they used to knock us out with has left me weak. Tears stream down my face. I’m scared of what they are going to do to me. I want to scream but my throat is paralyzed in fear.

  Did Vinco get us?

  What’s going to happen?

  My thoughts spiral as I’m heaved over someone’s shoulder, my head hanging upside down. I hate feeling this vulnerable. My head bounces against the man’s back as he walks, pausing briefly to open a door. He walks forward and a blast of heat hits me from the indoor heating system. A few moments later I hear the creak of a heavy, metal door open then I’m dumped on a hard mattress.

  I feel a tug on the zip ties holding my hands and hear them snap. The same happens with my feet. I automatically rub at my sore wrists as the bag is yanked from my head. I close my eyes and wince as the bright light blinds me. Before I can get a look at whoever brought me here, the door slams shut.

  I blink a few times as my eyes adjust to the light. I’m in a small, white room with white tiled flooring. There’s a steel door with a small window and a rectangle flap at the bottom. On the far side of the room is a metal toilet, with a sink on the back of it. My bladder reminds me it’s full so I try to stand up, but my legs buckle. Pins and needles wrack though my body as it tries to wake up.

  A wave of nausea hits me and I crawl to the toilet, barely making it before the contents of my stomach empty. When I finish, I lay against the cold floor, seeking relief to my upset stomach and pounding head.

  I’m not sure how long I lie here; there are no windows in this room, but eventually the nausea subsides and I sit up. My emotions are all over the place. I oscillate between fear and anger, before worrying about my friends then back to fear again. I can’t understand why anyone would just kidnap a bunch of kids. I know it has to be the dreaded Vinco, but why do they want us? My anger starts to become directed at the adults in my life. Maybe I would understand better had they explained more to me.

  There’s a clang at the door as the lock disengages and it slowly creaks open. A tall, thin, pale man walks in. I can’t see his aura and a pit grows in my stomach. His eyes are nearly as black as his shoulder length hair.

  “Krissy Nichole Hoalt, you are a hard person to track down.” His words slide over me like slime, making me recoil. “My name is Victor. Your mother is looking forward to reuniting with you.”

  “You know where my mother is?” I plaster myself against the wall. Everything inside me says not to trust this man.

  “Of course. I’m sorry about the way we rescued you, but CODA can’t be trusted. They might paint us out to be the horrible ones, but in reality it’s them.” He opens his arms, trying to appear friendly, but it has the opposite effect. “If you would come with me, I’d love to reunite you with her.”

  “Why can’t you just bring her here?” I wrap my arms around my knees, trying to comfort myself.

  “You would be more comfortable in our meeting area.” He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “Where are my friends?” I refuse to budge. Something doesn’t feel right.

  “They are all in holding rooms like this until we can confirm none of you are a threat to the people here.” He stands patiently waiting for me to come to him. “You can see them after you meet with your mother.”

  I consider his offer. I’ve missed my mom so much since she disappeared, but I was made to believe Vinco was evil… What do they really want with us? If they aren’t the bad guy, why did they kidnap us like they were? Why didn’t my mom call me herself? So many questions that I need answers too. I guess the only way to find out is to follow this creepy man and hope he really takes me to my mom.

  “Are we in Wichita then?” The question falls out of my mouth before I have time to think. Should I have let him know I know where we are?

  “We are.” He nods. “Let’s go see your mother.”

  I stand up hesitantly. My legs wobble a little but support my weight this time. He walks out of the room and I follow. We walk down a long, white hallway with harsh fluorescent lighting. Evenly spaced on both sides are steel doors just like the one I left.

  There’s a wider steel door at the end of the hall. When we approach it, Victor waves a plastic badge in front of a small black box attached to the wall. It makes a clicking sound then the door slowly swings open. As soon as we step through, it slams shut.

  We take several turns through confusing hallways until we reach a dark wood door. Victor opens it and leads me inside.

  “Wait here.” He points to a sofa on the far wall.

  I walk towards it as he shuts the door and locks it behind me. One wall is taken up by a large mirror. I remembered reading how to test if a mirror was real or a two way one. I walk up and put my fingernail on it. There’s no gap between my finger and reflection, so someone is potentially watching from the other side. I figured it would be but glad to have it confirmed.

  I sit on the couch and wait in silence, hoping he didn’t lie about my mother meeting with me. A while later the lock clicks and the door opens. Victor steps in with my mom on his heels.

  “Krissy!” She rushes forward and wraps her arms around me, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’ve missed you so much sweet girl.”

  “Then why didn’t you call me?” My words come out choked, as the full force of my pain hits me.

  “I wanted to…” she trails off as if she’s searching for the words. A puzzled look spreads across her face. “I don’t know why I didn’t. Tony said he would give you my message though.”

  “What do you mean Tony would give me your message?” I step out of her embrace and study her.

  “When he left to go see you, he said he would tell you I was fine and that I love you.” She smiles and grabs my hands. “But you’re here now, so it doesn’t matter.”

  What the hell is going on? Tony was with her here? Then how was he able to come see me in Denver?

  “Tony was here?” I ask, making sure I understood what she said.

  "Of course he was. He arrived the day after I did silly." She playfully smacks my shoulder. "Did you find your dad then? Is he safe?"

  "I did find him. He's safe." I give her a strange look. She's acting like a completely different person. What did Vinco do to her?

  "Good. I can't wait for you to move back in with me. Victor said I have to wait and make sure you aren't brainwashed by the bad people, but as soon as you're cleared, I have a bedroom here at the compound ready for you." She smiles at me, her eyes lighting up.

  "You're telling me that you aren't fighting tooth and nail to have me back right now." I put my hands on my hips. My mom would never let me stay out of her sight once she knew where I was. She's the most paranoid person I know.

  "Of course not. I don't have to worry anymore. Your father filled my head full of stupid stories about how evil Vinco was, but they've been nothing but wonderful since I found them." Her eyes glaze over and a look of confusion crosses her face for a moment, but she shakes her head and it disappears.

  Victor walks in and my mom smiles at him like he hung the moon. "I'm afraid I need to get Krissy back to the entrance program." He walks forward and smiles down at my mother, reaching a hand up and caressing her cheek gently.

  Eww. No way! Are they a thing?

  "I'll see you soon, sweetie. Just do what they ask and we will be together in no time." She wraps her arms around me in a quick hug then leaves the room without glancing back.

  Now I know there is something weird going on. She would never leave me this easily. I don't know what they are up to, but I need to find out.

  Victor leads me back through the c
onfusing maze of hallways.

  This time we arrive at a different door. Once we pass through it, we are standing in a large recreational area. There are several large, round tables near a wall of windows. Next to those there is a ping pong table and a pool table. On the other side of the room are several easy chairs and couches with a large screen TV on the wall.

  Teenagers mill about, some watching TV, others sat at the tables together. A few are taking advantage of the games scattered about.

  "This will be your main living area for the time being. Let me show you to your room." Victor waves his arm in front of him, indicating I should walk ahead. I walk forward then he directs me to the left to a hallway that branches off.

  "The female dorms are this way, the males branch off the other direction," he explains as we walk. "I paired you with the young woman you came in with. I thought a friendly face would make the transition easier."

  I stay quiet as he stops in front of a door. Silver colored lettering indicates it's room thirteen. He opens the door and Tori is sitting on a twin-sized bed to the right side of the room. I rush forward and she jumps up meeting me halfway. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. Victor closes the door behind us, clicking the lock in place.

  "Why are we locked in here? I saw other people in the living area." I throw my arms up in frustration after letting go of Tori.

  "I don't know. I was already in here when they took the bag off of my head." She stares down at the floor, blinking back unshed tears.

  Why the hell did they put me in a prison cell but her in this room? I don’t understand what’s going on.

  Chapter 12

  We lounge around the room, each lost in our own thoughts. I can’t believe my life keeps getting upended. As soon as I think I am getting the hang of things, my feet get swept out from under me again.

  My thoughts keep coming back to Uncle Tony. Mom said he was here, does that mean he is working with Vinco? Is he the reason we were captured? He knew where I was… Would he work with them if they were the bad guys? I don’t know what to think about any of this. All I know about CODA is my dad trusts them. Catherine seems like a good person, but what if they are really bad and my dad and Catherine don't know?


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