Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 6

by Bartlett, Gerry

  “Valdez doesn’t move unless someone opens my door. Now why would you open my door? You think I would welcome your attentions?” I looked at Misty. “Have I ever once encouraged Sid, flirted with him?”

  “No, you haven’t.” Misty scooted away from him on the couch.

  “He approached me at the club last night. Did he tell you that?” I smiled when Sid flinched. “He thought I might be lonely. He asked you if I was seeing someone, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, he did.” Misty jumped to her feet. “You son of a bitch!” She pulled back her arm and let fly, the slap echoing through the room.

  “Ow! That hurt!” He jumped to his feet and headed for the door. “I’m getting a lawyer, Gloria. That dog is dangerous. He ought to be put down.”

  “You’ll be happy to know he’s had all his shots. He will not be put down. Get a lawyer. I can still file a police report for attempted rape.”

  “You got a witness to that?” Sid’s sneer made Valdez stalk over to face him. That got the man out the door. “Keep that beast away from me!”

  “I’ll be Gloria’s witness, you slimy sack of shit!” Misty slammed the door so hard it rocked back open in time for us to see Sid running down the stairs. “Oooo!”

  “I’m sorry, Misty.” I put my arm around her. “I’m exhausted. Anything I can do before I go to bed?”

  “No, I’m just sorry that happened to you.” She wiped away tears. “Why do I always pick the wrong man?”

  “Why do any of us do that?” I gave her a hug then walked on down the hall. Another night when I had just enough time to brush my teeth and fall into bed. Someday I would make it to the laundromat. The mess in the bedroom mocked me. I did manage to rinse out my costumes and hang them to dry before collapsing face first on top of the bedspread. Pitiful. At least I’d had the energy to shut and lock the bedroom door before I did. I usually left it unlocked in case of fire. Even in his dog body, Valdez could drag me to safety. Damn Sid for making me change my ways.

  My shifter didn’t say a word, just got busy eating the Cheetos I sprinkled on the floor in front of him. It wasn’t much of a dinner, but all I’d had time for.

  “Relax, Glory. I’ve got your back.” Valdez murmured.

  “Thanks. I don’t know if I remembered to say that. Thanks for saving me from Sid.” I rolled over and punched my pillow. “Sorry about your dinner.”

  “Don’t be. I love Cheetos.”

  That was the last I heard before I was dead to the world.


  I had to give Lee points for arranging to put a new battery in my old car while I slept. Donna left a note at the apartment door and drove the heap there for me. I wondered what favors she’d given her boyfriend to pay for all that trouble. I didn’t have time to worry about it though. I was busy finding music for the dancers and dreaming up a simple but erotic number that they could learn fast. Luckily for me, Misty helped once I let her in on what I was doing.

  “I love that song. I always thought it would make a great dance number.” Misty came out of the shower wearing a towel, much to Valdez’s delight. She was beautiful, even with wet hair and no makeup. I know my shifter had a crush on her.

  “I persuaded Manny to let me take a stab at coming up with a number for you girls to do instead of that opener you’ve been doing. I don’t want to be critical, but…” I had on my waitress costume and was trying to work out the logistics of the dance in high heels. Not easy. “Let’s just say I could tell you were embarrassed up there, parading around.”

  “Please, be critical. It’s a stupid dance.” She picked up another towel. “You’re right. I was mortified. Bad enough to be topless, but with nothing to work with, well…” She patted Valdez’s head. “Why, even this dog is giving me the eye. It’s ridiculous. I’ve begun to feel like a piece of meat, a juicy ribeye, huh, doggy?” She leaned down and kissed his nose.

  I couldn’t look at Valdez. I knew he was definitely giving her the eye and it wasn’t Misty’s imagination.

  She began toweling her long hair. “I love that you’ve jumped in on this, Gloria.” She sighed and the towel around her body started to slip. “Without that headdress, if possible. It gives me such a headache.”

  “I’ll bet. At least the feathers are pretty and Manny doesn’t want to lose them. This song has a great Latin beat. Do you think the girls could move to it in heels? Use the feathers in their hands to accentuate their moves?” I grabbed two envelopes, late bills by the looks of them, and waved them in the air, then slid them down my hips like I hoped the dancers could do with the feathers. It was strictly to keep Manny happy. Once he saw the dance, I figured we could drop the feathers from the act.

  “Sure. It’ll be fun to actually dance, not pose like we’re Miss June in a calendar or centerfold, know what I mean?” Misty glanced at the clock and frowned. “I’ve got to get going or I’ll be late. Great idea, Gloria. The music will make all the difference. Thanks for standing up for us.” She hurried into her bedroom and we soon heard the blow dryer going.

  “I can breathe again. I swear I thought her towel was going to drop any minute.” Valdez gazed longingly toward her bedroom door. “That is one beautiful woman.”

  “Yes, she is. She sure deserves better than Sid.” I stopped the music and popped out the CD. “We need to go on to the club. Run this dance by Manny.”

  “Fine. By the way, Animal Control came by today while you were dead to the world.” Valdez walked to the door.

  “What? With you locked inside my bedroom?” I pulled out a bottle of my synthetic blood, JuiceZ, from the fridge. I’d told Misty it was a prescription drink from my doctor for a rare blood disease I had. She bought that excuse and steered clear of it. “What did you do?”

  “They were knocking really loud. Woke Misty up. She went to the door and told them I was in your bedroom. She also swore I was not dangerous. Misty really is a nice lady, you know.”

  “Yes, I do know. What happened?”

  “I barked my head off and they could hear me. That seemed to satisfy them and they went away. They left a paper with her. She can tell you about it later.” Valdez sat in front of the door, waiting. “What am I having for my dinner?” He nodded at what I was drinking.

  “I’ll drive through for a burger again. I really need to get to the store. I’m surprised Misty hasn’t said something about the lack of regular dog food in the pantry.” I polished off the drink then rinsed out the bottle. I could take it back to my supplier and get a small rebate. Too bad JuiceZ tasted like old tennis shoes. “I should put a can or two in there for show. Then buy you some cold cuts, peanut butter, stuff like that and pretend to eat it myself.”

  “Yeah, play the game. You’d better stop by the bank again if you’re serious about saving. I know you got big tips last night. That push-up bra was a money maker.” Valdez led the way down the stairs.

  “I intend to pay Donna’s boyfriend for that battery. I don’t want to be obligated to him.” I found my keys under the floor mat. The old car started right away. I made a stop for a fried chicken sandwich this time and tater tots. My car might start but it also smelled like fast food, not so great. I rolled down my window and let the hot air in.

  “Lee can afford to give you a battery.” Valdez pushed aside the tomato and lettuce and devoured the chicken. “But I’d worry about what he might want in return.”

  “Exactly. You should eat the greenery. Your diet is awful.” I wheeled into the parking lot at the Velvet Slipper, one of the first to arrive. “I hope Manny likes my dance idea.”

  “He’ll love it because he didn’t have to think it up.” Valdez sniffed at the lettuce but did eat the tomato slice. “Find me some decent veggies and I’ll eat better. Hit a buffet. Green beans, broccoli, maybe some fruit for a change. That would help my diet.”

  “Good idea. But the logistics would be a nightmare.” I stared at him. “Why don’t you change into your human form and we’ll go eat sometime. To hell with Jeremiah’s contract.”
  “Easy for you to say, your paycheck doesn’t depend on it. A healthy amount is deposited into my account each month I abide by that contract. Otherwise, I’m fired. Bonus at the end, too.” He sat up and looked out the window. “Forget it.”

  “I wouldn’t tell him.” It really bugged me that Jeremiah didn’t trust me with another man.

  Valdez looked at me directly. “He trusts me . To tell him the truth, to take care of you and to abide by that stupid contract.” He sighed. “Yes, I read your mind, more than I should. I am a man inside this fur body. I’m not immune to female charms and the temptations are killing me lately. Look at how Misty leaned over me in nothing but a towel. God.” He groaned and laid his head on the worn upholstery for a moment. Then he sat up and looked me in the eyes.

  “Change, Glory? Yeah, I’d like to, seriously. But I have a code that I live by. My entire family lives by that code. That’s why a Valdez bodyguard is always in demand and we’re paid well.”

  “Really.” I guess I knew that but hadn’t given it much thought. Trust Jeremiah to hire only the best.

  “Yeah. I’m stuck in this dog body. Get me some healthy takeout if you’re worried about me, but I won’t be shifting just to improve my diet.” He didn’t look away, just kept staring at me.

  I reached over to hug him. I had nothing to say to all of that. He had honor. More than I did, obviously. We’d rock along for a while this way because we had no choice. It wasn’t easy for him. If he could deal with it, I certainly could.

  We went in the club and found Manny. As soon as I put on the music, his face lit up with a grin.

  “That’s what I’m talking about! The audience will go crazy. Now tell me how you’ll incorporate the feathers.” He frowned when I told him I’d be taking the headdresses apart, but he couldn’t deny the effect would be sexy. The song had been popular with a hot music video. The Latin beat would make the dancing seem more natural and easier to teach.

  “Let’s see how it goes tonight, Gloria. If it’s a hit, I’ll want you to come up with another number for the second show. That hula thing isn’t such a winner.” Manny held my CD. “I’ll keep this and put on the song, keeping it on repeat when the girls walk through the crowd for photos. It’s hot, they’ll look hot. I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I. Hot means thirsty. Big tips for me tonight. You have to admit, the headdresses are dated. Makes me think of the fifties in Las Vegas. We need to be different.” Manny agreed so I left him then found Mae and ordered shorts that would actually fit.

  “They need to be tight for those big tips.” Mae measured me. “Wear a thong underneath and let the men see that sassy ass. It’s a money-maker, girlfriend.”

  I flushed. The truth was I’d always hated my big butt and thighs. To draw attention to them seemed crazy. I had figured out by now, though, that Mae knew what she was talking about. I forked over some of my hard-earned money.

  “Dominic wants to see you before you start your shift.” She raised a perfectly penciled eyebrow. “Watch it with him, sweetie. He’s gone through every waitress we’ve had here and most dancers. He seems to like variety. Know what I mean?”

  “Sure.” I leaned in. “Anything else you can tell me? I’m working with him on a special project. This isn’t personal.”

  Mae laughed. “With a man like that, it’s always personal. He took one look at your hot body and decided on this ‘special project,’ didn’t he? But he’s generous. The women who do get involved with him usually come out of the relationship with a smile on their faces and nice parting gifts as they say on the game shows my Chinese grandmother watches.”

  I had to admit, I didn’t mind Mae’s hot body comment. Of course Dom was interested in more than my waitress skills. He’d made that fairly obvious.

  Was I interested? I did find him attractive. It was nice to know he was generous. Why the mortal women were left smiling was easily explained by the vampire trick of erasing memories. I was sure he’d used the mortals as blood donors. Why wouldn’t he? It was what lovers did in our world, exchanging blood during sex. I sighed. It had been a while, a long while, for me. I would have to be careful around him though. No way would I let him erase my memory.

  “You’re keeping the big man waiting.” Valdez nudged me, bumping his head against my hip. “While you’re fantasizing about getting laid, it’s getting closer to time for you to hit the floor of this joint and start making tips. Or am I wrong?”

  I couldn’t answer, since we were surrounded by the dancers who were excitedly practicing the steps I’d laid out as soon as they’d arrived. They loved the Latin beat. Donna and Misty, who were more experienced in these shows, had even suggested some costume changes. At first, Manny had been reluctant, but he soon came around when he saw the way the dancers got into it and how sexy they looked. I was pretty sure the audience would go crazy. We’d found some more Latin music by the same artist to play during the break when the women were available for photos. I already had a song idea for the next night and Manny approved.

  I walked to Dom’s office. Valdez refused to be left behind again. I was happy to see the club filling up as I knocked on the office door. We were going to have to keep this meeting short. The other waitress was going to be swamped without my help.


  “Sorry I’m running late. Manny let me choreograph a new dance routine for the girls. I think you’re going to like it.” I stopped short, almost bumping into him, when I realized he wasn’t alone. For a moment I just stared. Where was the communication? I couldn’t believe he had just shown up here.

  This couldn’t be a coincidence. I knew exactly how he’d found me. I gave Valdez a nudge with my left foot. I knew he had a job to do and sending reports was part of it, but seriously? The man smiling at me now could have at least given me a little warning. I was too aware of how I was dressed— overflowing bra top and those inadequate shorts. He was scanning me from head to toe, not missing a thing. God, I hated that I was seeing him for the first time in…months? And looked like this.

  “Glory, my invitations just went out and I’ve already gotten a response. Have you met Jeremy Blade? He owns hotels in Florida and hotels and casinos in Louisiana.”

  “Oh, yes, we’ve met.” I could feel a flush creeping up my neck as Jeremiah Campbell’s dark eyes swept over me. They were disapproving. “Jeremy, that’s right. Your name this year.”

  “This decade and into the next.” He moved forward and took my hand. “You haven’t changed, except for the wardrobe.”

  “Haven’t changed and never will. Thanks to you.” I pulled my hand from his. “Dom, did you need me for something? The bar is getting crowded.”

  Dom was grinning. He wasn’t stupid. “Ah. This must be your sire. How…interesting. Run along if you must. Jerry and I were discussing business. He likes the idea of owning a franchise.”

  “But I’m not committing to anything yet. I will have to see numbers.” Jeremiah glanced down at Valdez. “Shifter, you are staying close?”

  “That’s what you pay me for.” Valdez showed some teeth. “You know how she is. She fights it.”

  “Naturally.” Jeremiah raked me with those disapproving eyes again then turned to Dom. “Is the costume she’s wearing now entirely necessary?”

  “No. She could be topless, like the dancers.” Dom flashed a fang-filled grin at me, trying to start trouble. “Be sure to stay and watch the show. I hear Glory is helping with that. I’m dying to see it. Drinks are on me. You must try the new synthetic I just had flown in from Peru. It’s made with an exotic herb found only on Machu Picchu. It has a certain quality that stirs the libido like no other I’ve tried.” Dom walked to his hidden refrigerator, ignoring the way Jeremiah’s hands clinched into fists. “If you need help with your libido.”

  I choked back a laugh. The expression on Jeremiah’s face! “Enjoy the show.” I turned to leave.

  “You wouldn’t parade around topless, would you?” Jeremiah’s voice was low,
almost a growl, as he stopped me with a hand on my arm. He had on a dark sport coat over a red silk shirt the color of blood. Despite his frown he looked so handsome I wanted to climb all over him.

  “Well, Jerry,” I liked calling him that, like Dom had, it seemed more modern, and a little insulting. “If I wanted to and I thought the tips would be bigger, I might shed the top.”

  “You know what men are like. You would be putting yourself in danger.” He focused on my breasts, very exposed in my pushup bra top. “Why the hell won’t you let me take care of you? This type of work is demeaning.”

  He knew as soon as the words left his mouth that he’d said the wrong thing.

  “Demeaning?” My voice rose and Dom turned from where he was filling goblets to watch us. “Is it demeaning to do an honest night’s work? To stay on my feet for hours keeping orders straight and making change while dodging handsy customers?” I turned on my heels, wobbling because they were loose. Damn it, why couldn’t I make a good exit?

  “You’re showing your ass to the world, Gloriana!” He stayed right behind me, his hands on my shoulders. “You’re mine, damn it. Don’t do this. There are other jobs, other ways to make a living if you insist on this independence crap.”

  “Crap. Right. Why don’t I just hire on as CEO of a major corporation? Fly a jet like you do or play the stock market like some of our friends?” I whirled to face him, hating the tears that stood in my eyes. “I have no formal education, Jeremiah. Sit me in front of the SATs and imagine my score. What a joke.”

  “Gloriana…” He looked stricken.

  “Don’t stop me now, I’m on a roll. I’ve yet to discover a great ability with numbers or machinery. I am a product of a much earlier time and never had a fortune to help me get started.” I didn’t have to remind him that he came from a wealthy family with royal connections. He’d been a warrior in earlier times lucky enough to land on the winning side when it counted.

  “I would have given you a fortune, if only you’d asked.” He said it quietly, as if aware we had a very interested audience in the room. Vampires were big gossips. I didn’t doubt Dom would remember every word and pass it on.


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