Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas

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Real Vampires: Glory Does Vegas Page 11

by Bartlett, Gerry

  Maggie pulled me away from the men before I could argue with Jeremiah about this.

  “Glory, why won’t you let Jeremiah do this for you? You know he’s only trying to protect you. It’s what he’s always done. Honestly, it makes me proud that he chose a Turnbull for this job. He usually uses someone from the Valdez family for you.” She led me to a couch in front of a window that looked out over a sparkling view of the Strip. The neon signs made it a colorful sight.

  “Caroline seems wonderful, but I already take too much from Jerry. Don’t you see what he’s doing? Adding another guard? I can’t let him keep tying me to him like this.” I saw Caroline, Sherie and Valdez talking in a group. Poor Valdez. Two beautiful women stood next to him. He was at a decided disadvantage in his black fur dog body. He still had fairy dust boob makeup on his nose. He had no idea how ridiculous he looked. He glanced over at me, read my mind, then took a paw and wiped it away. For once I didn’t resent his mind reading.

  “Does that mean you no longer love Jeremiah?” Maggie waited patiently for my answer. “If that’s true, it would be a kindness to let him know so he can move on to someone new. Obviously, he loves you . He went to a lot of trouble to get us here. Asked us to fly in and surprise you.” She watched my face. “We’re not cheap, you know.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Maggie the vampire didn’t read my mind, she was too good a friend to even try. I found myself blinking back tears. Jeremiah could do that, surprise me with his thoughtfulness. And his stupid male blindness when it came to what I wanted from him.

  “Maggie, you know I love him. Always will.” Could he hear me? He hadn’t stopped talking but I saw him stiffen just a little where he stood across the room. “I can’t let him go.”

  “Seems like you are also still trying to push him away. Testing him like you have before. What’s the reason now?” She squeezed my hand.

  I bit my lip then forced myself to blurt out the truth. “I’m not good enough for him, Maggie. The older I get, the more obvious it becomes.”

  “Glory, don’t be ridiculous. I have never seen Jeremiah treat you as anything but his equal.” She glanced at the men. “Where is this coming from?”

  “Just look at us. We don’t even dress the same. Slutty shorts versus power suit. That says it all.” I had to get hold of myself. This urge to burst into tears was not like me. Or maybe it was me because I was finally facing facts. My relationship with Jerry had always been doomed. I should do us both a favor and truly cut him loose.

  “Clothes? Those are superficial. You can dress up and he can put on a pair of cargo shorts. Stop this!” Maggie shook my hand.

  “No, listen to me. In this modern world, a woman should be able to support herself and make a success of it if she has any drive at all. I’ve certainly had enough time to pull myself together. But have I? No, I’ve been content to just drift, living from paycheck to paycheck. I never found a goal or made a decent career.” I knew Maggie well enough to finally confess what had been on my mind lately.

  “I know times have changed.” Maggie patted my knee. “If you’d married…”

  “Vampires shouldn’t marry. Jerry’s parents are miserable and it made him decide against it long ago. Even if we were married, I’d need something to occupy my time. He’d soon get bored with me if I had nothing to offer him beyond news of my latest bargain from Macy’s.” I shook my head. “I can’t just shop. Well, maybe I could, but where would my self-respect be then?”

  “I admit, I enjoy working. Fergus and I figured out what each of us is good at and divided duties in the family business accordingly.” Maggie smiled at her husband across the room. “We’re a team. He’s really good at negotiating. I handle the money and go in and soothe ruffled feathers when need be. I wish you and Jeremiah could come to the same kind of understanding.”

  “I’ll never be his equal.” I closed my eyes and took an unnecessary breath. Then I met my friend’s sympathetic gaze. “He started too far ahead of me, Maggie. I need to come up with something all my own. Earn his respect. Like you have with Fergus.”

  I had to admit Maggie was not the same woman I’d met four hundred years ago and not just physically. Yes, she’d taken my advice before she’d been turned and dieted down to a size ten first. It was something I’d always wished I’d done. Now she dressed to suit her position— head of a big corporation. Her designer dress had to have come from Europe. And her shoes! But it was her confidence that was the real difference. She had a steely gaze that made me squirm under her regard.

  “Jeremiah respects you.” Maggie kicked off those shoes.

  “Hah! In the bedchamber.” I picked up a high heel to read the label as much out of curiosity as to avoid looking into her eyes. Expensive. “Where did you get these?”

  “Italy. You like them? Try them on. Honestly, they’re killing me. Looking professional isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I wish I had on a pair of shorts and t-shirt like you do right now.” She waved her hand and I took her up on the offer.

  I slipped on the designer shoe and admired it. A little loose, but so pretty. And worth more than I made in a week.

  “Hit the gift shop, Maggie. You can wear whatever you want. Treat this like a vacation.” I got up and walked around. Innersoles and they’d be perfect.

  “I will. But you’re changing the subject. What’s this kick you’re on? You want to be a CEO?” She smiled. “I have to admit, I like the power. It’s something I never dreamed of back when I was making costumes for Shakespeare.”

  “You were always talented and determined to survive after that so-called first husband left you.” I took a few steps around the couch. He hadn’t married her because he’d had no interest in women. She’d pretended to be his wife to save him from hanging. After a shift on my feet, no high heel was going to feel comfortable. I collapsed next to her, took them off and handed them back.

  “I did what was necessary, so did you.” She frowned at the shoes. “Keep them. I’m not torturing myself in those again.”

  “You’re kidding. They’re too expensive.” I looked at the label inside again. “Way too expensive.”

  “That new toy of Fergus’s, the jet? Holds lots of luggage. I brought plenty of shoes. We’re stopping several other places when we leave here, checking on some of our other grandkids who have assignments in America.” She smiled. “Now, tell me, if you’re serious, what will your new career be?”

  “I’m saving to start my own business. If it were up to Jerry, he’d buy me a business, stock it, hire the help and make sure it was a success even if he had to be my only customer.” I threw back my hair which I should have brushed out before I left the club. I was still sporting my teased slut look that brought in tips. It was another way I didn’t match Jerry who looked so good with his conservative haircut.

  “I’m sure he would.” Maggie smiled.

  “I won’t allow it. This is all about earning my own way. Self-respect. Jerry can’t buy that for me.” I glanced at the men who were deep into talk about profits and loss.

  A sudden crash had Jerry pulling a knife from inside his jacket. “What the hell?”

  Valdez picked himself up from the remains of someone’s lunch tray and shook. “Sorry, boss. Sherie didn’t believe I could defend Glory property. I was just showing her one of my moves.”

  “You moved right into the coffee table, hound.” Caroline’s remark got her bumped by Sherie right into a floor lamp.

  “Girl fight!” Valdez jumped on a chair after he grabbed a piece of bacon from a plate.

  “Hey, he’s doing the best he can,” Sherie said as the two shape-shifter women faced off.

  “Stop it.” Fergus’s quiet command sent Caroline to another chair while Sherie smirked.

  “Valdez has a tough contract. You understand that?” Jerry gave Sherie a look that had her walking over to lay a hand on the dog’s head.

  “Yeah, I get it. Caro, do you?” Soon the three moved on to a discussion of weapons. Valdez w
as getting plenty of pity for how his contract kept him from using anything but his own strength.

  I turned back to Maggie.

  “Ignore them, Glory. I’ve learned shifters like to play rough. Be glad I only brought one with me this trip. Oh, make that two. Anyway, I made my own hard decision when I decided to become vampire. Mother Turnbull had been praying for the day when mortal me would die a natural death. You can imagine how I disappointed the witch.” Maggie sighed. “Well, she’s long gone and look who’s running her family company now. I certainly don’t regret the choice I made.” Maggie stared across the room at Fergus. “He’s so handsome in a golf shirt and jeans, anyone looking would think he’s a modern man.” She smiled and patted my hand. “Do this and maybe you and Jeremiah can finally come to some kind of permanent understanding.”

  “Maybe. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway. Seeing you and Fergus happy sticking with it all these years, makes me think it might be possible.”

  “We have our family. It makes a difference. I’m sorry…” She shook her head.

  “Don’t ever be sorry for me, Maggie. I will never regret choosing immortality over having a family back then. But it’s past time for me to prove to Jerry and to myself that I can be truly independent and worthy of his love.” I hugged her. “Now help me. I don’t want to give up my man, but I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with an idea for a business. What can I do that I can turn into a money-making proposition? At night!” I couldn’t resist slipping those very expensive shoes back on and admiring my feet in them.

  Maggie leaned back and stared at me. “You know, you’ve always loved pretty clothes. And have excellent taste.” She eyed my current outfit, reading the quote on my t-shirt with a smile. “Usually. Have you kept any of your best things over the years?”

  “Some of them. During the horribly lean times, I’ve had to sell a few, but the really nice pieces, like the Chanel suit Jerry bought me in the fifties in Paris? I have that. It’s tucked away in a climate-controlled storage room I rent. I pay that bill even when I can’t afford to pay anything else.”

  “There you have it. Vintage clothing. Set up a high-end vintage clothing shop. It can be open late which will make it unique. I might be able to help you find a shifter to work days for you. That’s an expensive bit of overhead though. Better you find someone yourself. Add some antiques. You certainly know the real from the fake, having lived through the time periods.” She smiled. “Only sell those clothes in good repair. Have you learned to be careful with your things? You used to be so hard on your clothes.”

  “These days I’m not dealing with pirates, am I? It’s a lot easier keeping nice clothes in decent shape when you aren’t sword fighting. Besides, I can’t afford to replace my good clothes. They have to last.” I leaned against her. She was a good friend, the best. “You know, I think you’ve got it. You are such a brilliant businesswoman. I may need your help figuring things out. How long are you staying?”

  “A while. But are you sure you won’t accept Caroline? Otherwise, I’ll have to find another assignment for her.” Maggie pulled a tablet computer out of her designer bag. “I’ve had some other inquiries in Las Vegas. It seems your boss at that club is planning an event on Halloween. He wants extra security for that.”

  “Yes, he’ll have a lot of vampires coming in for it, wealthy ones. They will each bring their own guards, of course, but Dom doesn’t seem to have his own shape-shifter on a regular basis. He has mortal bouncers at the club, but those thugs are clueless about vampires. I don’t know what he does for protection during the day. He probably relies on a security system.” I felt Jerry watching me from across the room. The clock was ticking and he sent me a mental message that the whirlpool tub was waiting. The very idea had me squirming in my seat.

  “If he’s like most of us, Dominic has a secure home, a safe room, where he’s comfortable. But he might be in the market for a permanent shifter.” Maggie touched her tablet. “I’d like to meet him, give him our sales pitch.”

  “Please don’t sell him on Caroline. He’s a womanizer.” I stood and bumped into the girl.

  “A womanizer?” Caroline grinned. “I can handle him. Bring it.”

  “Now dear, I’m not sure I want you to handle him.” Grandma Maggie wagged a finger. Then she smiled. “What do you think, Glory?”

  “If she really is good at martial arts, it might be fun to see her take him down a peg or two. Dom thinks he’s a tough guy, but I haven’t seen him actually be one. Come to the club tomorrow night. I’m sure Dom will be there.” I walked over to Jerry. “Sorry, but your surprise is a bust. I love seeing Maggie and Fergus though.” I gave Maggie’s husband a kiss on the cheek. “I won’t have another bodyguard and that’s final.”

  “Difficult woman.” Jerry slung his arm around me.

  “That’s our signal to find our own suite. Come along, girls.” Fergus gestured to Maggie and Caroline. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Glory. I suppose I’ll have to meet you at the Velvet Slipper tomorrow night.”

  “Have to meet you there. Poor man.” Maggie slid her arm around his waist. “You can always stay here at the hotel and let me handle it.”

  “Not on your life.” He laughed and pushed them out the door. “Caroline, are you feeling rejected? You have time for a trip to the gift shop in the lobby. Granddad’s treat.”

  I heard them talking excitedly as they approached the elevator.

  “My surprise was a bust? The night’s not over.” Jerry glanced at Valdez and Sherie. “Walk the dog, Sherie. We’ll see you at dawn.”

  “Right.” Sherie nodded then the two left. The door clicked shut behind them.

  “You did give me Maggie and Fergus. Not a total bust.” I wound my arms around his neck. “Are you still leaving soon?”

  “I’ll stay another day at least, since they’re here. I don’t want to miss the chance to visit with them.” He threw open the bedroom door, picked me up then carried me to the bathroom before he set me down. “Start the water. I found some bubble bath in the closet. Which scent do you want? We have lavender, orange blossom, rose, lemon…”

  “Lavender. It’s relaxing.” I adjusted the temperature and turned to him. “I did enjoy seeing Maggie. I don’t have friends here and I get lonely.”

  “I know.” He pulled my t-shirt off over my head. “I do too, even when I’m surrounded by people. Because you aren’t there. Know what I mean?”

  “Yes, I do.” I opened his shirt then leaned against him. “You’ve learned to say some of the right things.”

  “I’m just saying what’s in my heart.” He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. “What has always been in my heart.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Instead of talking I did what I always did. Distracted him with sex. The tub was filling, the bubbles smelled delicious and we sank into the warm water and into each other’s arms. My lover. My love. Why couldn’t I just accept his invitation and go with him to New Orleans? It would make my life so much easier.


  I was happy to introduce Maggie, Fergus and Caroline to Dom. Then I had to go to work. The dancers were bound to be better this night, getting the hang of the choreography. They were enjoying the two songs I’d done so far and Manny had okayed a country song for the Saturday night special. I explored the costume room before my shift started and found the boots and vests Donna had told me about. Now all I needed was the perfect song.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” Tiffany was getting a layer of boob makeup sprayed on when she asked that question. “He was cute and looked rich.”

  “He is cute and rich.” I glanced at Valdez. “He’ll be along at closing time to pick me up. He has business tonight.”

  “I’m surprised a guy like that is making you work in a dump like this.” Tiffany glanced down when Mae told her she was done. “Looks good, Mae. Thanks.”

  “I won’t let him support me.” I sat down to put new innersoles in my high heels. Why couldn’t I work in ten
nis shoes?

  “Why the hell not?” Tiffany sat next to me to put on her own heels. They were dancing shoes with a strap that she buckled so she wouldn’t kick it off into the audience. “I’m seeing Dom after we close tonight. Believe me, if this thing with him develops into something, I’m going to try to get him to set me up in a place somewhere and pay my way. Marry him if I get really lucky.”

  I had to discourage this. Poor Tiffany. She had no idea she was nothing but a blood donor to Dom. Of course, sitting next to me in nothing but a G-string and heels, she clearly had plenty to offer him besides blood. She was a gorgeous woman and I was sure Dom had noticed.

  “Have you slept with him yet?” That question popped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

  “I only met him last night.” She giggled. “I honestly think I might have if I’d had a chance. He’s that good looking.” She sighed. “Oh, I know he’s older, probably forty. And he’s got that shaved head thing going on which probably means he’s losing his hair. But I think he’s hot.”

  “I get it. He is sexy. I saw it myself.” I wasn’t doing a good job of discouraging her. I looked over when I heard Valdez snort. “There’s just something about him… But he may not be rich. Look around. This club is a dump. You got that right. Dom dresses nice, sure. But a rich man wouldn’t own a club like this, he’d be set up on the Strip. Don’t you think?”

  “Wow. I didn’t think of that. Good point, Gloria. I shouldn’t give it away or get tangled up with a man who might not have what I need.”

  “What’s that?”

  Tiffany’s face hardened. “Plenty of cold hard cash. I tried love and all it got me was slapped around and a pile of his bills after he took off. Never again.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I stood, pretty sure I’d done what I could. “Dom can get rough, I’ve seen it. Why, he even threatened to kick Valdez once. I had to stand between them to protect my guy here.” I patted V’s head. “Can you believe it?”


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