Cocky Prince

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Cocky Prince Page 3

by Jules Barnard

  Hayden may despise me, but that’s because I’m an asshole and she’s smart. I need this venture and the cash I’ll earn, but I also sense a seediness to it, and I don’t want Hayden anywhere near that. “When do we begin?”

  Paul and William explain the number of employees we need and the general job descriptions, the rest to be filled in later. For now, they want attractive, pliable candidates. High pay, low profile, and if I can find dirt on them, even better. Jesus Christ.

  It turns out the celebration for my new promotion was an induction of sorts. But I’m game. Just as long as this job provides a future that doesn’t involve the family business.

  Chapter Three


  When I first left the CEO’s office yesterday, I wanted to get as far from Blue as possible. But that’s my natural reaction to bullies. Given a few hours of perspective, the fight in me returned. I came back to Lake Tahoe to build a life here because I love the area. I won’t back down and run like I did before.

  I stare at the pile of work in front of me. My initial thought was that Blackwell didn’t care what I did at Blue, but that was foolish. He’ll have my ass fired and replaced with a more pliant female manager if I don’t do my job.

  Blackwell isn’t opposed to working me to the bone. He simply won’t give me credit for it. Bonuses are reserved for his Blue Stars—the group I’d bet my right arm Adam is rubbing noses with. Those two jackasses, William and Paul, have been in and out of Adam’s office all day. My little spies tell me so.

  Mira, my assistant, and Nessa, who works in marketing, sit across from me. Both Mira and Nessa have long, dark hair, but Mira’s hair is slightly wavy, and their faces look totally different. Nessa is petite, with a heart-shaped face and classical features, and Mira has stunning, high cheekbones, and rosy, bow-shaped lips. She’s also slightly more tanned than Nessa, thanks to her Washoe heritage.

  Mira’s caramel-colored eyes flash with interest. “Rumor has it that Adam is looking for an assistant.”

  I grind my black pointy heels into the plush carpet of my office and let out a growl. “Dammit.”

  Mira places a document on my desk with an arrow pointing to a signature line. I glance at the form and scribble my name. It’s for Adam’s new promotion.

  I drop my pen. “How can he hire people without going through us?” As the head of HR, I’m aware this isn’t protocol. I just want to hear it said, because it’s bullshit.

  Mira shrugs. “Blackwell’s orders.”

  I sweep my long, thick bangs to the side and huff out a breath. “Fine. It’s fine. Let Adam hire whomever he wants. It’s on his shoulders if he doesn’t do the proper security checks, and ends up hiring a serial killer.” I glance at Mira. “You sure Tyler won’t return as a Blue security guard? We could use him to protect us from Adam’s new hires.”

  Mira glances up as though considering my absurd suggestion. “Pretty sure. His book is in its third printing, and the community college just made him tenure track.”

  “Fine.” I roll my eyes dramatically. “I guess the world needs a brilliant biologist more than Blue needs a bodyguard with morals. Though it’s debatable.”

  I rest my head on my hand, my elbow propped on my desk. Mira’s smile fades as she takes in my face. “How much sleep did you get last night?”

  I stretch my neck, not bothering to lift it off my hand. Too much effort. “An hour. Maybe two. I couldn’t sleep. Too disturbed after my meeting with Blackwell.”

  Nessa takes in a sharp breath. “Asshole.” Mira and I both look at her. “What? He is.”

  Nessa is the sweet one in our group, but I’m not surprised at her outburst. These girls are loyal, and Blackwell’s on our shit list.

  “Come be with us tonight. How many times have Zach and I invited you over? Five, six? You always have work. Forget about this place for one night and have margaritas with us.”

  “Seriously, Hayden,” Mira urges. “Knock off early. Put on some comfortable clothes, and bring an empty stomach. Zach and Nessa will take care of you.”

  Zach is a dealer at Blue, but he’s also Nessa’s live-in boyfriend, and from what I hear, an excellent cook. He hosts a taco dinner every week for their friends.

  The deep rumble of a familiar voice has me grimacing. I glance over the girls’ heads and catch Eve passing my office nearly attached to Adam’s side. They’re speaking in low tones, as though they don’t want anyone to hear.

  I grind my heels deeper into the carpet. “You know what? I will go. I could use a margarita.”

  Mira grins. “Tyler and I will pick you up. That way you can drink without worrying about moderation.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’m tired of moderation.”

  As much as I love my high-fashion heels, sometimes a girl wants to dress down. I do as Mira suggests and slip on white sneakers with jeans rolled at the bottom and pair them with a simple blouse. The early summer weather has been unseasonably warm, so I don’t bother with a jacket. I comb my shoulder-length dirty-blond hair and sweep my bangs behind my ear, feeling ready for a night of unwinding with friends and comfort food. But just as I’m getting used to the idea of a night off, I realize that relaxing might not be in the cards.

  Mira, Tyler, and I arrive at Zach and Nessa’s house, and I see a ghost from my past standing on the other side of the room. I stare at the tall, handsome guy, his hair darker and shorter than the last time I saw him—when he showed up on my doorstep to apologize. He’s changed since then, but I recognize him. He’s someone I wouldn’t easily forget.

  “Jaeger?” My voice comes out sounding choked.

  Jaeger glances up and cuts off a gulp of beer. “Beth?”

  He sets his beer on the counter, and a pretty girl with golden-red hair walks over and touches his arm. Jaeger tucks her close to his side and says something in her ear. She gives him a sad smile.

  Mira lowers her voice. “Why did Jaeger call you Beth?”

  Before I can answer, Jaeger walks over with the pretty girl I’m assuming is his girlfriend. “Cali, this is Beth—”

  “Hayden,” I say. “I go by Hayden now. Elizabeth is my middle name.”

  “Hayden,” Jaeger corrects, sounding somewhat surprised. “This is my girlfriend, Cali.” He peers at the others in the room, who all seem to be paying attention. “Hayden and I went to high school together.”

  I say hello and shake his girlfriend’s hand, then glance at Mira and Nessa. “This is the Cali you’ve been talking about?” They both nod. “Wow.” I smile and shake my head. “I figured I might run into Jaeger when I returned to Lake Tahoe, but I never thought I’d be hanging out with his friends.”

  Mira and Nessa have talked about Cali and her boyfriend, but they never mentioned his name.

  Jaeger glances at Mira and Nessa’s questioning expressions. Even Zach and Tyler, whom I’ve known through their girlfriends and the casino, are staring. “Hayden and I dated for a short time,” he explains. “I was a dick to her.”

  Cali squeezes Jaeger’s waist and he hugs her back. At least he’s with a nice girl now.

  “The circumstances were crappy,” I say.

  Jaeger isn’t a bad guy, and I don’t blame him for what happened. He played a part in everything that went down, but his part was minor, all things considered.

  He shakes his head. “I had no idea you were back in town.”

  “Blue hired me.”

  “Oh Jesus,” Cali says, and throws up her hands, just as another couple enters behind us.

  Mira, Tyler, and I step out of the way to let the new couple in.

  “Why ‘oh Jesus’?” the tall brunette with beautiful greenish eyes who just entered asks. “Hi.” She smiles and holds out her hand to me. “I’m Gen. This is Lewis.” She gestures to the dark-haired guy behind her, who rivals Jaeger in height.

  I shake her hand. “We were discussing my job at Blue Casino.”

  “Ohhh. I’m sorry?”

  Gen has more reason than anyone to be sympathetic
to a woman who works at Blue. Soon after I hired Mira, she explained how her friend Gen had been assaulted and nearly raped by a manager. “I heard about your experience working at the casino. I’m really sorry. I’m trying to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.”

  “Not sure how safe you’ll be working at Blue, but it sounds like it will be good for the employees that you’re there,” she says. “That place could use a few more people with a conscience.”

  Nessa sees me shift my purse and reaches for it. “I’ll put this in one of the bedrooms.” She disappears down the hall. When she returns, she heads into the kitchen toward a giant blender, with what I’m assuming contains the infamous margarita mix. Which I wouldn’t mind a glass of right about now.

  Running into Jaeger has always been a possibility. I just didn’t think it would happen among my new friends. I wasn’t expecting to confront my past tonight.

  “Wait,” Mira says suddenly, as thought she’s finally put something together. “Most of us went to high school together. How come I never knew you then?”

  Mira and I have gotten along since I hired her, but it’s only been recently that we’ve grown close. I’ve never told her about my sordid past in Lake Tahoe—have yet to mention it to any of my new friends.

  After a rapid-fire exchange of ages, years attended at the local high school, and friendship affiliations, we determine why I wouldn’t have known them. Mira was a couple of years younger than me, and Tyler and Zach spent most of their time with their sports teams. Not to mention, I only attended my first two years of high school in Lake Tahoe.

  “We were ships passing in the night,” Mira says, and grins.

  I laugh. “Something like that.”

  We move into the dining area and Cali places some kind of contraption around Gen’s neck. She reaches for two more, and places them on Nessa and Mira as well. She turns to me.

  “Mira mentioned her boss was coming,” she says, and shakes another neck thingy. “I made sure to bring extras.” Her voice is low, and a bit devilish.

  The mischievous glint in Cali’s eyes, coupled with Jaeger’s head shake, has me worried. But I appreciate Cali making me feel welcome. Despite my past with her boyfriend, she isn’t holding it against me.

  Playing along, I feign wariness and glance at Mira while Cali slides the stretchy neck gear over my head. She pours margarita mix into a giant wineglass, then slides the glass inside the neck thing that magically holds it without toppling my drink.

  She plops a fat straw in the glass. “There, now you look like us.”

  I peer at Mira and Nessa, who are holding back smiles, wearing the same ridiculous neck contraption I am. “I know I said I didn’t want moderation tonight, but I’d like to be standing by the end of the evening.”

  I glance around the room. Jaeger is silently laughing, and Tyler and Zach are leaning against the counter with their arms crossed, smiles playing on their faces. Lewis leans over and takes a sip of Gen’s margarita—right above her breasts. He winks, and she smacks him on the arm.

  I take a long drag from my straw. “Okay, I like it. I mean, I look ridiculous, but come on, this thing is handy.”

  Cali claps excitedly. “I knew you would be game! I got these babies online. Just let me know, and I’ll order you one.”

  I hold up my hand. “No, no—I’m good.”

  Cali pouts, and Jaeger puts his long, muscular arm around her shoulders. “Come on, babe. This is her first time. Let her get used to the gang before you ply her with drink paraphernalia.” He turns to me, shaking his head. “Still can’t believe we’re running into each other like this.”

  I smile ruefully. “Small world.”

  Cali crosses her arms. “Fine, I won’t order another one, but don’t be surprised if you get it for Christmas.”

  I take another sip of the margarita dangling from my neck. “I’ve been forewarned, and I’m not afraid.”

  If my job depression wasn’t occupying so much of my brain energy, I might feel slightly uncomfortable drinking a margarita out of neck gear and spending time with Jaeger Lang, who once betrayed me—as sweet as he may be now. I’ve come full circle, yet it doesn’t feel as bad as I thought it would.

  A warm sensation settles over my belly and limbs as the alcohol works its magic. I grab a handful of chips and dip them in the homemade salsa Mira brought, chatting as I eat and sip from my neck hanger. Mira tries to reach her straw without using her hands. She bumps it with her chin, and Nessa and I giggle as she chases the straw with her tongue. This is exactly what I needed. Good food, good people, and a reason to be silly.

  I shove another chip overloaded with salsa in my mouth, and a knock at the door rises above the chatter and low hum of music.

  Jaeger strides to the front from the kitchen, where he’s been talking with the guys. He opens the door—to Adam standing on the other side.

  What the hell?

  First Jaeger, now Adam?

  Jaeger and Adam were good friends in high school. Shit.

  Adam steps inside and slaps Jaeger on the shoulder. “How’s it goin’?” Adam is tall, but even he had to reach up to slap Jaeger, who reaches nearly six and a half feet.

  “Just getting started.” Jaeger shuts the door behind Adam, who is casual in dark denim and a black button-down, the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

  I’ve never seen Adam in anything but a suit and tie, and he is so handsome my chest aches. I’m in a room of good-looking men. This place is mancandy heaven between Jaeger, Lewis, Tyler, and Zach. But for some reason, Adam knocks normal standards of attractiveness out the window. As though he’s the new gold standard and no one else compares. I hate that I like the way he looks. It’s superficial; it shouldn’t affect me, especially knowing what I know about him. But despite beauty that has no bearing on what’s inside, I’m drawn to him.

  My hands shake, my breath coming out choppy. It annoys me to no end that I lose myself around this guy. It’s worse in this moment than when we’re at work, where I feel a semblance of control. Ironic, given how messed up my work environment is. But when I’m working long hours using my mind to solve problems, there’s an order to things. Ever since Adam stepped into Blue Casino, my foundation has shifted and I haven’t managed to get back my equilibrium. Having him infiltrate my private life too? Unacceptable.

  Adam enters the living room and our eyes connect. His forehead furrows—and then his gaze drops to the drink dangling from my neck.


  I pull my shoulders back, challenging him with my eyes to say anything about the neck gear—anything at all—and I will punch him between his perfectly masculine eyebrows.

  His mouth quirks at the corner, but he follows Jaeger into the kitchen and takes the beer offered to him. Not a second later, his gaze returns to me, and I promptly ignore it.

  Attempting to calm the heck down, I glare daggers at Mira and Nessa, who are wearing twin looks of guilt.

  “Shit,” Mira mumbles. “I forgot he comes sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” I hiss.

  “He’s friends with Jaeger,” Nessa explains.

  But I already knew that. I didn’t think I’d be running into Jaeger, let alone Adam.

  “Adam hasn’t been here in a while,” Nessa continues. “He started coming shortly after Cali and Jaeger hooked up a couple of years ago. Honestly, he’s only been here a handful of times, and it’s been months since his last visit. We had no idea he was coming tonight.”

  Cali returns from refilling her drink. “What’s wrong? Why don’t you want Adam here?”

  Awesome. She must have overheard.

  I pound my margarita through the straw, scrunching my face as brainfreeze takes hold.

  “Adam works at Blue now,” Mira says to Cali. “But I’m sure Jaeger said something about that. Anyway, Adam sort of works with us—and Hayden. And he is…”

  “Hot?” Cali supplies, while taking a swig of her drink, her gaze lazily scanning Adam’s body.

  I do not blame her one bit. Ogling should be perfectly legal where Adam is concerned.

  Mira twists her mouth. “That, yes. But he’s also…”

  Cali taps her chin and licks her lips, as if Adam is a piece of bacon she wants to take a bite out of. “Sexy in a preppy, athletic sort of way?” she suggests.

  She is in love with Jaeger, right?

  “Well, yes,” Mira says. “But Adam is—”

  I ball my fists, my short nails digging into my palms. “Infuriating. Superior. Spoiled.” Mira, Nessa, and Cali look over, and I gulp back the rest of my margarita until the straw makes a loud vacuum sound. “No offense. I know he’s your friend.” I hold my drink away from my chest. “Is there any more of this?”

  “Yeah.” Nessa snaps out of her daze and hurries to the half-filled pitcher on the counter. I follow her, avoiding eye contact with Adam, but he doesn’t get the memo. He steps around Jaeger, right in my path.

  “So, Hayden, nice cocktail yoke you got there.” His eyes are smiling, even if his mouth isn’t.

  Cocktail yoke? He knows the technical term?

  It’s funny. And that alone pisses me off. How dare he disarm me when I want to be armed and ready to fire back?

  I finger the contraption. “It’s convenient.” I’m so pissed at this guy, and angry at my boss at work, but I’m wearing a cocktail yoke, and even I see the humor in the situation. I press my lips together to hide my thoughts, but the smile must leak through, because Adam smiles too.

  I’ve seen Adam smirk, flirt, and swagger, but I have yet to witness a genuine smile. He devastated my equilibrium without it. With it, the effect hits much deeper.

  I let out a slow breath and allow the grin to overtake my face, but only for a moment. “Don’t think this means we’re friends.”

  The smirk returns. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it, Hayden.”


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